HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1930/06/03MINUTES 'OF A REGULAR ~ING 0F THE CIT~ COUNCIL, OHULA VISTA, OALIFORNIA, JUNE 3, 1930 The Council met in regular session, in the Council ChAmber of the City Hall, on the above date, with Mayor Done presidin~. ~-etl~ walled to ca-der at 7:~0 p.m~ Present: May~r Done, C0unollmen Howe, Lyons, Hawkins, Conyers. MINUTES OF PREVIOL~ m~ff!NG: ~he minutes of the last regular meeting held May 6, 19~0, were approved as read by each member of the Council. DAMAGE TO ~ IN pT.a~m: T~ee Warden EllioSt, verbally, reported that a palm t~ee g~owing in the 3~d Avenue plaza, had been destroyed by an intoxicated motorist, and that it would scat appro-t~tely $~$o00 to replace the Wee. It developed that the automobile of the abovmmntioned motorist le being held in a local garage, and ~,pon n~tion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Howe, whieh ea~ried, the Police D~portment was instructed to collect the damages for the tlme, if possible. A~IODIGAL REI~: The monthly reports of the City Yu~ge and Fire Chief, for the month of May, 1930, after examination, were ordered ~eeeived and filed. OITI' ENGINE~I: In the matter of the resignation of the City Engineer, presented at the last meetly, u~oh motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, it was decided not to accept the resignation, but that the City _~ineer would be given his regular two weeks vaoation, with pay, and that he be giveu a leave of absence, with out pay, for the balance of the perio~ of tuly and August, 1930, after deducting the two weeks vacation. . STREET MAC--T, ~I(IAI~ F(~: A contract for lubrioantsfor the year e~mencing ~une 13, 1930, was presented by a representative of the ~nion 0il 0c~any of California, and u~on motion by Cl. Conyers, zaeon~ed by Cl. Howe, which eax~ied, it was accepted, and the City PmrehasLug Agent authorized to sign sene for and on behalf of the City. VACATION: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, City Clerk Tl~znone was granted one week's vacation, to be considered as pax. t 0f his reg~,l,,- m-nnal vaca- tion, for the week sm~meneing tune S, 1930. PLANNING 00~gZ~X~N ~1 The minutes of a meeting of the 01ty Pla,-ing Com- mission held May 29, 19~0, ~ presented, ~d an~lon by t~s Co,ell t~en ~ereon, al fo~o~: 01ty ~ineer to maws a ~at~ PI~ of ~e oils ~on ~tion by seconded by Cl. Howe, whl~ o~ied~ ~e city engine~ was authorized to perfo~ work for the P~---lng O~is~ion~ at eu~ t~ee as he ~ have t~ to do ~o~ provided such work f~ the Pla--l~ 0~ission does not in~erfere wi~ hie ~e~ No action of this Oo~eil was oo~ere~ neeesa~y ~ be t~en on .~ of ~e other i~ of ~e P]~-~ O~lssion ~nutes. POLICE DEPARTmeNT: Councilman Lyons moved, seconded by Cl. Conyors, which carried, that the matter of the purchase of gas guns for the police depe~rtment be re- ferred to Cl. Hawkins, with power to act. C~DINANGE No. 204: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Conyers, which carried, 0rd~lnance No. ~04 was placed on its second and final reading. It was read, amd was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: ATES: Cl. Lyons, Hawkins, Conyere, Done, Howe. NOES: None. A_~EIIT: None. ~ SI~TEM: A1 letter from the engineering firm who had e~ge of the in- stallation of the city sewer sysl~m, was read~ in which it is recommended that the city purahaee a pump for the sewer treatment plant, in order to have water under pres- sure ~o ~reak up the Crust that forms on the top of the affluent in some of the cham- bers of the plant. Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, the matter was referred to Cl. Conyers, with power to act. ~DINANCE NO. ~03: The action of this council at its meeting c~ April 21, 19~0, in connection with this ~rdinanoe, was rescinded u~on motion by Cl. Lyons, sec- onded by Cl. l~kins, which carried. Then Cl. Howe moved, seconded by 01. Lyons, which carried, that this ~rdinanoe be placed on its first reading. This is an ordin- ance regulating the erection of signs. 0RDINAhUE No, 205: Upon motion by Cl. ~awkins, seconded by Cl. Conyere, which Carried, 0~dinan~e No. 20~ was placed on its second and final reading. It was read, end was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. LyOns, Hawkins, Conyers, Done, Howe. NOES: None. ABSENT: None° ~eeting of June 3, 19~0, 0ontinued. 00NTRACTOR'S BOND~: Upon recommendation of the city attorney, and upon motion by 01. Lyons, seconded by 01. 0onyers, which carried, the following bonds of ~on- tractors were approve~: T. R. Baker, Roofing 0ontractor; 0. A. Reed, Master Plmnber; E. F. Thayer, Plastering 0ontractor. MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF ALT~GED E~tlJq~: The clerk was instructed to confer with Dr. F. E. Aahcroft and ascertain if some arrangement cannot be made wherein Dr. Ashcroft will be pai~ for hie services am city health officer, and for his w~rk under this heading, by a flat rate, rather than a fee for each person examined. This action taken u~on motion by 01. Conyers, seconded by Gl. Hawkin~, which carried, BTT.T~ PAID: Upon ~otlon by 01. Lyons, seconded by Hawkins, which carried, the foll°Win~ bills, after examination by the finance committee, were ordered paid: 768~ F. B. Andrews, 01ty Attorney, ~ay, 1930, $125.00 County Surveyor, Purchase of Map f~r Plan. Arey-~onee 0om~amy, Office Supplies, Pas. Telephone and Telegr.0o. Telephone Service, May, ~, D. ~e~G~e~$n~ '~l~a~ric 0o~'. i~s and Electricitydo. 7684 7685 7~? ?688 ?689 Mine Safety Appliance 00. ?690 State 0c~. Fund, 7691 Pay Roi1, ?~92 Pay Roll, 7693 Robison's Servioe Station, 7694 Peterl Feed Store, 7695 An~rioan Bit~wauls 7695 0. V. Electric 00., ?69? M. 0. ~lliott, 7688 A. H. Skinner 0o. ?~99 S. D. Trecto~ & E~uip. Co. 7?00 0harlee ??01 Fuaon & tfinninge, ??02 Helm Drothers, ?705 Bungalow Sweet Shop, 7?04 Hazard-Gould & 0o. ??05 Dr. F. E. Aehcroft, ??0~ C. V. Paint and Hdw. Store, ??07 Pacific Aoetyleue 0o. 7708 Denrich P~eee, 7?09 0. V. Lumber 0c~any, 7710 S. W. Water 0~rporation, 7711 M. G. White, 7712 Leila 7713 Sch~ 0cm. 0o., 7714 Union 0il 0om~any, 7715 Chas. Ditl~ner, 5, 50 4.00 56.35 494.06 ~ae Masks for Fire Department, 103o76 O~ensation Insurance, Auto Tires a~ Repairs, ~lok~ 0o~, 3.10 Bit~a f~ Street RepaY, 10.92 Work for Fire ~p~ent ~.~ Hire of horse ~d p~aae of s~ubs, ~9.~ Repa~a ~ ~aotor, 5.01 0~1 ~n, F~e ~pt., 4~.~ F~e ~p~at~ ~epaira, (New battery) 71.25 ~s f~ priao~rs in city Jail, 1~.~ Grader ~a~ea for a~t ~a~ers, ~.~ ~dical ~i~tion of alle2e~ ~,-~e, ~89.~ ~w~e ~ Paint, 19.~6 Aoe~leae f~ weldi~ outfit, 4.06 O~nt ~d L~, 4.~ Water, ~, 19~, g~.?0 ~nd ~r 0ity Artery, ~.~ 0lark for planning 0cm. (Payment denied) Sewer Pipe, Gaa~line and lubrie~ts, ~y, 19~, Oh~ber of 0~nree ren~, 4~.~ AD~0URNMENT: Upon motion by 01. Hawkins, seconded by Gl. Lyons, which carried, the Oounoil adjourned sine die. Attest: Oity Ol~rk.