HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1945/07/23 MI~0,~ OF ADJOL~ED I~EGUIAR ~t~.~ OF '~ CITY OF
7-mn':n .?~ 23j 19~ ,
The Council met in the Co,nell Chambers of the City ~l 1, on the
above date, at ? o'clock P.M. with Mayor Eeithley presiding. Present:
Councilmen Keithley, PIc~e, Burnside, Rieslan~, Kidder. Absentt None.
On motion by Counctl.~ Burnside, seconded by C~ncilman Riealand,
which cax'ried, 0rdinanca No.~47 was placad on its first reading.
Up~u motion by OOU~O~I'"A~ l[idder, seconded by Cou~ci~m~ Eeithley,
~vhich carried, 0r~l~nca No.~44 was placed on its seco~ reading. The title
having been read, ~ the 0rdinanca being in its exact form as when placed on
its first reading, upon motion by 0ounci~man Ho~e, seconded by Counci~,.~ Eidd~r,
~ich ca~ried, reedizg of the text was wai~ed.
The 0rd~-~ca was passed, a~opted and approved by the following vote,
to-wit: A~es: Councilm~n Eidder, ~ieslan~, Esithley, Howe, t~x-nside. Noes:
Non~. .A~s~nt: ]~'Onee
Upon motion by C~Aucilman Eidder, seconded by 0ouncil~ Eeithley,
which carried, 0rdinanoe No.~46 was placed on its second reading. The 0rdi~-nce
was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: A~es: ~ouncilmen
Eidder, Riesland, Eeithley. Noes: Councilme~ Howe, Barneide. Absent: None.
~ ~: The cle~c reported to the Council the results of an
investi~atioa of steps necessary to sell sewer sludge as fertilizer from the
Sewer 0Utfall Plant. t~ e~plained that an analysis would cost approximately
· $~.50 -,~ a permit to sell appro~m~tely $~0.00. The clerk was ~thorized to
proceed with the oBta~n~n~ of a eb~.4cal analysis.
NATIONAL AV~E B~5: ~- clerk rend a letter from the ~an DiegO Railway
0c~any, answering a petition from property o~ers on National Avenue for
extension of bus service. The San Diego Electric Railway Cc~p~ay stated it was
impossible to inaugurate bus service on National Avenue at ~his time.
~ INSURA~0E IN¢~.~,~E: The clerk having explained to the Council
the cost for a reco~uded increase in Fire Y~suranca, it was move~ by Councilman
Ho~e, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried, that the clerk be ~Athorized
to secure th~ added coverage.
BU!~_ .rm~ II~m~'~.· ~n motion Councilman l~eithley, seconded by
0ouncilman Hm~, which carried, Mr. Frank Flllite, who had been servi~ as temporary
Builcli~g Tnspeetor, was appointed as ~Aildi~g ~nepector on a regala~ haeis, his
con~eneatiom to be the se~e as tbe former B~il~i~g ~aspector, z.~ely, $2~0.00 per
BAY BOUIZV, A.~ A~t;~C~ The cla~k rend a letter fA'yin MroBeuthel of the
Division of l~[ghwe~s, stating that Bay Boulevax~ had now been completed, =~d f~om
now on, it would be incumbent upon the city to maintain se~. The clerk
authorized to acknowledge Mr.Beuthel's letter aud aseept the responsibility which
had been agreed upon by the council.
BA~2~CUE lmlT: The clerk rea~ a letter from the Lions' Club, foully dedicating
the Barbecue 'Pit in Eucalyptus Park to the City.
SAN DING0 ~ A~I~C~Y: Th~ clerk rea~l a letter from the San Diego
Water Authority, ~hich ~s to give ~'otice to the C~Aucil that assessments for
mainten-nee of the Autharity f~r the Fiscal Year 1945-1948, could be paid out of
money on han~ instead of b~in~'lXlaae~ on the County tax bills.
UpO$ motion by Cou~ci1"~ Eidder, seconded by Counci1"~ Riesland, which
ca. riel, the clerk was !~atructe~ to notify the A~thority that the City had no
fun~s at this t~ma out of w~ich to pay the asses~nent.
I~'~'£'A'A0~: Tile clerk presented a Petition signed by nmnerous property
owners in the vici'~ity of "De ~troet an~ 0alcla~ Avenue in the City of Chula Vista,
protesting against the eo~letion of two (2) boat houses mo~d in, and asking the
Council to see that all 0x~i--~sem were enfOrced. The matter was refex~e~ to
Building ~nspeetor Willite with instructions to cs~efully inspect ~ enforce
all 0r~inansea pertaining to se~e.
~CAE LEGION SI~I~: Mt. William Owen appeare~ befOre Council re-
questing pe~nission to e~'est a sign apprOr~n~tely 3 feet by 5 feet in size at the
corner of l~Lfth Avenue and "E~ Street, showing location of American Legion Hall
in the city.
