HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1944/06/27 ~FI~S OF A SPECIAL ~ETING OF ~tE CITY COUNCIL
The Council met in special session in the Council Chambers of ~he
City Hall, at ?.30 o'clock P.~i., ~embers present: Councilmen Keithley,
Riesl~ud, Howe, Burnside, Kidder. Absent: None.
Held in compliance vzith a Notice of Special Meeting executed by
the members of the City Council, end on file in the office of the City
Clerk prior to the meeting.
HARBOR DRIVE: ~r. Beuthel presented plans from the Division of
Highways, for the widening of Bay Boulevard from the Northerly city l~m~ts
~-~ "I" Street, with certain changes of grade and asked the council to approve
same and authorize the M~yor to sig~ the maps.
..P~SOLUTION $93: CouncilEs~ Howe offered Resolution No.69Z. This
is a Resolution accept~Dg the plans of the Division of High~.~ays and authorize
tile ~ayor to sign the maps. The Resolution was read in full aud was passed,
adopted and approved by the foLlowing vote, to-wit: ~yes: Councilmen
Howe, Burnside, Kidder, Riesland and Kei~t~hley. I,;oes: None. ~bsent: None.
RESOLUTION I~0.694: Councilman ~iesland offered Resolution No.694.
This is a ~esolution for the appointment of a representative of the City of ~
Chula Vista to the S~ Diego Co'~ty Jo. ts~· ~uthority. The l~solution was
read in full and was passed, adopted and apprOved by the follo-~ing VOte, to-wit:
~Ves: Councilmen Riesland, Keithley, Kidder. Noes: Councilmen He'll,
Burnside. ~bsent: l~bneo
Relative to the above Resolution, Councilmo~u i~owe expressed his
disapproval of the appoint~nt of ~. Arthur Lynds as the representative, ~'Jith
the Statement that it was not a personal z~atter, but rather that he layered
the appointment of sOme older resident of Chula Vista, and one ~o, in his
estfm~tion, was more f~m~liar with the history of the water situation in
our city. He suggested the name of ~r. Charles Butler or Lit. W.H.Peters,
saying tl~t either of these men had the needs of ChulaVist~ at heart, and
that he ~ould n~ch prefer that one of these men be selected.
Councilman Rleslmad stated that, in his opinion, the city's repre-
sentative to the Water ~uthority could best be served by a man alert to all
sides of the question, and one sympathetic with the needs of the city,
irrespective of whether he be an agricultural man or just a plain resident.
He stated further that, in his estimation, ~ir. Lynds had all of the qualifica-
tions necessary to justly fulfill his obligations as a representative of the
PJ~EING ~I~ER.. ~ESTION: The Council Chamber~ was filled to
capacity with SpeCtators as the matter of recently installed parking meters
was open for discussion. Councilman Riesland asked that first of ~ll the
contract between the City of Chula Vista ~nd the 2~LH.Rhodes Company, together
with all correSpondence, be ~ aloud by the City Attorney. This, the
city attorney then proceeded to do. Discussion then brought out the fact
that at th~ time ~r.Flnley, the representatives of the M.H.Rhodes Company,
presented his proposition to the city counail, everyone present was under
the impression that parking meters ~ould allow the insertion of one cent for
1~ minutes; two cents for 2~ m~u'tes; three cents for 36 minutes, and so on ~
until the limit of one hour for five cents was reached.
~r.Finley stated that ~ile he did not say definitely that this
could be done, he may hav~ left the impression with the councilmen that this
procedure was possible with his mete~. He stated that in demonstra$$~g
the meters he had installed a penny and them a nickel, which, at the
time registered on th~ meter he was demonstrating. The impression
was apparently gained by the cpuncilmen at that time that he was
installing pennies and that each penny registered an accumulative
period of time on the meter.
Y_udivid~els who were present at the council meeting when ~Ir.
Finley had demonstrated this meter, were asked if this was their
impression, and in every case their answer was "Yes".
In a~swer to open criticiSm that business houses should have
been contacted priOr to the installation of meters. ~ir. Yack Millan,
Secret~ry of the Chamber of O~rce, informed the council that for
over two months publicity was given in the papers on numerous occasions,
a~d presented copies of these p~ers to prove his claim, and that, during
that time, no formal complaint was ever registered with the City Council.
~. ~lllis Fullerton then took the floor and presented a
petition to the council which, he said, was sigaed by 200 citizens protesting
against the meters and asking for their entire removal.
The petition was sigaed by numerous people, some being residents
of San Diego, sc~e Bonita, some Hilltop Circle, aud some in the City of
Chula Vista. The petition was ordered filed by the City Clerk.
Fullerton asked Coancilm~n Howe some specific questions. Long them the
following:- "Why did the council buy parking meters which Sa Diego had
refused to buy?" Conncllm~u Howe's answer, substantiated by Mt.Finley was,
that the reaso~ San ~iego rejected these meters was that bids were opened
and low bids accepted.- Amother question. "Why was a nine months trial
period inserted in the contract instes~ of a six months period?. ~r.
Howe's ~uswer, "Because only a nine months period was offered by the
Other questions included "why did not the company bide by its
contract to install the meters within sixty days-. The City Attorney
auswered this question by saying, in his opinion, the canpany had fulfilled
its agreement and was forestalled in its cc~pletion of installation by
acts of the city conncil in which no provision for spaces w~re definitely
laid out as provided for in the contract.
Other citizens who made comments on the meters included ~[r. Nail
Skinner, whose personal opinion was that a few multiple type meters ~ould
be satisfactory, but he could not see why the citT was pa~ng $16,000.00
for nerch~ndize which, in his opinion, could not possibly exceed $6,000.00
in value. I~,~.Maurice Hooper, ~bose comment was that he felt it an outrage
for the city to spend $1~,000.00 for haters, ~ben painting of the curbs and
proper zoning would Serve the same purpose. ~l~r.~ichols of ~ "I"
Street, who stated he was in favor of meters, but not the type which ere
now installed. ~,Lr.~!llimu Burnside, v~no suggested that the price paid for
the ~ters be investigated, as he considered it highly exorbi~aut.
The ~,i~nager of Audersen's Cafe, that because of meters his business had
depreciated $~0.00 a day, aud it would soon be necessary for him to close
his business entirely,
Upon motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Counc~]~.-n Burn. side,
which carried, the city clerk was instructed to advise the M.E.~hedes
that the meters were not of the type supposedly bargaine~ for and that
~re highly Unsatisfactory. Upon motion by Councilman BurnSide, seconded
by CoUncilman Rieslemd, ~hich carried, 0hlef of Police ~up~e was
not to enforce the provisions of the pa~king mete~ ~inmno~ untila
is received from the M.H.I~odas Comm=-y, to th~ lc%tar above referred to.
AI~0UR~m~WT~ Upon motion by Councilman Howe, seconde~ by 0onne~lm~
which carried, the m~et!n~_ was adJourne~ sine die.
SE1E 27, 1944.
We, the undersigned, r~mbe~S of the City Council of the city
of Chula Vista, Califc~nia, he. by consent to the holding of a SPECIAL
2~EETING of the City Council, to be held June 2?, 1944, at 7.30 o'clock
P.M., in tb~ Council ~aamber of the City Hall, for the purpose of:-
Dated this 2?th day of June, 1944, at 7.25 P.M.,