The Council met in regular session in the Council Chmaber of the City Hall
on the above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order
at ? o'clock P.M. Present: Clmeno Done, Dupree, Howe, Paxton. A~sent: Cl.
MZNUTE~ OF PREVI(~;S MEETINGS: The minutes of the Regular Meeting of Feb. 3rd,.
the Adjourned Regular Meeting of Feb. 10th and the Special Meeting of Feb. 19th. having
been prepared and mailed to each member of this Council were approved as prepared and
PLAN~NG C(~ISSION MIEUTE~: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Planning
Co-,,1ssion held February 17th were read by the clerk and upon motion by Clo HOwe,
seconded by 01. Dopree, which carried, the minutes were approved.
~ELINQUE~ TAXE~: Mrs. Pray appeared before the Council to discuss the matter
of pa2ment of delinquent taxes ~r unimproved property in Oountry Club Villas tract.
She made the statement that if some concession were made by the City in the matter of
accrued penalties that a swift settlement might be made by all of the major property
owners in the tract and thus restore the property to active tax rolls. Mr. Lo~ell Davies
presented a letter from ~r. Claude Conklin to the Council in which he agreed to pay
all of the back City taxes on his property in Country Club Villas providing all penal-
ties were waived. Upon motion by 01. HOwe, seconded by Gl. Dupree, which carried, his
offer was rejected.
At this time Mr. Oonklin appeared -nd discussed with the
Council the matter of redemption of delinquent properties and said that he was milling
to go further and pay the accrued penalties on all City ts_xes provided quit el*i,, deed
could be issued to him. The Council was of the opinion that if the holders of the
major portion of this property in Country Club Villas would submit in writing a propo-
sition for settlement of the tax problem action could then be taken An~ perhaps a
satisfactory solution worked out. Mr. Davies and Mr. Conk_lin thereupon agreed that
they would get together and submit in writing an offer and present s~_n~_ at the next
Council meeting.
RECrEaTION COlOr, SION: Mr. Jack Millan appeared before the Council and stated
that because of Mr. Reinba~'s inability to serve on the Recreation Commission he had
contacted Mr. Aaron Riesla~d who in his opinion would make a good man to fill the
vacancy. Mayor Done then appointed Mr. Riaslemd to the Commission in Mr. Reinbach's
place. Upon motion by Cl. HOwe, seconded by Cl. Pax-~on, which carried, the appointment
was confirmed.
REQUEST TO ~ANDON ,~v.L~y: Mr. Uland appeared before the Council requesting that
a portion of the alley abutting his property on the south in OhuXa Vista Villa Tract
No. 2 be abandoned so that, he might take proper steps to improve this alley, which is a
natural water-way. Upon motiou by Cl. Dupras, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried,
the City Attorney was instz',~cted to draft the necessary papers so that this portion of
the alley could be abandoned.
R01~. AIRCRAFT CORPORATION: Mr. Nottbusch representing the Rohr Aircraft Corpora-
tion appeared before the Council ~e say that the Rohr Aircraft Corporation was willing
to purchase at $300 au acre all of the ram~ining lantirn_held under option to buy fr~m
the Santa Fe Land Improvemaent 0ompeny, providing that ~uilding restrictions were
tory. He said they were willing that the use of the land should be restricted to in-
dustrial purposes but as their future expansion at the present time was indefinite
they did not care to c~,,tt themselves to an early building program. Upon motion by
Cl. D~pree, seconded by 01. HOwe, which carried, the City Attorney was authorized to go
to Los Augeles with Mr. Nottbusch and advise the Banta Fe Laud Oompemy that the City of
Chula Vista was willing to release the balance of the l~n~ ,ruder option to the
Aircraft Corporation for industrial purposes but without building restrictions.
RE~EST FOR EXTRA .POLICE: Mr. ~hite, a business m.n from National Avenue and D
'Street in 0hula Vista, appeared before the Oouncil to request that a traffic officer be
put on duty at the corner of National Avenue and D Street to assist in the traffic
problems at that corner. A g~neral discussion followed but inasmuch as the hiring of
extra men would involve expenditure of money not so budgeted it was deelided to hold
this matter in abeyance until such a time as Cl. Perkins, Chairman of Finance, could
be present at the meeting.
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City 0ou~cil, held ~rch S, 1941
SE~ PROZEOT OANC~T.?,~n: The clerk read a letter from the Federal Works Agency
advising the City of the cancellation of the sewing project in Chula Vista.
TR~TL~R 00MPLAINT: The clerk read a letter from ~ro Robert Comuers calling
attention to a f~mtly living ia a trailer on a lot on E Street near Minor AvenUe
owned by M~. Willis Folks. Chief Eelly advised the Council that his men had made
au investigation, that the conditions set forth in M~. Censor's letter were true smd
that necessary steps were being taken to correct the situation.
imET'iTION FOR TRAILER CA~: The clerk presented a request fram ~r. Sones for
permission to constx~ct a trailer ce~ on the west side of National Avenue between
E and F Streets. Inasmuch as there were not 80 per cent of the p~operty owners with-
in 000 feet on the petition the clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Yones that more
signatures would be necessary,
REQUEST FOR REST N~ME: The clerk reed a letter from Miss EdmaWehrmearequesting
permission to conduc~ rest home at 53 National Avenue. Upon motion by Cl. l~ton,
seconded by 'Cl. D~pree, which carried, the request was granted.
