MARCH 4, 1930.
The Council met in regular session, in the Council Chamber of the 01ty Hall, on
the above date, with Mayor Peters presiding. M~ettng called to order at ?:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor Peters, Councilmen Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Bsrnes.
READING OF MINUTES: The minutes of the last regular meeting of February 4, 1930,
were read, and approved as read.
BUSINESS IN RESIDFJ~T!aT. ZONE: A portion, signed by a number of property owners
in the vicinity of 3rd Avenue, between ~ and K Streets, was presented, in which protest
was made against the establishment of a commercial arable, or riding acadamy, on the
old $ordan property. The petition sets forth that this is strictly a residential zSne,
and against the provisions of the zoning ordinance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Otto, and
Mr. Charles E. Smith, spoke in support of the protest, and after discuesion, upon motion
by Cl. Barnes, seconded by 01. Scott, the matter was referred to the 0hief of Police to
investigate and report at the next meeting.
STATE GOMPENSATION INSURANCE: Mr. H. H. Wadsworth, of the San Diego Office of
the State O~mpensation Insurance Fund, appeared and verbally advised the Council on
the reasons for raising our basic rats to 120% this year. Mr. Wadsworth etated that
the rate is based on the past five year'e experience, and as this city had caused a
large expense during that period, the rate is raised accordingly; also, if the O~--
pensationFund is reimbursed fca' any of its expenditures, that has no effect on raieing
the rate. Am a result, upon motion by 01. Barnes, seconded by Gl. Scott, which carried,
the city clerk was authorized to sign the endorsement to our present policy, accepting
the raise in rate.
GASOLINE AND KEROSENE 00NTRACT: The union 0il Company of California presented
two contraete, for ~urnishing kerosene and gasoline to the the city, for a period of
one year. The gasoline to have a top price of 16 cents, and kerosene 15 cents. After
discussion, the matter was held over for future consideration.
SIDEWA~ES No. §: A petition was presented asking for the installation of side-
walks, curbs and gutters, on both sides of Madrona Street, between the East line of
Del Mar Ave., and the West line of Elm Avenue, the gutters, however, to be installed
only where necessary. The petition showed that there is a distance of 2264 feet on
which the work is required, and that owners of 1496 feet of frontage had signed the
petition. A protest was filed, signed by Oscar Moo, protesting against the work in
front of his residenee, No. 196 Madrona Street, for the reason that sidewalk is already
in place. The city engineer informed that this sidewalk is not the proper width and
is above the official grad~ef the street. The protest was over ruled, and Cl. Scott
offered Resolution No. 310j which is a resolution declaring the intention of the Council
to cause the wc~k to be performed, and giving property owners until May 4, 1930, in
which time to have the work done at private contract. This resolution, also, provided
that gutters will be established on both sides of Madrona Street, between 4th and Elm
Avenues. The resolution was read, and was passed, adopted and approved by the following
vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOEs: None. _~BSENT: None.
DREDGING CPL~NNEL IN BAY: In the matter of the U. S. Government dredging a channel
in the bay fronting 0hula Vista, it is brought our that this city had, ~ome years a~o
agreed to financially contribute to this work. It appears that the Government will
expect $~000 fr~n this city, as ~contribution to the work, and in consequence, Cl.
Scott offered Resolution No. 311, which is a resolution in which the City Council de-
claree that it will use its u~most endeavor to contribute the ~mount desired, at the
time when this s~ will be required. The resolution wes read, and was passed, adopted
and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes,
Peters, Scott. NOES: None. aR~NT:. None.
PERIODICALREPORTS: The monthly report of the city Judge and fire chief, for the
month of February, 1930, were presented and ordered filed.
POLICE DEPARtmeNT: Cl. Hawkins announced to the Council that he intends to dis-
charge o~of the regular traffic officers, effective April 1, 1930, and that he will
have red lights installed at each of the police call bo~es on 3rd and National Aves.
l~eeting of March 4, 1930, Continuted.
MUNCIPAL ET.ECTION: In the matter of the Regular Municipal Election, to be held
April 14, 1950, the clerk presented the copy for the publication of a Notice of Election,
ahd in addition to showing therein the n,-,her of offices to be filled at said election,
the clerk was authorized to publish and place on the ballot, a proposition as follows:
"Shall the City Councilmen receive~ $10.00 per month as compensation for their services".
Also, the Council decided to consolidate all the present County am1 State polling pre-
cincts, number 1 to 8, inclusive, into one consolidated precinct, to be known as "Con-
solidated Precinct A," and the polling plane for such consolidated precinct will be at
the city hall. This action taken upon motion by 01. Barnes, seconded by C~l. Scott,
which carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons,
Hawkins, Barnes. NOES: None. AR~W. NT: None. ~/
Cl. Scott ~hsn offered Resolution No. 309, which is a resolution designating and
naming the election officers for Consolidated Precinct A, as abOVe consolidated, and
fixing the salary of such officers. The resolution was read, and was passed, adopted
and apprOVed, as read, By the following vote, to-tit: AYES: Cl. Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes,
Peters, Scott. NOES: None. A~qW. NT: None.
