HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1945/01/19 CIn~£ COb~CIL OF L~i~E CITY 0~;' Ci:U£~ VISTA,
The Ccuucil r::et in 'th~ Council Ch.m~b~rs o£ the City Ha~l,
on the ubove dat% at 7 o,clock TM '~ ~+~ i,!~or K~ithl~y presidio.
present: uo~ciz~aen ~ithlcy, i~.o~e, .ournsid~, Riosl~nd, aidd~r.
.Lb s~nt: ~fone.
C~'Y DL~'~(~ Di[~CTOR: ~is m~ting was h~ld for th~
sole purpose of int~rvi~'~ing Zpplicants for the position of City
Pl'~nning Director, '~d~o hud been notified. L~. ~enn Rick, City
Planning ~gineer of the City of S.~n Diego, ~d ~. Eug~n~ ~Te,land,
ci~l ~in~er of Sr~n Diego, ~re present, h~zving graciously offered
their s~rvices to assist in the intervi~,~:s.
Bsfore starting interviews, ~d'.Ricl~ suggested that co~cil
usk the applicants what they would do if they w~rm appointed.
Whmthmr or not they ~ould oD~ratm on their sal~y or
addition;~l exz~ens$. It ~as further agreed that the pr~ary duty
of the ~l::~nning Dir, ctor should Om to lorepare a ~aster Plan for th~
c~ty, .~.nd to ~xp~ditm p~ogr~s for mxtension of s~wer syst~, .
major street repairs, C~vic center projects and Recreational ~ooects.
~rth~r, that he should have s~e d~finite ~nginmerin experience,
~d th~ fact of upplicant being u registered enginmsr, ~,~ould om an
First applic~ant interviewed was ~dr. ~org~ C.R~. ~:~. ft~Y
stated 'that, in his opinion, the first ~[uty '.,ould b~ to survey thc
needs of the coz'~mnity ~m,i'th the idea in ~uind of DopuL:~tion
in tho z'~.:tur~. 'Jith this infor:u:ttion, h~ ~ould th~n proc~md '.,.ith
~ L2:~stcr Plain to, et *:hose r~ uir~a~nts. This -~ould r~quire at l:_..ast
s~v~ral ~aonths. .&t this point individwal projects could b~ con-
sidmr~d uccording to their priority of rimed. ~[e stated it would b~
nec~ss~ary to get ~ ~ngin~mr to .,~rg~ the Sewer Project wi~ the
i:iast~r plan, u~s he coul~ not do this. ~.~en asked what his idea of
~upplm~nta~ ~psns~s ~ould b~, L~.R~y statc'f that an approx~a~t~
fig~m of :[];~500.00 ~ould be r~.~t~r~d for office h~lp, automobile
· xpense, postage etc.~ ~is exp~ cted sal~ry ~.~:uld be approximately
~)5400.00 p~r year.
~c next ~.tpplicu. nt in'b~rvi~'~ed v~as
s'tat~d tltat he ~as a Planner and ~chit~ct, but not a Civil ~gineer.
H~ ¥~o~ld n~md' ~n~jin~ering assistance, drafting help ~d secretarial
h~lp. I[~ had h~d no municipal experience of any ~portance, and
~zould ~pect a sal~ry of ~)4&O0.O0 per year.
Th~ following ;~ltplicants ~,'ere ~tlso int~rvie~d: D!~ssrs.
i~.Farr:~r, ~cldon D.'J~rner, H.s.~lano, H~nry ~gmrt.
~t this t~e all ~pplicants were excused and ad~sed that
th~ decision of the co~cil would bm rmlayed to th~ at a latmr dat~.
Discussion then follow~d, and, because L.M.Werner was a registered
Civil Enginemr ~ith a bac::gro~d of twelve (lB) y~ars ~ planning
:~*ork, ~nd ¥~o~d expect a salary of f)5000.O0 per y~, it v~s moved
by Mayor ~cithley, seconded by oo~cilmm ~owe, ~md ca,lsd, that
L~[r.~erm~r b~ ten~m~d the position at a s~l~y of $~800.00 per year.
ADJO'~:~: Ui~on motion by Co~ci~an now~, s~nded by
Counci~tan Riesl~d, ~;hich carried, th~ ~eting was adjoined s~ die.
City O~rk '