HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1942/07/13 MI~u'~ OF A REGULAR I~ETING OF ,,,nm CITY COUNCIL OF
The 0ouncil met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City
Hall, on the abo~ shown date, with Mayor H~e presiding. The meeting was called
to order at ? o'clock P.M., Present: Ail members, excepting Counoilm~n PerkLus.
The minutes of the regular meett-g held tune 8, 1942, having been prepared
and mailed to each member of this Council, were approved as prepared amd mailed.
RECESS: The Council recesse~ at this time for the purpose of holding a
Board of Equalization meeting, notice of which had beem published in the Chula Vista
Star in the City of Chula Vista. After the completion of all business relative
to the equalization of the assessments for the year 1942, the regula~ council
~ CO~SIO~ MINUTE~: The clerk read the minutes of the meeting
of the Pl--~tng C~w~tssion held tuly $~ 194~-, whereupon Mr. Cordz~y s~pearad before
the 0ouncil to present his request fc~ the erection of a te~porax~ fantory building
in the City of Chula Vista, which had been rec~-,,~--~ed for approval by the Planning
Co...tssion ~t its previous meeting. Council-~ T~m~ns offered ~esolution
No.641. This is a resolution calling for a public hearing in the matter of creating
a zone variance to Mr. Oordrey and directing publication of same. The Resolution
was read in full and was passed, adOpted smd approved by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen T1~.ans, D~pree, B~naide, ~owe. Noes: None. Absent: Council-~-
Upon motion by Counc~lm-- B~u-nside, seconded by Councll~ T~us, which
carried, the m~-utee of the Planning Cow--lesion were then approved.
I~E~UEST FOR ~&-~i~ CYCLE: Mr. Verne McLean, former police officer in the
City of Ohula Vista, appeared before Council with the request that the moto~ cycle
formerly pwned by hi.., and which was in tanuary 1940 sold to the City, be returaed
to him by reason of the fact that he was no longe~ in the ~plc.y of the Cil~.
Discussion followed, in which Mr.M~Lean a~gued that his right to the machine wa~
valid, due to the fact that title had beem vested in the City for pux-pose of exit
registration only. Police Chief Eelly, thereupon produce~ the agreement signed
by Mr.MeLean in which he assigned all of his right, title and integer in the motor
cycle to the City, in ~anuary 1940, amd stated further that the reason for this
tr~Usfer of ownership was caUSed by a change in procedure of payment for uPkeep by
the City, instead of by officer McLean, as had bean the practice in the past.
A st.rllar agreement had been signed by fenner officer F~.Rice, and his
motor cyc~ tu~aed over tothe City. Apparently his understanding of the transfers
was the same as Chief Eslly, due to the fact that, upon his retirement from the
~loy of the City, no claim was ma~e for She return of the motor cyel~ formerly
owned by btm. The matter being controversial, on motion by Coundil-~- Timaons,
seconded by 0ouncilman Hoes, was referred to City Attorney Fletcher for an opinion.
REQUEST FOR K~I~S: A co~w~ttee headed by Mrs, HOward Bullen, consisting
of Mx~.Bigelow, ~rs.D~mne and ~everemi Thompson, was present. The clerk wa~
handed a copy of a letter which had been txmexsmitted to Mayor H~ee, requesting a
donation f~cm the City for the purpose of maintaining a supervision of the
recreation program for the youth now out of school. The twin--diets request was for
the sum of $600.00, and, on questioning ~rs. Bullen, she made the statement that the
approximate cost to the City for a complete yearly program, would be $2600.00.
A lengthy di~eussion followed, which brought out the fact that no doubt
there existe~ in the City of Chula Vi$ta a need for such a program. However, the
Council see~ed to be of the opinion that there existe~ a dire lack of control
of the present day youth by the parents themselves. The con~ittes pointed out
the fact that so many families living in trailers here presented an unusual
condition in that both pa~ents work, leaving the children without supervision.
The Council countered with their opinion that in cases of this sort one of the
parents should sts~ home ~nd talcs care of their own children. The oc~Apants of
trailer sA~ps with their children, receive all of the ben. fits of the municipality
without contx'lbuting anything toward the upkeep of the municipality in the way of
taxes. The Council felt that it would be an n~-eeessary burden on the general
taxpayers to furnish free supervision for these children, in view of the above
facts. The matter was not definitely settled, howewer, and it was thought best
to have a member of the recreation c~..-~ssion and a rep~esentative from the Council
get together for a r~und table discUSsion and try and work out some suitable program,
whereupon the Ms, or appointed Counctl.~n Dupree to represent the Council and report
back at't~e nex-~
REQUEST FOR PA~,, ,G Z~I~.:, lmos~v~Astar l~ichard Hlggs, s~peax~d before
the 0ouncil to request a fifteen minute pa~king zone Ordinaries for approximately
35 feet in front of the post office, whereupon Ci~y Attorney was instx',Aeted to draft
such an Ordinance end present same at the next Council meeting for adoption.
RE~]~ST FOR SI~IS: The clerk read a request, signed by ~r. C.0.Boltz
for permission to erect directional signs to the Lutheran Church Mission, which is
now holding sex.ices in the Wo.~.~'s Club House. Upon motion by Counci~w~
seconded by Council~A- Dupree, which carried, the permission was granted.
1~-~ TO ?.F~I~Y, BOAI~: Their terms having e~i~ml ~une ~0,1942,
the follow~ were re-nppointe~ to the Llbrex-y Boa~d:- Mr. W.S.i~ALlips end Mr.
Donald C.Diekinsen. Upon motion by Coun~i~- TL~aons, seconded by Counci~-
Burnside. which carried, the appointments were conf~-~ned.
I~S0,LIYTI~ N0.$~2: Coonc~.~ Burnside offered Resolution No.642.
This is a resolution appx~pristing money for e~penses of Council Defense.
Resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted end a~preved by the following
vote to-wit: Ayes: Burnside, Howe, Ti~ons, l~Apree. Noes~ Nons. Absent=
LETTER OF ~,, ,:, The clerk read n letter frc~ F.~-Ohade, $~,, PA-lndipal
of the Chula Vista tunior High School, in which he ths-~d the Ci~ fo~ the use
of the l~a~k Bo~l for their graduation.
~Ui~O C~g Ce~plaints have reaabed the Council f~c~a several
sources in the matte~ of waste w&ta~ fr~n the ~-0.D.Peeki~g Fl~n$, ereat~ a
stagnant water condition in the natural ~Ua~, lm~tiet~la~ly bet~e~ ~-~h and
Fifth Avenues. On morton by Oouns]~m- Bux~stde, seconded by
which cax-~ied, ~nspeetor Dm~ was requaste~ to investigate a meaws fO~ eo~eeetion
of the t~ouble and given pmee~ to act.
~ ~ ~0~ ~ ~ - ~S: City Attoz~ey
no de~4n~t_ plan had bean worked mas yet, Mby the new 9ove~-.-nt ~e~si~
could connect to the present City ~ewe~ ~yston, but that a eeafe~e~ee
Engineers and ~overnm~nt officials had been ax~-anpd fc~ 10 o'cleek ad., Tuesday,
· uly 14, 1942.
Holbrook ~nd Tax~, hav~ d~--~ded ref~l of personal property taXe~ 1~ in 1941.
the City Attorney advised that, in his op(-~on, the claim ShoUld be deaie~, ~hexeUpon
motion by Counc~-~- Dupree, teeondad by Cottue~ Tl~aen8, ~hieh call'AsA, ~he
claim was denied and the City Attorney instructed tO proceed
~5~r~TXON N0.64~: Councilman D~p~ee offered Resolutl~ ~Oe~4~. This is
a resolution anthorizing the e~oution of an a~rae~ent with the 0~uaty ef
for health and inspection service for the 0ity of Chula Vista.
read in full and was passedo adopted and al~pl~Ve~ by the following
A~es~ 0ouncilmen Dupree, Bu~neide, Hone end T~---xs. ~oes~ None: Abseat~
Couno~ ~
I~S0LI2~ N0.64~,: Counoiln~n Duproe offend ~soluti~ No.~4.
~s is a ~solution authoriz~ the ~qu~i~ of ~ option to pu~ ~s
dee~ed to the ~a~ of C~ifomia. ~ ~soluti~ ~ read in f~l, ~d ~s ?
passed, ~o~ ~d ~p~d by the foll~ ~te to -~t: ~es: C~ci~n
~pree, ~n~de, H~O ~d ~n8. N~s: N~e. ~sent: O~ot~m~n
~ ~ S~ ~: ~. ~s ~ig~ ~pea~d befo~ t~
Co~cil, ~ a ~q~st t~t t~ ci~ gi~ serious e~id~ation to ~ ~tte~
of ~iri~ d-~ city steers, ~d ~e pr~si~ for s~ in the new ~g~.
B~.r-~ P~: 0n m~lon by C~cll~n Tigris, ~eond~ by
~side, ~ich ~led, t~ foll~ biHs ~ ~de~d paid:-
2199 R.L.Zuroher Painting Crosswalks $2.50
2200 ~ Roll - ~eneral First half Yu.~e, 194:2, 1~?.65
2~-01 Pay ~11 - Gen.l~ks,~ewer. First h-!f Suns, 194~, 945.60
2202 ~ I~11 - General I~st half Yuhe, 1942 1499.20
220~ Pay I~11 -Gen. Pa~ks,Sewer. Last half Suns, 1942 909.68
2204 W.E.Kelly Vacation salary 100.00
2205 0dell Cagle Extra labor 4.50
2206 Less ~ensen Error in Pay Roll 7.50
220? 0dell Cagle Extra Labor 4.50
2208 Carlos Genesta Extra Labor (Sewer) 4.50
2209 Pa~ ~oll - General First half ~uly, 1942 158~.10
2210 Pay Roll- Can. Parks,Sewer. First half Suly, 1942 977.10
2211 Hax~ld Beaumont Lubricatiem 4. 00
2212 Geox~e Bancasel 0il spreading 405.11
2213 C & A.Nursery & Florists Leaf m~l~ and spray 5.15
2214 California Sta~ Co., 3tam~ for Sud~e Campbell .52
2215 Oalif.Wate~ & Telephone Co. t~dre~te,Re~tals,~®tere,e~c., 440.80
2216 Calif. Western States Life Ins. Group !naurence 26.82
2217 Carlson & Simpson Mazda Bulbs .93
2218 F.M.Chase,Yr., Expanses on trip - Civilian Def. 65.15
2219 Chula Vista Ins.Agency Fire Insurance and G. Lee Bond. 55.41
2220 Chula Vista Lumber Co., Cement - Sash 4.96
2221 C.V.P~int & Hardware Store. Batteries, Miscellaneous. 19.$2
2222 Chula Vista Star ~tm~o l~per 4.89
2225 County of Sen Diego Rental Yard Shovel & operator. 122.40
222A A~thur Done Mileage for Suns, 1942 15.00
2225 ~,nning Overhead Gerage Doors. Frautz Garage Door - Fire Dept. 66.95
2226 Farrah's Cafe Meals for prisoners - May &Sune 20.86
2227 Federal ?~hO~atories,Inc. Machine ~Ans,cartrldges etc., 455.05
2228 H.G.Fonton Material Co., Stripping Gravel 46.09
2229 Gilmore 0il Co., Emulsion 89.27
2230 Cuilbert's Pharmacy Meals - Fire & Police Depts. 1.96
2251 Charles R.Hadley Co., Waxdens Report Blonde 10.74
2252 Hoffr~n's Laundry I~undry for Police 1.45
2255 Holcomb's Department Store MiscellaneOus supplies. (Nay & Yune)5~.02
22~4 Home Lumber Co., Traffic Paint 11.95
28~ Ysmes H.l~n Labor & Car£enter work 23.65
2236 ~,ason-Tuc~r Inc., Zsntems & Globes 18.75
225? Ralph ~ithley Miscel!*neous Supplies 18.80
22~8 ~t~more Electric Co., Hanging fixtures in new office. 6.71
22~9 R.O.Im~rence S-Ail purpose lights & batteries. 32.45
22A0 Geor~ Ice, Fire Chief Volunteer Pay Roi1 for Yune 58.00
2P~kl Yack T.Millan, City Treasurer. Pete.disbursements for Yune 95.99
2242 National A~enue Printery U.S. Postal Cards (weed notices) 9.01
2243 Nelson & ~loan Rock and Gravel 13.8~
2244 0~rell Feed Store Supplies for park 25.90
2245 Paxton A~to & Electric Service. Auto repairs 6.45
2~A~ Peters Feed ~tore Park & Street Supplies $5,26
~7~ ,Re~lving Fund Mis cellaneous Bills. 42. 45
22~8 P~ss Stationery & Equipment Go. Office supplies - misc. 1§.74
~249 Wot. Ruble Police supplies 92.12
2~50 San Diego Fire Equipment 0o. Pyrine, etc.. 18o5~
2251 ~an Diego Gas & Eleotric Go., Services for tune, 1942 439°95
2252 San Diego Neon Sign Co., t~emeving and repairing Units 13.00
2253 San Diego Office Supply 0o., Office supplies 31.26
22~ EdeS~llutte Betmbl~rsing pymt. C.V~iYmber. 68.05
2255 Helen M. soott Mileage for Community Nurse 10.06
2256 Schwabacher-Fi~y Go., Office supplies - As~w-ts. 121.77
2257 Sthn.Oalif. Telephone Co., Telephone service 78.18
2258 Squires-Belt ~aterial Co. Sewe~ supplies 16.59
2259 Standard 0il Co. of Calif., Gas and Oil 150.82
2P~0 Otto ~tang Steer~-g arm 1.$0
2251 State COmpensation Ymsurance Fund. COmpensation insurance. 44.07
2262 Redney Stokes 0cmpany Maps 1.?1
2263 Beatrice Taylor Planning O~,,.,~esion ~ceting 2.50
2264 ~4l Tholl Auto repairs 9.00
2265 Travelers Insurance Co., Group insursmce 21.02
2265 Union 0il Go. of Calif., Road Oil
2~7 V.W-n~owski & Go.Inc., Bond- George Lee. 5.00
2268 Western ~etal Supply Go., Colt cartridges l~4.A~
2269 Wolfe & Arnold Auto repairs & supplies 41.76
22?0 Zellerbach Paper Go., ~dmeo Paper - Civilian Def. 5.$2
AD$~: On motion by Council~- Howe, seconded by 0ouncil~
Dupree, which earrie~, the meeting was ~Jouxmed to ? o'clock p.m. Yuly 20,