HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1942/04/13RZNC'PSS 0? A BEaULAR 09' TBS CITY CCShTCIL @' TH8 CZTY OZ' Cfl[TIA 9I~PA.
CALI)'Cd~iIA, ~3L ApBIL 13, 1942.
The Connoil met is regular session is the Couaail Chamber as the City Hall, on the
above shorn Ante, wlth ~~' How presiding. The maetiug was called to artier et
7 o*alook P.D4., Present: All eeabsra, ezaepting Couaoilman Ti~one.
The aiiantes of the regular meeting held Ysroh 9, 1942, having been Prepared ~d
meiLd to eeah member of this Council, wets approved as prepared end mailed.
The adantea of the wa.~.is. Caeanitaian eestiag held April 6, 1942, were read by
the CLrk, end, aeon motion by Qouaei]mn Dupree, aseoaded b7 Counailm~ Burnside,
which serried, were approved as reed.
POF, TAr[-CA-iB LICffi8:: A ]tr. B.B.Thoeea, appeared before the Gouacil, ~
requeatisg per~iaalea to operate a Tali Cab is the City of Ghule 91ata. On motion
by Co~aileea Atkins, eeoesded b7 Couneilmeu Brn-aside, viiiah carried, the request
was granted, gxoviding Nr.Thaeas praonre Pram the City Clerk, a basic lioeaee.
p` 3'CR LIGffi'S I9 HATS P The Clerk read a letter Evan Yr. H.H.Thea~ son,
direaReer of Aea~aiee a Astivitiea in Chula 41eta, requastiag pealeaien to uas
the Ball Park sad llghte for soldiers. t1a motion by Conao!]eas Perkins. aeeosded by
Coaaeilmaa Daprse, whioh onrrisd, the matter wsa referred to the Reeraatioa Camiaaioa
d~hthe teen-sadatYoa that the regnsat be granted.
i 1b~•Stephesa presented a tsntatits map Of Stephsaa 8ubdi-
visiea for tle apPxoial of the Cosnoil. After inepeotiaa sad diaonsa~tea en eetios r
by Gosaeilmea Atkins, ssooadsd by Couaoileas Burnside, xhiah carried, the tentative
map was approved.
9AGATICHSi It vas coved by Councilman Parkins, seconded by Gonaoilma Dupree,
that the heads crf all departments of the City be given authority to great ~eoationss
at their discretion.
BR~Is OF CHAS: ArmiaaleII heretofore given far the 8redging of a nix (6)
foot Chsarel, to osep Sahadek, wee ratified.
~ t7~ yZC1'@Hy LOBBCI CCf~: The Clerk read a letter m Yr. •eltea
of the 7ictory r Coeq{asy, requesting the Conseil is transmit ~ letter tb the
Matriot Sngiasar, California ffighwaJ Division, reoo~ending tffit provision bs maAs
for a oulvest eases Ratiamal Avenue at *I• Street. Iseamueh as this ffig~et iavelve
the alteration of a natural water a~n motion by Gounailmas Here, seoonded by
Counei]mea Dupree, ~ieh oarried,~i"alred to Street Coamissieansr cwaoilmen
Perkins, and City Attorney Higgs r reply.
1~80LUTI(Bi NC.636: Councilman HDwe offered Roaolution Ho.636. This ie a
Resolution urging oosasrvation of antaeaotive equipeent. The Resolution was read
is full and was passed and approve8 by the following vote, to~it:
Ayes: Councilman Hews, Dupree, Perkins, Burnside. Hoeas Sons. Abesat:
Cousai]een Tinmone.
~ ~ dt1[t SEw : Street Camiseioaer Berkisa rsquostsd autha~rity
to par a need teeter, end, on metier by Connoilman Burnside, eeeoaded by
Couacilean Dup2ae.:dsioh serried, the mattem wen referred to 61ty Attorvey Higgs
and Counailmea Parkins with power to not.
R P~ LIl~14S p~ rA2ffi: Yr. Robert Guerin e~pearad before the
Counoll to request .that the nasal ise for Carnival Sato+- be waives in the ease of
the Sraft Shows, ~o fatanded to sees m tie city ahort~y nder the auspiess of
the American Legit. th motion by Counellmen Atkins, seconded by Gonsoilsen
Bumaide, which serried, the waiver of Yse was allowed.
RE90LVrI~ AO.BS6; Connoilmea Haws offered Resolution No.636. This is
a Rasolutiar appointing loom prvpsrty officer to sot ae autodiea. The
Reaolntioa was read is fall end was passed, adopted and a pproted by the tellovr-
ing tote, torwit: Ayes: Councilman Howe, Dupre®, Paekiae and Burnside.
Noes: Nare. Abaenti Couaoilmam Ti~ooaa.
HILTS P'OR UTtI.ITItB II.8 O. BOII,DIH6: Mr. Jaot T. ltlllen presented ibr
payment, oertaia M s for utilities is the nw~y eoastrnoted II.3.0. Building.
Ib•. Millen explained to the Connoil that the 9wsstwatar High school had now
taloan oter the building far operation and s~uld take ears of all future bills.
The Couaoil seised no ob~eotiara to the aaastsaatsr High 8ohool taking oter the
operation; of the building, bat unasimata~j refaaad to pay the bills presented.
Ii80TD'PIClf N0.689: Couaoilmae Perklaa offered Reaolntiar No.639.
This is a solutiar regneaixag intestigatiaa of testa sarroaadiag the eon-
strnotiar of the II.SeO. Handing is the Cif Park. The Bsaolntiem was read
is fall sad was passed, adopted sad approtad by the fbllowing vets, to-wits
~eai Couaoilman Perkins, Burnside, Haws and Dupree. 1Poea; Hose.
Abaeett: Counailnan Tismoaa.
The City Clerk wen imtrnctad to treasmit n Dopy of the abaq Hsaolutloa
to Cemgressmn Isao end Senator Byrd of Plrgiala.
N0,3CSs Cn nDOtioa by Coanoilaen Hurnatde, aosaedad by Coaaoilasar
Psrkiae, inaaN 8oeE0b was pissed ar its first roeriiag. The title of the
Ordinanoa Eating been read is 21t11, ar metiar by Coaneilmma Baiaaids, aesoaded by
Coaaoilman Perkins. e41eh carried, ltirthsr rending o! the Crdinense was waived.
This la ea Crdlnaaoe controlling Carrier PSgsoY Iatts la tae City of Clxtle Plata.
~ffiiDTCi N0.306: Om motleo b7 Couasilmaa Dagrea, weoadsd by Conncilmsn
Buraaide, i~eb risd, Crdiaaree 1fo.SC6 wee pLaeB oa its first readixg.
This is ea Ordineaos auendiag seotioa I (8) M the ~dineaos Noe30.9.
FC8 1~P8 Ot A-R~13: City Attorney ffigge read a request for lease of
abaaa<oe as City Attsrtyay of the City of Gloria Plata, due to hie Eating ~olasd
the armed forresa, and regnsats8 that his law partner, Mr. >?brdiaend Tletoher,
be ap~iated to till hie pLes is the meontima. f1a motion by Couaatlmen Parkins,
eeoandsd M Couaoilmas Burnside, rhioh oerried, Mr. ffigga wu granteA leafs` of
absence and id•. a'lsteher appointed to the offio• of City Attarasy is his abasnoe.
80BBT 02i Cy ItATJZffiAL: Baildiag Inepeator Arthur Done, barought to tba
attention of the Conaoi , a possible need for snbstitutiar of osrtaia mtsrials
sow need is the wiring and plumbing of resd.daaoas is the City of Chula Pinta, due
to the inability of oontractere to purehaN oewtain spaoitied types of nwtsriel
doe to the war emsrgesoy. 0a motion by Coanoilaan Baraside, eeoonded by
Gou¢eilmaa Parkins, rohiah carried, the building inapsotor was given authority
to e11ow the aubatitnttar of the mtsriala whoa, is his opinion, it was found
sspediemic to do so.
aPP011iTliMP Ol' i Cu modem by Oonnailalsn DeprN,
asoonded by Qounoilman s, which carried, City Asaesaer, H.P.Bryent, was
appointed as otfieLl Assessor of taz deeded leads offered for aaL , ®d authoriaod
to sot !a as official eepaeity is the p]eoing of minimum re].nes ar leida offarad
for Salo b7 taz a®noles at public aactieme.
HILTS :t ~ motion by CeMaoilmat Hawn, sooaatded by Couneilmn Dapsaa,
w4sioh carried, the following bills wrs erdorad pnida-
1998 Pay Boll
1999 Pay Roll
2000 Pay eau
8001 Pay Roll
800E CeI.3laed
8005 Pay Boll - lileotiar Oifiegrts.
80C4 Ps71b11
Osn•1 ~ } 1llreh~42. X3249.85
Brat Hall M~reh, 1948. 658el5
Caul Tact ~ Itareh, 1941. ],SSle86
Osa' 1,Arka,Street a,8awan ,
Iaat-Bali Mesh, 1942. 649.80
~itra Folios 55.00
i6 IIeetion Qtfiosn 80.00
~'1,t4treet erparke,5ewsra,
Irirst Half -April 1948. 781.40
2005 Pay ffi]l fiemeral -First Half gpril'4E. #1250.80
E006 bank g.Heanett Return of Bail moss'. E5.00
2007 Harold Beaumont 011 4 LubrioaKoas. 4.25
2008 Hlake, Motfitt k loins. Pblioe Oftioe Supplies. 8.48
E009 Mary Bloodhart Plemndng Ceaaaiadoa Meetiage (3) 7.50
2010 Cso. Bnseasel Baal Oil - delinrdag k spreading. 85.01
E011 Ca1dt.Water de Tel. Co., H,draat. Rental, Patera, sto., 355.33
$012 Calit.Wsstera Stntes Ins., (croup Soapital Zisstamoe 48.54
2015 Carleoa A Simpsm Auto Rspdre 13.06
2014 Cffila Vista ELotrio Co., Rwriading linter 59.55
E015 Chula Vista Lmber Co., Luabeo• Ic lfateriels. 25.2E
2016 Chula Rata Paint lc 8ardaare. Bulbs sari supplies. 16.78
2019 City CLrk Paso.uaaeoursd persoa'1 pr.taz. 68.89
2018 City Re*olving Fund. Misoellaa~oae Hilla• 56.79
E019 Co~aisatiama Egaip.0orp. Tranetitter 1c Gantrel Head E80.76
EOEp N.L•Curtia Cylinders - Eestuaitatim. 6.18
2021 W.S.Derley ! Co•, Peerless Hssdautts 12.94
2088 Distil k Edwards. Auditing 71sea1 Ysar 911/40 to )
June 30, 1941 j 180.00
20E3 City Treasurer of gem Diego. Radio Maiateaeaos. 11.94
~E4 Arthur Dome. Car A3loweaee (Yaroh) 15.00
2025 E•dc T. Mata~ieoturisg Co., Rebuild Hrsnsdtater,Lsbor. 127.30
2026 Farrah's Cafe. Meals at Jail for Perch. 12.52
E029 H.C.Feates Material Co. Stripping Cratel. 10.51
20E8 The Flat Company Office euppldes E.45
E029 Griffith Corpasy 9.75 tasu 8!'7-E. 30.13
8080 8s~sard-Could Go., carpe Bogulator 9.18
2061 Baft9om 'e Laundry Lnnndry (Polies) 2.78
206E Holeamb!s Depestafsnt Store. Street Supplies. 18.74
2063 Moms Lumber CefaWDany. Hurting PalIIt k Tape. 10.59
2034 des H.Hora Bleak-Out Wort. 30.80
2036 8alph Leithley. Supplies 11.12
2036 Joffi Sirksaa Heating Oila. Feel Oil 16,21
2037 Sm Diego Co•DiT.League. Dues for 1942. 15.00
E038 Leslie's Bulbs ~e Developing. 2,50
2069 Doyle Lowell Radio Bon 5.39
2040 Tank T.lfLll°n 1~ Marsh diebta cements. 96.00
2041 Modern Applieaess Co•, Office Supplies 9•E5
204E Batiamal Avenue Printery Time Sheets 15.97
2014 Natiamal Auto Parts Co., Print, Thlassr,Suppressora. 17.06
$044 Esison tc Sloss 1" Hook• 4.19
8045 Bsyeaesoh Priaters,Isa., Assesmemt l: Iegal De®rmd Sheets. EE•41.
E046 Orrell Feed Store Fertiliser 53.76
E049 Pastam Auto ~ ffisatrie Servioe.Tirea and Tubas. E4.g8
E048 lbstarstea• Zaeelopss 70.00
2049 Raleigh's Service lrsh Jobe 2.00
E05t! Reliable Pipe Supply House. Pipe and Supplies. 110.68
2051 8iohfield 011 Oorp. Can and Oil 21.63
E06E BAas Stationery lcEQuip.Co• Office supplies. 8.00
EoSS W.7•Rnhle Clateh springs s~ eajuating. s.ra
8054 S•D• k Arisona East•R1q.Co. Private Property sign 1 D3stall'a. 3.08
E055 Sam Diego Fire Egaip.Co., lben rarills 6.18
E06B Sea Diego Dias da Eleetrio Oo• 8errloss for March 1945. 461.61
E059 Sam Diego Traotor do Egaip.Go• Sprookets,0asketa, eta., 841.31
2058 Sanitary Wlpiag Reg Co., urge. 8.24
E069 Satth'a Drug Store. Street Supplies. 12.06
2060 Schwabaohsr-Frep~ Co., Eleotios 8agp11es 118.08
2061 Helam H.Seott l[ilea®s fan Case.Hnras - Marsh '4E. 8.46
i062 Southern Ca1.Tele. Co•, Telephone aerTieo. 48.94
E063 Stsadard Eleotrio Corp., Vibrators,Comdemssr,Redio Tubes. B9.10
8064 8taadard Oil Campesy. Can sad 011 128.02
E065 Bnduey Stokes Co., 100 Tuning Maps. 15.99
2(166 Victor Tsasitsre Repairing Cmcrete Drive 6.00
E067 Traveler's D,uureaoe Co., f3roup Life Iasuranoe Pramiueos 34.67
E068 IIaim Oil Ca~pany of Calif. Oes and 031. 53.66
2069 •olfe end Arnold. Auto supplies X15.40
2090 !'.8.~ooden.Chier. Yoluntee~r Bey 8011 l[ereb'42. 48.00
2091 Edgar ?.aloe 2eo mka ~noatioa pp b 1 wk.106.00
E092 Edger a.Rioe To oorrsot llexrant X2091. 20,00
AWOTs Oa motion by Connoilsen Atpree. eeoondsd by Connci]aen
Asrkins, w~oh carried. tLe mestiag *as adjorrasd sine die.
4~ ~~J
C~eat. ~ ~~~