HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1944/11/13 ~,~ OF .% HEGUIAR ~TIL'~~ OF THE CITY OF
The Coumcil met in regul~ sessiom in the Coumcil Chamber of the
City of Chula Vista City Hall, on the abo~ date, withI~ayor Koithley
presiding, The meeting was called to prder at ? o'clock P.Li.
Present: Councilman Keithley~ ttowe, Burnside, Riesla~d a~d Kidder.
Absent: None o
~iinutes of a regular meeting held September ll, 19~, and adjourned
regular meetimg held September 18, 19~, a Special Meeting held October
19~, ~d Regular meetimg held October 9, 19~, having been prepared and
mailed to each mmnber of the council, were approved as pr ~epared and ~ailed.
PIJ~ING C~$~I~.'SION ~FrN~: I~dnutes of the Plan~ing Co~zission
meeting held I~ovember 6, 1944, were read.
PIJ~G CO~MISSION ~PPOIN~NT: D~yor Keithley explaimed that
it had been c~lled to his atte~tio: that A{r. S.B.Houser, a member of the
Plammimg Commission, resided in Sa~ Diego, ~wd was, therefore, not eligible
to become ~ member. The ~ayor, therefore, appointed in his place ~ir.
E.Oharles Parks of 198 "ti" Street, Ohula Vista. The Player also appointed
City Clerk, Herbert V.Bryamt ~ Councilzua~ Riesland, to serve as Ex-Officio
~mbers of the Pl~uning Co~nmissio~, and, on motion by Councilman Kidder,
seconded by CoumciLman Howe, %,~hich carried, the appointments were confirmed.
G..IR~'%GE. ~1~) T~%S~t f.~.~0VAL CO~TRACT: I~oIr~ Proctor appeared before
cou~ucil wit~ 'a suggestion that the council a~opt ~ Ordinance more clearly
defi~ing the types of containers and size of trash bundles, etc., in order
that a clear understaudi~g ~lght be reached with property o~ners. It was
then moved by Councilman Rieslaud, seconded by Counci]nnan Kidder, ~d carried,
that the City Attorney confer with LLr. Proctor, ~md draft an Ordinance which
~ould clarify the situation.
%~ne contract between the City and Proctor amd Hy~um was reviewed
by the council aud tentatively 0.K'd. It was then delivered to I~.Prector
for their signatures.
REPORt. ON TP~JV~ C~: Councilman How~ reported on conditions
found at ~l's Trailer Haven, ss~ing that they had discovered sewage water
flo%ring over the bank and down into the valley ~here stag~aut pools were
formed, ~ud that a lsrge traSh heap w~s also found, but that it was ca County
!~operty. Cour~cilman Riesland suggested that, if at all possible, a
should be found to co,meet to the sewer system, l.'~.Berger told the council
he would like to con~ct with the sewer if possible, but .~.~r.Done had said
that it was not possible to hook on existing sewer at National Avemue and
"F" Streets due to lack of proper full. In order, therefore, to clarify
the situation, the LImyor suggested a meetimg,~be~mrr~ged with kLr.~armer
of the Couuuty ltealth Departr~nt, ~.Berger, the o%~mer, and council, at a
l~ter date.
T~,,IC CO~5>L~IiiT: ~.k~.William ~.~ens ~ppeared before Council
to co~plain about Rohr ~Uiraraft Bus~s parki~ ~t ~i~nird and "Ii" Streets,
~_o.~ ui~ich point they m~ke z'ogul~r trips to the RoP~· f~ircraft Plant.
Me s~id that papers ~..u,3~ trash amd loud. profa~e lan~age all hours of the
nmg~t ..... living a~ything but a pleasure i~ t.~ locality. H~ suggested
as a ~e~dy t~.t the bus stop of the San Di%o El~ctric Railway Company be
~oved south sid~ of "H" Street, thereby el i~uin~ting ~ traffic hazard
when busses stop on the l~.brth side. ~kTter ~x short discussion the ~atter was
OI~)II%/dfGE i,~0.g33: On motion by CounciLmttu I{o~e, secon~]e~ by
Co~uctl~,m~n Kidder, v~ich carried, 0rdin~ce NOo35~ was placed on its second
~ud final reading. The headi~ t~vin~ been read, ~ud th 0~din~uce being
in its exact form as when read in full at its first reading, on z~otion
by Cotmcilman Kidd®r, seconded by Councilman Riesland, which c~rried,
H~rthe~freadi~ of the text was w~ived. This is an Ordinance establishing
profil~"I" Street, amd was passed, adopted a~d ~proved by the follo~.,~i~k~
vote, to-wit: ~ves: Cottucilmen Howe, Buz~side, Ki,lder, Rlesland ~d
Keithle y. Iqoes: None. ~bsent: None.
1~0.o34. On motion by Councilman itiesl~d, seconded by
Councilmen Kidder, ~hich carried, Ordinance No.$3~ was placed on its
second and final reading. The heading having been read in full, aud the
Ordinauce being in its exact form as when placed on its first reading, upon
motion by Councilmsm Kidder, seconded by Councilman Riesla~d, the reading
of the text was w~ived. This is an 0~d~na~ce creating a Plar~uing Commission
and was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Rieslaud, Keithley, Howe, Burnside, Kidder. Noes: t~bne.
~bsent: I~o~e.
OPd~II~CE N0.3~5: On motion by Coum. cilman Kidder, seconded by
Cottncilmau Burnside, v.l~ich carried, Ordinance No. Z35 v~s placed on its second
end final reading. The heading having been read, aud the Ordinance being
in its exact form as when placed on its first resding, on motion bY Councilman
Burnside, seconded by Cou~cilmam Rieslaud, which carried, r~ading of the text
was waived. This is au Ordinauce providing for the establishment and main-
tenance of City Parks.
On motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Counci]~m Howe, -~ich
carried, the Park Superintendent was instructed to post sig~s throughout the
Legio~ P~rk, prohibiting d~m~age or r~moval of trees. The Ordinance waS
passed, adopted aud ~oproved by the follow,lng vote, to-wit: .~yes: Cou~cilmen
Kidder, Riesland, Keithley, Howe and Bu~stde. Noes: None. Absent: None.
.O.~DII~.~ANCE NO.J~8: On motion by Council~u Rieslaud, seconded by
Coum. ci~m~ Howe, which carried, 0rdin~ce No.336 was placed on i~s first
reading. The 0rdina~ce having been read in full by each and every member of
the Council, on motion by Couacilmmu Kidder, seconded by Councilman Riesland,
which carried, reading of the text was waived.
EESOLDTIGN: N0,698: Councilman Burnside offered Resolution No.698.
This is a Resolution accepting a Deed for street purposes. The Resolution
was read in full a~d was passed, adopted and approved by the followi~ vote,
to-wit: Ayes: Counciln~n Burnside, Kidder, Rlesland, Keithley and Howe.
Noes: None. Absent: None.
.i~.S.0..~. 0N N0.699: Coumcilmsm Howe offered Resolution No.899.
This is a Resolution establishing curb mud side-walk position on First Avenue
south of Country Club Drive. The Resolutio~ was read in fall aud was
passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen
Hc~ve, Burnside, Kidder, Riesland aud Keithley. Noes: No~e. Absent: No~e.
I~E$0LUTION NO.~00: Councilman Kidder offered Resolution No.700.
This is a Resolution approving memorandum of agreamemt with the State of
California. The Resolution was read in full, aud was passed aud adopted mhd
approved by the following vote, to-wit: ~ves: Councilmen Kidder, P. iesl~ud,
Keithley, HOwe and Burnside. Noes: No~e. Absent: None.
RESOLL~ION N0.?01: Cou~eil~r~n Howe offered Resolution No.701.
This is a ~solution accepting a Cooperative ~'~reen~nt between the City of
Chula ViSta and the County of San Diego. The Resolution was road in full,
a~d was passsd, ~dopted and ~pproved by the following rote, to-wit:
~ves: Cou~ucilmen Ho~e, Burnside, Kidder, Riesland and Keithley. Noes:
None. Absent: None°
RE~OLUTION D[0o?OE: Council~an Howe offered Resolution
This is a Resolution authorizing the ~layor to execute a ~it Claim Deed to
a portion of Lot l~ in %u~rtersection 150. The Resolution was read in full
~ud was passed, ~dopted and ~proved by the following vote, to-wit:
~'~VCS: Counci~en Hov~, Burnside, Kidder, Rios -lend, t~.thley. No~s: i'~one.
