HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1941/07/14 }~II%'UTKS 01~ ,~l RECTJLAR },~31'I!,iG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF '±'t~ CITY OF 0HLU_~% VISTY~,
C~LLIFOR~/IA, pn~3~ JULY 14, 1941.
~-~ OF PRA%~IGIS M~ETINGS: The minutes of the Regul~tr Meeting of June 9th
and of the Special ~{eeting of June 50, 1941, having been prepared and mailed to each
member of this 0ouncil by the City Clerk were approved as prepared and mailed.
Mayor Done having previously resigned from the Council and the r~signation having
been accepted formally, the clerk opened the meeting and called for nominations of a
presiding officer pro tempera. Cl. Paxton nominated Cl. Howe and the nomination was
seconded by Cl. Dupree whereupon the following vote was east: A~es: Clmen. Paxton,
Perkins, Dupree. Noes: None; Absent: None; Cl. Howe not voting. Cl. Howe there-
upon took the chair and called for nominations of one councilm-= to fill the vacancy
on the Board. Mr. Charles S. Tic.mens was nominated by Cl. Dupree, the no~ination was
seeo~e~ by Cl. Paxton; there being no further nominations the appoin~ment of
Tic,nons to the vacancy was confirmed by the following vote, to-wit: AMes: Glmen.
Dupree, Paxton, PArkins and Howe. Noes: None; Absent: None. The clerk administered
the oath of office to Mr. T~-..~ns who thereupon took his place on the Board.
Ol. Paxton then nominated Cl. HOwe as President of the Boemd and the nomination
was seconded by Cl. Dupree. It was then moved by Cl. Ttmmons and seconded by Cl. Dupree
that the nominations be closed whereupon the following vote for Cl. Howe as President
of the Board was cast: AMes: Clmen. Paxton, Perkins, Tt~w~s, Dupree; Noes: None;
Absent: None; Cl. Howe not voting.
Mayor Howe then appointed Charles H. Perkins as Street Commissioner and a motion
to confirm the appointment was made by Cl. Tt~m~uS, seconded by Cl. Dup~ee and carried.
Mayor Howe also appointed' Cl. T~ww. nus as Chai~m-n of Finance and on motion by Gl. Dupree,
seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the appointment was confirmed.
,PLANNING C(~SION ~Jg3TES: The clerk read the Pl.nnt~g Oo-i~-~ssion minutes of
the meetings held June 16th, 19.1 and July 7, 19&l and upon motion by Cl. Dupree, second-
ed by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the minutes were approved as read.
~%DJOURNMEI~ FOR BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING: Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded
by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the council meeting was adjourned to such attm. as the
business of the Board of Equalization meeting should be finished, notice that the
Council would sit as a Board of Equalization at this time having been duly published in
the Chula Vista Star.
ADJOURN~ 2;~i~-I~ING ?:30 P. M.: The Council reconvened pursuant to adjunct
and continued ~th the business of the e~ni~.
~ON HOUS~ G~: ~e clerk read a letter f~m the ~vision of ~ation
~d ~usi~ referri~ ~ a ~olation of the State ~usi~ Act by a ~. Ed~d ~dsrson
who o~s pr~erty at ~l~ Avenue ~d K Street in the City of Chula Vista. ~ enclos~e
of a copy of letter that ~. ~derson ~d ~lled to the Dl~sion was ~so rand. ~tld-
i~ ~spector ~ne the~upon report~ t~t he ~d inspeet~ the pr~ses tn
~d ~d fo~d them to be ten.ted by ~tent~s ~d t~t he had posted the buildi~s
gi~ ~. ~ders~ notlee to ha~ the ~r~ses vacated at once ~d to de~llsh
buildi~s as per origin~ ~e~n~. ~ stated that ~r i~pection r~v~d
the ~ientals were being moved out of t~ cond~ed buildings into the t~ sto~
house on the f~nt of the ~ ~d questioned ~et~r this was not tn ~olation of axis9
i~ he~th ord~ees of the City. ~ City Atto~ey then ad~sed as to the
necessa~ to cle~ up the ~tter w~reupon it ~s mo~d by Cl. ~p~e, seconded by
P~ton ~d c~ri~ that the ~ildt~ ~spector c~ the ~tter on though ~ per
su~estions of the City Attorney.
~ ~R ~ ~: ~e clerk read a req~s~ f~ ~tie
property o~er in the 0i~ of Chula Vista, w~ch was acc~anl~ by a petitition si~ed
by n~e~us property o~ers in that district, requesti~ that a street li~t be
stalled at the corner of ~ch ~d ~dson Streets. Upon motion by Cl. ~pree,
seconded ~ Cl. Tigons, which c~led, the ~tter ~s refe~ed to the S~et ~,-~ssioner
with po~r to act.
~V~ 0F ~ D~: ~e clerk p~sented a letter fr~ the ~sion of
Hi~s reques~i~ that so~ official approve a t~pom~y pe~t tO const~ct
-~de drivew~ at 5~1 Nation~ Avenue i: Chula Vista as this ~i~ f~ats on ~e State
~w~. ~ ~tion ~ by Cl. Ti~, seconded by 01. ~pree, which c~ied, the
matter ~ referred to the Street Co,,~.,~ssionem with power to act.
Diinutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Council, held Yuly 14, 19Al
~PLICATION FOR PATROLMAN: The clerk read a letter from ~fr. Ernest Schnepf in
which he made application for a position as police officer in the City of Ohula Vista.
Upon motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. D~pree, which carried, the clerk was ordered
to file the application.
ORDINANCE NO. 299: Upon motion by Gl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. DUpree, which carried,
Ordinance No. 299 was placed on its second and final reading. This is an ordinance
~nending Ordinance No. 19~ of the City of Chula Vista. The ordinance was read in full
and was in the exact form as given on its first reading at the meeting of YUne 10, 19~l.
It was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Clmen. Paxton,
Perkins, Howe, T~ns and Dupree. Noes: None; Absent: None.
_REQUEST FOR ~'l'~mT R~iF~TR: The clerk presented a petition signed by property owners
adjacent to M~'eto and Glover Streets. The petition set forth that the ~tx. eets were in
very bad repair and had been neglected for a long period of t~r~. After discussion,
upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the matter was referred
to the Street 0o~s,,~ssioner with power to act.
~REQUEST FOR AOCEPTANCE OF STREET: MI'. George Kimball presented a request to the Council
for acceptance of a street located within his Record of SUrvey adjacent to North Third Ave.
in the city; he set forth the fact that he had surface~arts of the street and was having
difficulty in financing sales of his property due to the fact that this is not a dedicated
street. On motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the street Com-
missioner was instructed to inspect the road aud report back to the Council at its next
regular meeting.
.RESOLUTION ~0. 603: 01. Perkins offered Resolution No. 605. This is a resolution
fixing the smount to be paid for confirmation of Quit Cl~'tm Deed to certain property in the
City of Chula Vista. The resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted mud approved
by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Clmen. Perkins, Howe, Tirmnons, l~pree and Paxton.
Noes: None; Absent: None.
REQUEST FOR PUBLIC ~NG: City Attorney Itiggs presented a petition v~ich had been de-
livered to him earlier in the evening signed ~y numerous property o~mers in the City of
Chula Vista requesting that a public hearing be held in the matter of establishing an ex-
tended sewer district. Upon motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried,
the City Attorney was authorized to examine the petition with the city clerk and if the
signatures were found to be sufficient to then contact the law firm of 0'Melveny & i~ers
and outline a method of procedure.
itEPORT OF ZONE ORDINANCE ~~IOLATION: Cl. Perkins presented a request from l~r. George
McCoy of 238 Second Avenue requesting that some action be taken in the abatemant of a
viol~.tion of Zoning Ordinance by a factory located on Davidson Street next to his property.
Cl. TtmmOns reported that to his knowledge this factory was in existence prior to the
adoption of the zoning ordinance end hence did not constitute a violation of existing or-
dinances. The clerk waw instructed to so notify ~r. McCoy.
.REPORT QN ~E~ COU~CIL ORDINANCe: THO City Attorney advised that he had investigated
the advisability o'~ '~h'e 'a'd6pt'l'on of a local defense ordinance and after conference with
County officials reco~,~nded that no local ordine~uce be adopted at this time but rather
that cooperation ~ith the County be fully cax~ied out.
~OLUTION NO. $~$~$ Cl. Perkins offered Resolution No. 60A. This is a resolution
accepting dedication of real property for public use. ' The resolution was read in full and
was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Clmen. Perkins,
Howe, Tinm~ons, D~pree aud Paxton. Noes: None; Absent: None°
OFFICE OF FI,HE ~ I~C,LAR~, V.~ANT: Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl.
T~mmons, which carried, the office of fire chief was declared vacant effective at once.
Fire Commt esioner Dupree thereupon appointed ~m~r. Wooden as fire chief for a six months pro-
bationary period effective Yuly 10th, 19~l. The appointment was confirmed hy the following
vote, to-~lt: Ayes: Clmen. D~pree, Paxton, PI~e and T~mmons; Noes: None; Absent: None;
Cl. Perkins not voting. C~m.~ssioner DUpree then appointed Louis Cook for a six months pro-
bationary perid as regular firemen to fill the vacancy caused by the prmmotion of Flrema~
· ooden. Upon motion by Cl. Tt~ons, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the appointment
was confirmed.
Minutes of a Reguler Meeting of the City Council Held July 14, 1941.
LTCEN~..ING OF A~XIS'~J~NT G.~ES, ETC.: Upon motion by Cl. ~pree, seconded by Cle ~ton,
whi~ c~ried, the City Atto~ey ~s inst~cted to ~aft ~ ordin~ce tice~i~ ~us~
ment g~es, vendi~ ~chines, wei~ ~c~nes, ~d the lihe.
B[LL~ p~: Upon motion by 01. T~, seconded by Cl. ~rkins, ~ich ca~i~, the
follo~ bi~s after e~tuation by the Fin~ce O~!ttee we~ ordered p~d:
1351 ~ ~11 ~ner~ 1st ~ Y~e, 1941 1127.2~
135~ ~ ~11 ~.f P~ks &Blvds., ~rs
1st ~- of J~e, 19~ 625.50
1~53 ~1~, ~ ~r. ~ d~s work in ~t~et ~pt. ~6.00
1354 P~ ~11 ~ner~- ~st ~ of J~e, 1941 ~7.~
~55 ~ ~11 ~n., P~ks, ~rs, ~st ~ J~e 613.~
1356 ~ W~lace E. ~er S~a~ ~st ~ of l~e, 19~1 8~.00
135~ ~Y ~H ~ne~al let. ~ of July, 1941 !~.90
13~ ~ P~ ~n., Sts., ~rks, Sewers, 1st.
~ of J~y, 1941 667.50
1359 ~-~ A. T~lor J~ ~ty City Co~t 2.00
1360 Clyde W. Ste~ Ju~ ~ty City Oo~t 2.~
1361 ~r~ G. ~up J~ ~ City Cou~ 2.~
1362 ~r~ A. ~tth~ Ju~ ~ City Cou~ 2.00
1363 ~uis K. ~key Ju~ ~ 0ity Cou~ 2.~
1364 ~uis E. Watson ~ J~ ~ty 2.~
1365 ~-~ H. ~e J~ ~ty, Oity ~u~ 2.00
~66 Elinor E ~ntg~e~ Ju~ ~ty Oi~ Gouts 2.00
~67 Abbie M. ~$t J~ ~ty City Court 2~00
1368 ~ M. ~ssen J~ ~ty City Cou~ 2.00
1369 ~J. S. ~ ~ve~ 30.~
13~0 F.E. ~hcroft, M.D. ~-m~uation of prisoners- J~e- 28.~
1371 ~rold Bea~ont- ~ion Oil Co. Tires 24.74
13~2 ~rg's ~itu~ Coasters for office c~ir 1.24
~73 ~e Br~dt C~ ~ ~creation C~. Ins. 25.10
1374 H.V. B~t % Unsec. Personal ~ope~y T~es ~5.~
13~5 ~r~ide Che~let C~ ~t~obile repots 16.06
1376 California Electric Works, Ltd. ~p~r bat~e~ c~ger 12.~
137~ Califo~ia Water & Telephone Co~ Water, hyatt ~nt~, etc.
