HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1945/03/12 Mi~T~ 0F A I~F~UIAR M~v~G 0F T~E 01TY 0F
~ ~H 1~t 1945
~he Council ~et in regular session in the Council Chamber of the
City Ball, on the above date, with Mayor Eeithley presiding. TBs meeting
wee calle~ to ~rder at ? o'clock I~.Mo, l~es~at~ Councilmen ~eithley,
Howe, I~rneide, Rissland, Eidder. Absent: None.
Minutes of the I~gular meati~g h~ld February 13, 1945, e~d of the
A~J~ned Regula~ ~eeting he~d February 19, 19~, having been prepared and
mailed to each member of the Council, were appro~d aS ~epare~ and mailed.
~i~.AI~NG C~SI~ ~r~u.,.~ MlmuteS of the Planning
meat!~ held ~ch 5, 1~45, were
PAY~I~T OF B~X.v~: City Clerk Bryant presmted a new fox~ called
-I~gister ~f Clai~ =~d ~rrsnts" on which all warrants for eX~nination for
pennant were liste~, exp~in!~ that it wou~l simplify the procedure of
authc~ization, a~d Beeo~ a peTmenent x~cord.
War~ants l~tm~bers 4~-?~ to ~40 lnclusi~, with the exertion of
~ar~t NO,4~8~, were apl~OVed an~ ordered pa~l, by the following vote, to-wit:
~e~: Councilz~m Eeithley, Hc~e, B~nside, Eidder, lqiesle~d. Noes~ None.
Absent: Nons.
!~nt of ~t No.428~ was ~thcwizod by the following vote,
to-wit: Ayes: Councilmon Keithley, Kidder, ~ieslaud. Noes~ Counc~w~n
Howe, Burnside. Absent: None.
~ST ~ ~,,=~NE COMPANY:, T~e clerk remt a request f~om the
Southern Oalifcwnia Telephone Company for permission to excavate in the alley
adjacent to their present exchen~ for the plecament of con. its. On motion
by CounciTM Howe, seconded by Councilman Keithley, which car]foal, ~treet
Superintendent Yoovo was instructed to sign tho application, providing it mot
with his approval.
DISPOSAL ~F D0~: ~e clerk read a request from the City of National
City, for q quotatioa on disposing of dogs in o~ incinerator. Police chief
Dupx~e reecauzondad that a chaTge of ~; per day for keeping efdna]f mad $1.00
each f~v destroying than, be cha~ge~. This contract to term~-a~e at tho end
of six months unless renewo~.
On motion by Councilman Howo, seconded by Counci~v"mn ~ommsido, which
carried, the city clerk was instructed to notify the City Clerk of National
City of this propone.l.
~ LI~L~: There having bee~ a request from n'm~rou8 mox~hant8
to haws the street lights in the business district burn one ho~r lon~or each
night, on motion by 0ounoilman Burnside, seconded by Counei~u~ Ki0der, which
carried, city ~lerk was authorized to imstruot ~e Electric Compeny accordingly.
TRAN~ OF ~]ND~: On motion by Councilman Hv.~, seconded by
0ouneilman Burnside, which 'carried, city clerk was authorized to transfer the
following funds:-
l~om the Street ~,.u~s ~o the General Fun~. ...... .$~9,3'25.05
From the Motor Vehicle License Fee Yun~ 'to ~ezoral · · · ·
l~om the Alcoholic Beverage Cont.21 Fun~ to ~eneral l~And . 2,147o§0
I,T~A~Y BOA~D~ On receo..~udation by Mrs .Louise l~ay, the
appoisted Mrs.Arthu~ LyriCs as a member of the Library Bcaz~l to fill the unexpired
term of Mr. Don Dickinson who has resigned, Upon motion by Councttm~ Burn-
~e, seconded by Councilman Howe, tbe appointment was confirmed.
CITT ~G D~0T(~: Councilm~ Bernside ~w the attention
of co.oil to the fact t~t the N~i~ of ~al ~e$~
194~, ~ not def~ite~ s~ted t~ ob~et of the ~et~-2
~t be subJe~ to quas$ie~. Xt ~s t~ ~o~d by
~et~ at a s~y of ~0e~ per ~ ~t~tl~
~ motion ~ c~e~ by the fell~ ~, t~t: ~s: C~e~u
~ LEA~E: City Attorney presented a Ti~ ?=~s I~ase to the
R~h~ Aircraft, which wa~ a duplicate of a rorer lease to the Defense Plant
Oorporation, w~ich had been authorize4 but never accepted.
Oomncllm~ ~ thereupon offered Resolution No.?10. ~e ~solution
wac read in ~1 ~ ~s pae~, a~op~ ~ appro~ by the f~g ~to, ~
~-~t= ~as= Co~oi~n ~, ~side, ~d~, ~e~, ~it~ey.
LAND~ S,~.~w~. EI~SlON: Mr. W. 0e~m~th appas~ed before council
relative to the acceptance by the 'city of the extension of I~a~ie ~reet through
his property. ~t was suggested that Sul~rinten~ent Love investigate the
a~visability of the city's acceptance and report ba~k at ~ae next meting.
S~EI~DAN D0~Y LE'I'~, '. The c~-rk read a letter addressed to
Mayor Keithley an~ Council, eemman~ing the p~.n,~ng Oc~icsion on thei~ new
booklet, "Ohula Vista Plus Temomw".
p~Gw. wr~G COMPLA~: The clerk read a letter f~c~ Mr. Hydricks on
National ~ "~, ~ning of the pa~i~ si~tion
s~ce s~a~icn. ~e ~tter w~ ~fe~ to the O~ef of ~lioe f~
BUILDING C~IENAN .C~ IN~RAOTI0~5: Mayor Eeithley ~ought to the
attention of the council a matter of lae'~ of proper inspection and granting of
permits for bmilding~ within the city, citing specifically the Cor~y
~*~ufactUring C~spe~y and a Gerage on Second Avenns belonging te George Rhedes.
On motion by Counci~w~ ~iesl~d, seconded by Councilw~ Eeithley, which
carried, the City Attorney was instructed to confer with the Building Inspector
~elative to the Cor~rey wA~ufaoturing Company mud also Building Inspector be
instructed to enforce building laws aud ~rdinences of the City of Chula Vista.
CITY T~ APP0~: ~fter discussion as to the work lnvolwd
and ~w~unt of money paid for services of uity Treasurer, upon motion by
¢ouncilma~ Riceland, seconded by Counci~m~u Keithley, which carried, Mrs.
Beatrice Taylor was appointed as City Treasurer to fill the unexpire~ term of
Yack ~lla~, now decease~, she to be retained as Deputy City Clerk, and her
salary as such to be the difference between the salary of City Treasurer, based
on e~istimg 0~di~anee, and $175.00 per month. This arrangement woU~d allow
the hiring of an extra clerk in the city clerk's office on a full time basis
with very little additional expenditure involw~d. It was mowed by ~ouncilman
Riesland, seconded by Councilman Howe, which carried, that the above mentioned
additional clerk be hired when same cou1~ be found.
AI~TO~: Upon motion by Oounci1~ Itow~, seconded by Councilman
Burnside, which carried, the moeti~g was adjourned sine die.
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