HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1929/10/01MINu'n~ OF A REGULA~ ~EETING OF 'r~ CIT~ GOUNCIL, OF CHULA VISTA, OALIFO~/~IA, ~LD 0CT0BER 1, 1929. Tho Council met in regular session in tho Council Ch~aber of tho City ~All, on the ·hove date, with Mayor Peters in the chair. Meeting called to order at 7:~0 p.m. Present: ~a.vo~ Pete~e, Cl. Scott, Lyons, Bax-nse. Cl. Hawkins, absent. I~AnIN~ 0F ~: The minutes of the last regula~ meeting of September 3, 1929, and of adJovl-nsd regular meetings of September §, 9, 10 and 18, 1929, were read, and approve~, as read. SMAILF~ PARK SUBDi~ISION: Mr. =oeeph .~les, owner of this subdivision, in:. connection with the 'streets in this develol~nent, which have not bee· completed, stated that he woul~ rather the city would complete the et~eetw, an~ charge the cost to h~m. He will give the city an inetl~ment in ~riting to this effect. ~T.T~'y: Mr. W. N. Drew asked the Council if the city will accept an alley, to run between E and Davidson Streets, between Third and Ch~oh Avenues, if he, D~ew, will obtain deeds far the lan~ to s~.a~riee t~e alley. He was advised that the Council will es accept. SIDEWALK ON TI~I~D AVEI~: Mr. W. N. Drew, in connection with the city replac- ing the sidewalk on T~l~d Avenue, between I and Davidson Streets, asked that when the curb in front of l~n. ~eeers property ia laid, that the curb include · return of curb at a point where Devidson Street Will ~ through. It was agreed that the eu?b would be es laid. STATE LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES: Upon motion by 01. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, · hioh OaxTind, it was ~eoided to eead one menber of the Planning C.*.~eaion to attend the Convention of the Leag~, to be held at 0aklan~, 0et. ?-il, 19~-g. the expenses to be paid by the city. Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl..~eott, ~ieh oemTiod, it was decided to also, send the Building amd Sewer Inspector to attend the convention, tho city to pay his expenses. REMOVING S~E~T ,~w~: Mr. M. S. Clark asked for pe~mieelon to remove two Eucalyptus street stress in the parkway in front of ~4~ E Street. It ~eveloped that these t~eee are second growth, having some up from the stumps of trees that had ones been auth=ized removed. Mr. Clerk was autharized to remove the a~sin question, without a deposit, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which eaxTied. FIRE RYI~ANT: A request by the Chula Vista ~-'s Club, requestl~ the in- stallation of a fl~e hydmant at the in~rsee~lon of G ~ ~ett, ~s rea~. ~on motion by Cl. Scott, sounded by Cl. ~es, the ~tter was rofe~o~ to Cl. Lyons, wl~ p~er ~ act. 0RN~_U~TAL S~EET LIGHTS: Walker & Martin, contractors on the installation of these lights, asked far an extension of time on the ecelpletion of their cont~aot. The contract had already been extended to 0et., 2. 19~9,~ani uno· motion · .ee .d by Cl. th. con. an-- -a. ff:d by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Scott, Lyons, Barnes, Pet&re. N~. None. ABSEI~: 01. Hawkin~. In selection with the e~tioa of ~ls es·tract, it ~ ~eel~d ~ not have t~ li~t pe~ent~ t~ned on ~til 0et. 19, 1999, the date set for a selebra- tion of the event by the 0~bar of Pe~isnion was ~ted the ~-~er of C~.~ree to hold a celebration on the t~nl~ on of these lights, 0o$ober 19, 19~9, eukJeat $e the ~estelet~ea Usi~ the streets of the oi~ for t~t p~ose, s~Jeet to ~y restric~ons that ~ be pla~e~ on the sue of ~e streets by the Chief of Police. 0RDINA~N NO. ~-01: UpOn motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, ordinance No. 201 was placed on its firBt ~eading. This is an ordinsnee of the City of Ohula Vista, providing for the &msuanee of bonds of said city, in the emount of $100,000.00, for the construction of sertsdn municipal i~A~ovoment, and providing for the redemption of said bo~de. F~IODIOALREPC~TS: The month~ repc~te of the City ~udge a~d Fi~e C~ief, together with the quarterly report of the chief of police were ordered received and filed. Meeting of Oct. l, lg89, Continu~do VACATIONS: E. H. Sohraeder, ci'lZy garage mechanie, having worked for the city fo~ a l~iod of mc~e thantwo years, asked fc~ a vacation of ten days. Grouted, upon motion by Cl. L~ons, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which cax?ied. STREET LIGIiT: A petition, signed by the property owners in the vicinity of NatlO~A~ Avenue and Ohula Vista Street, was;presented, asking for the installation of a street light at the intersection of the streets named. Referred to the S~reet C~ttoe, Cl. Scott, withpowar to act, upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Ol. Lyons, which carried. ¢0171~AOT01~S B01~D~: The bonds of 0. E. ttendrick and David E. Rice, roofing contractors, and the bond of De~lel W. ~oye~, plastering contractor, upon reec~ndation of the city &ttc~ney, were approved, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried. DEEI~FC~PORTIONOFSTRE~T: Mr. W. N. Drew presented a deed for the Eaetorly 10 feet of Lot 10, ~Santion 13~, ~tl~ to ~e city that ~o~t ~ ~nd to wigan 3~d Avenue, ~d e~euto~ by Wi~i~ an~ Pauline ~ensr. ~e deed was aeeep~e~ by Rea- lutinn No. ~6, ~ieh was offered by Cl. ~o~. It wae read, ~d ~ pasae~ adopted ~d app~e~ as ~ead, by ~e follo~ vote, t~wit: A~: Cl. Scott, ~ons, ~nea, Peters. N~: ~one. ~: Cl. ~ina. with a p~tial release of ~ortg~e, ~. ~ew, ~so, prensnt~ a dee~, ~e~ted by h~elf~d wife~Ruth A. f~ ~ ~eatar~ 10 feet cf ~e ~u~ 66 feet of ~t 6, ~See$1on ~, fo~ the p~pons above ~et forth. ~e ~ee~ was accepted by Resolution No. ~7, which was o~e~ed by Cl. ~nel. It w~ ~ea~, ~ was pasnsd, a~opte~ a~ appr~ed, ~ read, by the fo~owl~ vote, tp-wit: ~: Cl. Soott, ~ons, ~ea, Peters. ~: None. O~E 0F ~ 0FS~T= Cl. ~ona offered Resolution~o. 298, which As a resolution ~f intention ch~i~ the ~ade ~ First Argue, betw~n ~ ~-~ · S~weta. ~e ~esolution ~s read, an~waa pasns~, a~opte~ ~ appro~d, as read, ~ t~ follow- ~ vote, t~wit: A~: Cl. B~ea, Petal, Scott, ~o~. ~0~: No~. ~: Cl. ~wkins. FLOOD 00171~0L: The city attorney presented an agreement with the property owners effected with reference to constructing ~d ~ntaining a d~ain ditch f~cm First Avenue to Naris-a! Avenue. Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barmaee, which oa~ried, the Mayor was authorized to sign the a~reement for and on behalf of the city. WA~'~A~ 00~mAN~ Th~0¥~TS: The City attorney was instructed to ask Mr. $. H. MoCulloch to assist in oonferringwith the Sweetwqto~ Corporation and ascertain, if possible, Just when the C~a~any is going to start the wm-k of i~l~oving and adding to the water system, as was agreed at the time of the last hea~ing on raising the water rates. POLIOE AUTOMOBILES PAINTED: l~mder the provisions of the new State law, quiriag autemo~lles used for t~affie work to be painted white, the Chief of Police was authorized to have the aut~,obllee, 1 each, owned by b~mAelf, ROy Hill and M. Xelly, painted white, at a cost not to exceed $65.00, the officers to maintain the paint in the future at their expense, and if any of the ea~e painted by the city, are replaced by others, the officers owning such replaced ear, will have it painted at his expense. This action upon motion by Ol. ~arnes, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried. B~ pA~: Upon motion by 01. Scott, seconded by Ol. Barnes, which sailed, the following bills, after ax~aination by the finance ccs~aittee, were ordered paid: 7~48PayRoll, M~ecellaneous~mployes, Sept., 19~9, $~934.48 ?349 do Street ~mployeee, do. ?350 F.B. ALuclrows, OityAttorney, do. ?~51 Haraue Bradt. Os. Yire Extinguisher 1§.50 ?~58 A~ey~-$ones Os. Office Supplies, 3.55 7S~ $. S. Sehirm0o. Sewer Pipe, 10.00 7354R. V. Morris Os. Fire Wvtinguisher, ~.50 ?~5 G. F. Montfort, Grader Blades, 47.~ 7356 Murray M. Campbell, Ins~u-ance on Street Equipment, ?.50 7~57 S. W. Water 0orpn Used Water Pipe, 7358 Nelson-Moore Os. Fire Dept. Equipment, 15.00 ?~59 B. R. ~wtin, Tax C~u~lng scale, 8.50 7360 0harses E. Smith, 0allMon, Fire Dept., Sept,, 1989, ~.00 7361 Fed. Auto Wrecking 0o. Used Parts fm- Automobile, 11.00 7362 O. V. Star, Printing and Publishing, 7~63 California LaundrieS, Laundry work for Jail, 1.80 Meeting of Oct. 1, Continued. Bungalow Sweet Shop ?S64 ?~6§ F. ~, Ashoroft, 7365 Den~lehPress, 7367 Neslon &Sloan, 7~59 O. V. Paint and Hdw. Store, Meals for ~ri&oners in Jail, Medical Examination of D~m~e, eto. Printing, sand an~ Rook, Paint and Hardware, $ 4~1.00 116.11 1~,~? 8.?~ AI1T0~T: Upon~otion by 01.Soott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, ~hi~h carried, the Counoil adjourned to ?:~0 p. m., 0eto~er 8, 1929. Attest: 0ity fllerk.