HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1941/02/10 ~ OF AN AD$O~ REC,~3LAR ~G C~ T~{~ CITY ~OU/~IL 0F ~ ~e Co. oil ~t p~t to adJo~n~ in the Council ~be~ of t~ Ci~ ~1 on the above s~ date with ~yo~ ~ne preside. ~e m~ti~ ~s c~led to at 7 o'clock P. M. ~esent: O~. ~ne, ~ton, ~rkins ~d ~. ~sent: Cl. 0~ ~. ~: Cl. ~ton offered ~n~ee No. 297 to be placed on its first readi~. ~is is ~ ordinance ~e~ ~ctions 2, 7, 10 and ~ ~d ~pe~i~ ~ction ~ of ~din~ce NO. 109. 0~ ~. 294: ~on ~tion by Cl. Per. ns, se~nded by Cl. ~ton, ~ieh c~ried, 0~in~ee No. 294 was placed on its second ~ fin~ readi~. ~s is an o~ di~ce c~ the n~s of First, ~co~, Fo~h, Fifth ~d Si~h Avenues ~d Steer in ~e 0ity of ~a Vista. ~e o~ce ~s in the e~ct fo~ as gi~n on its f~st rea~ng at the ~eti~ of t~ ~cil held Feb~ 3, 19~, ~d was passed, adopted ~d ~p~ve~ ~ t~ foll~ ~te, t~t. ~es: C~n. ~ns, ~ne, ~DITI0~ ~ ~R ~ ~ ~.: Upon motion by 01. Ho~, se~nded by Cl. ~ton, which c~led, t~ Ci~ Ol~k ~s auth~ized to ~ite a letter ~o t~ ~ ~rcra~ Collation ad~si~ ~h~ ~at if they ~sh to co~ider t~ p~se of a~- tio~l ~ adjacent to their p~sent facto~ site it ~11 be ne~ess~ for th~ to act qui~ as the l~tation of t~e in which the 0ity ~st e~rcise its option to b~ ~he ~nd in ~estion m~kes it neees~y t~t a pr~ for t~ s~e of bo~s be st~ed ve~ ~on~ ~er the s~e of the bonds it will be i~ossible for the 0i~ to se~ for the a~ p~ce as t~t now quo~e~. O~ R~ ~: Upon ~tion by Cl. ~ne, seoon~d by Cl. ~rki~, which c~ried, the ~tter of iss~ce of a c~d r~ license to ~ge B. ~tt at ~ Natio~l Aven~ ~s refe~ed ~o Police ~sioner P~on with ~er to act. ~ ~: ~treet 0~-.~ssioner ~e advised the Co. ell ~t he ~d ia~ected a us~ strut s~eper w~ch t~ Oi~ of Co~do n~ o~ ~n~ which could be for $~0.~ ~d ~ recanted that the 0i~ of Oh~a ~sta avail itself of this opp~tu- nity to p~chase s~e. ~ cited ~e need for such a s~eper ~d upon motion by Cl. ~on, seconded ~ Ol. ~ne, which c~ed, the ~*ssioner ~s authorized to p~chase t~ ~eeper, ~he f~ds to p~ for s~e to come f~m the ~o~t set aside for the p~c~se of a new in the Street Dep~t~nt. 0~ E0. ~98: Cl. ~we offered ~,di~ce ~. 298 to be placed on its first read- ing. ~s is ~ o~n~n~e ~ng the t~e a~ p~ce for hol~ ~eti~s of the 0ity 0o~cil ~d ~peali~ ~di~ce No. 24~. At this Sims 01. ~pree ~rlved at the meeting. - ~T T0 ~G ~: ~e clerk read a request fr~ Virginia ~acobson of t~ ~ula Vista Y~ior ~ ~ho~ 'to h~ a b-~er across ~ir~ Avenue f~m the Fire ~ ~o the bulling at. ss the steer ~ ~h ~2nd to ~ril 4th ad~ertisi~ the ~-~1 school production to be giv~ April 4th. Upon ~tion by Cl. ~we, se~nded by 01. ~ton, ~ich c~ed, pe~ssion ~s ~ted. ~T FOR ,~CA~0~ ,0~ ,~I~ 0~:~. ~ed ~n~rth ap~ed beffore the Co~cil to ~n request ~at so~ ~e be ~de in our buildi~ o~in~ee w~ch ~uld allow the const~ction of buildi~s ~th l~ted side w~l instead of studdi~ a~ stucco. A len~ ~scussion roll.ed as to the merits of this t~e of coat.etlon ~d also as to the diffe~nce in cost bergen this t~e ~d t~ st~d~d t~e now used. ~. ~rth's contention ~s that in ~ ordi-~ five ro~ h~se this new t~e represented a sa~ of appro~tely ~00. ~or ~ne differed ~ ~. ~th stati~ t~t he ~d find the t~ t~es of const~ction ~n~ also ~d had a loc~ l~ber conce~ fi~e ~ in his opinion t~ difference in cos~ was less t~ $100. In li~t of this fact he ~her stated ~hat he c~ not see ~ Justification for c~i~ the present ordin~ce. Minutes of an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council, held February 10, 1941. Again the question arose as to the advisability of allowing this type of con- etx~Action in certain territories only. Mayor Done was not in favor of limiting territory; Cl. Dopree was Opposed to ~]!owing this type of construction in all te~itories. The question was raised as to whether or