HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1945/08/13 MIi~u'~ OF t~EGUI~ I~EET'i~G OF TI~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUIA VZSTAt C~1~O~IAI .w~.1) AUGL~, 13~ 19A~ ,. The Council met in ~egular sessic~ in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, on the above date, with Mayor Keithley presiding.' ~me meeting was called to order at 7 o'clock P.M., lm~esent: Councilmen Keithley, Howe, Burnside, Rieslend, Kidder. Absent: None. MinuteS of Regular meeting hey JulY 9, 1945 end of ~egular adjourned meeting held July 23, 1945, having been prepared end m~tled to each member of the Council, were approved as prepared and mailed, with the follovdng exception:- The motion of Cottncilm~n Kidder relative to the hiring of Mr. George 0.Ray as City Manager under the tex~e of Ordinance No.345, should have included a stipulated salary to be paid Mt.Ray, of tAO0.00 per month. REPORTS: The clerk presented monthly reports of the Oity Clark, C~ Judge, Police Depar~nent amd Wate~ Authority. Upon motion by Councilmen Burnside, seconded by Councilm~n Kiddar, which carried, the report~ were ordered filed. PAY~ET OF BIIJ~: Bills presented and co.red by Wa r rants Nos.461l to 4679 inclusive, after e~m~nation by Council, were ordered paid by the following vote, to-wit: ~ves: Councilmau Kidder, ~ieslemd, Keithley. Noes: Councilmen Howe, Burnside. Absent: None. POSTING (~ ~ AVENUE: Upon motion by Councilman Keithley, seconded by Councilm-n Kidder, ~hich carr~'~'d, the Chief of Police was instructed to place signs calling attention to one hour pax~ing on street light posts in e~propriate places · HARBOR BO~: 0ouncilm~n Howe, as represemtative of the City Council on Harbor matters, reported that no definite action of any kind had been taken of late because of the war. Attention was celled to the fact that the State Harbor Board has been discontinued, end ~?Lr. Ho~e informed Council he w~uld investi- gate and report back at next meeting. PERSONNEL CONE~ISSION: Mayor Keithley appointed the following as members of the Perso~mel OO~m~asion, u~der terms of Ordinence No.3A~:- Robert Conyere, temporary chairman; George i~ee; lames Hobel; Vineemt Howe, ~ud George O.R~v. ~,~.Howe asked to be excused, stating he would rather not serve, whereupon Mayor Keithley appointed Council~-~ Alex l. Bu~mside in his place. T~ese appoin~nents to be continuous until the first regular meeting in j~gust 19A6. Upon motion by Councilman Riealend, seconded by Couneilm-n How~, which carried, the appointments were cox~firmed by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: ¢ounailmsn Riceland, Keithley, E~, Burnside, Kidder. Noes: None. Absent: None. ~?.~.~v - DA~-iDSON TO "E# ~,~mmA,: The clerk notified the Coumcil that Mr. witli~ D~ew had offered to dedicate that potion in the rear of his property necessary to complete the alley x~,~Bimg parallel with Third Avemue from Davideon to "E" Street, be~een Church S~reet amd Third Avenue, providing he could leave his garage where it i~ a~d oemxpy s-w- for a period of one year from date. Upon motion by Coune~~w~ Bur~sid®, seconded by C~neilman Ecsc, which carried, council agreed to accept Mr.