HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1930/11/05 JaRIJ'1'IS ~ A ~ BIaULAR "'n.1'l1I OY 'ŒI 0I'1'!' 00t!1Ðn. ~ amJLA. VIBT.L, cw.IJ1 ŒJ) ROßMBBR 15, :uI:50. '1'be CIo1moll .1:, pur.uaa1: W poa'Pon "1 11'- 111. the Counoll œ.ber ot 'he 0 Ball. on the above ðate, with IiI701' Dona lIrea1d1Da. JlMtlDe oalled to arder at ., p. .. Pre.ent: -=- Deme, OOllJl.e11Mn OoDl'u.. 1.You. Ba'l'ld.u, Howe. JaII\7.I!II8 0", 1'BKVI0U!! IØlTDIœ: '!'he at=te. ot the lut r~ .etUlg, hel· Oo1:ober '. li30, JlaTlDe bøI11'M4 1IJ' Noh _bar ot tile Co1moll. were appr0n4 wi out oorreoUon. 1IDD 0I&A¡JrIJIG: JiIr. 3'o!u11L Aader1:, _ ot Low 1., 15 _ 16. Blook C, La p~ n..... OCI8IiPla1u4 1iba.1: he t1la4. a ohup tor _d oleaA1DC, _unU.. to ".0&0, 011 hi. tu; .___lI.t OOYW1Da * a1loft _tione4 proper'J'j that .DO ..-. i. 'ft1'e ole...A4 tpea .dd pJ'Opel"Q', aD4 JI. 3'. 1IIaer--, wll8 bat ollar.. ot .eed 01...1 lC1'e*1ac with, 1Ipem .oUoa " 01. iIIørIWUI. Moaaaed 117 01. ~, a retwul of ... I to JiIr. ~ert ... ordered. JRD J'IIIWII'TII!] LIClSI JiIr. Georp Oolbert, of sa D1., who 1. parUal1:T 1111114, uked tor a tl'ee l10nae to peddle broau IUld 1JrQËM UIroQShout tIt.e 01 V. Granted, 1Ip0l1 _Uon b;, 01. H_, eeooaaed 117 01. I.7ou, 1dúoh earr1ed. ~ ~A.~OI': Mr. O. G. Grq, rqn..nUII& the looe.l Ohu:be:r ot Co _roe, nr~ '..teel ..Teral propo.al. tor Gllr1.... ðeooraUon, 1:be eod ot wb waa to be pa1l1 b;r tile 01 'J', nil: Pla.. . "em dan, oemta1n1DC the wœ'dll: "Ohllla V1eta,· at e.ch end ot the in '1'h1r4 -''lUue. '1'he.. two 81pa w1U oo.t taDO.OO¡ tile _t tor 1utallaUOD wi ooet teoo.oo _re, ad :Cbr the _1&'-08 ot the e1pa, 1Ir. Ck'q had no 4.t1n1t11 int_Uon. ùotbar prepo.it1on, to u.. the pre.ent wirlDc tile 01 V ana, add add1 'ion and l1.¡kta, to oo.t tl04..oo, 1&ber &lad ate1'1al¡ oo.t f~ 81eotr1c1V. 126.00 to: tbr.. week'. .U"Y108. .ÞOtIler Propoaall '1'Q ere" two wooden .1pa, to to.1: *'.,.~, with t'our tloc Up.., oœ1: 180.00 1I1.talled. Total eo.t tot: woo4 .1&U, flood l1gh\a, 1nata.lla1 ..4 elaetr10 eurro.t, tl¡a.50. Uter lliaoue.1on, the entire .U.I' ... helll 0'1'81' to another _UDg. r.oc.u. ~: A letter 1'roIII ¡. K. Atar, who bad ~la.ú:e4 abaout tIl. duet v1.iac trœ t.be looal aUpon, ..e read, 111 whioh 1Ir. -'tar MF. the a1tuaUon 11 at the airport 18 DOIf ..t1.taoto17. BOTm.: -' rçre_tat1n o~ tile Dunewdt C~au:r, ot Se Dl8go, pr...nted . at' a hotel b\¡lldUS to be oonatrqoted _ the SOUthwe.t oomer ot '1'h1rd Anenue 8J: S1inet, IID4 Ull:e4 far .. ezproe..1OD or op1D1on of tIl1s Oounoll .. to 1Ihetller or I tile proJeet 1JOUl.d be apprond, .. part ot the lud on 1Ih1oh tile propoR4 ooutruc 18 to be~. lb. with1l1 the ÜDgle reddeaoe _. Be ... 1nfanae4 that when had a detin1te propo.1tion .. to the oonetruoUon, th1a 00uD01l would _1der tl M~eting of Novee~ber 5, 19~0, Continued. aek~ the oity to exea~t part of hie land frc~a the proposed fire distriet. Olerk in etrueted to write Mr. ~.~ilton that the eity ia not forml~g a fire dietrlet~ but th it will ooneider ~he aeoeptauee of ~ueh a diatriet, when for~ed by the property own outside the oity, who a~e interested. · A',.~: In eonnestion with the Water Company's applioation to divert water fr the Sweetwater River to Coronad% a letter fA'ma the Clt~ of (k~rondo, to this was presented, and it uppeare that the City of ~onado ia not deeiro~ of taking a water away from this oity, and any action it ~ay take in this rotter, will be to pr teot its interests. .~E~T TREES: Mr. Robert L. ~bAeller, chairman of the Citizens O-',~-~ttee of loe~ ~ cf O~r~, info,ed ~ia C~eil, by later, ~at at a ~et~ of oivie bodies of t~ oity, the fast w~ ~lool~ed that ~e o~t ~oes vhl~ have pl~d on the s~eete, ~e not reeoi~ t~ o~e ~ey ~o~ ha~, ~ reo~n~t ~t ~re help be ~1~ to ~e for the ~ens. Refe~ed to t~ Oi~ Plannt~ ~aaion, ~on ~tion by Cl. ~wki~, Base, ed by Cl. ~o~rs, whi~ I~AILROAD C~O~Si~G SIG~5: The S. D. & A. Ry. O%m~any l~o~ed ~he that leg~ r~a~ ~sl~ a~ ~e n~t loea~ on E~ ~ I, ~, E ~d L S~eet~, ~ on ~ ~ev~, ~nl~ of a rai~d ~oaa~, torned over to Polloe ~p~t to ~ve ~e re~atl~ ai~s erectS, ~on ~tion ~1. Oo~ra, seceded by Cl. ~o~, ~i~ e~r~. WAT~.: In the matter of the Sweetwater Cca~any desiring to divert water rrm its eyeteea to 0orona~o, and other please, Cl. Hawkins offere~l Re~olution No. 319, whioh ia a resolution authorizing the e~loy~ent of Attorney T. B. Coe~'ove, to protest ~ i~teralte. The resolution was x~ad, a~d wee peeled) adopted an~ approw al read, by the followlK vote, to-wit: A]~: 01. Oo~Ferl, Done) Howe, Lyou, Ha~ NC~: Nons,. AB~: None. i~E, PE~Ct~A~E OF AU~I~BII~ FC~I: Upan ]aotion by 01. Ooayers, eeoonded by ( L~ow% whioh sex, led, the p~lrohase of & Yc~d Automobile, to oost ~495.00~ for use ( the O~.-~.lty and .~eho~l Numa, wes authorized. Taw local Seho~l Board ia to pay the eity $21.56 par month for twelve months, as its Ihare of the automobile. ~ OFFI~: Cl. Oonyere re~,,,,,*,"Aded an increase in the salary of the Oi~y Health Offieer, his salary having been re~ueed in the budget for this year. No aetion was taken. ~AMINATION OF II~UNEB: 01. Conyere brought up the question of pay eethb- liehed for the medioal exa~ination of persona arrested by the police an~ alleged under tho lnfluenee of intoxieaute or n~rootiee, and thought that Dr. F. E. Ashore: should have a different rate of pay for this work, when c-~ed out of bed at night 01. ~awkiue moved that if Dr. Asheroft is oaLled to e---ins a ei~gle ease between hours of 10:00 p. mo, and ~:00 a. m., of any day, ~he should reoeive ~00 for examination. Motion sesonded by Cl. I~ons, an~ serried. T'~4~PHOI~g FOR CO~T ROOM: In the matter of installing an independent in the Ooort Roc~, upon motion Cl. Hawkins, seoande~ by Cl. Lyons, whieh ~arred, matter was referred to 01. ~onyare. ~DINANC~ No. PA)~: ~pon motion by 01. Oonyere, seoonded by 01. Howe, wh serried, Ordinaries No. 208 was plaoed on its first reading. This is an or~inanoe the present PlYing O~dinanoe. PLANNING O0~8ION'- Mayor Done tmving been appointed as ex~offieio mere of the Pl*n~lng C~-~ssion, resigned as ~uoh member, and appointe~ ~_a_~ry G. MOC~SO f~e yes,ney. Appointment confirmed upon motion bF Cl. Hawkins, seoonded by ¢1. Cc which serried. Meeting of Nov-.ber 5, 19~0, Continued. PLANNING C0~e~r.~SION ~r~'~g~: The ~nutes of a m~tl~ of the Ol~ ~nt for printl~ ~J~ S~eet PI~ ~p, $1.~, app~o~d. P~nt f~ pl~ts ~r the pla~ approved. No ot~r action was fo~ neoeaa~. MA~ S~EET PLAI~: ~he ~ap of the Major Street plow, aa ad~pted ~ the Plannil O~.~ salon, was filed with the Oit~ Clerk. In the matter of this Counell~eelllng a hea~ing on the above mentioned plan, C: Hawkins offered Reeolution 1~o. 320, which is a resolution directing that a notice be published, ~lltng a hearing by this Council, which hearing was set for December 2, : at ?:~0 p. m., to be held in the Council Chamber. The resolution was read, and was adopte~l, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: A~ES: Cl. Lyons, Hawkins, Conyera, l~one, Howe, I~0F~: ~ous. A~S~NT: None. I'~IODICAL R~PORT~: The monthly reports for the month of 0etober, 1930, of th~ Chief of Police, Yire Chief A~ City Judge, were ordered received R,~ flle~l. BY~-T-q ~XID:~ Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by 01. Hawkins, which cart&ed, the following'kills, after e-=-4uation by the Finance C~e~ittae, were ordered paid: 7880 1~ Roll, 7881 do. ~2 F. B. Andrews, ?883 R. ~. ~harton, ?~84 ~ie ~n~, ~ ~l~aon 7~ Rosa' G~t ~op, ~ O~18on & 7~9 S. W. Wat~ Co~oration, ~891 ~e $~ 789~. D. ~ A. ~o ~93 Cost ~ek Line, ~ Co~ ~ ~ Di~o, 7898 ~l~ ~899 ~er8 7901 O. V. L~b~ Co., ~90~ ~ion 0il 79~ Western ~t~ Supp~ 7905 ~elson & 79O6 ~90~ 7908 7909 7910 7911 791~ 7913 7914 7915 7916 Miscellaneous ~ployes, Oct., lg~O, $~00.02 -~ ~ee t ~loyes~ do. 0i~ Att~n~, ~o. 125.~ Convention ~nlea, 29.0 ~o~ S~i~ Oct., 19~, 62.91 ~1l,s ~a~ f~ St~ sl~, 7.70 Office ~lles~ 5.10 ~r ~pair P~ts, ~.~ Water, 0et., 19~, ~ for ~e of Stud ~velopea, 117.~ Bl~a Pavl~ 0il, ~d Dis~ibutor, ~6.32 ~r on ~ad Ro~er, 19.98 ~ on Au~bile, ~.~ O~rk fo~ P~m--t~ O~salon, 2.~ ~s for ~i~ners, in Ci~ Y~I, 1~.30 L~ber a~ 0~ent, 61.81 ~aoline a~ ~rie~ts, 0et., 19~, 107.6~ ~ ~ ~otrici~, do. 458.49 ~ ~on~ 3.~ ~tor ~e~ir P~ts, ~.21 ~act~ Re~ P~ts, 28.5? ~t~ ~ P~ta, 1.69 to. P~ta f~ P~, 3.0C E~ctric~ty f~ S~t Sl~, 4.~ 8.1~ 1.~ ~7.~ 0. V. Paint and ~Idw. Store, Paint and Hardware, Hughes & Johnson, Plumbing Repairs, T. B. Cosgrove, Attorney for Water Rearing, ADJ0~I~: Upon~otion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carris~