HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1945/05/14 L~IhWYlES OF ~ I~EGUL&R NEETING 0]? ~E CITY OF The Council met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the above date, with M~yor Keithley presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7 o'clock P.~., Present: Councilmen Keithley, Howe, Burnside, Riceland, l{i dder o Absent: None. ~inutes of the Regular Meeting he~d ~t~lJ~. 1945, having been prepared and moiled, to each member of the Council, ware approved as prepared and mailed. Minutes of the Planning Oommlssion held May ?, 1945, having been prepared and mailed to each member of the Council, were approved as prepared and mailed. BILLS P~TID: After ex~mtnation by all me~bers of the Council, Wsrrauts Nos.4405 to 4~73 inclusive, ~re ordered paid by the following vote to-wit: ~yes: Councilmen Kidder, Riesland,, Keithley, Howe, BttrnSide. Noes: None. Absent: None. ORDINANCE NO,.3,~l.: CHANGING CHAR~ FOR LTCENSING DRY CLEANING TRUOE~: On motion by Councilma~ Howe, ~econded ~ry 0~uncilmam Burnside, which carried, 0rdi~e~_ee No.3~l waS placed on its secom~ azd final readlug. ~e title having been read ~Lud the Ordinsmee being in itel exact form as whom placed on its first reading, it was moved by Oouncilmau Burnside, seconded by Councilmau Kidder and carried, that further reading of the text be waived. The Ordinauce w~ passed, adopted cud approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Oouncilmen H~e, Burnside, Kidder, Rieslaud, Eeithlay. Noes: No~e. Absent: None. 01~INANCE N0.3~: P~,GUIATING TRAIL~ IN ,ulTx' OF C~JLA V~TA. Upon motion by Council~.~n Burnside, seconded by Cou~cllme~ Riesl~ud, which carried, Ordinance No.~2 was placed on its first reading. RE~I~X~IATIC~ OF BUILDING IIIePEOT0~,: Mm.Arthur Done presented his resignation as Building Inspector as of Yule 30, 194§, with the request that be be grauted the last two weeks as vacation. Upon motion by Oou~c~ lmm. Kidder, ssco~ed by Council~u Keithley, which carried, the resignatiO~ was accepted with regret a~d vacation granted. RATION BOA~D IEee: The clerk read a letter from Mt. Butler, explaining the new building now being eree2ed by Mm. Christy was for leaSe to the city for quarte~s to ~er~ the ~ation Boax~, the rental to be $75.00 per month. Upon motion by Counsi~m~ Howe, sesame_ed by Oounci]m-n Burnside, which carried, the Mayor was ,: authorized to sign a lea~e for one (1) year with optiO~ to renew at a rautal of $?~.00 per month. BI~ FRANCHISE: The City Attorney presented au application fromtbe eau Diego Electric Railway fo~ franchise to operate busses in the City of Chula Vista. After explanation ~ud discussion, Counci~enHewe offered Remolutiom NO.?10. This is a Resolution accepting application for Franchise. The Resolution ~s passed, adopted a~d approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: 0ouncilml~ Kidder, Riesland, Eeithley. Noes: None. Absent: None. ~he clextc instructed to advertise ~pplication in the C~ulaVista Star fc~ four (~) consecutive weekse MA~'m~ ~ER PLA~,:. Mm.l~eel.~ presented the completed Ma~tar Sewer -Pla~ for the City of Chula Vista, and om motion by Oouncilme~ ~iealaud, seconded by Oounc~l~ Kidder, that the plan be accepted, it was carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Rieslaud, Keithley, Howe, Burnside, Eidder. Noes: NOme.~ Absent: None. B,0ULEVA~D ST0~S - BAY BOUL~, ~: 0ouncil instructed the City AttOrmey to draft necessary Ordinance covering Boulevard Stops to be placed on ~ppro~ohes to Bay Boulevmz~ as per recommendatiom by the Division of Highways and Police Chief, ~r. Frank Dupree. UECKER SUBDilrISION~. A tentative ~p of Uecker Subdivision was presented to Counci'lI, ~nd, it havin~ been recormm~nded for passa~ by the Planning Commfssion, ms accepted on motion by Council~m~ Riesland, seconded by Councilm-~ Howe, Waich c~rried. On motion by Councilman Howe, seconded by Cou~eilm~n Burnside, which carried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authenized to sign the final map when presented, providing no changes from the tentative map were made. TJ~I CJ~3S: ~.Thomas, owner and operator of the Ywllow Taxi Cab Company in Chula Vista suggested that council grant him an exclusive franchise to operate within the city linuits for the payment of 2% of gross proceeds. a~ter discussion it was decided to give the matter consideration and bring up at the next meeting. S~i~I' ABAI~OI~: E~r. Tompkims requested that the city abandon that portion of Glover Street, extending through Lot 8 of Quartersection 137, which was recently deeded to the City for street purposes. C~ motion by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman Keithley, which carried, the 0ity Attorney was instructed to prepare the proper notices before advertising. ~ir. Tompkins agreed to pay any expenses incurred for the sSEeo RECREATION C0~rSSIOE~. The clerk read a resignations of Mr.Lauderbach and Mr.Baum from the Recreation Commission. ~hereupon Mayor Keithley then declared ell offices vacant. On motion by Councilm-n Riesland, seconded by Councilm~n Keithley, which carried, the action was confirmed. REQUEST FOR GRAVEL: The Rohr Aircraft Corporation he. ring requested per- ~ission to remove granite from the pit owned by the City, it was moved by CounciLman Keithley, seconded by Councilm-~ Riesland, which carried, that George Ray investigate and r~port his findings at the next meeting. LET'.'~S OF APPRECIG%TION: Upon motion by Councilmau Burnside, seconded by Councilman Howe, which carried, the clerk was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to Bepresentati~ CharleS Strewn, for his work which resulted in the voluntary application for Fr~n~hise by the SanDiego Electric Rsilwe~ Company. A letter of appreciation waS also authorized to Mr. Sam Mason, of the S~u Diego Electric Railway Company, for their application. ADJ~T: Upon motion by Councilman Burnside, seconded by Councilman Howe, which carried, the meeting was adjourned sine die. Pay Boll f~ nonth of Mareh, 1945 bez~attma Ch~mulfeto~ 440.38 ~a ~ S~ ~ & ~e~ - ~e.~ (~ ~ ~1- ~c~) ~ ~pl~es I~.m ~seeau~ s~p~l ~ ~t ~ ~ Oil ~., ~.~ ~l~ 66.0? ~ ~ ~t~ ~se. mpp~ - p~ -~ ?.~ The above claims and demands have been ex~umined ~nd found to be a legal charge against the City of Chula Vista and are hereby reco~nended for payment. I hereby.certify that the foeegoing claims and dems~ds to-wit Nos.4405 to 44~0 inclusive, excepting aggregating the total sum of $16,035.23 were approved and the City Clerk authorized to issue warrants in payment thereof by the City Council on the 14th day of ~ay, 1945, the following vote-to-wit: Ayes: Kidder, Riesland, Keithley, H(~*e, Burnside. ~ves: Counciln~u None ~bsent: None. Noes: ~ ~ ~f~a ble~ ~0~ ~1~ s~ for Ap~l ~ ~ ~1 ~ of O~if., ~ ~ April ~ $ lYYO ,BY The above claimS ~nd d~m~nds have been exs~nined and foun~ to be a legal cha~ge a~ainst ~e Oity of Chu~ Vista ~d ~e hereby ~e~nded for p~nt. I h~eby certi~ t~ t~ foregoi~ cl~ ~d de~nds to-~t Nos.~51 to ~3 inclusi~, exc~tin~ No~ ,, a~ti~ the tot~ s~ of'$ 17~87 ~ approval ~d t~ City Clerk authorized to isle watt.ts ~ pa~t t~reof by the City Co~cil on ~he 14th d~ of ~y, 1945, the ~llo~ng vote t~t: ~es: Co~ci~n Kidder, Riesls~, Keithley, Howe, Bu~side. Noes: None ~bsent: None. ~, C~