~)~ew's offer. 01~INANOE N0.~?.:. Upon motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman Keithley, which carried, 0rdinanma NOo347 was placed on its second reading. This is an Ordinance providi~g for the sellection of !~s~use. The Ordinance was passed, adopted and approved, by the following vote, to-wit: Aves: Councilmen Kidder, Riceland, F~lthley, How~, Burnside. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION N0.?i~: ACCEPTING PORTI01~ OF LOG 10 and 15 in ~uartersection for Street Counc~l~-~n How~ offered Resolution No.?13. The Resolution was read in full, and ~s passed, a~opted amd approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Counc~l~n How~, Bumnside, Kidder, R. iealand, Eeithley. Noes: None. Absent: None. ~SOLUTIC~ N0.?i~: ACCEPTING AN EA~2~T AND RIu~' OF W~Y FOR ~ 0V~.. PORTI~ OF LOS ~8 ~"d ~-9t ~arte~section 1~6. CouncilmA~ Keithley offored Resolution No.?i~. The Resolution ~s passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Keithley, How~, Burnside, Kidder, Riceland. Noes: None. Absent: None. IOH~%~ LE'i'n~: The clerk read a letter from Mr.~e~ansen stating he been notified by Chief of Police that he was dischorged Iuly 31, 194~. Under the terms of Ordinance No.~4~, he asked for a heari~ before Council or = l~erSonnel C~ssion. Upon motion by Counsilman Keithlay, seconded by Councilw~ Riceland, which carried, the matter was referre~ to the Personnel Commission for hearing. THIRD AVE~IIE REPAIR: Councilman ~iesl~xd called atter~tion to the fact that something should be done on Third Avenue to save those portions which cracking and which would be rui~e~ if not sealed befOre the winter rains. On motion by Councilman Keithle~, seconded by Councilmum Riesland, which carried, City ~neger was instructed to take preliminary steps nemess~ry to put Third Avenue in good condition. RAILRO~) GROSSING: Upon motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman Keithley, w~ich carried, City ~-~ager was instructed to write the San Diego and ~rizona Railway Company, requesting the~ to repai~ ~he railroad crossings within the city, particularly omc at "E~ Street and Bay Boulevard, and 0enter Street near the M. 0~. Packing house. ~lso that engineers of the Railroad be instructed to g~ve proper signals ut all crossings, and remove blind spaced in so far ~ it is pOSsible. A~. 0URN~NT:' Upon motion by 0ouncilm-n How~, seconded by Councilman Rieslsud, which carried, the meeting was adjourned to August ~-?, 19~§, at ? o~clock P~M~, ~ 15,419,52 $1806.20 On motio~ by CottucJl~-~ I~lesl..~d, secoaded by Council~.-~ Keithley, · ud carried by t~ fo~ v~e, t~t: ~s: C~el~n ~esl~, the foll~g inf~=~ bud~t ~ a fi~i~ ~i~e ~ t~ b~fit of itse~ ~d the ~e~ ~ the v~ ~ty ~ats for t~ ~ ~e~ Yu~ 1, 1945 tO ~e 30, 1946. ~e~ ~ no ~to~ b~t~ ~qu~nt ~ pro~d~ set forth by 1~ f~ the ~tioa of a city of the si~h c~ss, s~d City Oo~l dee~d t~t ~e respect~ ~,~ set f~th f~ t~ p~es en~te~, ~e not to ~ co~ider~ ~ app~p~atio~ ~ all~atio~ of ~ney, ~ that the ~es he.in c~t~e~ ~e subject to e~ at ~eh t~e aS the City O~cil sb~ll de~ne. BUD~I' - 1945-194~ ~DA'AU~ APPR0¥~ I~0R T~E F~CAL ~ ~ 1; 19~ ~ ~ $0; 19~. Accost No.i~ 1. ~ies (~cil) $~0.~ ~ ~. C~rk - ~y 1~0.~ 3. T~ Co~ect~ - Office ~r ~.00 3~ ~ss~ C~ ~e~e ~0.~ 4. C~ef ~pu~ Cl~k - ~ff. 5~. ~0.~ ~. D~uty Clerk ~0.~ 7. ~a~ ~1~. 00 8. ~. ~e, ~t~, A~it 1~.~ 11. ~tion ~ Ad~rtising - ~b~ of O~rce($1000.00) State & Oo~ty ~a~e ( 500.~) 1~0.00 12. In~ee - 0~ic~ls B~ ~.~ 14. 15. New Equi~nt ~0.~ 15. City ~ ~nt~ 800.~ 17. ~tion ~ ~nse ~00.~ Utilities ~ ~itor ( ~.~ ) ~. Election ~ea~ ~. ~Sce~ ~ 1~.~ 22. Oi~y ~er - On~f 2~.~ POLIC~ ]]EPAR~MENT: Ac cou~t, No.200: 1. Salaries - Chief $275.00 $3,300.00 Lieutenant 2.55.00 2,~20.00 Sergeant 210.00 2,520.00 Traffic Officers (4) 200.00 9,~00.00 Desk Clerk ~00.00 2,400°00 Desk Clerk 185.00 2,220.00 Patrolms~ 185.00 ~ ~ 2,220.00 Pound Master 17~o O0 2,100.00 Vacation Relief ~t050.00 $~ ,2.50°00 2. Sallies Extra 400.00 PA. Bogan - Desk 2,100.00 4. Prisoner,s Meals 150.00 5. Telephone and Radio 1,000.00 6. Paint~-~ S~?a A00o00 ?. ~dtcal Nxsminations ~5.00 8. Auto ~pairs ~0 9. Gas and 0il 1,200.00 10. Deg Potmd Expense ~00.00 11. Sail Mainte~-ee ~0.00 1~. Office ~ense ~00.00 13. New Equip~ewt (Radio) 500.00 14. ~ Supplies ~ ',' ~*~ 150.00 13. T~vestigations 16. Miscell~e~eous 50.00 .o. oo: 1. Salaries - Chief $2~.00 ~,~00.00 Assista~t Chief ~$. (2) ~0.~ 210. 2. ~, - Vol~t~ ~.~ 5. ~leph~ ~ ~io 1~.~ 6. ~ ~d 0il 175.~ 9. N~Equt~t, ~se, etc., 10. ~p~ 300.~ 11. ~nt~ ~pplies ~0.~ 12. ~scel~ ~.~ 5t8~.~ Account 1. Regular Salaries - Park S~perintendent - $235.00 $~8~0e00 Pe~k ~-p_loyees (3) 175.00 ~6300.00 $9,1~0.00 IA. Extra Labor ~80.00 2. Water $00.00 3. T~ees,aeeda, etc., ~00.00 4. Teols - Supplies 1~5.00 5. ~paire 100.00 6. Eleetris 150.00 ?. ~es and 0il 50.00 8. Permanent lmproveaemts 500.00 9, Mis e ellane eus 25.00 10,, ~ew Eq. uipment 500.00 Less antioipated l~venue 19,800.00 Total to be raised by Taxes ~?,758.00 W. quals $.40~ in Rate LX]~E 1~;~!):. BUD~'T: $15,994.80 :[,ess balazoe os Ha.t~ 938.~5 $3:3,056.55 Less Xetimated Yinoe and Rentals - ,, .lt 500o00 Total tO be x-aleed by Taxes $11,556.55 Eqt~ls $.~ in Rate. BONDS & I~'Ax~,~T SIEXXNG FU~ Retiren~nt $ 9,~0.~ 0~. ~ce 1~0~.~ Total to be r~sed by ~es $~.7~.~ Equ~s $.~S/4 in ~ Dix'eetor - one half $ 2,A00.00 Secretary - one half 3,450.00 ~ '3,800.00 Equals $.0~ in Rate ~OTAL ~1.?0 in Rate BUILDING -. PLUMBING - Account No.4~: 2, 0~ice ~nse ~0.~ ~0.~ ~ ~R ~,~0.~ UIqAPI~TX0~ ~V~: $9 ,$95.13 Account 1. Salaries - Superia~e~dent $275.00 $:~00.00 ) $15,~00.00 s~eet ~o~ee~ (~.e) ~oo.oo ~,ooo.oo, ) ~. Salaries - Extra Labor 8,000.00 4. ~e~ and 0il 1,800.00 ~. Equipmamt- l~pairS 1,500.00 6. Shop S~pplies, tool~, etc., ~00.00 7. 8. Cement, ~avel. 9. Road 0il - Plant Mix, ere., ) 10,000.00 10. 0~lvex~s 11. New Equipment 2,000.00 12. Street l~tghting 4,AO0.00 14. T®l®phome - Ra~io 12S.00 15. ShopUti lit les 100.00 16. ~uil~ing l~e!m~i: 100.00 17. Miseellaneous ~.00 20. P~mtal of Equipment 500.00