HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1932/05/04 r JIDIU:J:I!iI:I OF .A. POS'1!PONBD REGUUR Mlm'l'mC OF TBI!: CI'!'!' 00tJNCn. œ CHt:ILa. VISTA, CALIFC BIW) M&.Y '. 1932. The OOllnoU met purl\WI.t 1;0 po.t.Pc..·....nt. on the above date. in tho 00~01l C bel" ot the Oit7 !fall. ..ith 1le70r Done presiding. JlNting oalled 1;0 order at ':3<: Pre.ent: IiI.y'or Done. Oounoilmen Ron. Ið'ona. B:own. Counoilman COJ:l7ers ab.ent. JmItJ'mS œ l'IIXVI011S MlŒTINGS: 'I'he III1nUtell of the lot regular meeting or J¡lr:l and adjouned regulll1' _ting ot .11 lB and 85. 1952. having been read b:y eaah her or the 00=011. .._ approTed u prepared. OITY OP'J'IOIAIB' BONDS: The bonda ot the City" Treaaure:r and City Clerk, tor tt n... teme or orr1oe, having been presented at the meeting or A,prll 25, 1932, 8Ild . not approved at that time due to a e1ight CIII118.1on therein. but held all IIIcur1ty". again pre..nted at this l118et:1ng. The bond 0:1:' the City" Clerk wu approved, and t~ 0:1:' the 01ty' Treaeurer Yall ardered held but tile olerk YU instruated to have it rc by a bond tor PO,OOO. 1'b.ere are nOW' two bonds ..ouring the City Treasurer. but deoi4e4 to haTe one bond to:z: the full _ouat requ1red. upon motion by Cl. qons, onde' by 01. Br01lIl. 1Ihicb. oarr1ed. J'IlIJ DIP.AR'DŒN'1': A letter was read. wrU_n b:y the .Aa1;1Dg Fire Chief, oOIlgI lating the new Couna1l. and wieh1ng it eTerY .ucaeu. VAa¿TIOHS: Vaoa1i1on. trsr the ourrant Qe.lon.dv year ware grant to _her. 03 Police Department. upon motion by 01. Bowe, .eoonded by 01. BrOW'll. ..h1oh oarried 0I11et or Polioe Xell7, J"ulr 13. to 11, 1932. both datel inclusive. Otr1aer PatterllOl1, Sept. 17, to Oot. 1, 1932, do. Otrioar Jm4e, Aug. lB, to Sept. 1, 1932, do. Ottioer TlITlor, Al.J6Wlt 2, to 16, 1932, do. Ott1oer Hill, June 29. to July 13, 1932, do. CITY BB.WTIFlCATION: Ml-e. Louiee H. Prq preeented 1:wo billa, in the emøunt t1.75 and 07.32, oovcr1¡¡g the pruohaae ot lIe.dll tor pllUltll tor planting on the II" and uked thi. Council to pay' them. Authorized upon motion by" Cl. qons, slIoond! Cl. Rowe, whioh oarri.d. PJmIODlCAL REPCIl'JÐ: The monthly reports ot the Police Department, Fire De1l; and City ;rudge, 1'01' the JIIonth 01' .çrll, 1932, were prllBented and arder"d filed. PIAlJ'NING COMMISSION MINUTES: The lI11nutell at a meeting of the City Planni!!, mis.ion, held »ay 2, 1932, were read. The." ~utcll reoite that the Commission. meeting above mentioned, rejected the request ot Mr. Fred O. Otto to oonstruot a: oamp on hi. property on Third A.vcnua, betwe"n ;r and K Streetll. Also,1t was reoa that when land ill dseded tor streets, that the 01 tY" grade suah land to II. stroot No action 'll8.S taken. 1n!Jó'IThIn ()11' 'T'J.1t"1I!S, Tn 1:h.. ....tt..... 01' A r..t'llnd 01" taxas to 'l'ranv Briok and U r Minutes of a meeting of Nay ~, i~E, Continued. 0ou~cilmau Comyers, at l~his tf~ a~rived and took his seat at the Council tel GARBAge. AND REFUSe: A petitiam, signed by D. C. O~r~w~£ght amd George $tyli~ was read, which petitions this Ooumoil to g~aut petitioners the exclusive right to collect garbage amd refu~e throughmut the ci~y. ~he petitioners offer to pay a o~able amount for this privilege. This work is mow being performed by a Mr. son, Rome work appears to be satisfactory, smd the clerk was instructed to write Mikkelson asking him to be present at the uext masting~ when ~his mat~er will again taken U~o FIRE ORA~ AND FIRE WORE~: The matter of where and when fire crackers may fired was discussed, en~ left to the Police Depariment to regulate. B~INES8 IN P~I~ ZONE: Mr. ~red C. Otto asked this Council to authorize · iasuamce of a special permit 1~ eo~sl~uct am auto cou~t on his lend o~ ~hird Avenue between · ~ K effete. ~ s~ted tha~ he bro~t ~is q~stion ~ the Oity pl~,~: O~salon, bu~ ~d been denied by ~ ~or ~ne, at this t~, ~l~ a bulldog oon~aot~ ~ ~t be in~es~ $~s construction, ~d his ~he~ ~ ~r ~d took ~s seat In the audience. ~poin~d Cl. Oo~rs ~ aeti~ 01. ~e, a ~ of t~ P~---~ O~ssion, ~la~ed t~ action of the Cm ~asion in reJect~ ~ request, ~ d~ to the fact t~t ~. 