QRDINANCE NO. 298: Cl. Howe placed ,Ordinauce Ne. 2~8 on his second and final
reading. This is an ordAn~uce fixing the ti~me and p'~ace for holding meetings of the
City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California and repealing Ordinance No.
of the City of Chula Vista. The title was read in full and upon motion by Cl. Paxton,
seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried un.n~mously, further reading of the 0rd~nce
was waived. The Ordinance was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-
wit: Ayes: Clmen. Howe, D~pree, Paxton,Done. Noes: None. Absent: Gl. Perkins.
ORDINANCE NQ.,,~9~: Cl. Rowe placed ,O~din~pce No. ~97 ~on its second and final
reading. This is an ordinance amending sections 2, 7, 10 ~d 11 and repealing Section
1E of Ordinance 109 of the City of 0hula Vista, Oaliforula. The title was read in full
end upon~otion by Cl. P~on, seconded by 01. Dupree, v&ich carried u~enimously, further
reading of the ordinance was waived. The Ordinance was passed, adopted end ~pproved by
the following vote, to-wit: A~es: Olmen. Howe, I~pree, Paxton, Done. Noes: None.
Absent: Cl. Perkins.
RESOLUTION NO. ~9.~:. Cl. Howe offered Resolution No. 59~. This is a resolution
approving lease of Oity land to the American Legion. The resolution was read in full and
was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: A~es: Olmen. Howe,
Dupree, Paxton, Done. Noes: None. Absent: Cl. Perkins.
0_RD _~OE NO. E~: Cl. Howe offered 0 ,~din,au, e~ .N,~., E99 to be placed on its first
reading. This is an ordin~uce amending Ordinance No. ~10 of the City of Chula Vista
entitled "An Ordimance regulating the construction and maintenance of public camps and
auto courtso~
BII~LS PAID: Upon motion by 01. ~pree, seconded by 01. Paxton, which carried,
the following bills after ex~_rntuation by the Finesse Co,,m~ttee were ordered paid:
l13B Pey Roll General Feb. 1-15,41 1126.75
11~ P~ Roll Gen., Pks. Bl~ds., Sewers
Feb. 1-15,41 572.50
1157 Ps~ Roll General Feb. l~-March 1-41 1200.~0
~158 Ps~ Roll Parks. &Blvds.. Sewers, Gen.,
Feb. 15-March 1-41 524,50
1169 W. S. Adams Surve2ing ~4.00
1140 01iffordBaker ~ days work-SewerDept. 8.00
1141 Betty Bethge l~*--tng 0ommtssionMeetimg E.§O
11.2 California Water & Telephone Co. Telephone service 3~.7~
llA~ Burnside 0hev~olet 0ompauy Aut~obile repairs ~7.5~
11~ 0ity of Ooro~ado Street sweeper 500.00
1145 County of ~u Diego Board of P~isoner 1.~0
1146 Ben ~klin Store Light bulbs 1.E4
1147 Wallace E. Armor, Ohief, Volunteer Firemen's Pay Roll 75.00
1140 Fender's Service Fau belt 1.~9
1149 Frazee's Paint, etc. 10.76
1150 Zasper's M~ziling Service Automobile list for 1941 65.00
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Council, held ~rch J, 1941
1151 John Kirkman Distillate 8.81
1152 P. E. Ms~ Loader repairs 44.29
1155 ~ack T. Millen % Warrants cashed 54.11
1154 Peters Feed Store Merchandise 2°3?
1155 Bal~igh's ~ervice Reflectors, tires, etCo 28.01
1156 W. $. Ruhle Motorcycle chain 5.10
1157 Standard Iron Works Repair lawnmower roller 2,99
1158 Sen Diego Gas & Electric Company Gas end electricity 445.50
1159 Sanitary Wiping Rag and Waste 0o. Rags ?.?3
1180 Western Metal Supply Company Washers 1.13
1181 Chula Vista Paint & Hdv~. Store Edwe. supplies
1182 Ohula Vista Sta~ Printing
1183 Farrah's Cafe Prisoners' Meals for Feb. 14.78
1184 Southern Oaiifornia Telephone Company Telephone service 45.05
1185 Travelers Insurance Co~pemy Group Life Ins. Premium 30.12
1188 Webb Bros., Ltd. Oxygen and Acetylene 13.??
1187 Revolving Fund Miscellaneous Bills 24.76
AD~0U~: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by 01. Pexton, ~hich carried,
this meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, Msrch 12, 1941, at ? o'clock P. M.