GALLV~IA, ~.~ APRIL 18, 1932
The Couucil met, purs--~t to adjournment, in the Council Chamber of the City Hal
on the above date, with Mayor Done presiding. ]~eeting called to em-der at 7:30 p. m.
Present: Mayor Dons, Councilmen Howe, L~ons, Bradley, Conyereo
ORDINANCE No. 220: Upon motion by Cl. Bows, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which tEaZle
0rdinanoe No. 220 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance 8mending Ordi
No. 163.
~]NICIPAL ~T.~CTION: ~e Council at this time, took u~ the matter of canvassing t
result of the General ~,nisipal Election, held in this city, on April 11,
ley offered Resolution No. 338, which sets forth the fact that the general municip~T~
duly held; that notice of the election was legally given; that the voting precincts w
properly established and voting supplies furnished; that in ,11 things this election
held end conducted in t~ne, form and ~---er according to law governing elections of
of the sixth class. The clerk presented the "Result of Votes Cast," as handed to him
the election boa~ds, and the Council proceeded to canvass th~ b~J_lots east. T~o votin
precincts were established for this election, and the Cou=c~%~e following to be the
of the votes east at this said election.
N~l~S of Pereo~s
Voted For.
Olaude V. Brown,
William T. Lyons,
George H. Rife,
Louise Pray,
~oeeph D. Codington,
0ha~lee P. Moles,
David H. eudson,
Consolidated Consolidated Total
0flies Voted For. Preoinot "A" Precinct 'B" Votes.
Votes. Votes.
Oouncilman, Full Term, 310 ~73 583
Oounel~ma",, ~ TeI'~, ~4~ ~9 691
Councilman, lVull ~erm, ~0 2?3
Oounollman, Full Term, 1 1
T~easurer, Full Term, 169 175 344
Treasurer, Full Text, 309 318
City Clerk, Full Term, 197 175 372
City Clerk, Full Texan, 298 ~ 631
Aa a result cf the foregoing on,,.vaas of votes cast, the Counsll dee~=~ed the fol
lowing person~ to have been eleetad for the full term of fo~ y~a~s, and until their s
oeseors ere elected and qualified, viz:
Claude V. Brown, City Council=--.
Willia~ T. Lyons, City Councils--.
Charles P. taxies, City Treasurer.
C. S. T~,--ons, City Clerk.
~he resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl.
Conyers, Done, Howe, Lyons, Bradley. NOES: Nons. A_~: Nons.
~PEOIAL WT.~OTION: The Couucil now proceeded to canvass the result of the s~e~lal
tion held in this city, on April 11, 1932. Cl. Lyons offered Resolution No, ~9,~which
sets forth the fact that the special election was duly held; that notise of this elect
was legally given; that the voting precincts were properly established and voting supp
furnishe~; l~at in all things this election was held an~ conducted in t~ma, form
ncr &esording to law goveX'ning elections in cities of t~e sixth alass. This election
held for the princes of voting on the followiug proposition:
~sbal~ the City Counsil of the City of Chula Vista, California, bm authorized to
a tax rate of not to exceed seven {7) cents on each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of
the property in sai~ City of Chula Visth, each £ieasl year; such fun~ obtained
le~J' to be expanded for perks, &dverti~ing ~_,a musie?-
The clerk presented the ~Reault of Votes Cast" &e han~ed to him by the election
bo~, and the Council canvasme~l the votes east. Tee voting ln'eeineta were establish
for this election, and the Council found the following to be the result of the votes
at this said election:
Consolidated Consolidated Total
Precinct #AS Precinete #B" Vote.re.
]Ain~tee of Meeting of April 1~, lg~, 0ontinued.
]~ 0~ZOT~T~ ~T.T.I~t~: ~O~lllOi~ elect Lyons and Browue, took and eubserib,
to the required o~th of office, a~d the ~lerk preeente~ the oaths of office of T~ee~,
elect Moles~ and of h~m-alf; together with the certificates of election of a~ the o:
fioiale elected. Councils-- Bradley then vaanted hie eeat at the Council t~ble, and
Oouuoi~meu elect ~ and Brown took their seats. T~e ~ayor gav~ a short tnlw to ~
Council, u~ging co-operation of the m~abere ami care of the interests of the city to
be the p~aount issue. ~e clerk continued his seat at the table, ami T~easurer el,
Moles not having a seat at the table, continues in office.
C0~AA','"='-~ APPOIiv~: ~e Ma~or nc~inated the fo~owi~ ~poin~nSs of
the 0o~oil:
Cl. ~ to be ~i~- of the f~ o~e, fi~ t~ vao~y ~eal
by lose ~ ~a~ey.
Cl. ~o~ ~ ~ In ah~ of F~e ~ ~a~, relie~
Polize ~ ~lia ~: Cl. Oo~er~ to relie~ ~a~ey.
~ of ~ ~ber: Cl. ~ to relieve Cl. Co,ere.
~116~ ~d ~wer~: Cl. ~ to relieve Cl. C~ers.
~eze n~nat[~ ~re eo~i~ ~ ~tion by 01.
V~TERAI~'S B01~US: The clerk ~ead replies to telegram- sent to Congresazaen, urgiz
the passage of a bill providing payment of veteran's bonus. These telegrams were or~
at the last meeting of this Council.
S~I~ET LZGHT: A petition, signed by property owners of ~operty in the neighboz
of Thir~ Avenue and Roosevelt Street, was read, in which the petitioners asked for th
installation of a itreet ligh~ at the above ~entioued inte~seetioa. Upon motion by C
0onyere, seconded by Cl. Brown, which ~arried, the matter was referred to the street
pertinent, with power to act.
lrLOW~R ~0~: The clerk ~ead a letter fresh ~s. C. N. Darling, chaired? of the
c~ttee to hold the local flower show, in whish Mre. D~rling a~ks that the sma of
$100.00, ~hioh has been authorized by t~is ~ounoil to defray expenses of the flower s
be given to the oo~nittee in a lua~ e~n. Clerk instructed to write Mrs. Darling tha~
law does not ps,nit this prozedure, and bills for expenditures of the flower show mus
be approved by the e~m~..lttee, and forwarded to the city elerk to be paid.
~TC~ VEHICLE INSURAI~E: In the matter of the cost for insurance on two lord tr
belinging to the city, the clerk advised that agents of insurance companies, showed t
to change the present policies to a 50% retention policy, would cost more than the pr
policy does. Council decided to let policy now on hand re,hain as it is.
TAX R~-V~D: Mr. Ray Reuse, aco,-~-~anied by an attorney, again appeared before thi.
Council asking for a refund in the taxes of the Traoy Bri~k and Art Stone 0c~pany, be.
cause, as he eSated, that the aseesso~ had made an error in that he had included the
sewer treatment plant, belonging to the city, as a building on the ~A-aoy property.
t~auee insisted that the denial of the city assessor of this error was not correct.
assessor stated that Mr. Hanes was fox-marly an employs of the Tax Factors, and that
or hie c~any, had made error. Now, Mr. Hause was atte,.pting to profit personally b'.
his own errors, or errors of his company; that to t~e assessor, the whole propoeitio~
· .~ck~d of "~bulance ch&sing#, and that the assessor had fought the thing on that
solely. After further discussion, upon motion by 01. Hoes, ascended by Cl. aonyere,
carried, ~he refund asked for was granted, provided the city attorney finds that it
legal to do so.
· ~EET ~: The city engineer reported on the re, oval of the street trees, ~
asked for by Mr. Y. Y. Flint, at the last meeting of this Council. The city engineer
BV~.T.q pA~rm: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seeonded by
fo~i~ bilge, ~r e~ml~tXon ~ ~e ~n~ c~t~e, ~re ~e~ paid:
8~ C. V. W~"'s 01ub, Oo~ty ~ ~i~er,
8~A P~ Ro~, ~ectl~
8~6 G~til & ~b~, ~n~ f~ eity offlci~s,
8~7 U. S. Fi~eli~ G~ ~., do.
AIXTOLI~(~T: Upon motion by 01. ttowe, seconded by Cl. Oonyers, whioh e~A'ried, l
Oounoil adjourned to 4:00 p. m., April 2~, 1~32.