HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1945/11/26 l~ilIgu'l'~ OF z~DJOURN~ REGUI~ I~I'I~G OF THE CiTY COUNCIL
THE CITY OF CHtri~ VISTA, C~L!F01~.,~_A~ HELD NOVE~,a=~R .2.6~. 1945.
The Council met in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, pn the above
date, at 7 o'clock PoMo, with Mayor Keithley presiding° Present: Councilm~n
K~ithley, Burnside, Kidder. Absent~ Councilmen Howe, Rieslaud.
RETI~RI~ OF CITY A~'2ORNEY HIGGS: The clerk read a letter from ~.DeWitt
A, Higgs, stating that he expected to return to his position as City Attorney on
January l, 19A6, if agreeable to the council.
Upon mbtiom by Councilman Burnside, seconded by Councilm~n Kidder, which
carried, it was agreed that Mr. Higgs should return smd re~,-~ his duties as City
Attozmey on January l, 19A6, at a salary of $200.00 per month.
~M~NKAT0 PETITION: There having been a petition to repair and surface
M~nkato Street presented at the last council meeting, and there being astral
petitioners present at this meeting, discussion followed as to procedure and cost
for grading and oiling. Mt.Phelps stated that he personally had paid $600.00 to have
these streets put in shape to be expended 12 ye~m'a ago, and said very little money
had been spent since for their upkeep. He did not feel that the property o~mers
should be penalized for this neglect. HOwever, after an explanation by Mr.~ay that
it was necessary to correct some of the faults of the original grading before oiling
could be done, it was finally agreed that a char~ of ten cents per foot of abutting
property to the owners was fair and equitable. Council and all present agreed on
this figure, ~nd ~.Ray was instructed to proceed with the repair as soon as the
deposits were in.
~s.Hubbard and kit.Leslie Hendren appeared before council, requesting that
Landis Street North of "E- Street, be graded and oiled, which brought up the question
again of the necessity for abutting property owae~ to share in the cost of gr~ling
~nd surfacing. Mt.Ray explained that 12~ls street had been accepted some t~- ago,
but that no money had been spent by abutting property cruets. He said that the
records show that streets and subdivisions have been brought to grade and sUrfaced
with a reasonable amOunt of graniSe or oll at the expense of the property owners.
~Lr.Ray estimated the cost to the ownerS of five cents per square foot and requesl~d
authority from the council to spend an extra three or four cents per sqUare foot, so
that a heavier type of surface could be installed, thereby reducing future maintenance
cost. ~ further explained that the matter of not allowing parking on the north
side of "E' Street, may have to be enforced within the near future, ~nd that both
Mr.P~lm~r and M~r.Hendren were thus informed before their investments were
~fter much discussion in which Councllw~ Kidder expressed his displeasure
over the Lurprowment of a short dead-end street, it was mo~d by Councilman Burnside,
seconded by Councilm-~ Keithley, and carried, that the city proceed with the grading
and sUrfacing of that portion of Landis Street on which the proper deposits by the
property owners had been made.
BILL BOA1E~: ~r. Leslie Hendren aud Mfs.Hubbard objected strenuously to
the matter of Bill HOards being placed on "E" Street, Just west of Third Avenue, but
were told by Mt. Ray that, under the present Ordinance, Bill Boerds in business
districts were allowed under certain prOvisions and restrictions, and that this bill
board in question met all of the terms of the existing Ordinance.
0ouncil~aen Keithley, seconded by '~ouncil~n Burnside, which carried, 0rdinanse No.
351 was placed on its second aud final reading. The Ordinance was passed, ~dopted
~nd approved by the following vote, to-wit: ~yes: Counci~en Keithley, Burnside,
Kidder. I~io®s: 1,~one. Absent: Councilmen Howe, Rieslaud.
On ~otion by Counc~lm~ Burnside, seconded by Councilm~n Kidder, which
carried, Ordinance No.352 was placed on its first reading.
0RDI~ANCE N0.3§3: J&I~DING GP~IN~i~C~ N0.216 and 217 FIXING
OF CITY ,i,E~Ji~:
motion by Councllm~ Burnside, seconded by Councilman Keithley, which
csrried, l]~dinauce No.3§3 was placed on its first reading.
0RDIiqANCE N0.354: On motion by Oouncil~ Keithley, seconded by Councilman
Burnside, ~ich carried, Ordinance No.3~ was placed on its first reading.
This is an Ordinance providing for deposit upon spplication for permit to
lay sidewalk.
NO. 719~.' ALri~G MAYOR ~ CITY C~ TO
Councilman Burnside offered Resolution No.?lg. The Resolution was
read in full, end v~s passed, adopted and ~pproved by the following vote,
~yeS: Councilmen Burnside, ~tdder, Keithley. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen
Howe, Riesland.
~Jl~li PAOEING ~E~): The clerk read a letter from the Mmi~er Packing Co~oa~y
in ~hich they stated it w~s almost ~mDossible to find housing for their celery
packers and requestLug permission to once more house their packers in the shed
owned by them at T~dis and Madrona.
On motion by Councilmau Keithley, seconded by Councilma~ Bui~side, which c~rried,
City N~ger Ray was instructed to confer with the Mentor Packing Company,
suggesting they contact the Federal Public Housing Authority smd try to arre~lge
for trailer housing in the ~weetwater Trailer Park in the City of Chula Vista,
and, if satisfactory arrangements could not be made, to take the matter up with
the council at a later date.
Ci'~O CENTER SITE SURVEY: Several bids having been presented for the preparation
of a eontou~ map 'of a Civic 0enter site, on motion by Councilman Keithley, seconded
by Councilman Burnside, which carried, the aw~ was given to Mr, Henry Algert who
resides in the City of Chula Vislm. Mt.Ray waS instructed to see that ¥~v. Algert
received specific inst~otions as to requiremants.
APPOIIqTM~T 0F P~BLIC ~J~IIN($O0~IT'~:m: Mayor Keithley appointed the following
as members ~f the Public Buildings Oommfttee:- to co~fer with M~.E.0harles F~rke:-
Mrs. L~uise Pray, Dr. O.B.Oasey, Mt. Ray Ooyle and Dr. Yohn McCausland, with Mt. George
Ray, Herbert V. Bryant and Frenk ~illits as Ex-Officio members. Upon motion by
Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilm~ Burnside, which carried, the above
appointments were confi~ned.
REQUEST TO OANOEL TA~F~: City Clerk Bryant'requested permissio~ to c~ucel City of
Chula Vist~ '~axes on Lots 13-~. and 14-A in Quartersection 149, this being the
property purchase~ for Civic Oenter site, and ~ow owaed by the City of 0hulaVist~.
On motion by Coml~l..-~ Kidder, seconded by CouneiTM Bu.~nside, ~hich carried,
the clerk was ~ to cancel these taxon on the roll.
RE~REATION EXP~IDIToAm~: City Manager Ray brought up the matter of expenditures
for the Raereatio~ Co.w. iesion, end asked for permissio~ to control same by issuance
of purchase orders in the same m-~r that all other expenditures ere handled.
It was the unanimous expression of the coUncil that this policy should be followed
in the future.
EA~E~2~ FOR S'i'lt,~T PURPOSES: L~r.Ray explained that Mm.Tyce had discussed with
l~im ~the matter of opening a strip AO feet wide on the Easterly end of Lots 5 ~id
9-E, in ~lartersection l?E now owned by the City of Chula Vista, and partially
occupied by the ~ewer Treatment Plant, for street purposes. ¥~.Tyce explained
that this w~S needed fc~ access to his land on which it w~s proposed to build
a factory to ~uf~cture Bobby Oars. Inasmuch as this would ~lso serve the
interests of the city in entering their property, council expressed themselves
that this vould be acceptable to the~, providing an extra ten feet alomg the
southerly line of Lot 6 in Quaryersection l?E, owned by I~roTyce, be added to
the city for street purposes to ~llow the increase in width of "G" Street
extending to the Bay.
AD20U~h~: Upon motion by Council~ Burnside, seconded by Councilr~an
K~it'~ley, which carried, the meeting adjourned sine die.
Herbert V. Bryant, Cit~~ ~lerk.