HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter 3 - US Fish and Wildlife - RTCRESPONSE TO COMMENT
L3-1 The comment states that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) California
Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) (Wildlife Agencies) has reviewed the
Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and associated documents for the proposed
Nirvana Business Park. The comment states that the comments provided are
based on information provided in those documents and through prior meetings and
correspondence between the Wildlife Agencies, the City of Chula Vista, and the
project proponent. The comment summarizes the responsibilities of the USFWS
and CDFW. The comment also summarizes the project description. In response,
the comment does not raise an issue regarding the adequacy of the Draft Mitigated
Negative Declaration (MND); therefore, no further response is required or
L3-2 The comment states that the proposed project is subject to the Habitat Loss
Incidental Take Permit (HLIT), the impacts subject to the HLIT, and the mitigation
proposed for these impacts. In response, the comment does not raise an issue
regarding the adequacy of the Draft MND; therefore, no further response is
required or provided.
L3-3 The comment summarizes the special-status plant and wildlife species observed
or detected on site. In response, the comment does not raise an issue regarding
the adequacy of the Draft MND; therefore, no further response is required or
L3-4 The comment summarizes the pre-CEQA consultation of the proposed mitigation,
concluding they concur with the combination of restoration, enhancement, and
funding for the City’s Preserve. The comment also summarizes the mitigation
areas identified in the Otay Ranch Preserve near Salt Creek. In response, the
comment does not raise an issue regarding the adequacy of the Draft MND;
therefore, no further response is required or provided.
L3-5 The comment states that the Wildlife Agencies have reviewed, commented, and
concurred on the Nirvana Conceptual Mitigation Plan. Concurrence was
predicated on our review and approval of any changes or updates to this plan prior
to Project activities as well as the following plans listed in the Biological Technical
Report (BTR): Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan; Resource Salvage Plan;
and the 7-year Restoration, Maintenance, and Monitoring Plan. In response, the
comment does not raise an issue regarding the adequacy of the Draft MND;
therefore, no further response is required or provided.
L3-6 The comment states that they recommend the MND be amended to reflect both
onsite and offsite Project impacts consistent with the BTR and to identify final
mitigation acreages once the offsite mitigation restoration plan is finalized. The
Wildlife Agencies request that the City memorialize the concurred upon mitigation
by including more details characterizing the quality and location of the three
restoration sites and/or including the draft Nirvana Conceptual Mitigation Plan
(CMP) as an enclosure to this MND. The City should provide the final Mitigation
Plan to the Wildlife Agencies for review and concurrence.
In response, the MND has been updated to be consistent with the BTR, and the
draft CMP is included as an attachment to the MND. See the Errata for noted
L3-7 The comment recommends that the final Resource Salvage Plan include the list of
all species being translocated. The final Resource Salvage Plan will include more
detailed information on all plants planned for translocation.
L3-8 The comment agrees with mitigation measure MM-5 to conduct focused nesting
surveys on the project site, specifically in the riparian zone where tamarisk is
abundant, to address the potential for the Project to impact nesting vireo habitat.
In response, the comment does not raise an issue regarding the adequacy of the
Draft MND; therefore, no further response is required or provided.
L3-9 The comment by CDFW states that Crotch’s bumble bee is now a candidate under
CESA and requests that a qualified biologist conduct surveys for this species within
the project area.
In response, Dudek conducted focused surveys for this species using qualified
biologists who are familiar with bumble bees (including Callie Amoaku who holds
a Scientific Collecting Permit for Crotch’s bumble bee, Franklin’s bumble bee,
western bumble bee, and Suckley’s cuckoo bumble bee (S-221820002-22332-
001)). Four surveys were completed in June 2023; no Crotch bumble bees were
observed. In general, the site lacks the preferred floral resources for this species.
Potential nest habitat (e.g., small mammal burrows) were watched for bumble bee
activity as well. The BTR has been updated to include the survey methods and
results for Crotch bumble bee. With the lack of observations, low bumble bee use
on-site (only one Vosnesensky bumble bee (Bombus vosnesenskii) species
observed during one survey), and the low-quality floral resources for Crotch
bumble bee, the conclusion of low potential to occur for this species is the same.
Therefore, no additional mitigation measures have been proposed for this species.
L3-10 The comment summarizes the Department's regulatory authority over activities in
streams and/or lakes. It encourages the applicant to submit a streambed
notification package to the Lake and Streambed Alteration Program. In response,
the applicant will submit a streambed notification package to the Department prior
to any ground-disturbing activities.
L3-11 The comment states that special-status species detected during surveys be
submitted to CNDDB. In response, Callie Amoaku will submit the CNDDB data by
the end of June 2023.
L3-12 The comment states that the project would have an impact on fish and/or wildlife,
and assessment of filing fees is necessary and payable upon filing the Notice of
L3-13 The comment states that the Wildlife Agencies acknowledge the early efforts by
the City and Project proponent to coordinate with Wildlife Agencies through pre-
CEQA consultation and appreciate the opportunity to comment on the draft MND
and look forward to their continued collaboration in implementing the City's SAP.