HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1945/01/08 I~I~{UTES OF A REGYLAR ~T]i{G OF Tt~ CITY OF CHULA VISTA COUt{CIL, II~ T~E CITY OF CHELA VISTA, C~LIFCPJJIA~ ~ELD JA~JAR~, 8~ 1945 The Cotuucil met in rec~ular session in thc Council Ch~z~lber of the City l~all, on thc above date, with ~a or presiding. ~e m~et~g w~s c~ll~d to order ~t 7 o,clock P~,i., ' e ~rnside, Ri~slan~, ~dder. Present: Co~ci4uen ~lt~ y, HovJe, ~bsent: i~onc. ~inutes of th~~ Regular meeting held ~cember ll, 1944, hcvi~ been prepared ~nd m~il~d to ~ch m~ber of thc Co~cil, ~iinut,ss of thc l'lc~inc C~m~ission held J~u~Lry 4, 1945, "CHL~A VISTA P~{S T0~0RROW": ~ns clerk read th~ of a P~p~ to b~ prin~md for the Pla~ing Co. lesion, ~d, on motion by Co~cilman K~itt~y, seconded by Councilman ~ddmr, which carried~ the clerk m~jas instructed to tmnder congrat~ations ~d thanks to Dr. Robert re. Griffin for his valuable assistance. 0RD~CE h0.3o8: ~0alin~ 0rd.~lo.3~8 - Red~l~tion of Traffic - Parking Upon motion by Co~c~an Ho~e, seconded by B~nsid~ ~hich c~rried, 0rdin~nce ~o.S.'~8 ~.~s ~.l~ccd on its s~cond folto¥~'i~ vote, to-a~it: 2~es: Co.clOven ~o.e, ~nside, ~dder, 0n motion by Co~iciL~an Kidder, seconded by uo~ci~u~ Ricsland, ,~'~tiich carried, ordinance No.339 t?as placed on its f~st r~ading. Copies of th~ Ordinancm having be~n given to each mamber of the Co~cil, ~lnd they having previou~y r~ad the text in 2ull, upon motion by Co.clean B~side, seconded by Co~cilm~ How~, ~ich carried, furthmr z~ading of thm text Sas waivmd. 01~{~OE N0.340: ~m~m~t to ~e$1~ 6 ~d ~ction 35 ~on motion by Co~ci~ i~ws~ secon~d by Co~ci~an Keithley, ~Jhich c~rried, Ordinance No.340 was plac~d on its first 1-~, ~' Copies of t.~ Ordinance hav~g b~on givmn to ~ach m~ber of ~n~ Co~cil, ~md they hav~g previously rea~d th~ text in f~l, upon motion by Co~ciDnan Bu~sidm. s~cond~d by Co~ci~ which c~ri~d, further reading of the t~ was P~ant to tbs provisions of 0rdinancw No.332, the ~Iayor appointed the Following m~bsrs to ssrv. ~r th~ t~s as set forth. H.H. Jo~son - ~o~ (4) years; I{a~ld B.Starkmy - thr~e (3) years; Robert ~.Griffin - ~Jo (2) y~ars; ~n M. Chasm- ~o (2) years; H.~Forr~st ~i~ - One (1) year; ~d E. Charl~s Park~ - 0n. (1) year; A.A. Rie~d ~d Herbert V.~yant, as ~-0fficios m~bsrs. Upon motion by Co~ci~an howe, seconded by Counci~ B~sid~, which carried, the appointments ~ere confi~ed. ACQUISITIO~ OF LAirD;' City attorney presented . _~L~p, shov~ing u plot of ground ~hich th~ Recreation CoL~nission reconn~onded be p~chas.d for ~stablis~ent of a M~orial R~creation ~rk. ~tmr discussion as ~ the best method of purchas., Co~cil ~uthoriz.d the city attornmy ~d City Cl~k to find out th~ approxfmst~ valu. p~r ~cr. of comp~rabl, land in that vicinity. ~L~ION N0.704: ~provin~ ~or~d~ of ~e~ent for ~di~ure of Quar~ cent ~sol~e ~ Alloca~e~:~r S~a~e Highways. Go~ci~n ~dder"offered Resolution No.?0~. ~e Resolution was r~ad in ~ll ~d w~s passed, ~pted ~n~L ~pproved by th~ following vote, to-wit: ~es:L '~O0~cilmen ~dder, Ri~sland, Keithley, Ho~'~, B~side. Noes: None. Absent: None. ~0LUTION IJ0.705: Appro~ ~e~r~d~ of ~reement for the accusation o~ Q~ter oem~ ~soline ~ Allocated for ~ree~s o~ ~or ~ort~ce. Counci~ Kidder offered Resolution No.705. ~e Resolution was read in ~l and was passed, adopted and approv~ by. the following vote. to-wit: ~es: ~o~ci~en ~dder, Kezthley, Howe, outside. ~oes: ~one. Absent: ~one. AORE.