HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1946/01/28 ur~FT~5 OF I~ULAR AIlTOUt~D U~'~TJ_~ OF THE
CALIF01~At ~.~ YANUARY 28t 1945
The Council met in the Council C~=mbers of the City Hall on the above date
with Mayo~ Xeithley presiding. The meeting was called to ex, let at ? o,clock P.M.,
l~csent: Council-~u ~eit~ley, Riesland, B~rnside, killer, ~so. Absent`. None.
II~'r~CTI0~...I~0M ~:.. The clerk read a letter frc~ City Attorney
in which M~.lliggs set forth the procedure for the adoption of Resolution of
~ntereSt and Necessity re ~ewer and B~ilding Bonds.
~SOLD~i~C~ N0.72~.: Councilma~ Kidder offered Reaclution No.723. This is
a Reso'lution e~loying attorneys for bond issues. The uasolution was read in full
and was passed, a~optod and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes=
Counc~n kidder, Riesl~d, Eeithley, Chase, Burnside. Noes-. None. Absent:
~ES0LUT~0N N0.e?24.: Councilm~ Eeithley offered l~solution No.?~4. This is
Resolution determining that the public interest and necessity demand the soqaleition
and construction of certain municipal 4mprevements and making findings relating
thereto. The Resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and epproved by
the following vote, to-wit`. A~es: Councilmen Eeithley, Chase, kidder, Riesland;
Noes: C~ancilman Burnside. Absent.' None.
CITY ~`. Councilman l~icsland read the following statement to the council:-
eOn tune 19, 1945, whe~ the City ~nsger Ordinance No.345 was passed, the majority
of the council agreed that, if this meA~o~ of administration p~oved successl'.,1 the
matter would be placed on the ballot fc~ public approval on April 9,
Since we have had a city manage~ the cash reseA-,, of Ohula Vista is the l~gest in
the history of ~he citye
Since we have had a city mcmarr the cost of operation per capita ,~s beeom~ the
low~st in the history of the city.
Since we ha~ had a city -~-eger the operatix~ expense of the city of Chula Vista
has become one of the lowest ~ong cities of its size in the ~tate of California.
This methyl of operation has thus p~oven itself so efficient that I offer the
following resolution, placing it on the ballot for ~pp~oval of the public. #
~E FOLIAmA~ NES0LUT~0N N0,725~ ~ is a Re~lu$ion,su~i~ ~ ~oe
~r~ia~ for She ~i~ ~ ~om of gov~t, ~ t~ e~ of the City
~pted ~ ~p~ by the feting ~te, t~t~ ~s~ C~n ~es~,
~it~y, ~e, ~msi~e, ~er. ~es~ N~e. Ab~nt~
p~pOBition by ~e ole~ of She ci~ ~ ~p~ t~ p~s~$ ~
~ieh Pr~es for a ~r~l C~msien, re~ ~ ~t~l~ b
~ ~r~l ~ t~ ~i~y, ~ fa~e~ the pass~.~f ~ ~ee p~eet~ t~
~rso~el ~ a 8tm41~ ~ sho~ ~ $~
City Attor~y ~ate~ ~at, in his option, w~t~r:~ is~ of City M~r c~ie~
or not, 0~ee No.~ wo~ be ~ealed by ~0n. ~ ~ther stat~ that,
in his op~i~, the ~t~r ef ~int~ a ~el ~ssi~, ~s ent~ely 1~.
~ ~,~ ~. ~e e~ ~ ~ its ~tire~ a ~po~ ~ t~ soti~ties~
objective ~-~ f~s, etc., of ~ Atthority. ~e repo~ ~ e~er~ ~le~.
TAX lqZD~sTH~ DEE~: On notion by Counci~=`- B~rnsi~e, seconded by
OouncilmauXidder, ~hich carried, tho ]da~or was authorized to sign two (2)
Dee~ls on propex-ty in the City of Chula Vista. which he~ been dse~ed to tho
city fc~ taxes, smd ~mbsequentl~ redeln~l in full.
One parcel deeded to Eagle ~nves~nont Core. ny, an~ tho nthor parcel to
Fley(1 Be and Flere~oe De]Iex'r.
~TG~ATIOH ~:. T~e clerk read a letter signed by F.A. Taylor, T.$.Butcher,
H. EolloSg, M. ceBl~naba~l, I.E.lootters ~u~ C.AjBoltz,-in which they suggested
that all mmabers of the preaeat city council, whose rex-ms do mot expire this
year, to resign, an~, ~f t~ey desire, run for electioa in April.
They further state~ that it mulel ~m necessary to paSs bond issues in order to
provide funds for the ~gont construction an~ extension of the cew~r~ and streets
of ~ c~nmnity, an~ establis~"~ut ami ~onstTustic~ of a ]~ocreation Center,
new City Hall an~ a Civic Oenter. The letter Ns ox~lered fi~od without
STR~KT 3~.3~Ll-~S: Counci~.m~ Burnside asked why t~e city f~rce was being used to
plant trees uho~ bad holes in tho st~eeta were left in a d--_~srous condition.
0ity J~enager ~ay was instructe~ to ~hesk ca tho specific places if
would name th~, end have se~e repaired if possible te do so at tho present time.
~we~mmur~8~ ~Y I~ATX~ 0~8~: The clerk read a
tho RoeTeation C~m"~Wsio~ to ~ ccunoiA, that the City of Chula Vista negotiate
wiSh the le.lo~, to immodiate~ purchase tho present U.S.O. Building en whatever
terms 8.ve most favorable to the city.
Mr. Sterke bet~ present, wes aslm~ by CounciTM ~iselan~, if, in his opinion,
the city bought tho building, could t~e ~.,-tssion operate it aml suppl~ necessary
money for _~.~, to which M~.~ta~ko replied that the c,~..-.,,lmsion,, subject to the
counell, would establish eefu.~tteea, -~ he thought proceeds frmn activities would
aaply suppl~ the necessary fon~s to operate.
Ms, or ]~eithley asked M~.Sta2~o if, in his enquiries,di~ ho fin~ the majority
of the people in favor of tho city buying the U.~.O.Building, to which M~.Btarke
answered, ~Yes, ~efinitely'.
I~see-g~ndatioa to the City Council
~ oy ~C0~A~0~.: of Chela Vista,:. ,.
SU~ECT: Pu~shaae of present U.S.O. Buildingo
~ tho ]ise~eation Ocumissien, at its ope~ meeting on ~anua~y 18, 1946, was
requeste~ by tho Citizens of Chula Vista, to foxes ~ Citi~en~ C~m~ttee, to raise
$12,000.o0 for l~e capital outlay tc be need to purchase pr*lent U.~.O.Building.
~ at the special O~muu~aalOn meeting of ta~ua~y ~50 19460 plans wore
formulate~ to o~ganize a Citize~ Cemaittee; and in seataotin~ recommnded citizens
~o make up ~is connittee; it was the feeling of She Bse~eatiea Cematseion t~at
time to instigate such a lax~e ea---paign was too shex-t m~,~ that in discussion
with other intex~eto such aa clubs, service clubs, A~A other organizations, it
was felt by thmn that tho City Couaeil should take steps to purchase tho building
WE, T~LF~, at a special meeti=g on ~anua~y 28, 1946, tho Recx*eation C-'--..4ssion
by vote reconnien~8 that tho City of Chula Vista n~getiate ~i~h b Y.WeA. to
~Mdistely purchase the preson~ U.SeOoBailding on u~atever te~ are most favorable
to the city. ]~ospe~tfully su~-fltted ~anua~ 28, 19A6
Recreation Cm'~ saiwa,
(S~gned) L~,Starko, Choi~-
(Signed) H.S~-pson, Seer*tax?
Councilm~ ~aase $Jaen offereA the followin~ statement ~ motion=-
The present U.Ho0o B~ilding has been offered to the City of Chula Vista
for purchase price of $~0,000.00.
Because thio building is urgently needed in Chula Vista ~s ~
recreation center for all the people of Chula Vist~ of ~ll ages, ~d
Because the purchase price in relation to value ~s very l~w, ~nd
Because the City if epex~ting efficiently and sufficient f~uds are
available in the City Treasury.
I move that the City Attorney be instructed to detezn~lne the legality
of suaB a pure.,~e and report hack at a later meeting.
The motion was secende~ by Cauncilumn Ris~Laud, and oax~ied~
~A'~,'= ~: ~as~eh as a eaSe to be held in Chula ¥iata Court
necessitate the diequal~ioati~u of ~udge 0~apbell and the proou~ut of
SUrge Molensar to fill the bench for this case, it was moved by Councilman
kidder, seconded by Councilman Burnside, and ce~rried, that ~udge Molenasr
be compensate~ fo~ his services in the e,,ount of $15.00.
The clerk presented a request from Sudge Campbell for a full time clerk
to aid h~ in his offise work. ~udge C~,p. bell being present stated over
15,000. cases had passed through his ~-~s. He further stated that he had
discussed the matter with City M~_~er Ray, who ~oncux~e~ in the need.
After discUssion, in which Me, or Eeithley suggested more time be given, for
investigation, the matter was referred to the city -~-_mer, and Sud~e
Campbell, for facts an~ ~urther infox~ation to be repo~te~ bask at earliest
convenient ~ate.
AIIYOU~. Upon motion by Counc~lm~- Chase, seconde~ oy COtlllcilm~
Riceland, ~hich cax'~isd, the meeting was adjourned to February 4, 1946 at ? im.~.,