HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1930/09/02SEPTEMBER 2, 1930 ~[Nb~l'~ OF A RBGULAR ~TIN~ OF TH~ OITY OOUNOIL, OF ORT3LA FISTA, ~ALIFORNIA, ~n The Council met in regular session, in the Gouneil Ch~aber of the City Hall, on above date, with l~ayor Done presiding. Masting called to ca-der at ?:30 po m. Pre,an Mayor Done, Gouncilmen Conyers, Howe, Lyons. Absent: Gounollman Hawkins. ~L~A',-~ OF PREVI0~S ~f~.TINGS: The minutes of the last regular meeting of August 1930, of an adjourned regular meeting of August 16, 19~0, and of · special meeting of August ?, 19~0, were approved as prepared, and read by each member of the Gounoil Board of ~qualization: The minutes of the proceedings of the Bos~d of ~qualiza tion, held August 11, 19~0, were approved aa read by each member of the Gouncil. LOCAL AIR PC~T: Mr, $. M. Ater again appeared before this Gouncil and stated th no action had been taken by the owners of the local airport $o abate the du~t that ar when airplanes are taking off and landing. The clerk read a espy of the letter he ha written the owners, on ~uly 3, 19~0, with the statement that no reply had been reoeiv Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Howe, which oarrie~, the city attorney was etruoted to communicate with the owners, advising them that ~diate action must be taken to abate the dust nuisance. W=~-~', 0LEANING: Mr. Charles E. l~m~ owner of a five-acre tract of land on the front, ece-plalned about a bill ha had received for cleaning the weed. from the land mentioned, which amounted to $16.00. Mr. l~m~ thought that the cleaning could have accomplished in S hours labor by one ma,. Mr. ~harton, in charge of weed cleaning, that in the rear of the erupt7 building on the land he had found a large pile of heav~ machinery, with weeds g~owing through itT and it necessitated the re, oval of this pil of machinery before the weeds could be out. No action taken. A letter from Mr. Gharlie A. Ha,a, aoarplaining about the pri~e charged for lng the weeds from a five-,are tract of land owned by btm-elf, was read. Ordered fil upon motion by Gl. Lyons, seconded by Gl. Oonyers, which serried. S~w~T LIGHT: Mr. Wllford E. Bradley, owner of an auto court on National Ave, at Ghula Vista Street, informed the Council that he had presented a petition to this Oouncil, over a year ago, asking for the installation of a street light on National ~ at Ohula Vista Street. The clerk stated that this matter had been referred to the s~ commissioner with power to sot. Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by 01. Conyers, was again referred to the street con~niesioner, with power to act. TRUC~ ROUTES THROUGH THE CITY: In the matter of routing heavy trucks throu~ the city, which route had been designated as on L Street end Bay Boulevmrd, by Resol~ No. 315, Mr. Y. K. Stickney, attorney at law, representing the Truck Owners Aseociatt of San Diego, presented a prote,t, signed by various truck owners and operators, in the said owners claimed that it is Lmposeible to run their trucks over Bay Boulevard, especially in wet weather. The clerk reed a letter from the secretary of the ~uck ers Association, and a petition signed b.* by practically all the property owners on National Avenue, within the city limits, asking that the trucks be permitted to use Avenue as a through route, After discussion by Ma~sers T. G. Her,mm, W. E. Bradley Pa~l Slosh, Cl. Lyons offered Besolution No. 31?,~which is a resolution amending Bee( tion No. 315, and directing that L Street and National Avenue will constitute the for through trucks. The resolution was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: ~1. Gonyers, Done, Howe, Lyons. N~: Nc ~A~EItT: Gl. Hawkins. POPG02N STAND: Mr. ~. C. ;~-e, of this city, by a letter, and verbally, ask~ for permission to conduct a popcorn stand, or wagon, on Thied Avenue, in front of el1 Skinnar's Dry Goods Store, or Ma?'wr's Store. The clerk read the ordinance covering class of business, and it was found that such a stand is classed as a peddlar, and s~ to the license fee. Mr. Lane did not care to ~ay the license fee. and no action was ~eeting of September 2, lg$O, Continued. LI~P~ARY BOARD: A resignation of a m~mber of the libre~-y board on account of le~ ing th~ city, signed by Mrs. Alice L. Henderson~ was read. The resignation was acco: and upon resmmmendation nf the Library Board, Mr. W. S. Phillips, was nominated by M Done, to succeed Mrs. Henderson. The clerk having advised that the tex-m of office o Mr. P. S.~-Ustis, as a m~-~er of the ~l~?rary Board had expired, and that the Library Board had recommended Mr. Enstia to ~eed bit, elf. The Mayor nominated Mr. ]~ustis for 1;he position, and both nominations of the Mayor were confirmed by motion by C1.G yore, seconded by Gl. Lyons, which carried. CITY ENGIm-.~: The clerk read a letter fr~m Cl. Hawkins, with reference to t~ employment of another city engineer, to replace the present building inspector. Cl. Conyers, who is in charge of the building dep~rtm~nt, stated that he did not eonside~ any action ~aew~. ~ by b~m~elf necessary. The letter was c~dered filed upon motion by Cl. Conyers, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried. VAOATIONS: Chester Norman, eeaployed as laborer earing for street trees, ask. for a vacation, one week of which to commence September S~ 19~O, and the other week e~w,en~e September 22, 1930. His reasons for having the vacation in two periods are that this arrangement will not leave the street trees wll~out water for a two week's period. ~ranted, subject to the approval of the president of the PlAn,lng Ccmm~issio: upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Gonyers, which carried. Clove R. Storm, a tractor driver in the street department, asked for a ten day's vacation, cc~,ancing about September S, 1930. Granted upon motion by Cl. Con- yers, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried. PERIODICAL REPORT~: The monthly reports of the City Judge .~,~I Fire Chief, fo. August, 1930, were presented and ordered received and filed. C~DINANCE No. 20?: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Conyers, which s tied, Ordinance No. 207 was placed on its first reading. This an ordinance defining the duties of firemen, policemen and street employes. ~IDG~ ON 1~ AV~N~ SOUTH OF E $T~T: Cl. Howe brought to the attention of this Council the fact that the bridge on 4th Avenue, South of K Street, is ,re=ere for heavy trucks, and asked for permission to so post it with · suitable signs. Upon motion by Cl. Conyers, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the street departme was authorized to post signs on each aide of this bridge, prohibiting loaded trucks from using this bridge. PLAN~ING C0~ION MIN~: ~o minutes of a ~ecl~ meoti~ of the pis,hi C~lssion, held ~. 19, 19~, w~e read, ~d action t~en as follows: 0ons~otion of ~ addition to the ~a~ Pae~ ~use, cockled by ~t~ ~n Assoeiati~. No action t~, ~d held over ~ furze meetly. No o~ar action t~en, or req~red on o~er it~ of these ~nutes. ~ti~ of A~t ~, 195. ~ the ~tter of publishi~ a notice o~li~ for he~l~m on the ~Jor ~affie Pi~, approval. No action required on other lt~ of ~is ~etl~. C0NI~IACTOR'S BOND: The bond of W. R. Darby, Beefing Contractor~ upon recc~men tion of the city attorney, was approved, upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Howe, which carried. ~T0~ V~aiIOLE INSL~ANC~: The two polloles for ~tor vehicle instance, issued Per~H. ~odwin C~y, Nos. ~20~7 ~d~-2~, lns~i~ ~e oi~ ~ainst ~ ~e done by its vehicles, or v~teles ~iven by its ~lo~a, were accepted, ~d ~e oertifl~ cheek of the o~a~ ~dered ret~ned, ~on motion by Cl. ~ons, seconded Gl. Co~ers~ ~ioh e~rled. REPARTU~W~S OF CITY GOVEI~: Cl. Conyers moved that when any matter pertain to any department of the city is to be brought before the Council, for discussion or aetion~ that it will be presented by the Councilman in charge of that particular de- Meting of September 2, 1950, Continued. BTLT~ PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Oonyers, which carrie. the following bills, after exam~uation by the finance oc~aittee, were ordered pal. 7795 F. B. Andrews, 7796 So. Pacific Telephone Co., 7?97 Western ~etal Supply Co. Motor ??98Myra R. Burger, 7799 0rohard Operating Ccmrpany, 7800 S. D. Con. Gas and Elect. Co. 7801 R. V. Morris & Co. ?802 Melville Realty Company, ?805 E. & J. Sales 0orporatlon, ?804 Pacific Acetylene Co., 7805 H. G. Fenton ~,~terinl Cumpauy, 7SOtAutocar Sales and Service GOo 7807 S. D. Tractor &EQuip. ¢o. 7808 Guptil & Sabin~ 7809 Percy H. Goodwin Co. 7810 Ohula Vista Star, 7811 CaliforniaLaundries, Inc. 7812 C. V. Paint and Hdw. Store, 781~ Pay Roll, 7814 PayRoll, 781§ Kalanquin Diebold Safe Co. 7816 Hughes & Johnson, 7817 M. C. ~lliott~ 7818 S. W. Water Corporation, 7819 Peters Feed Store, 78Z0 W' E. Capwell, 7821 F. E. Ashcroft, ?822 Charles E. Smith, ?SP~ B. R. ~wtin, 7824 So. Bay L~ber Company, 7825 Hazard-Gould Co. 782~ Birdie's Eat Shop, 7827 J. S. Schirm CommerCial Co. 782~ A- H. Skinner Co., 7829 The Service Pharmacy, City Attorney, August, 1930, Telephone Service, do. Hardware Supplies, Pipe Fittings~ etc. Tax Refund for 19~9, Hire of Mules water street trees~ Gas and Eleetricity, August, 1930, Fire ~xtinguisher recharges, Insuranoe on City Garage, Purchase of an Inhalator, Acetylene, Gr~vel Repairs to Autoear Truck~ 0verhaullngTraetor, Insurance and Renewal of Bond, ~otor Vehicle Insurance, Printing and Publishing, Laundry for city Jail, Hardware Supplies~ Street ~ployes, August, 1950. Miscellaneous ~mployes~ August, 1950, Standing Desk for Police Dept. Pipe Fittings, Hire of Horse, hauling brush, Water, August, 1930, Blacksmith Goal, Clty~ugineer, July, 1950, Medical Examination of alleged drunks, Aug. Call~en~ Fire Dept., August, 19S0, Tax C~uting Scale, Sewer Pipe Fltting~ Fittings Installing Pump at Sewer Plant, Meals for Prisoners in City Jail, Aug., 1950 Sewer Pipe, Paintfor Traffic ~zrkings, Replace for first aid kit, ADJOI~qNMENT: Upon motion by Cl. Conyers, seconded by Clo Howe, which oa the Council adjourned to 7:~0 p. m., September 10, Attest: Oity Clerk.