0t~o wo~d e~et of his build~ on land ~at ~d event~ be ~qul~d fo~ the ~nt~tion of ~t was authori~ to be issued for ~ase buil~s, ~ ~tion by Gl. ~o~, seco: by Cl. ~, ~loh ~le~. Cl. ~ ~t~ No. ~or ~ne at this point res~ed his ~eat ~ ~or, ~ ~elie~d Cl. Go,ers who res~d his seat as S~JEET T~w~a~: ~x-ee Wenden Elliott asked this 0ouncil for permission to pu~c~ about ~0 black acecia ~rees for replacement of tress that have die~, at a cost of each. ~eferred to Stm*eet Deparlm~nt, with p~Wen to act, upon motion by Cl. Lyons, secoaded by 01. Conyers, which ea~rled. FIRE HYDRANTS: ~t~e clerk was imsl~ructed to write t~e Sweetwater 0c~pamy, ask f~ a reduction ~ the rent~ ~ge for t~ f~e ~ta ~ Co~t~ Club Villas ~ese ~r~ts w~ i~ a~ the e~e of ~e p~er~ ~rs, not by the O~, ~d reduction in the rate ~o~d be me~e. ~o, t~re is ~ ~t ~ $~ct ~t ~o~d be dis~ected, ~d not ~ged a ren~, ~ It ~ as~e no p~ C0~RT CT.~K: Cl. Conyers asked permission to move the Court Clerk's desk em~ typewriter into the Police office. He sta~ed that this ax~angement ia agreeable to the City Yudge, and the clerk would relieve one police officer frc~ duty in the off Cl. Conyers Was instructed to proceed as requested. FI~E OHTI~WS' CONVENTION: Cl. Lyons informed this Council that the A~ual vention of Natioz~_l Fire Chiefs A~sociation will be held this year in San Diego; the Fire Deparlm~ent is f~A~oing l~his convention by getting out a souvenir progx-am, charging $100 per page for advertising thereLu. ~he $rohard Operating 0cmpany rue AssoCiation will each contribute $~5.00 ~oward taking a page of advertising, if City will contribute $50.00. ~his arrangement authorized upon motion by Gl. Conyer seconded by Cl. Br~n, which carried. T~ COLLECTION: Cl. Conyers introduced the subject ofcollecting our city in two installments, instead of one installment, as at present. He proposed that adopt the two payment pla~, making the first payment earlier that th~ the County t end the second payment later that ~he County, if it can legally be done. ~he Mayor appointed a cc~m~ittee consisting of Councilm~n Con~ers. and Brown. ~n~ Ninutes of a ~eting of Nay 4, 1932, Continued. BILLS P~Y~: Upon motion by Gl. I~Vom$, seconded by Cl. ~iowe, which c~ried, the follo~ving bills, after ewamination by the Finauce Co~x, tttee, were ordered paid: 8~g Pay Roll, 85g0 Pacific Acetylene Co. 85gl Western ~etal Supply Co. 8§92 Western Union Telegr. Co. 859S Lyons Implement Cc~pany, 8594 So. Oalif Telephone Co. 8595 County League of ~,~lcipal. 8596 S. D. Gas and l~lootric Co. 859? Contractors Equip. Co. 8598 S. D. Gas and Electric Co. 8599 California Laundres, Inc., 8600 S. F. Tractor Equip. Co. 8~01 Pay Roll, 8602 U~ion 0il Cempamy, 860~ Ross Stationery Shop, 8~0~ Sheriff, S. D. County, 8~05 Hughes & Johnson, 8~06 H. H. Rouah, 860? Santa Fee Cigar Store, 860~ S. D. 0on,rectors E~uip. Co. 8609 Tracy B~ick and A~t Stone Co. 8610 V. ~ud A. Lunch, 8611 Skimuer Hardware Go. Denrich Press, 861P. 8613 A- Carlisle and Co. 8614 Service Pharmac$, 8615 S. W. Wa~er Corporation, 8616 C. V. ~otor Sales, 8617 C. V. Paint and Hdw. Co. 861~ C. V. Star, 8619 South Bay Lumber Co. 86~0 U.S.l~idelity a~d Guam. Co. 86~-1 M. G. White, 86E2 D. E. Rice, 86P~ C. V. L~ber Co. 862~ M~s. B.S. Do~kstader, 8~S C.V. L~ber Co. 8626 ~rs. C. W. Darling, 86E? W. E. Armar, 86P~ L~lla YoungbloOd, 86~9 0. V. Star, 8~$0 Mrs. D. A. Kirby, 8~1 Dr. F. E. Asheraft, ~Liseelle.ueous Employes, April, 1932, Acetylene and oxygen, do. Bar Steel, Telegrams by Council, Sl~reet Grader Blade, Phone Service, A~ril, 1932, Dues for current year, Electricity, Street Signs, Your Grader Blades, Gas and Electricity, April, 19~2, Laundry f~ City Jail, Overhauling Tractor, Street and Sewer ~mployes, April, Gasoline and Lubriea~ts, April, 195E, Office Supplies, Feeding Prisoners for City, Pl~b lng Supplies, Tire and ~ire Repairs, Supplies, for County League of ~micipalities, Tractor repair part, Refund of ~axes for 1929 and 1930, Feeding Prisoners in 0ity Yell, April, Hardware Supplies, · ax Roll Binders, Legal Books, Drug Supplies for first aid kit, Water, April, 19~, Motor Repairs Hardware Supplies, Publishing legal notices, L,~mbar, Bond far Ol~ Su~, Bond for City Attorney, Labor and Naterial ~lewer Show, Ll~ber for Flowar Shew, Supplies for Flower Show, Supplies f~r ~lower Show, Call Men, FLre Dept., April, Clerk for P~n~ing C~,~lssion, April, 195~, Printing for Flower Show, · ngraving for ~lower Show, E~aminlng prisoners, April, 19~E, AIITOL~t~T: Upon motion by Cl. Conyers, seconded by Gl. Lyons, which carrie ~he Council adjourned sine die. Attest: City Clerk.