NOVEMBER 5, 1929.
The Council met in regular session, in the Oouncil Chamber of tho City Hall, on
the above date, with Mayor Peters presiding. Abeting called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Present: ~ayor Peters, Cl. Barnes, Lyons, Scott. Cl. Hawkins absent.
READING OF hU_NUfES: The minutes of the last regular meeting of October 1, lg29,
and of qn adjourned regular meeting held October S, 1929, were read, and approved as
SET ~OK ORDINANCE: h~r. 0. C. Thompson verbally asked the Council to permit him
to construct a residence building on Lot 8, Block 8, M~rlborough Heights, setting the
building back from the street 22 feet. The set back ordinance requires this building
to be set back a distance of 30 feet. After consideration, the request of Mr. Thomp-
son was denied, and he was informed that the building must be set to comply with the
provisions of the ordinance.
m~ of
SI~EW~T.wa: A petition, signed b~/the ~roperty owners effected, asking for
sidewalks and curbs on the West side of National Avenue, between Orange and Ohula Vista
streets, was presented. Clerk instructed to return petition, and say that the Council
desires that continous sidewalk be petitioned for from Orange to D Street.
SIDEW~T.w~, No. 5: In the matter of laying sidewalks and curbs on Sefferson
Avenue, between D and Flower Streets, the petition for which was presented at the meet-
lng of this Council, Oct. S, 1929, Gl. Scott offered Resolution No. 300, which is a res-
olution declaring the intention of the Council to order in such work, but giving property
owners until ~an. 10, 1930, to have the work performed by private contract. The reso-
lution was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read by the following vote,
to-wit: AYES: 01. Lyons, Barnes, Peters, Scott. N0~: None. A~ENT: Cl. Hawkins.
PLANNIGN O0~,~ISSIONh~i'~A~: The minutes of a meeting of the Planning Commis-
sion, held October 31, 19~9, were read, and action taken aa shown below:
1. Location of swimming pool, Council decided that no action nenseaary.
2. Location of building by 0. C. Three, son on a line less than required by city
ordinance. Council denied the request for the reason that the ordinance providing a
set back line is m--datory, and the Council has no authority to deviate from the pro-
visions thereof.
3. Sale of palms on National Avenue. Bid of Ernest Von Dreden, at $5.00 per
tree, accepted.
4. Progress on Master Plan, by city engineer, required on action.
8. Leave of absence by Mr. F. A. Taylor, approved.
AIR PORT D~T: In the matter of a complaint against the dust raised at the local
air port, which complaint was made at the meeting of Oct. 8, 1929, Mr. Wm. Masters, of
the Chamber of C¢~,~,~rce Committee on Aviation, stated that the Union 0il Company had
donated about 80,000 gals. of waste oil, and the use of this oil on the air port had
allievated~ch of the dust nuisance. Mr. Masters, also, advised the Council that a
new State law, prohibits the use of an ,mlieensed plane, and urged that the Council
issue an ordinance covering aviation, similar to the ordinance now in use in the City
of SanDiego. Referred to the city attorney for action.
ST~T T~W~: In accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission,
it was decided to sell some surplus palm street trees on National Avenue, between I and
$ Streets, to Ernest F. Von ~eden, at $8.00 each, Mr. Von Dreden having offered that
sum, he to remove the trees and fill holes, clean up, etc. This action taken on motion
by 01. Scott, seconded by Gl . Barnes, which carried.
ORNAI~ENT~ STREET LIGHTS: The clerk called attention to a provision of the
contract under which the new street lights were erected, wherein the lights must have
a ~0-hour burning test before they can be accepted by the city. It developed that the
contractor declined to give this test before the lights were permanently lighted, and
it was decided that the contractor should pay fo~ the first 20hours of illumination
STREETS THROU~H TO BAY: A letter from the local 0hamber of Connneroe, urging this
Council to provide for streets running east and west, to be opened to the bay. Re-
ferred to the city attorney and city engineer to take up the matter with the proper
Meeting of November 5, 19~-9, 0ontlnued.
Councilman Hawkins appeared at this point and took his seat.
C0~ENSATION LNSURANOE: The clerk reported that he had received the bill for com-
pensation insurance for the ensuing year, and that the sewer employes, making house
connections, are rated at $8.19 petS100,00. This was considered excessive for the
the amount of hazard involved, and the clerk was instructed to inform the State Com-
pensation Insurance Fund that unless this figure is satisfactorily corrected, to
strike the item from the policy.
CONTRACTOR'S BOND: The bond of Daniel W. 0ox, cement contractor, after recc~men-
dation by the city attorney, was accepted by th~co'mucil, upon motion by Cl. Barnes,
seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried.
BILL BOARD ADVERTISING: The clerk brought to the attention of the Council the
fact that the Oriterion Advertising Compauy, of San Francisco, are engaging in the
business of advertising, without having obtained the required license therefor.
Clerk instructed to inform the party to remove the bill boards, or pay the license
at OneS.
PERIDDICAL REPORTS: ~he quarterly reports of the city treasurer and city clerk,
together with the monthly reports of the city Judge and fire chief, for the month of
October, lg2g, wrs ordered received and filed.
COPT FUNDS: It having been brought to the attention of the council that the
city court is now of such a status, that the Judge of the court should have his entire
time to devote to matters pertaining to his court. Therefore, 01. Lyons moved, sec-
onded by Cl. Hawkins, that Mrs. Iola Barnes, clerk of the court, be authorized and
instructed to handle all funds coming into, or collected by the Reeorder's 0curt, of
this city, thus relieving the Court of such burden and duty; and that the said Iola
Barnes be required to give bond of $&000.00, in a reliable bonding company, in favor
of the City of 0hula Vista. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES:
Cl. Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES: None. A~ENT: None.
STATE lEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES: The clerk was instructed to purchase one copy
of the proceedings of the convention of the league, in session this year, to cost about
one dollar.
P~TGEDEPAR~: 0hief of Police Clyne reported his appointment of M. C. Taylor
to the police fores, and the appointment was confirmed, subject to the result of a
physical examination required, upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Scott, which
carried. The motion, also, confirmed the appointment of M. E. Eelly as Assistant Chief
of Police.
BTTffA PAID: Upon motion by 01. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried,
the following bills, after exemlnation by the finance c~m~lttee, were ordered paid:
7S80 S. D. Gas and Electric Co.,
73~1 J. R. Singleton,
7302 H. J. Edwards,
738S Cbnn~el 0hey. Co.,
7384AustinSafe and Desk 0o.
73~5 W. S. Me0ausland,
7385 Pac. Teleph. and Telegr. Co.,
738? King Perry,
738g do.
?390 do.
7391 F. B. Andrews,
7392 F. E. Ashcroft,
?3gs Western Metal Supply Co.,
7384 0. V. Motor Sales,
7395 Irey-Janes Co.,
7396 Murray M. 0ampbell,
73g? Service Pharmacy,
?398 Chamberlin Insurance Agency,
?3gg R. Y. Wharton,
7400 Seville Service Station,
7401 Stats ~em~ase~i~anAa&pa~lties,
740~ Union Title Insurance Co.
?405 Lane Stamp Co.,
7404 H. C. Oakland,
7405 W. N. Drew,
Gas a~d Electricity, Sept., lg~g, $255.6g
Painting police cars, 40.00
do. 25.00
Auto parts, .50
Drawers for police safe,
Treating patient in city Jail, 5.00
Phone Service, Sept., lg2g, 28.50
Tractor Driver, Part of Oct., 1~, 65.00
Sewer Dept., do. 135.00
Miscellaneous Employes, do. 2905.40
Street Employes, do. 8~8.50
City Attorney, do. 125.00
Examination of Drunks, do. 250.00
Motor Repair Material, 8.38
do. 3.85
0ffioe Supplies, 1.66
Insurance, Plate ~lass, 0ity Hall, ?.~§
Refills, First Aid Kit, 6.80
Insurance, Vehicles, 134.16
Convention Expenses, 54.00
Battery for automobile, 8.50
IMAOS, 1929, 30.00
Title Search, 25.00
Dog Tags and Stamps, 13.20
Installing lock on Cabinet, 1.~0
Convention expenses, 88.85
Meeting of Nov. 5, 1929, Continued.
7406 Holly S,~,~er,
7407 Motor Hdw. and Equip. 0o.
7408 Oalif. Laundries,
7409 M. O. Elliott,
7410 Union 0il Co.
7411 I~uson and Klnnings,
7412 U. S. Grant Auto Equip. Co.
7413 Bungalow Sweet Shop,
7414 Homeland Building 0o.,
741§ 0. V. Lumber ~o.
7417 Pac. Aoetylent 0o.
7418 0has. P. Moles,
7419 0o V. Paint and Hdw.
7420 Hughes & ~ohnson,
7421 Charles E. Smiht,
?422 S. D. Gas and E~eot 0o.,
7423 0. V. Star,
AD~0L~.I~: Upon motion by 01.
the council adjourned line die.
~ractor Parts, $ 1.24
Motor Ret~ir parts, 10.98
Lanm~ry, Jail equipnant,
Hire of Horse, 12.00
Gasoline and Lubricants, Oct., 1929, 117.82
Motc~ repairs, 1.00
0hanging tires on fire trudk,
Meals for prisoners, 26.95
Dynamite, 12.50
Lumber and cement, Aug. to Oct., 1929 107.95
Printing, 137.74
AceJ,ylene, 9.59
Treasurer, Qr. ending Sept. 30, 1929, 347.83
Paint and Hardware, Oct., 1929, 46.9?
Plumbing supplies, 1.30
0all men, Fire Dept., do. 16.00
Electricity, street signs, 4.70
Publications, Oct., 1929, 101.07
Scott, seconded by 01. Barnes, which carried,
City 01erk.
/~ WTn~.NING~D AVEI~: The clerk presented a deed and partial release of mort-
gage, for the Easterly 10 feet of tho North 100 feet of Lot 6, ~-Section 137, executed
by E. W. Ross and 0ora 0. Ross, to be used in widening 3rd Avenue. The deed and release
of m~tgage were accepted by Resolution No. 299,~which was offered by Cl. Lyons. The
resolution wes read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following
vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES: None. ABSENT: