HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1941/10/14 ~Ii\V~ES 0Y ~ .~TI37G OF ~1[{~ CITY OO~CIL OF ~[Z O!?f Ob~ OT~ VISTL, ~e re~l~ ~et~g d~ of the City 0ouncll havi~ f~len on a legal holiday the Council met in re~lar session ~t the s~e hour on October l~th., which was the next succeedi~ business d~, with ~yor H~ve presidio. ~esent: C~en. ~we, T~ons, Burnside, ~rkins; Absent: Cl. ~pree. ~i~ OF ~OUS !~N~: ~e ~utes of the re~l~ meeti~ held Sept~ 8th. and the adJo~ned meeting of Sept. 19th h~ been prepared and delivered to each member of this Council by the City Clerk were app~ved as prepped ~d delivered.. P~G C~SSIOM ~: ~e clerk ~ad the ~nutes of the P~ni~ C~tssion ~eting held October 6th, i9'*1, ~d they were approved as read with one exception; upon motion by Cl. T~ns, seconded by Cl. Bu~side, which carried, it wes reco~ended that the request of H. E. l~ller ~or a zone c~e on E Street between ~rd Avenue ~d ~th Avenue be re~erred back to the Pl~ni~ Oo~tssion ~ith the re.est that a public hea~ng be held on s~e; because of the r~ct that the Planning C~ssion reco~ended that t~s district be placed in t~ Fi~ ~ne but did not state ~ich zone it ~s suggested that the point as to which fi~ ~ne be clarified. ~I0~ F~ ~: l~he clerk read a letter fr~ Fire Chief Wooden requesti~ auth~ization for t~ installation of fire hydr~ts at Bri~wo~ and D St., S~th Avenue ~d Casse~ St., ~ower St. ~d ~th Avenue, ~d upon motion by Cl. Howe, ~conded by Cl. ~ns, which c~ried, ~e authorization was ~ted. P~ST FOR S~ET LIG~S:Street O~ssioner Perkins request~ ~uthority to have street li~ts installed at the follov~ng locations: Davidson St. and Church Ave., ~not Avenue ~d E St., Or. ge ~d O~la~ Avenues, Fifth ~venue in front of the ~eric~ ~gion entrance, Second Avenue and ~ey St. He e~l~ined that t~ of t~se li~ts were ~quested by the Post Office Dep~tment so t~t better postal delive~ ~t be obtained. Upon motion by 01. Tigons, seconded by Cl. Howe, which c~ried, the Street Co~ssioner was given power to act and he in tu~ authorized the City Clerk to order the installation of the above mentioned lights, provided there was no additional cost to the City for installation. ~Q~T F~ ~ ~AIR: ~. Yos. Schadek, who recently p~chased the pr~erty kno~ as the O~lf~nia Cotton Oil ~oducts pl~t, requested that the road w~ch leads into his plmce be strai~tened ~d repaired at the e~liest opport~ity. Street C~fssioner Perkins having previously ex~m~ued the ro~d assured D~. Schadek that as soon as t~e was available the road would be proper~ reputed. CO~ 0N CL~ D;~.~: ~. Chas. ~z~d appe~ed before the Co~cil with a ~itten co~laint signed by ~elf and sever~ other property o~ers adjacent $o the alley which ~s f~m ~ird Avenue to G Street objecting to the abando~ent of said a~ey by the City ~s per ~solution of Intention, whereupon Cl. T~o~ offered ~OL~ION N0. 61~. ~is is a resolution f~ing the time for hea~ng of objections to the closing of the a~Yey f~l~ Avenue to G Street, the resolution v~s read in full ~d was passed, adopted ~d app~ved by the follo~ng vote, t~wit: D~es: C~en. Ti~ns, ~rkins, Bu~side ~d ~we; Noes: Eone; Absent: Cl. ~pree. ~e clerk ~s then instructed to noti~ each and all of the objectors of the time ~d p~ce of hearing. ~T FOR SIGNS: ~e clerk read a letter from ~. Thcs. Cotton requestl~ per- ~ssion to place si~s at different locations directi~ perso~ to the Adult School C~sses held in the Chula Vist~ Y~ior Hi~ School; upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Tf~ons, which c~ied, the request was ~ted. f~~ 0F ~H C~IOI~: ~or ~we appointed Cl. ~pree to fi~ the office of He~th C~ssioner ~de vac~t by the resig~tion of Cl. ~on. Upon motion by Cl. T~ons, seconded by Cl. ~side, ~ich c~ried, ~e appoin~ent ~s con- find. ~T FOR TY~ ~ON: ~e clerk read a letter from the ~ee~ater U~on High School District requesting exemption of city t~es on ~ts A, ~, lB ~d l~ in ~er Section 1~6 in ~e City of 0hula Vista because of the fact that this property was p~- c~sed e~ly in Yuly of 19~l ~d is now o~ed by the School District which is t~ exempt. Upon motion by Cl. Perkins, zeconded by Cl. T~ons, which c~ried, the request for ex~p- tion was grated ~d T~ ~sessor B~t autho~zed to re~ve from ~e ro~s the ~o~t of t~es assessed against this property. Minutes of a Meeting of the City Council held October lQ, 19~l. Pi~TTISON ~PPF~L: An appeal having been filed from the recommendation of the Planning Commission inre the request of I~rs. Pattison for a zone v~riance, hearing on same was set for October 22nd at ? o'clock P. E. and the city clerk waS in- structed to notify all property owners within a distance of five hundred feet, ~ud the petitioner, of the time and place of he.ring. ORDI~&NCE NO. 3,03.: Upon motion by Clo Ttw~nons, seconded by Cl. Burnside, which carried, ~rdinance No. 303 was placed on its second and final reading. This is an ordinance designating certain streets as boulevards, regulating traffic and travel on certain streets ~nd repealing other ordinances in conflict. The ordinence was in the exact form as given on its first reading at the meeting of Sept. 8, 1941, ~ud after reading of the title, upon motion by Glo Howe, seconded by Cl. Perkins, which carried, further reading of the ordinance was wal~ed. It was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: L~yes: C~en. t~we, Timmons, Perkins and Burnside~ Noes: done; Absent: Cl. Dupree. ~PPLIC~TION TO P~)E~ PROPhet?Y:, The clerk presented an ~pplication from ~. Roy Hegg to redeem Lots 1Z and 14 in Block B of Country Club Villas for the sum of $17~.70. The clerk advised that he had checked the tax roll and found that this amount included all of the Chula Vista t~xes delinquent and current, plus penalties and costs to date, ~£~ereupon Cl. Ho~Je offered ?~EwSOLUTION NO~ 61~. This is a resolu- tion fizing the an~ount to be paid for conveyance of and authorizing and directing execution and delive~ of quit cl~im deed to certain prOperty in the former Chula Vista ~ and I D ~. One. The resolution ~,~s read in full ~nd was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Clmen. Howe, TiE.ohs, Perkins, Burnside; ~es: None; ~bsent: Cl. Dupree. REQUEST ~0R NE~E~U~ENT: ~e clerk read a request from Police 0o~t ssioner Dupree for the purchase of a "~ewmoterey~A and two motorcycle radios for the Police Department, he requested authority to pay for s~ne out of surplus funds as prevision for purchase was not ~de in the 194l budget. Upon motion by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Burnside, which carried, request was granted and the city clerk was authorized to pay for the above equipment out of surplus funds. Street Commissioner Perkins then requested authority to purchase in a like manner from unused surplus funds one Ford Pick-Up Truck for the Street Departz~ent, the cost of which would be $523.87, and a new Case Tractor for use as a patrol to cost $992.27, plus cost of conversion at an amount not to exceed It was $50.00. thouEht expedient to purchase this new equipment at this t~m~ due to the tremendous increase of demands on the Street Department ~d also in light of the prospect of rapidly increasing prices and uncertain delivery in the future. Upon motion by Cl. Burnside, seconded by Cl. Ttrmnons, which carried, Co..n1 ssioner Perkins was authorized to purchase the above mentioned equipment and the clerk author- ined to pay for same out of surplus funds. FLOODING OF LIBi~G~B~'~-~EM~: Cl. TiE.OhS brought up the matter of the flooding of the Library basement whereupo'~ Street Commissioner Perkins advised that he would investigate the condition and confer with City Attorney Higgs to see where the re- sponsibility lay. I~ST FOR~PR0~J~0F MOE~BUILDING: Building Inspector Done asked the opinion of the Coun~ in the ~att~r of granting ~. Wm. Moeser permission to erect a certain type of building on a portion of Lot l0 in Quarter Section 137 on Third Avenue in Chula Vista. After a brief discussion and explanation upon motion by Cl. Timmons, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, Inspector Done was given authority to O. K. a pe~Elt for same. REQUEST FO~ ~ID FRO~ DDTOR ~HICLE DEPT.: Ohief of Police Kelly requested s. uthority from the CounCil in trying to g~ permission and help from the Department of Motor Vehicles in establishing a temporary office in Chula Vista where citizens could procure licenses and registration certificates. Upon motion by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the clerk was instructed to write to the proper officials sndm~ke such a request. y~ZjGER HFJ~ING: The City Attorney advises that October 2~th, 1941, ha~&been set for t~e hearin~ in the r matter of the case of the City of Chula Vista vs. Edwin Yawger. L~nutes of a Lieeting of the City Council held October 14, 1941. U. S. 0. Building.' It being the desire of the United States Government to build a recrsational building in the City of Chula Vista and there h~ving been a site tentatively approved in Lot 25 of Quarter Section 13S, which is a portion of the City Park, upon motion by Clo Tirmuons, seconded by Cl. Perkins, which carried, the City Attorney was instructed to determine if the City of Chula Vista had a legal right to lease said plot of ground to the United States Government for this purpose; if he found it legally possible then the Council wished to express itself as willing to lease a por- tion of this lot 150 feet in width and 125 feet in depth facing Park Way. BI~M PJJD: Upon motion by Cl. Ttmmons, seeonded by Clo Howe, which carried, the following bills after examination by the Finsmce Co~w~tttee were ordered paid: 1582 W. S. Adams Surveying 37.50 1583 I~urray L. Barnes Refund on t~x bill 3.00 1584 Betty Bethge Planning Cam. services 2.50 1585 Blake, ~,~ffitt & Towns Coin envelopes 2.70 1586 Borg's Furniture Store ~dse. Fire Dept. Kitchen 87.14 1587 Zennah Briggs reiTmd on tax bill 3.89 1588 Edw. H. B~onson Labor- City Hall 119.44 1589 Burns Appliance Shop Mdse. for Fire Dept. KitchenS.61 1590 Burnside Chevrolet Co. Repairs- Police Gar l?.41 1591 Burroughs f~dding~chine Co. ~dd. I~chine service, etc. 10.04 1592 California-Western States Ins. Co. Premium C~roup Coy. Ins. 34.00 1593 Chula Vista Electric Oompauy Light- Fire Dept. 6.69 1594 Ohula V~sta Lumber Co. Bldg. ~terials 118.13 1595 C. Vo Paint &Hdwe. Store Paint, etc. 20~.93 1596 The Chula Vista Star Printing, etc. 7.72 1597 City of San Diego Radiotelephone rental 26.50 1598 R. T. Conyers Premiur~- Fleet Insurance 152o59 1599 County Assessor Services Personal Prop. 30.00 1600 N. L. Curtis Resuscitation Gas 6.18 1601 Denrich Press Paper Towels, etc. 29.93 1602 Farrah's Cafe Prisoners' Meals 16.69 1603 The Flax Company Carbon paper, etc. 3.00 1604 Frazee's Paint 4.94 1605 Fuson Garage Truck repairs 1.74 1606 Helm Bros. Truck purchase 915.80 1607 Helm Bros. Tire repair 17.42 1608 Mrs. Fern C. Holm Refund on tax bill 1.00 1609 Earl Herron Labor on street 22.00 1610 Hoffman's Laundry Laundry- Jail- .?2 1611 Henry E. Kanlund Labor and ~terial City Hall 147.50 1612 Leslie's 7.73 1613 Kinmore Electric Co. Elec. supplies, etc. 15.32 1614 J. H. McGavock Refund on tax bill 1.50 1615 P. E. May ~gneto repairs 27.02 1616 Jack T. ~llan % Cashing warrants 85.14 1617 Mantle Montgomery Refund on tax bill 1.00 1618 National Auto Parts Company .~utomotive repairs 12.96 1619 Nelson & Sloan Plaster sand .76 1620 Paulsen & [Ierch Road 0il 333.16 1621 Paxton Auto & Electric Serwice Tires 26.55 1622 Peters Feed Store Pruning saw, edger, etc. 3.66 1623 Reliable Pipe Supply House Sewer supplies .67 1624 Ross Stationery &Equipment Co. Stationery supplies 3.13 1625 Swhwabacher-~¥ey Co. Court Docket Binder 5.16 1626 Helen M. Scott Mileage for September 4.44 1627 South Bay Lumber Co. Lumber 3°96 1628 Revolving Fund 3 mos. ~sc. Bills 67.41 1629 San Diego Gas & Electric Company Service for September 410.60 1630 San Diego Tractor & Equipment Co. Rental Road Grader 75.00 1631 Security Trust & Savings Bank Payment Tractor-Loader 1647.10 1632 L. B. ~m~lie Repairs for sweeper, etc. 121.09 1633 Standard Electric Corporation Extra Speakers, etc. 40.14 1634 Otto Stang Sharpen scarifler teeth 2.50 1635 Star House 1,~overs, Inc. Refund of deposit 50.00 1636 Rodney Stokes Company ~ps 2.3? 1637 w~il Tholl Automobile repairs 21.57 1638 University Motors Ford Oick-U~ 523.8? D~nutes of a meeti~ of the City Council held October lQ, 1941. 1639 Webb Bros., Ltd. Welding rod 1.24 1640 A.B. Withers Reftmd on tax bill 1.~4 1641 F.R. Wooden, Chief Volunteer pay roll 58.00 1642 Chas. H. Wright Labor- City Barn 24.50 1643 Chas. H. Wright 0arpenter work at City Hall 14.00 1644 F.E. Gill Painting School Zone si~ms 5.25 1645 Kinney Bros. Radios for Police Dept. 8?.05 1646 Pay Roll General- 1st. half of October 1253.?0 164V Pey Roll Streets, Sewers, Parks & Blvds. 1st. half of October 692.60 1648 P.E. May Case Tractor 992.2? ~'~0UP~,,~f~: Upon motion by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Burnside, which carried, this meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, October 22, at ? Po M. ~f£T£ST: