HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1941/02/03MINUTES OF A REGULAR ~m~'ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA~ C~LIFORNIA, HELD i~E~RUD_MM 3, 1941o The ~ou~cil met in regular session in the 0ouncil Oh~ber of the City Hall on the above sho~m date with Mayor Dons presiding. The meeting was celled to order at ? o'clock P. Present: Clan. Done, Dupree, Paxton and Perkins. Absent: Cl. Howe. MII~U'i'~ OF PR~i0~ ~A'iNGS: The minutes of the Regular ~eeting of Yauuary 6, 1~41 of the Adjourned Reg~alar Meeting of January 15, 1941 having been prepared and mailed to each member of this Council by the City Clerk were approved as prepared and mailed. KU,~I~ TERPJ~CE: Mr. Lawrence Kuebler asked the City Council to accept the Euebler Terrace ~ubdivision and inasmuch as the Pl-mming Co,,-~tssion at their meeting held tanu~ry 19~1 had approved Mr. Euebler's map, Resolution No... 5~ was offered by Cl. Perkins. This is a resolution approving map of Kue~ler Terrace Subdivision. accepting offer of dedicatiou and approving agreement for improvement of streets. The resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: A~es. Clmen. Perkins, Done, Dupree and Paxton. Noes: None. Absent: Cl. Howe. The City Attorney explained that it would be necessary in the absence of a city e~gineer to have the County Surveyor approve the map for the City of Chula Vista. Whereupon Mayor Done formally appointed the County ~S~t~veyor to act in this capacity and certify the Euebler Terrace Subdivision map. This appolnt~as approved by all members of the Council present. Because of the fact that dedicated streets in the City of Ohula Vista must be properly graded and surfaced, the acceptance of the above mentioued Subdivision was contingent upon Mr. Kuebler having the streets properly graded and surfaced. Mr. Euebler then gave to the 0ity a w~itten agreement that this work would be done in an acceptable m~er prior tO ~uly 1, 19~1, and accom~o.n~ed it with his check for $~§0 to guarantee the faithful perfor.~-ce of this agree- mant. ~ ~QR~ ,~P~0T~?, ,~: The Pl-n-lng 0ommtssion having referred to the 0ity 0ouncil the matter of request fx~m ~A'ed Longwcrth of the National Lumber Company for special permits to build houses of l~mt~ated construction in the the~-doah Tract, Cl. Perkins started a dis- cussion on this matter by stating that in his opinion there was au urgent need for i~m~diate housing in Chula Vista~ He suggested that a minimum cost of $17~0 for this type of construc- tion and the territory west of National Avenue for the location of such buildings might solve the problem. The City Attorney then advised t~e~ because of the adoption by Ohula Vista of the Unifox~ Building Oc~le it w~uld be i~practi~al to limit this type of comstx~Action to a~y one territory. ~ire 0bier A~aer was them asked to give his opinion as to the relative safety of this type of const~ctio~ from a fire h.~e~d standpoint; he mede the states,ant that if these buildings were sepax~ted a~ least sixteen to twenty feet they would not of necessity constitute a fire hazard. 01. Dmp~ee stated that while it is true at the present time that housing facilities in Chula Vista are inadeqmate, he urged that no X~zeh action be taken which might be regretted later due to the cessation of c~mmercial activities in our territory. Mayor Dons reported that he had had several requests from p~operty oweers in the territory mentioned west of Natie--1 Avenue that this type of constx-Aetion net be allowed because of the cheapening effect it might have on more expensive properties. At this t~m~ Mr. Robert Conyers appes~ed before the 0ouncil and made the statement l~hat in his opinion a wrong imt~ession was being given of the type of construction in Question. He also stressed the need for mere housing facilities for incoming f-m~lias and urged ~hat s~me action be take~ which would allow the construction of a cheaper type of dwe~lt_ng. Dr. Yeses Scott being present was asked to explain sOmething about the specific type of construction