HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1930/08/05~I~uT~ OF A REGULA~ MEETING OF THE G1TT OOUNOIL OF GHULA VISTA, CALIF0~NIA, HELD AUGUST 5, 1930. The Council met in regula~ session, ~n the ~ounell ~h_~bsr of the C1$7 Hall, on the qbove date, with Mayor Done p~esidin~. Meeting called to c~d®r at ?:~0 p.m. Present: Mayor Done, 01. Conyers, Hawkins, Lyons, Howe. ~ OF PRL~IOEG ]~ETIN~8: The minutes of the 1-at regular meting of July 1, 19~0, as reed by ~aoh me~ber of the Oouncil, were ordered approved as read. 00~T CL~E: Yudge James ~ackaon, Judge of the City ~ourt, appea~ed in person and en~er~ a oca~laint against the proposal of the Ghief of Police to move the oou~t clerk frc~ the court rocca to the office of the ~ief of Police, the clerk to work for both department~. The Judge objected to this scheme aa bein unsatisfactory and that he had work for his clerk at all t~mee. Cl. Hawkins explained that the slerk woul~l be available at all times for the court. Matter held over for further sonsideration. $~VIOE STATION: A representative of the Standard 0il Coca, any presented plans for a servise station proposed to be wrested on the Southeast corner of Third Avenue and G Street. The plan showed entrances to the station mush wider than is permitted by existing city regulations, and in one of these entrances a et~eet light would have to be moved sc~e ~O feet. The clerk read a letter of protest against moving the street light frc~ ~. H. C. 0~land, owner of the land Just south of the proposed location of the service station, to the effect that if the street light is moved, Mr. Oakland would hate to relight his present business. The request was denied upon motion by Cl. Hawkin~, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried. The present regulations for service stations ~w limits than to Z5 feet. However, it was understood that the Standard 0il Oce~any could have two SS-foot entranses on the G Street side of the location. ~'~S~PAP~: ~'o W. L. alan~,ons, Editor of the ahula Vista Star, about the Fire Chief and Chief of Polise furnishing an offise for the representative of the Chula Vista Pro,teas in their respective offices. That the Chief of Police refused to permit the Sta~ access to the police blotter~ that t~e Star ia a local news- paper while the Progress is owned and published by out of town parties, who are taking none[ out of town. Ho asked fce~ a square deal, and was assured by the Council that he would get it. VACATION: ~he Fire Chief, by letter, asked for ii vacation for Engineer Morris Lamb f~o~ Augu~ lO, to 2~, 1930. Granted u~on motion by Cl. IGrons, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which ~arried. ~AtT~ OFFI~ AND ~I~DIOAL ~XAMINATION OF ALLEGED I~IUIeE~: City He~th Officer ~h~oft, ~vi~ been instructed to propose a f~t rate of p~ for his sexless he~ officer, ~d ~e work of ~dio~ e~i~tlon of ~leged ~s, presented his ~ply verb~ ~o~ the el~ clerk. He declined to pr~ose a flat rate of p~, bu~ offered to ch~e the present rate of p~ for e~ination of ~s. ~e present rate provlde~ for a ~ge of ~.00 for the first person e-~m~ued in ~ d~, ~d ~.~ per person for ea~ subseq~nt e~amination ~ t~ d~. ~. ~h~of~'a propo8~ was ~hat he wo~d be willing to continue ~ls work, c~gl~ ~.~ each for all persona e~lned. He ~th~ proposed ~at If the ~.