HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1929/12/03~ OF A REGUL~ ~,TING OF 'A'~ CITY O0UNOIL, 0HULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, HELD DECEMBER 3, 1929. The Council met in regular session, in the Council Chamber of the City ~all, on the above date, with Mayor Peters presiding. ~ettng called to order at ?~30 p.m. Present: Mayor Peters, Oouncl~.~-w Lyons, Hawlciue, Barnes. Cl. Scott absent. I~ADI~G OF MII~.' The z,~ln~tes of the last regular meeting of Nov. were read, and approved aa read. C~e~ITY C~ISTMAS ~P~E~: Mr. Walter M. Shax-p, of a cc~aittee appointed by the local Chamber of Cc~rce, asked the Council to authorize the e~penditure of not to exceed $200.00 to be expended fc~ a c~..~nl~ Christmas tree. Request g~anted upow ruction by 0l. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, ~hich carried. 0RI~AL B~EET LIGHTII~: In the ~aatScr of eleetrio ~en$ fo~ the ~w ~- ~nt~ a~eet ll~l~ ~a~, t~ first ~0 h~s of which oho~d be paid by the eon- t~a~tor, as de~Xded at the ~st ~eti~ of ~is Co.oil, ~. G. H. ~11~, of ~e S~ Diego ~a ~ Electric O~, appe~e~ ~d on be~ of hie e~, erased tha~ he di~ not ~ee w~rein the o~ shoed attar to sol. et ~e cost of ~e fires 20 ho~s of ill~i~on, as ~e city ~d ~dered the li~te t~ne~ on, ~d not ~ eon- t~aot~. ~e -~t involve~ la $16.~. After ~lsc~alon, ~. ~ ~ee~ to t~e up ~e ~t~r ~th the ~n~actor, ~ endeavor to collect t~ wo~t ia queltion. AIR i~T D~T: ~r. Y. M. Assr, who appeared before this Council at a meeting of October 8, 1929, and ec~lain~d about the duet arising f~c~ the operations of the local air port, presented a petition, signed by the property owners in the locality of Walnut Ave., asking that this duet be abated. It wne decided to await until the following spring, and until it ia learned whet action the ~overmaent ia goi~ to taka i~ the master of an air field in this city. FIRE H~: Mr. $. M. Ate~, p~esented a petitiow, signed by th~ p~operty owners in the locality o~ H Street and Walnut Ave., ame H and Bay Bvd., asking for the i~tallaSion of a fire hy~raat in ~hat locality. The fire chief stated that there are no water males of sufficient size to e~pply a fire h~dx-ant, in that section, and he was instructed to take up the ~ttor with the water co~pany with a view to getting the ~lue required. B0~ SCOOT .~uJ./..D:~: Mr. 0. E. S~iSh, in e~rge of the construction of a build- ~ for the ~y Seout~, In the At. tie P~k, as~d if $~e wo~d be ~ objection to the location of the bo~ on ~e ~d ~o~ ~ Se~n~ Arena, ~ that the street ~ep~nt t~e ~e~ t~ work of ~veli~ t~ ~o~. ~ was inetruotad to con- fer with ~e P~-~t~ 0~iasion, ~d get ~e views of ~at bo~ before p~ooeedi~. STREETS Tt~OUGH TO ~l~l~ BAT: The City Attorney reported the result of his cow- feren~e with the San Diego Cha~bel. of C~cc, in connection with opcaing streets fr~ Bay Bouleva~ though to the bay. He leal. ed thet the S. D. Chamber is contee~plating the sale of all itc holdings on the bay f~owS; that the land ia now unde~ option, and thet the Chamber could not, at this time give a deed for a street, or atreeSi, aa long as the option exists. Decided to await any action that may be tak~w. AVIATION P~EGULATIONS: In the matter of an o~dinanoe regulatl~ aviation in this city, aa breught out in the ~aeting of thid Council held No~. §, 19~9, it wac decided nos issue any c~dinance, but to let the enforce~enS of the laws ow the sub- Jest rest with the Sheriff of the County, who is equipped to handle matters 9f this astute, and is already taking care of the eituntton. C0~ATION II~R~A~CE: WiSh reference to the com~enaation iwauranoe ow employes of this ci~, particularly the sewer employes, making house connections, on which the State is charging $2.19 per $100.00, the clerk presented a letter from the state Cm~peneation Fund, in which it is stated that it is x~Aling of She Fund, that the City mu~t lneu~e all isa e~ployes, and oannot, therefore, e~ its sen insurance on She sewer e~ployes. The city attorney repo~ted thcs he e~am~ned the law on the subject, a-~ f~und nothing therein supporting such w ruling. The clerk was luetrueted to not pay the rate demanded, and to infor~ the C~apensation l~tnd thaS the city will let this work by eont~acS, as this Council feels thet She rate is exorbitant, consis- tent with the risk involved. PERIODICAL REP011~S: The monthly reports of the City ~udge, a~d Fire 0bier, for the month of Noven~er, were ordered received --~ filed. ~leeting of Des. 3, 1929, Continued. S~2T LIGI~T: I letter from the Chula Vista Wnmm-'s Club, eno read, in which that elub ask8 for the installation of a street light on G Street, at 0ar~ett Ave. Referred to the Street Cc~itthe, with power to n~t, upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which serried. C0~TION II~CE: A letter was l~resented by the elerk, from the State Com- pensation InaGranoe Fund, in ~hieh tho sickness of Fi~e~aan Wallace E. Ar~r, recently, was found by the Fund as a result of employment not connected with employment by the city. No aetion taken by this Council, as it was leered that this matter must be handled by Fireman Airier. REMOVAL OF STREET ~n~: The alerk tmesented aletter frc~ Mr. R. T. Cromer, asking authority to remove the street trees on X Street, between let and National Aves., alee, on let a~d National, fronting his property. ~ the Planning Cc,nmission did not have a ~neting last month, and h~d taken no action in the matter, it was referred ~o ~ee Warden Elliott, to investigate aml repc~t bask at the next meeting. SIDEWALE~ NO. 5: A petition, signed by a majority of the property owners effected asking fc~ tho installation of sidewalks and eurb~, on the West sl~e of NatiOnal Avenue,~_~ fro~ Orange to D Streets, was Imesentad and read. Cl. l~vons offered Resolution No. 301, which is a resolution deslaring it to be ~he intention of this Couneil to ~der in sueh work, to inelude gutters, end giving property owners until Febx~,~-~y 6, 1930, to have the work done by private contrast. The resolution was read, and was passed, adopted and proved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. ~awkins, Barnes, Peters, Lyons. lq0ES: None. A~: Cl. Scott. POLIOE I]EPARTMENT: The following reco~enendationa were made by Chief of Police Clyne, approved by Cl. Hawkins: That ~affis 0ffi~ar, L. $. Wmde, be given a leave of abwen~e, without paF, for a period of six mon~h~ frees Dee. 1, 1929, to June 1, 19~0. TO appoint M. S. Ta~lor, sight patrolm--, to the position of Traffie 0ffieer, viol ]~mde. To appoint P. M. Lee as night patrolman, vise Taylor. Ail ree~-,,endations approved upon ~otion by Cl. Hawkins, aeeonded by Cl. Lyons, whieh oerried.. POL~OE D~PAR~: ~ief of Poliee Clyne presented bide for the installation of re~ lights at the three polise sail boxes, one from Kinmore 00., for $90.00~ one fro,, C. V. ~leetrie Co., for $4.90, Matter held over, and no action taken. F~tE C~M'S S~00L OF II~UOTION: A letter was read, from the Fire Chief of Pasa6ena, Calif., u~ging the attendance of the fire chief of this sity, at a school of instruction, f~r fire chiefs, to be held at Los Augeles, Dee. iS, 14 end 15, 1929. Upon ~otion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, ~ira Chief ~th was authorized to attend, the exposes to be paid by the city. ~tion serried. BT?.?~ PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, whieh serried, the following bills, after examination by tho finance o~ittee, were c~dere~ paid: 7424 Pac. Teleph. and Teleg~. 74~-5 ~. W. Water Cox-peter ica, ?426 Orchard Operating 74~? ~ of It~y, ~4~ ~ ~ O~be~, 7429 A. H. Ski~er Co. ~ F. B. ~ews, ~iC. V. ~iee Station, ~2 Ch~l ~e~o~t 7~6 ~4.eon'~ Photo Se~ice, ~ ~eeSera ~ion, ~9 ~lee E. ~ith, ~ ~es~rn Auto S~p~ Co., 9~6 ~estarn ~t~ Supp~ Co., 7~ Autoo~ Sa~s ~d Se~loe Co., 7~ S. D. ~i~ ~., Phones, 0etcher, 1929, Water, do. Hire of Mul~e, 0ct., 19~9, ~6.00 ~nd for ~t C~rk, 5.00 City Atrophy, 0et., 19~, Auto p~ts, ~d repal~g, A~ver$1~i~, ~. of do. ~.~ do. 9.0~ do. 10.~0 do. do. 1. do. ~tor ~ir P~te, ~ Re~, 0ffi~e Supplies, ~re ~p~at~ ~paira, 3.10 ~a~l. ~loyea, 0et., 1~29, 3126.~0 Sewer ~lo~s, ~o. 6~.~ Repai~ ~teri~s, 4.0~ ~ok ~ P~$a, 1.95 do. 1.~ Meeting of Deo, ~ 19~-9~ Contin~e4, ?449 Seagrave Corporation, 74~0 Motor Hdw, a~l Equip. Os. 7451 0alifornia ~u~ries, ~ Robison's Se~le, ~456 ~. V. ~t~ S~OO, ~7 A. C~l~sle 74~ B~low ~eet Shop, ~461 ~tate 0~. Ins. ~d, 9462 ~les E. ~ith, 74~ 0. V. L~ber Co. ?465 S. W, Water Co. U~lion 0il Co., ?466 ?46? Fuson ?468 O. V. 7469 ~o~ ~l~ Repairs Fire Truck, $ 15.75 Motor Repal~ Pa~ts, 5.56 ~, ~ail ]q~i~aut, 2.4? 8~ee$ ~lo~s, Oct., 1929, ~oha~ of ~tt~, Hire of ~se, ~uli~ br~h, 7.00 ~-dw~e, Co~t B~k8, 11.62 ~ala ~ ~lsone~s, 0et., 1929, 10.15 A~it~ ~t resets, C~nsation I~, ~inti~, L~ber ~ 0e~nt, 18.95 Water, Nov., 1929, ~1.75 ~soll~ a~ Lubs., Nov., 1929, ~inti~ ~ ~bll~l~, Nov., 1929, AIXTOI~T: ~pon motion by Cl. Hawkins, aecondod by Cal. Barnes, uhioh carried, the Oounsil adjourned to 7:~0 p. n., December 10, 1929. Attest: Clt~ Clerk.