TELEPHONE RATE: Two letters from the local Chsmaber of C~maeree, in connection
with a hearing to be held by the State R. R. Oommission, in the matter of telephone cc~-
panics changing hands, were read. No action taken.
ORDINANCE NO. 202: Upon motion by 01. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Scott, which ca_w-
ried, Ordinance No. 202 was placed on its second and final reading. It was read, and
wac passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Haw-
kins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
~ING C0[~ISSION ~f~UTES: The minutes of a meeting of the Planning Commission,
held February 27, 1930, were presented, read and action taken thereon, as follows:
1. Chief of Police to investigate all street intersections where shrubbery obstructs
the view of traffic. Approved, and Chief of Police then and there so notified.
2. Tree Warden Elliott failing to attend meeting of the Pla~-l~g C_~mmission, tO
have his assistant, Mr. Norman, present. ApprOVed. Clerk to notify Elliott.
3. Tree Warden Elliott to inspect hedge at 4th Ave. and E Street, and ascertain
if said hedge is on private property. Approved. Clerk to notify Elliott.
FIRE CRACKERS: The Question of shooting ~r discharging fire crackers, referred
to the l~ire Ohief for investigation and report.
G~S REFUND: The city attorney reported on his inv~estigation in the matter of a
refund by the State of the gasoline tax that is paid by the city for gasoline used in
its tractors. He learned that the refund applied only to gasoline used in machinery
engaged in the building or e-;ting of new roads, or streets, so far as the city is con-
cerned. Decided that nothing could be done in the matter.
DRAIN IN POLICE JAIL OmL;.~: The clerk reported that no bids had been received
by him for installing new drains in the cells of the city Jail. Ordered to take up
with plumbing inspector, and have drains installed.
BITJm PAID: Upon motion by
following bills, after examination by the finance committee, were ordered paid:
7554 F. B. A~drews, City Attorney, Feby, 1930,
7555 M~tor Vehicle Publ House,
7556 C. V. Paint and Hdw. Store,
75~ Pac. Teleph. and Telegr. Oo.
7559 S. D. Gas and Elect. Co.
?560 S. W. Water 0o.,
7561 H. L. Benbo,~b,
7562 S. D. Gas and Electy Co.
75~3 E. C. Upp,
?564 L. Mesa Scout,
7565 S. D. Welding 0o.,
7566 Nlm N~m Swing Co.,
7567 Baneroft-~it~y Co.,
75~ Autoc~ S~es ~d Service Go.
7569 ~er.~ce Co.
7570 ~tor Hdw. and Equip. Co.
7571 ~r. Rubber O~p~,
75~2 Pac. Acetylene Go.
757~ S. D. ~actor ~d Equip. Go.
~5~ Chapel Ohev.
Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, Which carried, the
Motor Registrations, 35.00
Hardware and paints, 5.91
Phone service, February, 1930, 61.96
Gas smd Electricity, Feby, 1930, 5~8.15
Water, Feby, 1930, 230.05
Filing Cabinet, 18.23
Electricity, Feby, 1930, 4.70
Making Assessment and bonds, St. Light. Dist. 140.00
Printing Bonds, do. 50.00
Welding work on Tractor, 1S.00
SprakPlngs, 1.30
Amendments to Codes and General Laws, 1929, 10.00
Repairs to Truck, 1~.31
Fire Apparatus, 41.05
Hardware, 1.60
~ire Hose, 150.00
Acetylene, 4.95
Tractor repair parts, 14.70
Motor Parts, .95
Meeting of March 4, 1930, Continued.
Pay Roll,
Pay Roll,
0. V. Motor S~les,
American Bltumuls Co.
A. Garlisle Co.
M. 0. Elliott,
Miscellaneous EmDloyes, Feby, 1930,
Street Employes, do.
Motor Repair Parts,
Manual of Motor Vehicle f~ taxation,
Hire of Horse, Feby, 1930,
Robisons Service Station, Auto tire,
Union Oil Co.,
C. V. Paing & HAw. Store
S. W. Water, Co.
Charles E. Smith,
Bungalow Sweet Shop,
Denrich Press,
F. E. Ashcroft,
Mrs. J. H. Janesn,
Gasoline and Lubricants, Feby, 1930,
Water, M~rch, 1930,
Call Men, Fire Dept., Feby, 1930,
Feeding Prisoners, Feby, 1930,
Printing, etc.
Medical Examination prisoners, Feby,
Chamber of Commerce Advertising,
7590 Smith's Drug Store,
7591 C. V. Dry Goods 0o.
7592 C. V. Star,
7593 Denrich Press,
7594Chas. Dlt tmer,
7595 Whiting Meade 0o.,
7596 C. V. Star,
7597 Land Stamp Co.
7598 Oakland's Repair Shop,
~rintin~ and Publishing, Feby, 1930,
Rubber Stamps,
0verhaluling Ford Automobile,
which carried,
ADJOURN~: Upon motion by Cl. Barnes, Seconded by Cl. ScottA/the Council
adjourned sins die.
City Clerk.