not this type of con- struction could be financed with F H A. It would appee~r from the opinion of all present that F H A would not finance t~is type of construction. Cl. Perkins was of the opinion that due to the immediate need for housing of incomzlng f~m~lies some action should be taken at once whereupon he moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an amendmaut to our local ordinance allowing side wall con- struction in buildings the same as is incorporated in Ordinance No. 1958 New Series of the City of San Diego. The motion was lost for want of a second. ~Ir. lack Mill-n, Secretary of the Chamber of Oo~nerce, said that he had dis- cussed the matter of housing with members of the Rohr Aircraft Corporation and was advised that the average weekly wage of workers in that plant was $~0; that there ware now employed in the plant approz~m~_.tely 450 men only 25 of whcm were now living in Chula Vista. He further stated that employees at the plant were desirous of purchasing homes of about $3,000 valuation ~wlth payments of approximately $22 per month. Dr. tames Scott entered into the discussion at this point and reiterated his statee~ents made at a previous meeting that in his opinion this type of construction was very desirable and badly needed. Mr. Jim Bird, Fire 0hief of National City, being present was asked to give his views on this type of construction which has been used in National City quite extensively. He said that in National City they limited this type of construction to an area of seven hundred square feet and referred to it as a 'so-called cheap house', intimating that in reality this type of constraction was not as cheap in the ultimate end as represented. He admitted that this type was a definite fire hazard and that construction of these buildings was not allowed by an amendment or alteration to their present building code but that each individual case had to first be approved by the Pl-Bning C~n: ssion. Ma~or Done moved that we adhere to our present building ordinance and that no change in same be made at present; this was seconded by Cl. Paxton and carried, Cl. Perkins voting 'no.e Mr. Oonyers asked the Council to consider a program such as is now used by National City, namely, that of referring each individual case to the Planning C~.~.~ss- ion but this did not meet with the approval of the Council and no action was taken. RE~FEST FOR POLICE ~ MAN: Cl. !maxton advised the Council of the need for a relief -~. fo~ the P~liee Hep~nt. The matter was left for future discussion and action. Brr. v~ PA.ID: Upon motion by Cl. ~, seconded by Cl. Howe. which ca~ried, the following bills after er=m~nation by the FIB~ce Committee were ordered paid.' 1116 F. E. Ashoroft, M.D. l~r~m~uatio~ of ~isoners 18.00 1117 Burnside Chevrolet Company Police car repairs 6,62 lllS S. D. City T~easu~er's Department 2an. rental radiotelephone 26,50 1119 Gilmore Oil Company Gasoline-tannery- 13S.17 1120 ~Ailbert'e Pharmacy ~erchandise 1.1~2 11~.1 Helm B~os. Repairs Pick,Up T-~Ack 6,91 1122 D. ~. Hlggs, AttY. Reimbu~eem~ent 2.0~ ll~S Holcomb's Department Stores 11~4 McClendon's Corage Hepairs- Hill's car 5,00 ~1~.5 p. E~ May Trac$ol. repnix's 8.21 1126 National Au~o Paa~s O(m~a~y Aut~tiv~e Supplies S6.~ 1127 Nelson & alcan Plaste~ san~ 2.34 112~ Hoh~ Aircraft Oorporatitn Hefun~- sewer line 1~-.45 1129 San Diego Office Supply Pad Refills 1.24 11.~0 Sen Diego Trnctc~ & Equilment Co. Tra~tor repairs 20.?~ 1131 Squires Belt Material Co. Sewer Pipe 150.41 1182 Standard 0il Company of California Diesel Fuel 12.10 1135 l~lney Stokes Company Map 1.15 1154 ~1 Tholl Repairs ~C Pick-Up 1.00 AD~0URI~ENT: Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried this meeting adjourned sine die. ATTEST: