HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1943/07/12 CRULA VY~TA O0UN0~L, IN '£~ CITY OF ¢~0IA V~STA, ~.T~0RNIA, - The Council -~t in x~gular session in the Council Chambers of the City of Chula Vista, City W-~l, ca the abo~ ahmm ~ate, with ~c~ Now~ presiding. The meeting wa~ called to or,er at 7 o~lo~c P.M., l~eeent: Councilmen Howe, Perk!~, ~, Burnside a~d F. iddor. Abseat: No~e. The ~wu~es of the regula~ meeting ho~l tune 14, 1943, having been pr~a~e~ an~ maile~ to each ~er of the Council, we~ approval as prepared ~ud I~nutes of the l~anning Co,--S~sion hel~ ;v_ly 5, 1945, wex~ ~ motion by Councilman Tiz~ons, seeon~e~ By Councilman B~rnside, which corrie~n 0rdinanee No.~l was plac~l on its first reading. T~is is an 0rdAnance regulating tx~ffic upon certain streets in ~he-O~ty of Ch~l~ ~ista. APFL~r~N FOR ~ ~ .LI~S~: ~e clerk rea~ a letter from Mr. ;chh ~*ors, requesting pe~osion to operate ~ rocca at 31~. Thir~ Avenue, 0~ motion by Councilman Parkman, seoonde~ by Councilman Timmons, ~bich carri~l, the matter was refox~ed to the City Attorney for report at the next meeting. I~ES~ '0Y ~.FUV.~t Mr.Willis Fullerton appea~e~ before the Council in regax~t to e~ enmwer to his request of ~vril 1~, fc~ pez~Lesion to op®ra ~te A~usemant Coin-0pe~ate~ machines in the City of Ch~ Vista. This matter havi~g been refex-~ed to Chief of Police Du~ee, for in~mti- gation a~l report, the Chief al~peaY~l before the council with ~be follcerlng recow~ndation:- That the applicat~0n be de~le~ because no specific location was n~utione~ for the installation of th~ maehin®e ~ no prOvialon made fo~ servicing a~.. City Attorne~ Fle~oh®r then reports~ that in his eetJ~sation no action eoul~ be taken, due to the fact that the 0rdina~ce reg.~ting same calls for certq~- specific ~pplication to be made. This has not been After much disousaicn, Mr.l~ulle~ton made the statement that the application would not be ma~ ~u~ to the fact that he ~l~ not ~esirc to install Coin-0psrate~ machines in the City of Chula Vista, but sim~l~ deeire~ to bring before the council the muthocls us~l in gl~uting ~pplications to other firms for like machines. ~UE~T..]~...V~CT0~ I~USE= ~re.Basil M~ller sent in a reqne~t for l~- mission to inetell a ~et~y House ei~t feet by L2 feet {8' = 12') in s~ze, en the lot adJseent to the l~l~e Nail Th~s house to be usea for l~tr~tic pt~rposss, such 8s selling of boncls~ s~c,, for the dul~%~en only. Upon motion by Councilman Tl~ons, socond~ by Ocun~l~an F~dde~, which carrie~ peymisslon was gl~n~ed, with the ex~reoe -n~eretmd~g that ~t should remain at this location for the ~u~ation only. ~ SU~I~V~AS~0~: T~e Pl~!~ Cow-~-cion having mat at ? o' clock P~. on this s.w~ e~ to take action on the approval of a tentative ~p of the p~opose~ ~ubtivision to he loeate~ on the forcer gang Resets pro]~ex~y on Si;reef, west of National Ave~Ve, a~d that 'l>od.y hating appre~d the tentative e~l minutes of the ~e~ial meeting havi~g bee~ passed on to ~le City Council, upon motion by Cotmeil~a~ Bummst~®, seconded by Oounotlluen ]~i~6e~, which carried, the m~nutes were app~ove~. ~S0IDTION NO ,659= A Resulu$~on P~latL~ to ~-~strat~en of ,Our_rent Tex Ps~me~t: Counoilms~ ~c~.dd~r offe~e~ Resol~tion No.6§9. ~is is a Resolution relating to the ]Mminiet~ation of tho Cux-~eat Tax Pa2Bont Act. T~o heading of Resolution No.65~ was xoead, e~At on ilotion by Councilman Bu--side, seconded% by Cotmcil-~- Ei&ler, ~hich eax-a~ed, further reading the te~t was walve~l, and w~s passed, adopted and approval by the following vote, to-wit: Absent: None. T~MPORAH~ A~T0~3T: At t~is t~lD, 8 o'elook P.M., the Council adJou~aed far fiw "(5) ,n~nutes to sit aS a Boe~l of Equalization. OF ~uUneT~NG: AS 5.05 P.I~, the Council e~ain continued with ua~~ The matter of a Budget fo~ tho Yiseal Year - ~u~y 1, 1943 to ~une 30, 1544, ~ dismlsoe~ at length, whereupon, Upon motioa by Couneilman Pexkins, secon~ad by Councilmen which earried, the Clt~y Council adopted the following infox'mal b-~ot as a financial guide for tho benefit of itself ~nd the meeabera of the vari~v~ City Bepartmemte for th~ Badger Year - ~u12 let, 1~43 to ~uno $0, 1~44. There being no _m~datox.y budgetary requireu~nt or proeadu-~'e forth by law fo~ the operation of a city of the sixth e~ase, said City Council deelare~ that 1be re~eetive sams set forth for the purposes emumerated, ere not to he oonolAered as al~x~priations or allocations of money, ~ that the figures he~eiw contained are subJest to ohem~ at sueh times as the City Council shall detsx.~na, Said City Council further dealarad that all insmaSes ia salaries aS listed in the afors--ntiome~ informal budget, axe subJeet to x~uction and adjustment when, in their estimation the purchasing p~er a ~olla~ shanks to a point that would Justify sslax-y adJuslm~nts. Upon notion by Co~llman ]~idder, seconded by Couneil~Ln Tiumons, which cax~ied, O'~n,~oe No0322 WaS pissed on its first reading. This is an 0~linance Establishing a Tax Rate for 194~-1~44 in the City of Chula Vista. ILT. LL~ PA~D: Upon no~ion by Councilman tk~ns~e, seconded by Councilman Timmons, which satired, the following bills were orclered paid:- ~9~8 loll' D~aage Corporation War RLak ?n~uranoe $48.80 ~-~99 HOugh, A*E. Balmxce Salary - tune 64.60 3000 I~y Roll 2ad ~f Funs General 1758.16 3001 Pay Roll 2~a half of Yune Gen'l 3ts.Parks,sowar 885.20 ~0~ Fletcher, Fex~linand Salary - 2a~ half tune 72.60 ~00~ Beaumont, Willi~oa tanitor - 2nd half $~* 7.50 3004 Hsud, 0aborn E~tra ~olice ~ork 300~ California ~=P_ Co,, Radg~s 34°52 ~005 California ~ater & Tel.Oo., l~drant remtals,meters,etc. 40~.§6 3007 California l~estern States Life ~ou~ Xnsmranse 32.80 5008 Chase haw Book Co., Yenal Code 3.00 3009 Chula Vista Electric Co., ]~lse.oupplies 30.21 3010 Oh-l~ Vista 'f.t_s~e= CO., Lu~ber for Control Co~ter 191.~7 3011 Chula Vista Stsr Ordizaucse,B~g.Pez..its 3~.21 ~012 City Council Pay Boll -not imelmdad 50.00 in regula~ Pay Roll 3015 City Treasurer of ~en Diego Radiptslophone_ and Parts 32.19 5014 County of Se~ Diego (Health) Health Sox-vice as Contract 50,00 3015 Dohx~ Hotel ~Appl~ CO., ~ags and Platters ~015 Farrah's Cafe Meals for prisonea~ 4.64 3017 Heleomb's ~dware 0o., Misc. supplies ~-~? 301~ l~son C~rage Auto parts and repairs 25.25 301~ w~-ris, Sim Y. Cutbae~ Asphalt 32?.37 3~20 Eatz, ~arren ~. Fertilizer 15.4~ $0~1 Nazax~l-~ & Co., $~pplies fo~ Civilian Del. ~022 Hc~o Lmtber Co,, Paint & l~tshes 72.99 50~-3 Norn, ~s~es w. Control 0m~er Fob,Book Sign ~00.60 ~024 ~owe, Viuoent L. Trip to Marysville and retu~a 302~ llant, 0.E. l~ef~n~ of ~ deposit 1~.00 30~6 Eeithl~y, l~alph ]~se.supplies and tires ~.~4 302? ~ee, Ceorge, ~ire Chief Volunteer Pay ~oll for Suns 50.00 ~0~8 Mill~, Faek T. Treasurer 1% Disbursame_nts for ~uue 127.~-7 ~0~ Millan, ~aek T.C.D. Coox~I. ~ise.Bills,l~at~g Boa~d ~ant,SeleA*y 71.05 3~1 0rrell Feed Store Dog Feed 19.05 ~032 Paxtoa Auto & ~l-etric Ti~e 9.41 3033 l~t~r Oil (i~a~il C~auy) ~tor 0il 30~4 ~l~.~a~e ~viee Ti~e sex-else and te~e 4.22 30~5 ~1~o~ t~aeellaneous bills paid 30~8 8em Diego 7~itor ~PplY P~eoi~ion l~er & Feldl~g 21.27 ~0~ San ]2Legs Offiee S~pl~ Type~ite~ sha'~r & ~om'~al ~3A0 Southern Calif.Te!.~o., Tele~h~e service for $,,~ 6~.~ ~ ~tande~ 0il Co. of Calif. Diesel 0il & Turbine 17.0~ ~04~ ~teng, Otto lfelding on ~de~ 3.50 3043 ~kss, ~lney Co., Ma~,Pencils,Ohair Grip 9.74 3044 Taylor, Beatx-Ace Pl~-~ing Cc~ssion Meeting 2.50 3045 Tessitore, ~etor C~nex~te ~ea~ 3?.50 5046 Tholl, ~ail Ge~ez~t~ so.lets & Labor ~ T~avele~s Xnsuranee Co., ~roup lnsuranee 30A~ Union 0il Co. of Calif,, ~esolAne 2~,61 ~050 l~ebb B~.Lt~., (~y~en an~ Aeetyle~e - ~e~ur~age 18.~9 ~O.'~ WOlfe & AlX. Golcl A~ato sapplies e3~ x'e,~ix, s 1~. A~0U~B~T: Upoa ~otiou by C~n~ilma~ Tin.ns, seeo~e~ by Council~n l~ex~ins, which calTis~, the meeting &~Jouz~ed, sl~e die. Ac. et. No.100.:. 1. Selaxies- (Oounctl) ~00.00 2. (Ol~ Clerk) 18g0.00 3. (Taz Collector) 720,00 5. (Zudge) S000.00 $. { Attorney) 1800.00 ?. (Tzeasursr) 1400.00 8. (Cou~t Clerk - half) 990.00 9. Office Expense - Phone,PAinting,Auditing 1000.00 10. Printing Ordinances 125.00 11. PA~motion & Advex-tiet~ - Co of 0. $600,00 State & Cou=ty Leagues 2?5.00 Other - ~5.00. L~00.00 12. lnsu~anee & 0ffielal Bonds 3480.00 13. ;ud~ Expense 200.00 14. Plauaing Co~tsslon Expense 50.00 15. l~e~ F~4ilmeat 100.00 16. City Nell .~tutenanee & RepairS 850.00 1~, Civilian Defense - Retion Board,etc., 1500.00 18. Sury D~7 100.00 19, Reoreation Oe~=t-sion A00.00 50. Eleatiolt ~nse 500,00 21. Miscellaneous 100. O0. Capital 0~tla~ - New City Eall - 20,000.00 Unapportione~l Reserve 1,~60.00 1. 3alartes.:. (Chief of Police) - $250.00 M~nth 3,000.00 (Lt.Te~lor) - 225.00 Nmtth 2,700.00 (~gt, Feeney) - 200°00 " 2,400°00 (Sgt .Pat ters~n) - ~00.00 " 2,400.00 ( Patro~,~ l~e~n)- 190. O0 # ("Butterfield) - 190.00 ' 2,~0,00 ( "Done ) ;I 150.00 i 2,280.00 [E~ Bogau - Reek 82.50 990.00 (Billieson - Desk 165.00 1,980.00 (Desk & $~-~tor) 175.00 ' 2,100°00 (~mmne Officer Bet,. 'h,,, t'~. ) 175.00 ' 9-, 100.00 3. Trips for prisoners 100.00 4. Prisoners M~als 500.00 5. Telephone and Ra~io 1,17~.00 6. ?rafi'~lc Paint 500.00 ?. Redd. oal Ex~ntnation for Prisoners 50.00 8. Auto & ~otoroycle repairs 9. Gas and 0il 1,000.00 Police De2a~nt (Continued) 10. Dog Pound Ex, ease $.~00.00 ~. ~1 ~n~ 60.00 ~. or, ce ~se ~0.00 15. ~ew ~i~n~ 1~.00 ~. ~s~on ~.~ ~. ~s~ ~.00 $V,VlO.~ 1. Salaxies: ~xief - $~50.00 Mmat~ ~000.00 A~st. Ohief- ~.5.00 ~ ~?00.00 alll 190.00 " ~2.~0.00 ~ 190.00 " 2~80.00 1~ X'X~ 190.00 " ~-2,80.00 New Ma~ 175.00 " 2.100.00 New u.. 160.00 " 1920.0,0, $16,5~0.00 2. Salarl®s = ?olu~teer 600.00 85.00 ~. Telephone ~0.00 4. Alama 5. ~a~icals 80.00 6. ~es and 0il 12.5o00 ?. First Aid ~5.00 e. ~ew ~uipmeat - Hose $~0.00 } $50.00 Coats 50.00 ) 6 Mattresses - 1 bed 150.00 ) ~ A=ae ~e Masks ~0o00 ) M~s=. ~UlI~e=~ 110.00 ) 10. Repaiz's: 460.00 ~. ~at tex. ie.60,,O0 , 9o.o0 1. Sal a~y ~50o00 ~m~h $~000o00 .ooo..oo_ 1. Salaries Love - Supt. $~50,00 M~nth SO00oO0 Hall - 180.00 ' 2150.00 ~ - 1~0.00 # 2160.00 Sense~ - 180.00 Baker - 180.50 " 2160.00 Apprenties Operators 150.00 ' 1800.00 Truck D~iver 150.00 ' iSO0.O0 ~.. Extra labc~ 1200.00 $16,440°00 3. City ~sineer 160.00 ' 1,920.00 4, ~S s~d Oil 1,200o00 5. Tires,T~bes,Repairs to Equip. 1,500.00 $. Sho~ supplies, tools, lumber, pipe and supplies ) 500.00 $. Cement & ~avel 200°00 9. ~Oad 0il - 3boulder Im~o~t 1,~00.00 10. Culverts 200,00 11. Ne~ Equil~aent 5,000.00 1~.. Street Lighting 4,500°00 lS. ap x-l~le ~drants ~00.00 14. Telepl~one and l~dio 150.00 1§. ~hop Utilities 100.00 16. ~uil~ing RepairS ~00.00 17. Miseellaneous TOTAL FOR ~[ERAL lW~D: Allowance - Net $ 11,1~?.00 Less Cash on TOTAL ~r~ 1,1,"/~o O0