HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1942/12/14 ~I~JTES OF THE REC~IAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF
The Council met in regular session in the Council Chsmber of the City
of Chula Vista, City Hall, on the above shown date, with Meyer Howe presiding.
The meeting was celled to order at ? o'clock PoM., Present: Cotmcilmen
Howe, Dupree, Burnside, Perkin~ and Timmons. Absent: None.
Minutes of the previous meeting, held November 9, 19~2, having been
prepared and mailed to each member of the council, v~re approved as prepared ~ud
Minu~es of the meeting of the Pl~uning Commission, held December '?, 1942,
were read, amd, upon motion by Councilman Perkins, seconded by Councilm~ I~pree,
which carried, were approved as reed.
,~E~, FOR S~E-I~q~K Gi~DE: Mr.~Dett~useh, Secretary of the Rghr
Aircraft Corporation, appeared before the C~mUcil, requesting aid in the matter of
gradimg an area approximately ten (lC) feet in width on the North side of
Street from National Avenue, to their plant for side-walk purposes to facilitate
the handling of pedestrians coming amd going from the pl.~t. After a ahcr~
discussion, the Co~ucil agreed to I~arnish labor, if the Roh~ Aircraft Corporation
would furnish ell material necessary.
ORDINANCE N0.311: O~ motion by Oounci!w~ Dupree, seconded by Council~u
B~r~side, which carried, 6rdinauce No.311 wa~ placed on its second and final
reading. This is am Ordinauce requiring all dogs to be kept on leash ~men on
public ~treets ar highways. The 0rdinamce was read in full aud wa~ passed,
adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes:. Councilmen, Dupree,
Howe, Timmon~, Burn~ide. Noes: Cou~cilman Perkins. Absent: None.
01~INANCE N0.312: Om motion by Oounci]~ Howe, seconded by Coumcilma~
Burnside, which carried, 0rdi~auce No.$12 was read in full. This is sm ~rdl~ance
prohibiting parking on certain streets in the vicinity of the Rohr Aircraft
Corporation plaut. The Ordi~amce being declared an emergency one, was passed,
adopted a~d approved by the following veto, to-wit:- Ayes: Co~ucilmen Ti~nons,
Dupree, Bumnside, Howe ~ud Perkins. Noes: None. Absent~ None.
ORDINANCE N0.313: O~ motion by Counci~, Bu~side, seconded by
Councll~n Dupree, which carried, Ordinance No.313 was placed on its first reading.
This is an Ordinause levying a service charge or tax on trailers within trailer
c~p ~reas in the City of Chula Vista. The Ordine~uce was read in full.
~.ROSE BARROWS COL~w-J-INT:._ The clerk read a letter l~om Mrs°Rose
Barrows, requesting that the City restore a cermet survey stake, amd also a portion
of Del Mar Avenue which had been oiled by the City, to its original condition.
Her claim being, that this had never been dedicated as a street and we~ private
property. On motiom by Counci~e~ Dupree, seconded by Councilm~ Ttwr. ons, which
carried, $~zi*~et Con~nissioner Perkins waS requested to investigate the matter and
given power to act at his discretion.
LEGION PARK I~mROVEMEiQT: L~r. William Owen, represmting the Americas
Legion, ~ppeared before the Council, with a request that the City aid in the
drilling cf a draimage well for septic tank on the City owned lamd adjacent to the
Americau Legion building, so that the American legion might instal septic
amd connections, to be used for the Legion Building a~d for public toilets,
looking forward to the preparation of this park for a public picnic gr~,,~, with
stoves and picnic facilities. Upon motion by Councll~u Burnside, seconded by
Councilman Dupree, which carried. Street Comm!ssioner Perkins wan ~uthorized to
have this well drilled.
RESOLUTION N0.6~9: Counci 1E~n Perkins offered Resolution No.649
This is a Resolution, grantimg the United States Government, u~e of ground
for the Federal Recreation Building for a period of ten (10) years. The
Resolution ~ms read in full, ~nd wa~ passed, adopted and ~pproved by the
following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Perkins, Burnside, Howe, Tf~ons,
Dupree. Noes: None. Absent: None.
BTT.v-~,, , , PAID: On motion by Counci~m~ PerkLus, seconded by Councilman
Timmons, ~hich carried, the following bills were ordered paid.
2521 lmay Roll - First half November 1942. Gemeral $1509.?0
2522 Pay Roll - First b.lf No¥~ber ~942 Gen'l,P~rks,Sewer,Sts.
2523 1~ Roll - Last half November,1952 General 1596.06
25P~ Pay Roll - Last half November,19~2 Ge~'l,Parkm,Sewer,Sts. 727.~4
2525 Y~sen, Less Error in Pay Roll 3.68
2526 C~aua, Pete Labor - sewer 22. 50
2527 Calif.~ater & Telephone Co., Hyd-~nt,Msters,Rentals.
2528 Banks and B-~ Cement pipe 6.18
25~ Beaumont, Harold Lubrication
2530 Burroughs Addimg Machine Co., Typewriter cerhen paper
2531 California Stamp Co., Office stmnp 1.24
2532 Calif. Western States Life Ine. Co. Group Iusurance 40.76
2533 Ob~mber of Commerce Chamber ~ctlvities 1942 600.00
2534 Chula Vista Dry Goods Co., Blankets l~10
25~5 Chula Vista Oiviliau Del,council Supplies,Rent,Services llS.~
2538 Chula Vista Electric Compsmy Installing switch - toilet 5.?1
2537 Chula Vista Lumber Company Cement 3.76
2538 Chula Vista Star Ordi~.nces - Permit Bks. 78.52
2539 City TreaSurer of San Diego Rental Radiotel. Parts. ~8.69
25~0 County of San Diego (Health Dep't.) Hlth Service - contract 50.00
2551 Darley, W.S.& Go., Che~'~olet T~uck Asam.pump 277.56
2552 Denrich Press Court letters & B.Narr's
25~3 Diehl & Edwards ~uditiug Fis.yr 7/!/4~ t~
6/30/&z 165 .~0
2544 Done, ~'thur Mileage for November,194E 15.00
2545 Farrah's Cafe l~isonerm meals Oct.& Nov. 30.60
2556 Fuson Garage Auto Parts 2.52
2557 Guilbert's l~nermacy P~isonars meals Noveaber 5.37
2548 Hansen, John Returns Moving Bond 50.00
2549 Holcomb's Mtsc.supplies & hose.
2550 Home Lumber Company Cement and Paint E0.61
2551 Keithley, Ralph Mlsc. supplie~,bulbs etc. 22.S3
2552 Lee, George, Fire Chief. Vol.Pmyr~ll(Novemher~ 5?.00
~553 Lovell, Doyle Stop Sign~
25~4 ~my, P.E. Bolts P~S1
2555 Millau, Jack T. Oity Tr. 1% Disburse'mrs 119.68
2556 Moy~ahan, Tom Wreeking Co., Stear Tube 2.06
2~57 National Auto Parts Co., Auto Supplies 12.8~
2555 National Avenue Printery Traffic cards,etc. , 20.09
2559 Nelson & Sloau Saud 1.90
2560 News Publishing Co., Cert.M~bership forms 1.55
2561 Orrell Feed Store Gaines Meal 8.76
2562 P~er Bros.Construction Co., Return Moving Bond 50.00
2563 Paxton Auto & Electric Service. Headlight Blbs.Fan Belt 2.~
2564 Peters Feed Store. l~ark Supplie~ 405~
2565 Raleigh's Service ~ashing car 1.00
2,566 Reliable Pipe Supply House Used Pipe $6.78
2567 R~volving Fund Mlscellemeous bills 29.52
2568 Richfield 0il Corp., 0il 65.63
2569 Ross Stationery & Equipment Co. Supplies (Oiv~)efense) E.OE
2570 Ruble, W.$. ~uto repairs end psrts 58.17
2571 San Diego Gas & Electric Co., 0ct-Nor. service &21.6§
2572 Sa~ Diego Office Supply Co., Adjust Mimeograph 5.00
2573 Schwabacher-Frey Comgeny Bi~ders (3) 15.18
2574 Southern Calif.Tel.Compauy Telephone service 68.70
2575 Squires-Belt Materiel Co., Sewer pipe 66.93
2576 Steadard 0il Company of Calif., Gas 105.03
2577 Star-Peerless WeLl Paper ~iills Used Motorcycle 550.00
2378 Taylor, Beatrice Planming Cv~.Mee ting 2.50
2579 Tholl, Emi$ Auto Repairs & Parts 20.57
2580 Travelers Insurance Co~oany Group Life Insurance 2§.S6
2581 Tra~lers Insurance ComDany Group Aceident Insurance 27.00
2582 ~?ankow~kie, ~.& Go.Inc., Millam l~mewal Bend 100.00
2~ Webb Bres. Ltd., Misc.~upplies - demurrage 18.64
2~ Westemm Union Telegraph CO. Sacramento-Neb.wires 1.68
~ Zellerbach Peper Co., Junior towels 3.64
~ Wolfe & m_F~old Auto supplies & parts 26.*2
2587 Evans, O.L. Extra Police 6.00
2588 i~ Roll - l~t half ~ecember General 1486.50
2589 Pay Roll - 1st half December General,Parks ,Sts.Sewer 697.23
2590 Sipple, Paul Bulbs and lights 12.2~
ADJOU~m~T: Upom motion by Ooun¢ilmau How~, seconded by
CounciSzmm~ Dupree, which carried, the meeting waS adjourned, sine die.
City Clerk