HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1944/09/18 EEGb~i~d~ ~DJO~R~U) L~ETING OF TI~ CITY COU~IL, C~'¥ OF C~Tv~ VISTA, CALIFOPJ~ZA, ~-~.Tn The Council r~at in the Co~ucil Chambers of the City Hall, on the abov~ date at ~ P.~!., ~rlth I~yor Keithley presiding. ~esent: Co~ci~en ~ithley, Ho~e, B~ide, ~e~d ~d Kidder. ~'~ T~ ~: CO~: City Attor~y read a letter to the Co~cil i~ which t~ Co~ty H~lth D~t~t had s~t forth n~r~s complaints ag~st ~'s Trailer Haven, c~ging a heal~ ~nace etc., On motion by Co~ci~ Howe, seconded by Co~ci~ ~dder, ~ich carried, t~ Oi~ Atto~ey was authorized to ~ite a letter to L~.~ Beret, o~eri~ the nuis~ to be abated ~d ad. sing ~m that if ~e w~ ~ot do~ ~thi~ a ~ason~le len~h of time, ~s lice~e v~uld be revoke~ ~I~ N0.69~: Co~ci~ ~esl~d offend ~sol~io~ No.69~. ~is is a ~solutio~ authorizing the 2,~or ~ exe~ a se~md~y agr~mt ~th ~e ~.H.~es Co~. ~e Resolutio~ was ~ad im ~ll ~d adopted and ~prov~ by ~e follow~g ~te, to-~t: ~es: Counci~m ~esl~d, ~ithl~, H~e, Bur~ide. Noes: Co~ci~ Kidder; ~se~t: No~e. P~ T~ ,~: ~ter dls~ssion of the parki~ ti~ li~t on T~rd A~ue, it was ~d by Oo~cit~ ~esl~d, se~nded by Co~uci~ ~dder, ~d ~rried, that the Chief of Police be instated to e~force the present ~ ~ parking l~mlt on all ~aceS where no meters a~ installS. ~ OF N.M.I.C.~: City Atto~ey request~ ~ority to pur~ase the ser~ce of N.~I.O. at a price of $~E. O0. This is a leg~ set.ce re~de~d to ~etpalities o~ ~d is p~p~ed by the National Institute of ~i~pal ~w Offices. ~ motio~ by Co~ci~ ~esl~d, ~mded by Co~ci~ ~er, ~ich ~rried, t~ clerk ~s autho~zed to order s~e. ~ ~R ~ S~CE: ~.To~ki~ ~pea~d before co. oil reque~i~ pe~issiom to l~ six inch se~r pipe o~ ~I" Street ~d Second Avemue to se~ a ~ew proposed subdivisiom. On motion by Co~ci~ Kidder, ~conded by Co~ci~ ~side, ~ich ~rried, ~.To~kims was ~vised t~t he ~st lay eight inch pipe ~d fu~ish a s~yor at his ~ e~e~se, the City of ~ula Vista to ~vise the g~de ~quired ~d depth of the ou~all in ~ole. 0~ S~T ~: ~e c~rk advised th~ co. oil that the Fe~r~ ~blic Housi~ Authority wised to p~se ~r old Steer S~eper sec~ed ~ mew omc which was o~ order. ~ mo~iom by Co~ci~ ~e~d, se~ed by Co~ci~ ~dder, ~ich ~rried, the clerk was auth~i~d ~o~iate with the F.P.H.A. f~ th~ s~e of ~C~I~ CO~I~ ~T: ~ere ~mg beem a ~ques~ for $~9.00 f~ the p~ose of ~creatiom i~ t~ city, ~e ~tter ~s discussed at ~me lem~h with Oo~ci~ H~e stati~ that he ~ou~ t~ pro~ w~ ~t~i~g e~re~ out of l~e, ~d ~t he e~ected that Oozily O~st w~ld ~e a ~avy ~i~ t~ s~. Oo~i~ ~esl~d dec. red t~t ~ Recrea~iom ~a~om ~s ~r~ ~ ~ll, but could mot be e~ected to work ~thou~ f~s. It ~s ~hem mo~d by Oo~ci~ Rie~d, se~nded by Oo~ci~ ~dder, ~ ~rried, ~ ~el~ H~ ~d ~ide v~img No, that one ~f of t~ ~o~ a~, or $t$~9.50, be all~d. ~ ~ CO~Y ~: ~e~ ~g ~em m~r~ c~im~s from the County a~a ~tive to dogs ~i~ lo~e, the ei~y cle~ ~ ~te to the Co~ty ~ of ~per~s~S, su~ss~ ~a~ ~ ~e~m~ be ~ked ou$, ~e~by the Co~ty ~d p~ for ser~ees of the Oity Officer, to ~ c~e of co~lai~ts lm this area. It ~s so ~d by Co~eil~ ~rnside, se~nded by Co~ci~ ~er, ~d carried. PL~ING COI~IS~ION: On motiom by Councilm~n Riesland, seconded by Councilman Eeithley, v~nich c-~rried, with Councilman Howe voting No, the ~i~or was instructed to all offices of the Planning Ccemzissiom Vacant, and the City Attorney to draft a mew 0rdin-~ce calling for seven (7) n~mbers and one Ex-Officio member, whereupom the ~Imyor declared all offices Vacant, amd re-appointed the following:- ~lessrs H.H. Yotmson, Harold Stagey and Ho~eForrest Smith. On motion by Councilman Riesland, secomded by Council~u Kidder, ~ich carried, the ~pointn~nts were confirmed. ~YOUR~JE~T: On motion by Council-mare H~e, seconded by Councilman Burnsid$, which carried, the meeting was adjourm~d sime die.