CI~{GING OF LOCATION C0~7I'ROL CE~!~£~: ~oon motion by Councilman
BUrnside, ~eooaded by Oouncilman Howe, ~lch carried, the City Clerk, as
Commander of the Cpntrol Center for Civilian Defense, was authorized to
change the location of the center from the Park to the City Hall, ~nd to order
the removal of all telephones within the present center, '~ith the exception
of one phone which ?~ was instructed to i~ve ;uoved to the Park Headquomters.
-:~J~'~R CE~QT ,C~OLI~, ,Ti~ BUDGET: On motion by Cou~cll~an Ho~,
seconded by Councilman BUrnside, which carried, the clerk was authorized to
write a letter to the Divisio~ of Highways, requesting preparation of a
pre Jest agreement providi~ for accumulation of funds accrued or accruing
for the cUrrent Fiscal Year ending YUme 30, 194.5.
CITY EN, GIk~EEH: On motion by Cou~silman Kidder, seconded by
Cou~¢il~m0a Burnside, v~ich carried, ~vor Keithley was onthurized to declare
the office of City Engineer vacant.
~I!~D ~&V~/~JE PAVII,TG: I~Ir. Love reported that he was of the opinion
that some sort of protective co. ting should be placed on Third [~venue, in
order to prevent further deterioration, pending the proposed complete repair
program now in process of preparation. Council instructed I~r.Iove to confer
~dth }JroFreelmad and work out a temporary program.
OI~DI~URICE N0.337: On motion by CounciLman Riesland, seconded by
CounciLman Keithley, ~ich carried, Ordinance No.337 was placed on its
first readi~. The heading was read in full, and each ~nd every member of
the council h~vizg read 0rdina~ce No.337 in its entirwty, on motion by
Co~ulci~m~m Riesl~md, seconded by Councilman Keithley, which carried, l~arther
reading of the text was weived. The clerk was authorized to secure one
hundred (100) copies of the Ordinance, to be bound when same wes officially
read the resignation of COuneilmam Howe from th~ Finance Committee to take
effect ~m~diately. ~hereupon, following the a~capta~ce of Mt.Howe's
resignation, the ~Iayor appointed Councilman Burnside to serve, but Councilman
BUrnside refused to accept the appointment.
This brought about am earnest discussion relative to cooperation
between members of the council. ~.~r.Hows indignantly stated that he was
tired of having money spent for things not specifically sst up in the budget,
and that, as a matter of protection to himself personally, he would call for
a Roll Call vote on every expenditure, amd vote "No"~ on same. ~hen
questioned as to his unwillin~ess to accept the responsibility of his office,
he stated that when the council, in his estimation, was run right, he would
be willing to live up to -~ of the requirements of office. ~.Howe
further stated that he did not approve of the continual request for money from
the council by ~__~r~al~bI~mmm~,~d would not be a party to the grantlag
of these requests. He also Stated that ,in order to expedite the payment of
d~mands already accrued, he vould sign s.n~ at this meeting, but stated that
in his opinion the Council made a grave mistake in not appointing department
Commissioners. T~is brought about an e~rnest discussion, but no further
action was t~dce~
BILL~ PAID: 0~ motion by Councilman Hm~;e, seconded by Councilman
Keithley, the followimg bills wer~ ordered paid.
4008 Whisemhuat, Jmaes E. $12.40
4009 Pay Roll - R$creation Corm~ssioll 52.50
4010 Gri gsby, D~lvin 12 .~
~ll ~ Roll - ~er~ - ~st ~f 0ctober,1944 25~5.Z1
4012 ~ Roll - ~eral - St~ts,~ks - ~ ~ Oct. 1335.28
~13 Ba~ of ~rica - Wit~oldi~ T~ 0~ober, 19~ 832.05
401~ W~ren, D~e 12.75
~15 ~nley, ~orge 90.7~
~16 Pay Roll - ~rst ~lf No~mber - ~eral 2~97.45
~17 P~ Roll - 1st t~lf No~ber - St~ets,Parks,Sewer ~.~
~ ~ric~ Bit~s Comply 13.4~
~19 ~e~, St~ley Co. 56.~
4020 Br~-~vis Equip~nt Co. 23.41
~21 C~ifornia Water & Telephone Co. 406.12
4~2 C~ifor~ia W~stern States Life Ins.Co. 54.~
4023 Carlisle g: Co., .95
4024 C~lson & Simpson .77
~ Che~ l~Iot~ Comply 1.00
~26 Chula Vista Electric Comp~y 5.82
~27 ~ula Vista ~it~e Coz~zf~y 4.61
40~ ChuD~ Vista Lm~ber Comp~.y ~.64
4029 Chula Vista St~ 25.88
4030 City Che~olet Comply 192.77
~31 City l~easurer of S~ Diego 57.~
4032 Co~zty of S~ Diego (Health Dept.) 50.00
4~3 D~ey Co~oration 2333.59
4054 Diehl & Co~,~p~y 205.00
&035 Dor~'s i;o.4 5.00
4036 Eastnz~m Kod~d~ StozBs, Inc., 49.00
4037 Fotsom, ?~.Tonnis Shop [~6;82
,~0~ l~son O~aao 35.51
4059 ~/~n~ral Electric Sutp!y Cor~., 3.55
~ ~nez'~l ibt~mle~a Cobb.of Califo~ia 3.59
.L04! Gibbs ~pplie s, Izc., ll2.32
4042 ~E'is, Sim Y. 10~0.00
.f:0d~ H~, J.S. 37.64
40~ Hirsh, F.S.C: ~J.if. 10.62
~ I!olcombs HaZ~J~e Co. 57.57
· i0~8 i!b~ L,~,~er Comply 24.72
~&7 !Ioiu~ Ya~!es H. 11.00
4~ i{u~oa-i~ckcr L~c. ~.22
40~9 Keithley, ~ph - ~uo of C~if. Citiss Conference 59.85
~50 Kettner-Stafford-~lds~th Co.Ltd. 5.00
4051 ~e, ~orge - Vol~teer ~y Roll October ~0.~
~52 Log~u Pl~bing & H~ating .94
~053 ~.iay, P.E. 6.~
4054 ~[ellien, W,N. 30.00
4055 t~ll~, Yack T.Coor~nator 95.00
~ l,Sll~, Yack T. - Ci~ Trea~rer 159.67
~57 lloya~ '~recki~ Co. 10.~
4058 Nelson & Slo~ 38.~
~59 0ffe~, C.B. ~7.~2
~060 0'~lin, tSss 5.54
4061 0rre~l ~ed Store 8.~
~62 Pacific ~ lfo~r Works 16.00
~63 Reuther Equip~nt & ~t Co. 1~.90
4064 ~l~mg ~d 21.6~
~65 Ross Statiome~ & ~uip~nt Co. 1.95
~66 ~e, W.I. 77.68
4067 S~u I~iego ~re Equipment Co. $44.28
4068 San Diego Gas & Electric Coo 10/31/~4 to ll/60 ~.~2
~069 8a~ Diego Gas & ~ectric Co. 10/1/~ to ll/1 ~96.15
~0~0 San Die~ Tractor & Equipment Co. 7.10
4071 ~r~ce G~a~ 5.67
~72 Sl's Key ~op 7.68
~73 S~th ~oth Usher Co. ~58.~
~74 Sout~ Calif~nia Telephone Co. 77.~
~75 ~ui~s-Belt ldateri~ ~. ~1.92
~76 St~da~ 0il Co.of Ca~fO~ia 8.~4
4077 Stag, ~to 5.75
4078 ~ate Co~e~sation tns~ce ~d 1460.33
4079 Stokes, Rod~ey Co. 6.15
40~ Reeling ~d ~.~
4081 Taylor, ~atrics 2.50
~82 Tholl, ~l 134. ~
~83 Travelers ~ce C~pa~y 52.~
40~ Tra~lsrs ~sur~ce Comply ~.ll
4085 Union 0il C~p~ of California 250.05
4086 ~ebb Bros. 14.90
408~ ~it~-Star~, M.G. ~6.68
4088 W~ren D~e 15.25
~89 ~r~ughs ~.dding D~achine Co. 8.80
~DJOUR~IE~: On motion by Cou~cilma~ Ho~e, seconded by Councilman
Kidder, ~ich carried, the ~'~eeti~ was adjouI~ed sine die.