1378 Ohula Vista Electric C~p~y ~ses, l-~s, etc. ~.~
13~9 Chula Vista ~ber Co~y St~es, etc. 2.67
1380 C.V. ~nt & Hd~. Store ~se. 105.21
1381 City of S~ ~o J~e radioc~nnel rent~, etc.
~82 C~e & B~sch ~cap of tires 22.66
13~ N.L. C~is ~suscitation ~s 6.18
~ De. ich ~ess ~int i~ ~1.~
1385 F~r~'s Cafe ~isoners' Me~s- J~e- 29.20
1~6 ~ilbert's ~a~cy First ~d ~pplies, pencils, etc. 6.28
~87 ~f~n's ~undry Jail ~
1388 Holco~'s ~pt. Store ~se. 1.~
1389 ~l~d ~ildi~ Co. ~ash c~ ~ver 4.38
1390 Ho~ ~ber Oo~ C~nt 4.12
1391 Hudson-~er, Inc. ~ec 3.81
~92 ~re Electric Co. ~s 1.~
1393 ~ey Bros. ~dio ~pairs 14.86
1394 P.E. ~ Weld a~ on ~ader 1.~
~95 Jack T. ~, City ~easu~r % on w~ants cashed 91.~
~96 National ~to P~ts O~ ~t~otive repairs
1397 Nation~ Avenue ~inte~ ~inti~ ~.~
1398 0~l~d's ~pair ~ ~t~obile ~pairs ~.~
~99 Peters Feed Store ~se.
1400 ~uis Cook S~a~ as firem~= 1st .~ of J~y 71.~
1,01 ~c~ield 0il Co~oration 0il 26.3~
1~2 Ross Statione~ & Equi~t Co. Statione~ supples 6.49
1~03 ~. J. Ee ~toEycle repots 14.~
140~ ~lving ~ ~scell~e~s Bills 21.~
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Council held July 14, 1941.
1405 Betty Bethge Pl-~ning Com. Meetings 6/16, 7/7 5.00
1406 San DiegO Fire Equipment Co. Pyrene 5.55
140? San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Service for June 423.03
1408 S. D. Sanitor Supply 0o. Supplies 4.64
1409 San Diego Tractor & Equipment Co. Tractor repairs 15.06
1410 Helen M. Scott, C~ity Nttrse Mileage, June 1-14, 1941 5°?5
1411 Southel~ CaLifornia Telephone COo Telephone service, June 48.42
1412 Squires-Belt ~aterial Co. SeWer Pipe 102.84
1413 Stands.rd Oil C~apasy of California Gasoline 146.20
1414 State Compensation Ins. ~,na Compensation Insurance 74.08
1415 Schwabacher-Frey Company Stationery supplies 6.95
1416 Security Trust & Savings B, nk Payment on Loader 100.00
1417 Otto Stang Welding on Tractor ?.64
1418 EmA1 Tholl Automobile repairs 51.87
1419 Travelers Insursmoe Commpany Premium on ~roup Accident Ins. 18.00
1420 Travelers Insurance 0ompany Premium- Group Life Insurance 32.11
1421 Union 0il 0ompany 0il 17.30
1422 Fire Chief Volunteers' Pay roll 116.00
1423 P. W. W~lker Typewriter 66.95
1424 Webb Bros., Ltd. Welding gas 10,21
1425 Chas. T. Willis and Son Flow steel, bolts, etc. 5.15
1426 Helen M. Scott, O~ity: t~Lrse Salary adjustment first ~ of July 18.45
ADJOURNME~.:. Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which cam-tied,
this meeting was adjourned to ? o'clock P. M. Wednesday, July 16th., 1941.