Upon motion by Councilme~ Bvrnside, seconded by Oouncilman Riesland,
which carrie~, permission was gr~nted.
M~.~Wen further requested that some action be takeh agaiust the
placement of benehas at Thixd Av~nv~ an~ "H~ Street, Stating that co~tion at
night, ~ue ~o the placement of a bench in this location, greatly disturbe~ the
neighbOrhood. The clerk was instrUct~l to call the l~ohr Aircraft Oc~poration,
an~ ask them to change the location of this bench if possible.
l~r.0een also called the attentioa ~ the Council to the fact that there
were no signs in Eucalyptus ~ forbid~ing the mutilation of trees and suggested
that si~.a be place~ thare as soon as possible.
BUDGET: 1946-1946 F~SCAL ~ On motion by Counci~n Rissland,
seosn~ed ~y Counci1'~ ~eithley, ~ ca~ied by the following vote, to-wit:
AyeS: Councilmen Riesl--~, Esithley, I[idde~. Noes: Councilmen Howe, Burnside,
the Council adopted the following (see additional list in Minute Book) informal
budget aS a financial guide for the benefit of itself and the n~mbers of the
various city departments for the Fiscal Yee~ ~uly 1, 1~45 to Suns ~0, 1946.
There bein~ no -~-datory budgetary requirement or p~oeedu~e set forth
by law for the operatiom of a city of the sixth class, said City Council declared
that the reepecti~ sums set forth for the purposes en,,-~rated, axe not to be
considere~ as sppropriations Or allocations of money, and that the figares herein
containe~ a~e subject to chan~ at s~ch times as the City Council shall determine.
APPOXI~I~T OF cITY ~: On motion by Oounoi~ma" Eidder, seconal, ed
by Counsi~`~ Riesland, ~.George Cj~b~ was sppointe6 City ~ge~ ,,~er the
te~.a and conditions of 0r~l~ce No.~45, the e~pointn~mt was confirmed by the
following wte, to-wit: AyeS: Councilme~ Eidder, Rieslan~, Eeithley. Nose:
Councilman Howe, B~rnsi~e. Absent: None.
Following the confirmation of Mr,Ray's appoin~nent, Councilman Howe
state~ that, in his opinion, the creation of the office of Planning DirectOr
was simply a subterfu~ an~ that it was a foregone conclusion at the time that
a m=nager woul~ be appointe~ and that l~r.Bay'woul~ be that appointee.
~[e stated t~t, at the time of the passage of the OrdinanCe creating the office
of City ~e~, ~or Eei~y sta~ ~at a ~ ~ ~o~ ~ hi~ ~ow.
~y~ Keith~ ~eni~ ~, ~g t~t ~ starkest ~s ~ t~ e~e~
t~ O~in~ ~ c~a~ t~ ~ee of ~a~ ~ ~d no ~fe~n~ to the
~.Wi~i~ ~w ~s~d the o~il to obJe~ ~ ~Y it~ b~ p~ced
in t~ b~ fo~ city ~n~. ~ st~ t~t, i~ ~S opinion, the ~ed of
a ci~ ~r ~uld o~ ~ ~c~ioa~ by t~ ~l~sa of
~e~ of t~ eo~eil to ac~pt ~o~ibili~.
~ ~ti~ ~ ~ie~ by the ~ ~o~e, ~-~t: ~es: O~ci~
~dder, ~es~, ~i~y, ~e ~side. N~s: None. ~sent: Nome.
~.H~ stated t~t, ~i~ ~ ~t~ to ~duee the s~ ~ ~ P1~t~ Di~c~r
to $1.00 per y~, ~ ~ sti~ def~ite~ op~s~to ~e o~iee of P~i~
Di~ ctor.
CI~ ~ ~.~: ~ motion by Oo~ci1~ ~d~, ~ by
Co~cil~n ~esl-~, ~d ~~ ~rie~, the ~i~~et~ ~ keep
t~ co~cil ~o~e~ of t~ da~ at ~i~ ti~ t~ ~t~r of the p~ei~ the
questio~ of city ~ fo~ of ~t ~f~ the ~op~ at t~
~al Eleetiom if t~ c~cil so desi~s.
~putab~ represen~ti~s of ~ S~d 0il ~Y. ~ ~pp~ of this
starkest, ~ offe~ for ~a~ by the cle~ a let~r ~ the
Bi~ C~y, co~i~ the city o~ t~ c~aC~ ~ the r~d ~i~
J~t c~d. ~ ~t~r ~ find wight ~ther c~nt.
~~: Upon motio~ by Cocci1~ ~esl~d, se~ed by ~ci~
~it~ey, ~ich ~a~ied, the m~ti~ ~ adJo~d si~ die.