HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1930/09/10MINIFi~S OF AN ADJOURNED P~GUL.¢P~ ~EETING OF T~ CITY COLUNCIL, CH~ILA VISTA, CALIFORNI SEPTEMBER 10, 1930 ~he Council met, pursuant to adjournment, in the Council Chamber of the City on the above date, with Ma~or Done presiding. Meeting called to c~der at ?:30 p. m. Present: Msqvor Done, Oouncilmen Howe, Lyons, Hawkins, Conyers. ~A~i~ O~ CO~O~ I~LI~TAT. I~: The clerk brought up the matter of ~ interest received on the sity's share of ownership in the above mentioned land. It s peered from the correspondence presented that the Industrial Lands C~mmf tees of the S Diego Chamber of C~eroe had held the $500~00 contributed by this city, for a period approximately nine months without interest, and if interest had been paid for the ful period of time the funds were held, there would be due this city, $28~A~. Upon motic Cl. Lyons, seconded by Gl. Hawkins, which carried, the clerk was instructed to again up the matter with the San Diego Chamber of Onmmerce. ~-E~GH'S PACKING HO~$E: The Building Inspector filed a written report on th result of his inspection of this building. He could not find th~ building ~=m=ged the service to the extent that it should be conde~ued; on the other hand, he had found ~ slight d-m-ge, the repair of which would not cost over $10.00 of $15.00. Upon being before the Council, he verbally stated that he considered the building safe for furt~ Report ordered f~led as a record. ORDINANCE No. ~-07: Upon motion by 01. Howe, seconded by Gl. Oonyers, whic~ ried~ Ordinance No. ~-07 was placed on its second aud final reading. It was read, passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Done, Howe, Lyons, Hawkins° NO~$: None. ABSENT: None. P~IODIGAL REPORTS: The monthly report of the Chief of Police, for August, was presented and ordered received and filed. SHARP'S PAC~INGHOk~w~: A letter from Walter M. Sharp, Vegetable Shipper, a~ 350 K Street, was read, in whichhe asked f~r permission to conetrust a garage under present pa~king plant. This building being in the residential zone, the request was upon motion by Gl. Rowe, seconded by 01. Hawkins, which scurried. T~w~ ON LI~ARYG~OUND$: Tree Warden Elliott reported that fou~ trees, in the Library Grounds, were badly rotted, and that termites were working in them. of these trees should he removed at once, as a matter m~ safety to pedestrians. Upc~ motion by 01. Gonyers, seconded by Gl. Lyons~ which carried, the matter was referred the street department to remove the one tree mentioned. BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1950-19~1: In considering the expenditures that will 1 authorized for the year l~0-1~$1~ as a budget, the Question arose as to the amount · would be expended for advertisAng, through the local Oh-mber of Oc~merce. Several p, tione, signed by tax payers, were presented. One petition asked that not to exceed: be authorized; another that not to exceed $~00 be au~horized, the others asked that : lng be authorized. In the discussion on the subject, M~ssrs. Ed. T. Smith~ ~. H. Pe Wm. Masters and ~. N. Drew, all talked favoring the Ohamber of O~eroe, and request that at least ~ of the amount levied as taxes be authorized for advertising through Chamber. Messrs. ~ Tabor, ~dwin Y&wger, G. R. Rife and T. G. Rersum, all talked m the proposition. Gl. Oonyere t~enmoved that no amount be set aside or authorized for expendit in advertising, through the local Chamber of C~w-eroe, at this time, but at any time lng the year, if the Ch~er has an advertising project for advertising and prCenotio the matter may be presented to this Council, and action taken thereon as thought bee the Council. The motion was seconded by Cl. Hawkins, and carried~ Cl. Howe voting No Upon motion by Cl. Conyers, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, the followin budget of expenditures was adopted for the year commencing November 1, 1~05 ~ General Government: ~TING OF SEPTW~0~ 10, 19~0, 0ontinued. Police ~epartmsnt: Chief of Police, $P~80.00 Assist~ut Chief of Police, 27~.~ ~o ~toreyele 0ffieer~, 5~.00 ~ Pa~olma, a~ ~tor 0ffieer, ~1~.~ Nl~ Pa~rol~-~ (~affio ~ ho~s) ~.~ Police ~n, 0 ~.~ first ho~, ~ ea~ sueeeed~ ho~, ~.00 ~le~e, ~ivate~ o~ed aut~ mobiles, ~ ~ ~r mile, ~00.00 ~s for ~lsoners, ~.00 ~o~dl~ Fees, 1~.00 Telepho~ Se~lce, 5~.00 Repa~s to ~torcyeles ~ Autos, d~ed in line of duty, $~.00 ~tor V~lcle ~a~ee, ~0.00 0ffioe ~d Other ~ent, 100.00 ~s0ell~eo~ ~endit~es, ~.00 Tot~ 17~. ~ Fire Depar trent: Fire Hydrant Rental, 2~04.00 New Fire Hydrants, ltental, 2~A.O0 Blectrioity for Fire Alarm, $0.00 Telephone Service, 50.00 Repairs and Naintenanoe, 200.00 Auto Allowance, Ohief's Auto, 160.00 Replaoament and Addition to Bquip- merit: Fire Hose, and other equip- raent, 300.00 Chemical Recharges, ~.0.00 Salaries: Fire Chief, ~-580.00 A~st. Chief, 1980.00 E~gineer, 1920.00 Volunteer Firemen, ?§0.00 Motor Vehicle Insurance, 141.00 Miscellaneous ~xpendi tures 50.00 Tot al 10749.00 Health Department: 0~1~1~1 ty Nurse, 1190.00 City Health 0ffieer, 600.00 Nurse's Transportation, 1~5.00 ~edical Supplies, E§o00 To~al 19ACc00 City Court: City Judge, 1800.00 Oourt Clerk, 1200.00 Printing, 40.00 Office Supplies, Dockets, Books, 108.75 Total ~1~075 S~reet Department: Street Superintendent, $2040.00 Labor, Tractor Drivers, etc., 8400.00 Gasoline and Lubricants, 2450.00 Repairs to Equip~nt, 1375.00 Meeting of September 10~ 1930, Continued. BILLS PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Conyers, which 0arried, the following bills, after examination by the finance committee, were ordered paid: 78~0 Union 0il Oompauy, 7831 Smith Drug Store, 7832 Chn~nel Ohevrolet Co. 783~ Tom J. Allen, 7B34 Leila youngblood, 78~5 Burgess Super Station, 7836 Fuson & Kinnings, 7837 Skinner Hdw. Go., 783~ Orchard 0per,ting Company, 78~9 S. D. Gas and Electric 0o., 7840 Eizer Auto Top Shop, 7841 Murray M. Campbell, Gasoline end Lubric&uts, aug., 19~0, Time books and drugs, ~otor Repair parts, · ~gineering services~ Clerk for Planning Commission, Automobile tire tube, ~otor parts and repairs, Hardware and Paint, Hire of m,,1As watering trees, Electricity, Street signs, Aug., 1930, Automobile repairs~ upholstery, Insurance, Fire ~nd Theft, Tractor, $ 7~ ADJOUR~VA~J~T: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Clo Conyers, which carrie the Council adjourned sine die. Attest: Oity Clerk.