~T ~DR P00~ ~E~ICE: ~e County of San Diego Po~d Authorities of ~he Board of Supervisors presented ~ ~eement for the pa~ent of $300.00 for period ending july l, 1945 for the pic~ng up, ho~ing ~d dispel of stripy or ~ant~ do~ ~d cats in the ~corporated territory wit~n fi~ miles of the City l~its of Chul~ ~ista. 0n notion by Co~cilm~ ~o~e, seconded by Co~uct~ Burnside, 'Jhich carried, the I.~or was ~uthorized to si~ the ~e~ent for the City of Chul~ ~ista. ~SOL~I01~ N0.706: ACCEdinG ~En for ~reet ~oses. Co~cilm~ ~side offered Resolution No.706. Th~ Resolution ~as read in ~ll and v~as~ passed, ~udopted ..~n~ =~proved by the ~ollo~ing vote, to-~zt. J~s~ Co~ci~en Burnside, ~idder, ~osl~nd, Koithley, Hov~e. l~o~s. ~one. Absent: l~one. S~'~ER pL&~:+ Co~cilman Riosl~nd ~oved that Civil ~gin~r, be e~aged to compile a ~ster Sewer Pl~ for the City of Chula ~ist~, at L~ cost not to exceed $1500.00. ~e motion was lost for want of a ~cond. B~LS PA~: 0n motion ~y Counci~ ~der, seconded by 0o~ci~ Keithl~y, which carrzed, the followzng bills vJere ordered paid:- 4150 P~y Roll - Recreation Co~GN~ission (November) $286.93 4151 Pay Roll - ~neral - First Half ~cember,1944 2396.45 4152 ~y Roll ~n'l S~r~ets,etc. let ~ ~cember 1263.~5 ~153 Pal~uer Bros. - Refund of Cash ~Dosit 4154 ~j~l~y. ~orge- ~l i ~ ~in'~ sett e~ent - ~iet~rs 104.71 4155 ~nerGl P~ Roll last half Dec~ber, $944 ~619.34 4156 ~y Roll - ~n,1 Straets,etc. last ~ ~cember lll9.31 4157 Bank of ~merica - December ~Jithholding Tax $813.20 4158 Rhodes, ~i.H, Inc. Final Coll.perc. ~eters 348.71 4159 ~esena, Pedro - Street Labor - not on Pay Roll 24.40 4160 Lopez, ~artin - Street Labor not on pey Roll 33.25 4161 iiern~udez, ~T~ncisco - Street Labor do. do. 32°00 4162 Rodriquez, ~.H. Street Labor doc ~o. 34.~ 4163 Ca ifornia Water & Telephone Co.- Service 342.44 4164 California N~ter & Telephone Co. Drain Pipe 46.32 4165 californi~ Western States Life Insurance Co. ~2.52 4166 carlson & Sim~son 1U.73 4167 Chula ~ista Electric Co~ut0~ny 3.05 4168 Chul~ vist~ St ~ 127.70 4169 City ~re~surer of San Diego 100.S1 4170 county of San Diego (l.~tealth) 50.00 4171 Denrich Press 16.40 4172 E~.sterday Supply Co~o. ny 6.75 &173 Gibbs SL~pplies Inc,, 11o83 4174 Guilbert' s Pho. rma cy 2.11 4175 ~artwell,s Top Shop 3,50 4176 ]!~olco~b,s ~ard~are Co., $.97 4177 Hence Lu~ber 6o~i~ny J0.82 4178 Hudson-Tucker Inc., 141.71 4179 L~rence, R.C~ 10,05 4180 Lee, George - Fire Chief 25.00 4181 DIillan, Jack T, City Treasurer 1% Disburse,mrs 178.52 4182 ;~Iillan, Jack T. Coordinator - Ration Bd Rent 75.00 4183 ~illan, Jack T. Recreation Secretary - Bills 155.80 4184 ~orris, R~V. Co., 3.33 4185 ~.Iotor Hard~J~are & Equip~uent Co., 12.79 4186 0rrell Feed store 4.46 4187 Peters Feed Store 7.06 4188 Revolving Fund 28.42 4189 Richfield 0il Corp., 12.29 4190 Ross Stationery & Equi~ment Co., 7.76 4191 P~hle ~ W.J. 33.85 4192 San Diego Gas & El~ctric Co., 495.49 419~ San Diego Tractor & Equipment Co., 57.95 4194 Smith Booth Usher Co., 117.88 4190 Southern C~liforni~ Tele~.hone Co., 65.22 4196 Squires-Belt ~.Taterial Company 82.03 4197 Standard 0il Company of C~iif., 6.72 4198 Stang, Otto 6.25 4199 Start, ' ~. J. 41.80 4200 To~-lor, B~atrice - planning Conga. Mtg. 2.50 4201 ~oll, ~il 36~58 4~02 Travelers ~s~ncs C~p~ny 43.39 4203 Union 0il ~p~ny of Californi~ 196.86 4204 ~itm-St~ke, M.G. 15.00 ~J0~JT: Upon motion by Co~cilm~ Ri~ sl~, second, ed by Counci~h '~ddmr, ~hich c~rri~d, th~ mseting w~s adjoined to Monday, JEnny 15, 1945 ~t 7 P~M.,