~ mh~ge ia pe~tted to ~n in e~e~t, he will ~l~ ~1 persons who ~e ~ble to p~ for s~e, ~ee to the city. Refaced to 01. ~ers to f~d ~o~er p~sici~ for this work, ~ report bask to the provided such p~sioi~ to be aatiafae~o~. ~tion by Cl. ~we, seconded by Cl. ~wkins, whl~ ~0~ ~ A letter was rea~ ~ ~. ~vin Y. ~lfer, of the S~te ~d of ~alth, In which ~e n~er of per~ e~feri~ fr~ ~hoid fever In ~la vicinity, on ~ ~2, 19~0. ~dered filed. TAX REFUND: A letter frc~ Mrs. ~a R. Bu~ger was read, in whlsh aha asks for a refun~ of $50.00 in taxes collected from her on personal property in 1929. The clerk explained this tax was collected for steaks and bonds under the l~OVisions of a law enacted in lg~9, a copy of which wed not on hand at the time of solleotion. Request g~anted u~on motion by Cl. Conyers, seconded by Cl. Lyons, whish carried. POLICE RED LImiTS: A proposal frc~ the S. D. Ga~ and Electric Co., was presented wherein that ecstasy offers to ~ish labor ~d mterial to lnat~l ~tain wires ~d occults for a red li~t ea~ a~ ~ Ave. ~d Ki Natio~ ~d ;; ~d Ave. ~ Et a~ at a coat of $7~.75. Aut~orl~d ~on motion by Gl. ~wkins, seconded by Cl. ~ona, whl~ ~eeting of August 5, 19~0, Continued. BUSI!~ IN UNA~I';-=,, ZONE: A petition requesting authorization for the construction of a minatu~e golf course on the Northeast co~n~r of ~ Avenue and I street, u~ieh had bee· referred ~o the Pi---lng C~m~ssion, was presented end ordered laid on the table. ENGI~ ~VI0~5: A bill for serviees performed by Civil ~nsineer Ten ~. ~en, ~o~ti~ to ~.38, ~s ~eoen~d by ~e ~erk, who a,no~ that he oo~d fin4 no~- l~ in the Pl~i~ 0~laalon ~nu~s au~izi~ the ~lo~nt of ~. al~n~ nel~e~ ~i~ he ~ cf~ auth~i~tion by ~e city for ~e ~lo~nt. ~e question was raiae~: ~o ~lo~d h~? C~rk i~ueted ~ refer the bi~ to ~e P~i~ C~a- sion for ~ au~orl~tlon of ~e ~lo~nt of ~. ~len, If he h~ been e~e~ by l~t~'S O01~RACT: Upon ~aotion by Cl. Conyers, seconded by 01. Hawkin~, which carrie4, the ~ontraet of the Oc~mnity Nurse was renewed for another year, from Au~ uet 15, 1930~ without change, the Mayor being authorized to sign such renewal. P~IODIOAL R~P~TS: The ---ual report of the city clerk for the fiscal year ending ~une 30, 19~0; the monthly report of the City ~u~ge, Fire Chief a~d Chief of Police, for the month of ~uly, 19~0, were presented and ~rdered filed. L~RIAL LA~, S. D. 0I~ OF Ca~: In the Better of the pa~fluent of delinquent taxes on these lands, Cl. Lyons offered Resolution No. -~16?'whioh is · resolution transmitting a decree of the Superior Court, authorizine this city to re- mit the delinquent penalties which have accrued on the above nentionod taxes. resolution was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: ~1. Lyons, Hawkins, Conyers, Done. N0~: Cl. Howe. A~: None. A~ DIS~ICT~: It was decided that in the matter of preparing petitions for public improvement, which had been referred to the city attorney at the last meet- ing, that the city attornoy and city clerk would Jointly prel~ a for~ of petition and present it to the Council at a future meeting. AR~ AIR ~EPOT: The city attorney reported on hie efforts to collect ~50.00 due this city free Russell Sutherlin & Co., of Los Angeles, for expenses lnvolve~ in bringing this matter to a vote of the people, lac yee~r. The attorney had received no reply to his letter, but stated that he would bring suit if the amount is not settled. POLIOE E~PAR~m~T: Chief of Police Clyne, in a lengthy diseu~slon, proposed to construct offices in the counCil chamber for himself, the building inspector, and the court. ~e particularly desired to remove the ~ity engineer fr~m his office, by renting n room for him across the street~ giving the engineer's office to the police for a private office. The clerk took exceptions to acme of $1yne's rem&rko in which the clerk thought the city Judge was being made ridiculous ~-& maligned. Matter referred to M~yor Done and the Building inspector to arrange and submit a plan for any changes they thought necessary. FIRE APPARAT~: The question of the fire engine leaving the city limits to attend fires having bee· brought up, Cl. Conyers moved that ac long as this cit~y has but one piece of fire apparatus, this piece of apparatus will not leave the city limits at any time. The motion was seconded by Cl. Hawkins, and serried, Cl. Lyons voting No. BIL~ PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which oer~ied, the following bills, after elemination by the finance o~naittoe, were ordered paid: 7748 Pay Roi1, Weed Cleaning, 7749 do. 7750 do. 7751 do. 775~ F. B. Andrews, 775~ ~otor Hdw. & Equip. COo ??54 C. V. Motor Sales, 77§5 C. V. Paint and Hdw Store, ??$6 N. C. Auto Wrecking 7?5? Arey Jones 77~ SO. O~if. Telephone 0o. 77~ Ski~er Hdw. Store~ 7761 ~ch~d ~eratl~ 7762 Cowry ~e of ~lelpal. 77~ S. D. Gas a~ ~e~trie ~o. do. do. 55~-o ~0 Miscellaneous ~ployes, Yuly, 19~0, Street ~loyes, do. ~.00 Oi~ Atto~ey, do. 1~5.00 ~w~e for ~tors, 8.6~ Suction Hose~ Auto Re, ir ~ts~ 7.92 Staples for stupler~ ~.70 Te~pho~ Semite, Y~y, 1~30, 6303~ Le~e of ~icipality entertal~ent ~.00 ~dw~e, l.~ ~ee for Waterl~ ~ee8, 43.00 ~es for 19~0, 1~.~ B~otrioity, Y~e, 1~, S~eot oils) do. 4.70 ~eeting of August 5, 1930~ Continued. 7765 C. V. St~r, 7766 Channel Chewrolet C~any, ?757 Birdie's ~t Shop~ 77~9 C. V. L~er ~, 77~0 Kl~e ~eo~ic 7~1 ~ ~ C~bell, 7772 Union 011 7773 S~ O~erol~ ~, 7774 ~d-~d C~ 7775 ~lfo~ia ~ies, Inc. 7776 0~s. P. ~les~ 7777 H. S. Crocker 7778 R~i~ton R~d ~s. Servia, 7979 ~ C. ~liott~ 7780 Auto~ Sales ~d Service Co. 7781 ~ ~others, 778~ Nebb 77~ 0h~les E. ~lth, 77~ ~ioh ~ess, 77~5 Series ~y, 7786 O. V. Eleetrl~ 77~7 ~loh ~789 ~son's Photo Series, 7790 $tate ~ P~ks, 7791 ~ila Yo~blood, 7792 S. D. ~ ~ Elect. Co., 7793 S. W. Water Co~oration, 7994 F. E. ~h~oft~ Printing --~ Publishing, July, 1930, $56.25 ~otor Repair Parts, S.49 Feeding Prisoner's, July, 1930, 39.55 Motor Repairs, ~.55 Lu~ber, 15.14 Electric Lamps for City HaL1 Bldg. 2.40 Insurance ~ 54. ~0 Gasoline and Lubs., tune~ July, 1930, 302.66 Sewer Pipe, 63.17 Pump for Sewer Treatment Plant~ 245.00 Laundry for city Jail, 5.73 Salary, Treasurer, Qr. ending June 30, 199.12 Court Docket for City Oourt, 65.00 Cleaning and oiling adding machine, 3.90 Purchase of plants, and hire of horse, 40.65 Bepair to heavy truck, 22.35 01d rage~ for cleaning, 1.50 Tractor repair parts, 1.79 0all ~em~ Fire Dept., July, 1930, ~0.00 Paper Towels, cups, et~. 46.~-5 Drug Supplies~ 15.10 Installing pum~ at sewer lzreatment plant 30.00 Printing for 0hambar of Oonm~roe, 73.~5 ~0. S9.90 Photographs for Ohamher of O(~mn&rce, 6.36 Contribution to for Oham. of Ccmmeree, 200.00 Olerk for P~[mnnll~ C,-,-~lssion~ 1.50 ]~lectriclty for st.®et signs, July, 1930 4.70 Water~ July, 1930, 236.7§ M-dical ~minaticn all~g®d dr,mke,Jnly S91.00 ~: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Gl. Oonyere, which oarrie~, the Gounoll adjourned to 10:00 a. m., August 15, 1930, Attest: City Olerk.