HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1932/06/07MINUTES OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF TPIZ CITY COUNCIL, OF CHULA VISTA, GALI~O~7IA, P~J.~ JUNE 7, 1932 The Council met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the above shown date, with ~ayor Done presiding. ~eeting called to order at ?:~0 p. m. Present: Mayor Done, Councilmen Howe, Lyons, B~own, Conyers. M~NUTES OF I~EVIOL~ ~TINGS: ~he minutes of the last regular meeting of May 19S2, having been read by each me~ber of the Council, were approved as prepared. GASOLINE AND LUBHICA1Q~S: This being the time set for opening bids on furnishing gasoline and lubricun%s to the city for the c~aing year, bids submitted by the fol- lowing companies were opened and read: Union 0il Coz~any, Standard 0il C~a~any, Roeb' 0il Compamy, ~he Texas Company, Shell 0il Dompany. As all the c~m~anies failed to Quote a specific price on the gasoline, and the bids on lubricants were indefinite, all bids were rejected. ~he clerk was ordered to purchase in the open market until further orders. ~his action taken upon motion by Cl. Conysrs, seconded by Cl. Lyons which carried. GARBA~ AND RUBBISH: A representative of Car~w~ight and Syliana, who filed an application for the exclusive right to collect garbage and rubbish at the last reg- ular meeting, asked the Council for permission to submit a bid for the exclusive rigi to collect garbage and rubbish. A sealed bid was handed to the clerk. E~er F. Liik, k elson, who now handles this work in the city, verbslly stated that he had started the work here several years ~go, and l~ad by much effort built up a trade. He though that this should be considered, lie submitted a petition signed by approx!mstely 100 names of satisfied customers of his, which was read. After discussion, and upon mot by Cl. Howe~ seconded by Cl. Brown, which carried, it was decided to not consider th bid of Cartwright and Styliano, and permit i~r. Nikkelson to continue the work as at present. ~e bid, unopened, was returned to Car~wA-lght and Styliano, unopened. Official's Bond: The bond of the City Treasurer, having heretofore been held i two bonds of $10,000 each, a new bond, in one company for $20,000, replacing the two above mentioned, was presented. Upon recammendation of the City Attorney, this bond was approved upon motion by Clo Brown, seconded by Cl. Conyers, which carried. AUDITOR'S REPORT: The report of the auditor who audited the financial record of the city for the yea~ ending Narch 31, 1932, was presented by the clerk. This is an it~t zed report~ and was accepted, but not read, as each member of this Council expressed a desire to look over the figures at sc~e time outside of a ~eeting. The report shows the records as all clear. DEPOSIT OF FUNDS: The report of the auditor mentioned in last item above, re cmm~nds that the City Treasurer enter into an agreement with one of the banks in thl city, whereby the deposits of the 0ity Judge ~n~ Oity Clerk, whish aa'e deposited dur each month, and withdrawn at the end of each month, be s~cured the same as the funds of the Treasurer are secured. Clerk instructed to take u~ this matter with the Tree urerwitha view to comp~yingwith the recommendation of the auditor. PE~IODICALREPORTS: The monthly reports for May, 1932, of the Fire Chief, of Poline and City Judge were presented, e=a~ined and ardered filed. LICENSE TO ~DDLE: The clerk presented s~me correspondence he had had with the Ci~run Soap Cmap&ny, of San Diego, relative a license for vending their soap. It w~ shown ~bet a license is required for this work, but the ordinance requires that a s~ month's license be taken out, at $2.~0 per month. The soap c~any wanted to take liconse for one month omly. Clerk instructed to notify that compemy that it could grant the request in violation of existing ordinances. SPITE FENCE: Mr. J. F. Tucheck, by letter informed the Council that his neigh! Minutes of a meeting held ~une ?, 193~-. 0RDIhIANCE 0N DISTRIBUTION OF BTT.¥m,DODGE~S, ~ ~E~S: A letter from the City Attorney, Was read, in which he advised the Council that, in his opinion, that part of Ordinance No. 198, prohibiting the distribution of newspapers, was uneonstit% tio-~l. A~ter discussing the subject, the City Attorney Was i~tructed to prepare a~ amemdment to the ordtn-uee for eousideration by the Council. FIR~ ~ p~T.~.. At ~ ~aet regular meeting of this Council, the clerk instructed to ask the Sweetwater Water Corporation for a reduction of the monthly aharged for fire hydrants in the Couutry Club Villas Tract. This reduction was thou4 Just in view of the fact that the hydrauts, water mains and ,1~ equipment in this were installed at the expense of the property owners, smd not by the wa~er company, the ease with other fire hydrants throughout the city. Particularly was a reduction equitable in this case, because the Electric Light Company, gives a lower rate for l' electricity, where the fixtures are installed by property owners. The reply of the Company was read, and that teaparty refused to reduce the rate, specifying that the had been fixed by the State Railroad Cm~ission. 1~ ~'~. BILLING TWICE IN i~)NTH: The subject of the announcement of the Sweetw Water Corporation that in order to straighten out its bookkeeping methods, next montl each water usez would receive two bills. This Council tho,~bt that this method of b lng wolLld make thirteen minim~m~ payments in one ye~, and instructed the clerk to wr the water company protesting. FIPLE CH~: Fire Chief Charles E. ~,t th who h~ been on six months leave of a sence, without pay, by letter tendered his resignation as 2ire Chief. Upon motion b Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Conyers, the resignation was accepted with regret. This left the office of Fire Chief vacant, and and Cl. Lyons moved, seconded ~ Cl. Cony which carried, W. E. ~.rmer, at present acting chief, was appointed Fire 0hief, and li~n P. Robison, who has been ~cting fireman, was per~.anently appointed. B~IL B01~: The City Attorney, by letter advised the Co~mucii that there is a ~rob~bility ~e of ~k~ City receiving s~ething in a financial way, on a Judge~ent o~ rained by the city against ~pplegate smd ~cJC~y. He stated that he had employed ams on a nontlngent basis to investigate some 811eged frozen assets, ~ich action was a~ VAGAtTI~t: City Clerk T~muons asked for his ann,,-~ vacation for tkis year to effect sometime during the present month, at such time as he could arrange his work accomodate. Granted by motion by Cl. Oonyers, seconded by Cl. Brown, which carriei ORDINANCE No. ~-~-1: Upon motion by C1 Howe, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carr: Ordinance No. EEl was placed on its first reading. This is an c~dinance changing tl present system of paying taxes to two installments. STR~T INTERSECTION: Cl. Conyers introduced the matter of the demgerous cond: existing at the intersection of E Street and Second Avenue. This condition is caus, a hedge on the Leaehproperty, which obscures the view. Clerk instructed to write ~ Leach and ask him to trim the hedge so the view of motorists ml~ not be obstructed. Howe BOULZVARD STOPS: Gl. Semen. elm advised this Council that a dangerous condition on G Street, at its intersection with ~irst amd Second Avenues, on account of 8choo children crossing at these points. Referred to the Police Co~esioner to investig and report. REC~IONPA~: Cl. ~'own introduced the subject of installing pledr ground e mant on the school grounds now occupied by the ball field. He exhibited a plan of equipment, with an estimated cost of $1~0.00. He stated that his base ball fund wc purchase the lights necessary. Refer-red to the City Attorney to look into the mat~ Meeting of June ?, 193E, Continued. 863? C. S. Timmons, 8~8 Hughes & $ohnson, 8639 B. R. Mom. tin, 8640 Shiefer & Sons, 8641 Borg's ~Arnit~re Store, 8642 C. V. Sheet ~tal Works, 864~ Kinmc~e Electric Co. Raskin Typer Shop, 864§ Fenton M~terial Co. 8646 R. L. Kohler, 8647 National Iron Works, 86~8 Guptil & Sabin, 8549 A. H. Skinner Co. 8650 S. C. Gee and Electric Co. 86§1 do. 8652 Lyons Ymlplement Co., 8655 Melville Realty Co. 8654 W. W. Bernard, 86§5 Hams Lumber C~mpany, 86§6 C. V. Paint and Hardware Store, 865? H. H. Ronsh, 8568 Peters Feed Stoa'e, 8659 S. G. Alexander, 8660 Sheriff, S. D. County, S661 C. V. Motor Sales Co., 865~- Carlson & Simpson, 8663 Seville Service Station, 8664 C. V. Dry Goods Store, 8655 Pacific Acetylene Co. 8666 0akla~d's Repair Shop, 866? Lane Stamp Co. 8668 ~. Oo ~Fnitt, 8569 S~. Calif. Telephone Co. 86?0 Chula Vista Transfer, 8671Sunshine Tea Roc~ns, 85?2 C. V. Wnm-~'s Club, 867S Kinmore Electric 86?4 F. E. Ashcroft, 86?5 M. C. Elllott, 86?6 C. V. Lumber Co. 86?? Union 0il Company, 8~78 Harold Y. Frank, 86?9 Denrich Press, 8680 S. D. Gas and Electric Co. 8681Leila Youngblood, 8682 W. E. Armor, 8683 S. ~¥. Water Corporation, 8884 S. D. Directory C. V. Star,8885 Cash for Stamped Envelopes, Plumbing Supplies, Tax Cc~utlng Forms, Chair Backs for City Hall, Llnoleam laid, Metal Pipes, Electric Lights, Oiling and Repairing Adding Machine, Pea Gravel, Sl~ Painting on windows, ~aking Ch-~el Iron, City iYeasurer's Bond, Hardware, Gas and ~lcctricity, May, 1932, 4 Electricity, Street signs, April, 19~2, Grader Blades, Insurance on City Hall Building, Flower Seed, Lumber, Paint and Haa'dware, Repairing Automobile Tires, Blacksmith Coal, and Disinfectant, Repair l~ plastering, Feeding Prisoners, Ns~v, 1932, Motor Repair Parts, Repairing magneto, Repairing automobile tires, Rubber Sheeting, Acetylene, ~otor Repairs, Rubber Stamps, Plambing repairs, · elephone Service, ~v, 195E, Hauling for ~lower Show, Feeding Yudges, Flower Show, 1 Gas, Electricity and Service, Flower Show, Electric Lights, Flower Show, Examination of prisoners, Purchase of street trees, L~m~ber, 1 Gasoline and Lubricants, ~ay, 1932, Auditing financial records of city, 14, Printing, l. Electricity, Street signs, I~, 1932, Clerk for Planning Cce~mission, Call I~n, Fire Dept., ~,~y, 19~, Water and Fire Hydrant Rentals, May, '32 County and City Directory, Publication legal notices, AIkYOURNI~.~NT: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Brown, which ce.tried, the Cottucil adjourned to 4:00 p. m., Yune 13, 1932. Attest: