HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1944/06/12 ~ OF A REGULAR ~'ING OF THE CITY OF
The Council met ia x~gular memeloa ia the Council Ohmnber of the
City of Ohula Vimtm, City Hall, om th~ aboVe dat~, with Mayor Eeithley
preaidiag. T~e meetimg was ~alled to order aS ?o'eloek P.M., Premeat&
Councilmen Eeithley, Burn. ids, Kidder. Abmeat: coumcilmea H~we amd
Rie roland.
Miautse of ths 'segular meetimg of May 8, amd of the adjourned
meetil~W held May 1§, amd Ma~ ~2, having bees prepared amd mailed, were
approVed aa prepared am~ mailed.
Minutes of the Plennimg C~tmsioa ~eting held May
were x~ad am &pproved.
Couaoilmam Rlemland appeared at th/s tiaa.
T~ETATIVE MAP: Ea;emmio~, ,of Miser Street:, The coumoil reviewed
a tentative map of proposed Subdivi~iom of a portion of the Northwest Quarter
of Quarter Section 128, ia the City of Ohula Vista, a~ presented previously
by Mm. Yomeph ~areve.
On motion by Couaoilmam E~ithley, seeom~led by Coumeilm-- Riemlswd,
which carried, the temtative map w~ accepted, provided ~taadard eurbm wer~
installed amd prevision made for proper draimage of Mimer Street within the
SUBDIFiSION O~DINANCE: On motion by Councilman Rieslam~, seconded
by Cou~oi~m-~ Kidder, which married, the Cit~ Attormey warn instructed to
confer with the Plaaaimg C~-mtmsioa amd other officials, and draft
Ordiaam~e regulating Subdivisionm within the City of Ohula Vista, few pre-
mentatioa to the Oouaoil at a later date.
from Mr.Bexe~ba~l, District C~=~.~=aloaer of the Boy S~o~ts,
C~ of th~ Am~rioam le~ea, amd Miata Alfrieda Rook, l~lee-~airmma of
the ~-e~ktioa Oo.-H~ioa, requestimg that ~.fox~ ~tatiom~ be built ia the
L~gioa Pa~k for the use of Boy Scouts amd Girl 8eo'.,ts, a~d other picnickers
ia thim area. Attention wa~ ealled to the fact that eomaeetioas 1~ the
septic task alx~ady imstalled at ~he Amerieam Iegioa Hall were available, ~ad,
om motion by Oouneilmaa Riemlamd, seconded by COunc~lm-~ Kidder, which married,
the Building Imspecter warn iamtrueted to de~ermine meet amd present pleas
for the erectiem of twu comfort StatiOnS ia the Legion Park~ and repo~ at the
next meeting.
US~ OF CIVI, C, B~L: Mm.Simpson appeared before Council to e~lain
a program planmed for the months of Yul~ and August, in which the Civic Bowl
would be used for a community sing with short inspirational talks, followed
by motion pictures. He simply wished an expression of the council as to
their approwal or disapproval to such a program ~ explained that the matter
would be presented late~ in definite form. The Council expressed tb_~maelvem
as willing to cooperate in such a program.
RECREATION CON~SSION BUDGET: Miss Rook and Mr.Oeo~l Sparling
presented to the Council fc~ their approval, a proposed bud~t for the Recreation
Oo~m~sion f~r several months ending September 12, 1944, in the amount of
$2,?04.00. It was explained ths~ the money was needed now and time would not
permit waiting fc~ the anticipated revenue f~om the T=~hem Act funds. 1~ was
mutual~v agreed that, upon ~ceipt of 'T~,'n~..m A~t funds, the city would be
credited wil~ any enounts expended to apply on the Dreviously budgeted amount
of $?,000.00 for Oapital Outlay. Upon motion by Councilman ~ieslaud, seconded
by Councilman Eeithley, which CaXTied, the budget was ~pp~oved.
(X~DINANOE N0.~29: On motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded
by Councllme~ Eeithley, ~h'ich carried, ~rdir~ce No.3~ was placed on /
its first reading. T~e 0rdi~ce was read in full and is sm Ordinance
amending Section i of Ordinance No.295.
~ M~,~.c~ PLANNING~ ,00~ESSI(~: Msyor Kei~l~y appointed
l~bert M. Griffin to serve as a -~mber of the Planning Co--.~ssion, and on
motion by Counci1~ Kidder, seconded by Counc~l~..n ~lesland, which carried,
the appointment was confLrmed.
I~EQUEST FOR TRAFFIC 0FFIoFJA: The clerk read a letter from the
R~hr Aircraft Corporation, requesting t~e placing of tw~ additional
officers at the mwtersections of "G" and "H" ~tre®ts on Bay Boulevard,
during the changes of shift from their plant. Upon motion by Oouncilmau
~iesland, seconded by Councilman EAdder, which carried, Chief of P~lice
was instructed to investigate the necessity and rep~ his findings at the
next meeting.
ENFOR~ OF 01~YINANOE: Upon motion by Ootmcilman Riesl~nd,
seconded by Cou~cilm~ Kidder, which ca.tied, Chief of Police was advised
to send fizal no~ices of intent to enfsrce existing Ordinance, relative
to sweeping trash from side-walks into the street, to all business houses
on the Avenue, and follow same with stric~ enforcement of the provisions
of the Ordinance.
R~YE~T FCE~ CARD R~ LIC~2~E: Mr. ~or~ B. Iott, having made
application in due form fc~ permit to operate Ca~d Roc~ at 4~5 National
Avenue, upon motion by Council~n ~iesland, seconded by Cpuncilm-~ Keithley,
which carried, the City Clerk was authorized to issUe Mr.Y~ott a license
upon payment of the provisional fee.
0(~SSI(E~S,: Mayor Eeithley brought up the matter of the
appointnmnt of C~saionerS far the various departments of the Ci~y, and
e~reseed himself in faVO~ of the abolishment of such 0~-,,,t ssionex~.
Council~ Burnside reported tha~ sc~e confusion had result~l in National
City, dae to l~e lack of C~ssioners, but said he was not using this as
any p~rticula~ a~gueman~ fc~ them~ Upon motion by Councilman I~eslend,
seconded by C~.,uc~-~- Esithley, which ce~ried, the office of Fire
CommissiOner and/o~ cc=-.~tee~, was declared vacant.
CALIfOrnIA ~ AU~T~: ~ae clerk read a letter to the
Council which called attention to the fact that a representative must be
~ame~ to ac~ in au official c~aci~y for the City of C~.,~ Viste at
~d~re meetings. Ms, or Eeithley advised that he wou~t l~ke the matter nmder
advisement end .~ve ~he appointmant at the next meeting of the councils
?.fRiARy BOA~D: M~yor Kei~hley re-appointe~ D~. l~auk Iaue and
Mrs.R. Lowell Davies $o the Library Boa~l for a texln of three (3~ yea~s, l~om
~une ~0, 19A4. 0m motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman
Rieslsmd, which ca.tied, the appointments were coxLfirmed.
$£~ PS~(~AM: Street Sm~erintendent ~ I~ve, ~abmitted
a report of recent wO~k on ~he City streets already accomplished, together
with a proposed program for the eux~en~ month, smd, on motion by Council-~
Riesl~md, seconded by Councilm~- Eeithley, which cax~ied, the p~og~am was
DEDIGATI(~ OF OIT~ LAI~:, The clerk presented to the Council a
request frma the Division of Higt~ays far the dedication of a certain
portion of land o~led By the City and now use~ as a city &~m.~. For the
purposes of widening Harbor Drive. Upon motion by Counsilm-~ Kidder,
seconded by Couneilm-- Riesl~d, ~zLch c~a, the City Attorney was
instructed to d~aft a Deed to sene in accoxdance with the description attached.
BIV.V-~ PAID:, Upon motion by 0otmcf l~ Kidder, seconded by
Cou~cilma~ Keithley, which carried, the following bills we~ ordered paid:-
3668 Pay Roll - ~x~~;~. May, 194~ General 222,6.66
3669 Pay Roll - ~d ~ May, 19A~ Gen'l-~s.sewers,Parks 1152.40
36?0 Bauk of ~.-wiea Depgsit (Ivins) Census 280.00
3671 $ohamsen, Henry ~n~ $ M~y salary - omitted 71.40
36?2 Pay Roll - ~u~e ?, 19A~ Yury Duty
36?5 ~iillan, Sack T~ Geordinator Miscellaneous Bills Paid f~',~lO~.?5
(Bte~o, t~lephoAe, rent )
36?4 ~Aillaa, ~aCk T, Treasurer 1% Disbursemamts for Ma~
36?5 Americas Ritum~le 0o., Ditmauls EX 126.??
56?6 Automobile Club of Calif., Speed Sig~s 30.1~
36?? Bank of America WX~hholdi=g Tax for Ma~ 58A.AO
36?8 Rra~dt O~.p~uy, The Official Bo~d (Atherton) 5.00
36?9 Brow~-Bevis ~tuipment Co., Fibre & ~oveis 5.
3680 0alifo~-~la Water & Tel.0o., R~mtal ~ts, me, ers. AO9.80
3681 0alifernia ~esterm States Life. Ga'cup T~aurauce ?0.5~
368~ Galvin t~nufacturing Corp., ~eceive~-Speaker 65.00
3683 Carlson & Simpson ~tewa~t Waxm~r supplies etc. 5.6~
~68~ Chh1-_ Vista Building & Loa~. ~r Savl~gs Bonds Ser."G" 10000.00
3685 Ghula ~lsta Electric Co., Miscellaneous Elec. supp.
5686 Plastic Wose,(0hu_la ViSta Lumber) Plastic Rose,cement,lumber. 5~.00
368? 0hula Vista Star Ordinances 5~-.65
3688 Git7 T~easu. re~ of San Diego Radiotel.rental &Pax~s 47.71
3689 O~mmty of San Diego (Health) Health service aS contract 50.00
3690 ~_ley Corporation SealCoatLug - Gold Mix 880.00
3691 Daley Corporation 0old Mix
3692 ~enrich Press Tax Roll Assessment Sheets
etco, 116
3693 Fuson, Rox Rofund of Survey deposit 15.00
2694 Fuson C~age Misc. supplies 5.~1
3695 Goodyear Service Tractor ti~e repaix~d 6.00
3696 ~i~bert's Pharmacy First AidKit 1.?~
369? Hadley, 0has.R.Co., Staudard Fo=ns C-49 §.26
3698 Holland's 2 Tires and 1 Tube 6.18
3699 Home L~ber C,~.,,e~y Paint & Thinner 59.88
~00 Eeithley, Ralph Misc. supplies 4/? to ~/15 26.?0
3701 Kinm~re Electric Co~,peny Flores T~bes and labor 3.09
3?02 La~on, Y.Y. Buyton 0c~b. Expander 63.29
3?03 Zee, George - Fire Chief Volunteer P~rOll for }~y
3705 [~n's & Boy's Store 0vets_lis
3?0zi Logan's Paint & Linoleums Paint 5.95
3?06 Orrell Feed Store Gaines Meal & Cr~uch 12.60
~07 Pacific Lawn Mower Wor~s Sh~rpan [~[isc.Park equipmt. 21.50
3?08 Paxton Auto & Electric Service 2 tires - etc., 59.14
3?09 Pillster, Lloyd T. Batteries 3?.??
3710 Reliable Pipe Supply House ~[iscel~aneous supplies
3711 R~velation Water Cmmpa~y Cabinet & ~er Filter(Y=) 17.00
3712 Rovolving l~und Miso.bills paid 19.03
3713 Richfield 0il 0orp., Stove, 0il,Richlube etc.,
3~1~ Ross Stationery & Equipment Co. Miscell~ueous supplies
3715 Ruble, ~.Y. Misc.auto parts & repairs 2~.68
3716 SanDiego Gas & Electric Co., Light and Gas 5/5 to 6/30 §02.95
3717 Sipple, Paul Auto Parts & repairs
3?lB Southern California Tel.Oo. Service for May ?~..~0
3719 Standard Oil COmpany of Calif., Standard Diesel l~uel 8.0S
3?20 ~m~ist Cafe Priacme=s meals
37~1 Taylor, Beatrice Planning C,~,~,,l~sion meetings 5.00
3?22 Tholl, ~mil Auto repairs aud parts 2~.60
3723 Travelers Insursnce Gc~apany G~up Insurance ~2.~
37~ ~ion Oil ~y of Ca.lo. ia ~ol~e fer ~ 193.75
3725 E~r ~ch 2 ~Trees ~50
S7~ ~bb ~os. Ltd., ~onz ~od ~e.~murr~ 11.~
3727 ~este~ ~t~ ~pp~ ~., ~sion Ladder 14.46
3728 Western ~ion ~h ~., W~es to Sac~nto 2.02
3729 Wi~on, ~d O.& ~ ~ ~.16
37S0 ~ ~ - ~st ~f J~e,19~ ~ner~ 2~.95
~31 ~ RO~ - ~t Ef J~e,1944 ~.Streets,~r~,etc. ~.75
~32 ~is, Ju~ 2 d~s strut ~rk 12.00
~JO~: ~ ~tlon by Oo~cil~ ~esl~d, seconded by
~dder, w~ch ~ied, t~ ~etl~ ~ adjoined to 2 P.M. ~es~, J~
20~ 19~.
Oity Clerk ~