HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1945/09/11 l~ OF REGLU~R ~,EET~G OF THg CITY COUNOIL OF ~E CITY OF ClkLrl~ VISTA, ~CALIFORNIA, HELD SEPTE1, ,~ER lit 1945. The Council met in regular session in the Cotuucll ~hambers of the City Hall, on the above date, with ~,I~yor Keithley presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7 o'clock P.2~., Present: Councilmen Keithley, Hc~ve, Burnside, Kidder, Rlesland. ~bsant: None. l~inutes of the Regular meeting held ~ugust 13, 194§, ~ud the adjourned regular meeting held August 2?, 19~§, and September ~th, 1945, having been prepared snd mai~d to each m~mber of the Council, were approved as prepared and meiled. RESIGNATION OF 0B'~ OF POLICE: It ha~ing been moved by Councilmen Burnside, seconded by Councilman Ho~e, that the resignation of Chief of Police, v~nich was tendered f~ugust 27, 1945, be ~ccepted to become effective September 1945, aud it having further been moved by Councilman Keithley, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried, that the motion to accept be continued for further consideration at the neXt regular ~neeting to be held Sept~uber ll, 194§, ~ud there being no discussion, the motion to accept the resignation of Chief of Police I~mrrill E.Kelly, w~S carried by the follo~'~ing vote, to-wit:' ~yes: Councilmen Burnside, Kidder, Rlesl~nd, Keithley, H~e. Noes: None. Absent: 1Forte. ~.~.Kelly then thanked the council for their courtesies, und sgain stated that he w~S for the City ~,~uagem~ ~.Ray 10~, ~md that at next election time in ~pril he v~uld be in there pitching. ~:k'.R~y then asked the council if, on such short notice, they vdshed him to recommend an ~ctin~ Ct~ief of Police, aud that if so, he would recommend the appointment of I~. Carl Feeney aS temporary acting Chieg, because of his broad training in all different dep~rt~ents of the police program. It ¥~as thereupon r~oved by Counci~zu Burnside, seconded by Coum~il~ Kidder, ~d carried, that L~.Feeney be appointed temporsry acting Chief of Police at a salary of $S50.00 per Luonth during his appoin~nt as a~ch. The motion was passed by the following vote, to-wit: Lyes: CounciLmen Burnside, ~idder, Rieslsnd, Eeithley, Howe. Noes: Nor~. Absent: None. Mt.Kelly agein asked to be heard, ~nd said he could not understand why tv~ minority counciLu~n had suddenly received the unanimous support of the entire council, unless there had been some prior bargainin~ of some sor~. He also stated that l~r. Patterson who had been ~r~nted a six months leave of absence, had been told by the City Attorney not to turn in ~uy of his equipment which ~s city property. City Attorney answered that that w~s right, he had toe !~r.PatterSon that he need not turn in his equipment and suggested to him that he turn in his k~ys to the city clerk, v~nich ~ir.Patterson did. 2~yor Keithley the~ instructed ~oRay to ~sk ?~.Patterson to return all city equipment now held by him. TJ~XI CAB PETITION: Oity ~Ianager Ray having been requested to investigate and report on the ~tter of granting a Texi Cab Permit to l~essrs Sims & 2~cOlendon, smd also the request for exclusive franchise from !,~roThomas for operation of Taxi Cabs in the City of Chula Vista, reported that he had discussed the matter ~ith City ~tm~ager Rhodes of San Diego and others, and he ~lso made a detailed study of the operation and costs of the Chula Vista Yellow Texi Cab Company, and on his findings he recommended the following: That the application of I~,iessrs ~ims & ~Clendon be denied, ~md that the ~pplication for exclusive franchise ef ~,~r. Thomas be denied, that in its ste~d, ~ranchise to operate and pay the city 2% on gross receipts, should be g~ven I~,~. Thomas, by ~gree~ent if not by C~din~uce. Upon motion by Councilm~u Howe, seconded by Councilman Bu~mside, ~ud carried, Wi~ Councilman Kidder voting No, 2~r.Ray's recommendation was approved. ~,iayor Keithley stated that the operation of Taxi Cabs was comparable to public utility and their operation w~S reflected in increase in crime. Council~n Kidder qualified his NO vote by s~ing he favored competition. THIP~ ~VE~K~E PROJECT: City~i~uager Ray reported that he had had m conference with the State Division of Highways' representative l,~.Beuthel, and ~hat the State would not ~pprove the project as outlined by I~.l~y, and ~lch had been approved by the Council at theLr meeting of ~ugust ~, 1945. ~ir.l~ay stated that there should he new water mains installed on Third ~venue, and t~is, coupled with the fact that a reputable engineer had examined the local project, reco~anded no general se~ling or armour coating should he attempted this yes.r, but now reCormuended spending city money and rep2acing bus stops and breakups, and r~m~king patch seals where absolutely necessary to hold over until next sumner. Upon motion by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Council~au Kidder, which carried, ~,~.Ray's re corm~em~Ai on was ~pproved. Counci]~n Riesland expressed his opinion tl~t Third ~.~venue should have rather extensive work immediately, but ~Jr.R~y again stated that the Number One problem now is the clearing of gutters to remove, as far as possible, the flooding of existing pavement. RESOLUTION N0.715: Councit~u Howe offered Resolution No.7L$. This is ~ Resolution accepting Deed to ~ portion of alley from I~r. t~illl~m N.Drew. The Resolution w~s read in full and ~,~as passed, adopted and upproved by the following vote, to-wit: j~yes: Cou~cil~em H~e, Bunuside, Kidder, Riesland, K~ithley. ~ Noes: None · ~bsent: None. PETITION ,FOR ALLEY 0PE~II~G$ Petition for the opening of the alley running north of Davidson Street, and situated between Third ~venue and Church ~vanue, was presented. City I~nager R~ reported the alley cluttezBd with buildings and debris, and upon motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilu~u Burnside, which carried, City ~,~nager R~y ~as instructed to confer ~dth the City attorney and take action to t~ve the alley cleared within a reasonable time. CIIriC CEI~'I~I~ SITE: ~.Ray reported that both he ~ud City Clerk Bryant, contac~ted~ ~ms.Reynolds and discussed with her the ~Rtter of price for approximately eight (8) acres of land, more particularly 'described as Lots 13-~ and 14-~, in ~uartersection 149, for Civic Center Site, ~nd that ~,irs.Reynolds would not take less than $12,500.00 for same. On motion by Councilmau Keithley, seconded by CouncilE~ Riesland, ~Ir.P~y was ~uthorized to negotiate with ;~s .l~ynolds and consummate purchase of the land in question for a pries not to exceed $12,~00.00. The motion was p~ssed by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Council~u Keithley, Howe, Burnside, Kidder, Riesl~nd. Noes: None° Absent: ~one. CIVIC CEi~IER J~RCHITEGT: The Plauning Conx~ssion having reconm~ended that the City Coun~i'l "secure ~?m. E.Oharles P~rke as ~rchitect for ~ proposed Civic Center Building, discussion follov~ed, ~nd it w~S finally agreed to hold over the matter of selection of an ~rchitect until the next meeting. U.S.0. BUr~,~ING: City ~auage~ R~y reported that following the wishes of the Council, he had written the proper authorities relative to the acquisition of the U.S.0oBuilding, but, as yet, had received no reply. ~T,ROI~,~j~N ~..~2~ RETURN: L~. Harold Lee having been grauted a leave of absence to serve in the armed forces, and having been l~onorably dischar~d and having been recormnended for reinstatement by CityI!~ager Ray, w~s reinstated upon motion by Councilmen Burnside, seconded by Councilman Riesland, which carried. BrTlM PAI~: Upon motion by Counci~w~ Rieslend, seconded by Cou~ucilman Keithley, demands Nos.A680 to 47~7, after examination by the entire council, were orderwd paid by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Counci~w~u Riesland, Keithley, Howe, B~rnside, Kidder. Noes: None. Absent: None. 0 ,R~,I~7~t~]CE N0.348: FIXING ~ FOR BUTTD~[G ~ motion by Co~ci~ Riesl~d, seco~ed by C~cilm~ ~, ~ich c~ried, ~din~ce No.3~ ~s placed on its first reading. B~ ~R ~0R CY~, ~e clerk re~ ~ offer to put.se one of the motor cycles belongl~ to the police depart~nt at ceiling p~ce, but, ~t the rec~endation of City ~er P~y, the offer ~s rejected. ~CE ~: ~e clerk presented the repo~ of the ~lice ~p~ent for the mon~ of ~st, ~d, ~er in~ection, s~e was ~de~d find. ~C~0N ~I;~ION ~'~'~: ~e ~nutes of sever~ meeti~s of the newly appointed Rec~ation O~ssion were in~ected, but held over for ~t~r stay to the next regul~ ~eti~ of ~ Co.ell. ~o~,~T: on motion by Co~cil~ H~e, seconded by ~ci~ Keithley, which ~led, the ~eti~ was adjo~n~ to ~Ionday, ~pt~ber 17, 1945, at ~ o'clp~ 4u8 ~w