desired by Mr. La~gwc~th. Ne advised that the present c~st of erecting this ~ype of house was $1~0, that the house had a complete cement foundation, wes pleasing frOm an architectural standpoint a~d very durable. Up~A motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Dmpree. which carried, the Mayor was authorized to appoint a co~w-~sslon to thoro-E~v investigate this matter of cheaper construction and to re- port back at a meeting of ~he Ocmncil to be hold FebrUary 10th. ORIENTAL BOAi~DRIG EOU~,: There having been several c~mplaimts about conditions existing in the boarding house and sheds located at T~ird Avenue and K Street, Mr. Anderson, the ~wner, was present in response to a request f~om the Cc~Ancil. 01. Dopree questioned Mr. Anderson at length about conditions existing on his pre.-iees both from a housing and health standpoint. It was the desire of the Council ~o learn s~ecifieally what M~. Anderson's plans were for the future of these buildings. Mr. Anderson made the statement that immediately after the let. of April, i~A1 he will coml~letaly wreck all the buildings on his property at ~rd. Ave. aud E St., excepting the two-story hoarding house which faces tx~ Ave. He a~m~tted that this building is in need of repairs and that he would have the necessary alterations ma~e without delay. ~e f~her stated that in the mat~er of l~he group of Orientals sleeping in a building which had been moved there to be used as a garage he had absolutely no k~owledge of this until after occupancy; that as soon as he learned of their presence he immediately caused thom to Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City C~uncil, held February 3, 1941. vacate to other housing not on his land. Dr. Ashcroft, Health Officer, questioned Mr. Anderson about sleeping space and toilet facilities and Mr. Anderson assured the Doctor that he would cc~ply with the requlr~nents. At this time Mr. Massure, foreman of the g. C. Mauer & Sons packing plant in Chula Vista, appeared before the Council and explained a like predicament that his Company found themselves in. He said provisions had been made for housing a grOup of Orientals in the rear of the present packing plant on Center Street smd aS eFAmtnation of this place had been made by Cl. Dupree and Fire Chief Ax~er, upon motion by Cl. D~pree, seconded by Cl. Done, which carried, pex~mtssion was granted f~ the continuance of the housing of this group of Orientals at this location until the end of the present season, which would be in abOUt twO months. Mayor Done suggested t~at for future seasons some adequate provision should be made for the housing of these itinerant workers. REQUEST ~OR T~PORAEY BUTLn,IN~: t~r. Scott of t~ ~uthe~ ~ifo~a Telephone requested a pe~t to erect a t~o~ st~e~re on F Street Just east of t~ present telep~ne office to be used for a ladies' rest ro~ ~d to be ~a$omtinued ~d r~ved on Oct. 1, 1942. Ina~eh as the location of t~s p~posed t~or~ st~ct~e ~uld be in the No. 1 ~re ~e, upon ~tion by Cl~ ~pree, seconded by Cl. ~on, which c~ied, the request of ~. Scott was denied. ~is ~tter ~d been referred to the Oity by the P~ing O~ssion ~th the re~o~ation t~t the request be ~ted, p~ded t~ C~cil could ~g~ so do. REQUEST FO, R, ,CIRCUS PEP~IT: Mr. Nuss, 0~m.~der of the local American Legion Post, requested a free permit ~or a circus to be held some time the latter part of February; 15% of the grOsS receipts to go to the American Legion for their new building fund. Imas- much as this would be a charitable cause upon motion by Cl. Paxton, Seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried, the usual permit fee was waived. ,A~R, ICAN ,LEGION LEA~,: Upon motion by Cl. D~pree, seconded by 01. Paxton, which carried, the City Attorney was instructed to incorporate the following in a lease he is now preparing on land for the American Legion: The charge for the land per year to be $1.00; at the expiration of the lease the American Legion to be allowed to remove any and all buildings they have erected on the premises. REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF .'~?~: Mr. Louis Uland appeared before the Council with the request that the City deed him a portion of the alley which is a natural water-way t-w, ediately adjoining his p~perty on Srd Avenue between Madrona and G Streets. The City Attorney advised that inasmuch as the City had accepted this alley for public purposes as an alley it had not the authority to deed this land to any ones the only alternative would be for the City to abandon that portion of the alley in question and. for the original grantor to give Mr. Bland a quit claim deed. TR~lW~e~ ,CA~I~: The Planning Co.~tssion at its meetings of ~anuary ~0th and 27th having recommended that the City Council instruct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance prohibiting trailer camps east of National Avenue end containing other appropriate pro- visions, it was moved by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Perkins and carried that the City Attorney draft such an ordinance and submit same to the Pl=~ing Oommfssion for their in- spection. NUMBERS ON CURB~: The Planning Oo-w. tssion approved the plan that was submitted by the B~ud Members ~u'b of the Sweetwater Union High School of stencilling house numbers on curbs, providing the work was done under the supervision of the Street Department. A motion granting this permission was made by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Paxton, and carried. ~G AND RE~A~N,, G STREETS: The Planning Commission having rec~ended that the ordinance renaming certain streets in Ohula Vista be placed on its first reading in its original form, with the exception that the name of Sixth Avenue(Telegraph Road) be changed to Hill Top Drive, upon motion by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, Ordinance No. B~ in its corrected form was placed on its first reading. This is an ordin- ance c'D~'~ging t~e' n~me of First Avenue, Second Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue and Alma Street in the City of Chula Vista. ~IRATION OF INSURANCE: The clerk advised the Council that wi~h their approval he was not renewing ~he fire and theft insurance policy on the G M C Pick-up truck operated by Street Superintendent Love. This mst with the approval of all members present. ~LANNIht~ C~ION MIEUTEB: Portions of the minutes of the Pl-n~ing Commission meetings held Senuery BOth and B?th not specifically mentioned above ware approved as read. Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Council, held February 3, 1941. REQUEST FOR CARD ROOM PERMIT: The clerk read a request from ~,/r. Ellie P~ady for permission to operate a card ro~a at ~£1 Third Avenue, 0hula Vista. Upon motion by Cl. Done, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried, the matter was referred to the 0hief of Police with power to act. CARD OF THANES: The clerk read a card of th~s frcea D~. F. E. Ashcroft e_ud his daughter for the expression of aympathy in their bereavement. ORDINANCE NO. 296: Upon motion by C,~. Paxton, seconded by 01. Dup~ee, which carried, Ordinance No. 296 was placed on its second and final reading. ~ls is an ordinance amending 0rdinRnce No. 163 of the ordinances of the City of Chula Vista removing certain properties fr~n Zone A into Zone B. The ordinance was in the exact form as given on its first reading at the meeting of this Council I/eld Sanuary 15, 1941. It was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: A~es: Clmen. Paxton, Perkins, Done, D~pree. Noes: None. Absent: C1, HOwe. RESOLUTION NO. 591: Cl. Paxton offered Resolution No. 591,. This is a resolution directing payment of certain /'~nds collected by the City of Chula Vista on account of tax claims purchased by said City from the County of San Diego. The resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Aves: Olmen. Paxton, Perkins, Done, D~pree. Noes: None. A~sent: Cl. Howe. RESO,LU~%0N NO. §8?: Cl. Paxton offered Resolution No. 58?. This is a resolution approving agreement between the City of Ohula ~i's't'a, Sweetwater High School District, and the 0hula Vista Union School District providing for the establishment of a recreational program in the City of Chula Vista. The resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Clmen. Paxton, Perkins, Done, Dupree. Noes: None. Absent: Cl. Howe. T.:~0NE COMPANY'S SUIT: Upon motion by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Done, which carried, authority was given the City Attorney to act fo~ the City in the matter of suit now pending between the Southern C.ltfornia Telephone Company and the City of 0hula Vista. I~ESOLUTIQN NO. 588: Cl. Perkins offered Resolution No. 588. This is a resolution prohibiting the loading and/or unloading of trucks upon certain streets in the City of Chula Vista. The resolution was read in full end was passed, adopted end approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Olmen. Perkins, Done, Dupree, Paxton. Noes: None. Absent: 01. Howe. 1KESOLUTION NO. 5,~9: Cl. Paxton offered Resolution No. 589.~ This is a resolution prescribing location of reserved space in the Oity of Ohula Vista wherein the parking of vehicles is prohibited. The resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted end approved by the following vote, to-wit: Aves: Clm~n. Paxton, Perkins, DOne, Dupree. Noes: None. Absent: 01. Howe. RESOLUTION NO. $90: 01. Perkins offered Resolution No. Bg0. This is a resolution denying the claim of %-~ie lmlanigan. The resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Aves: Clmen. Perkins, Done, Dupree, Psx~on. Noes: None. Absent: Cl. Howe. CLAIM OF C. F. W~: The clerk read a co~amunicetion f:om Er. O. F. Walker in which he claimed the City should pay the bill attached frc~ Mr. ~. O. Whirr for cleaning out Mr. Walker's sewer, his contention being that the stoppage was caused by roots of pepper trees entirely within the City's street and therefore should be paid by the City. Upon motion by Cl. Done, seconded by Cl. Dupree, wkich carried, the bill was ordered paid. BIWV~ ,PAID,: Upon motion by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried, the following bills after exam/nation by the Finance Committee were ordered paid: 1080 Pay Roll Gen. 1-15-1-~1-~1 1~00.~0 1081 PaY Roll Sts., Parks & Blvds., Sewers- ~00 1082 %~. S. Adams SUrveying 1~ O0 1083 American Robber Mfg. Co. Fire Hose 128.?§ 10~4~ Betty Rethge Plan. Com. Meetings $.00 108~ Burnside 0hev~olet CO. Repairs-Police Oar 10.89 1086 Ghula Vista Star Printing ?0.~0 1087 California Water & Telephone Co. Hydrant rental, water ~1~.72 1088 The Daily Transcript Subscription 9.~0 1089 Leslie's Film, Finishing, etc. 1090 Percy H. Goody,in CO. Dap. Oity Clerk bond 5.00 ~inutes of a l~gul~r Meeting of the City Council February 3, 1941 1091 M. S. Hooper Prem. Plate glass policy 9.47 1092 M. S. Hooper Sewing Project rental-FebrUary- 25.00 109~ Hudson-Tucker, Inc. Ruby Globes 6.90 1094 Eing ~An Sight 0o. Pistol Powder 2.20 1095 $ohn Eir~m~- Distillate 21.36 1096 League of Citi*~- County Division 1941 D~es 15o00 1097 lmaci~ic SiEn-1 Co., Inc. Hi-Way Lantern 8.38 1098 ~e~n~C~i~rnia Telephone Co. Telephone Service 48°?0 1099 Wallace E. Armor, Chief, Volunteer Pa~ Roll 48.00 il00 Federal Laboratories, Ins. Fingerprint Eit, etc. 6.37 1101 Federal Laboratories, InCo Cartridges, l~t-~rs, etc. 41.65 1102 Fender's Service l~pairs-Polics car 5.25 1103 Home Lumber Company Cement 3.44 1104 Ross Stationery & Equipment 0o. Stationery supplies 6.29 1105 Sa~ Diego Fire Equipment Co. Recharges 10.17 1106 Travelers Insurance C~pany C~ou~ sick & acc. Insurance Premium 19.80 il0? Travelers Insurance Company Group Life Insurance Premium 30.12 1108 Farrah's 0ale Prisoners' Meals- Sanuary- 14.00 110~ George Spencer, Florist Flower spray for Ashcroft Funeral 4o12 1110 Helen M. Scott, O~.,,,,.mity Nurse Mileage for Sanuary 4.30 1111 Denrich Press Paper Towels 4.64 1112 Chula Vista IA~ber C~npany Stakes, 0e~ent, etc. 3.90 111~ ~outh Bay Lum~er Co., Ltd. Cement 3.4~ 1114 Ohula Vista Paint & ~lwe. Store Hdwe. Supplies 20.$9 1115 ~ack T. Millan, City Treasurer % ~arrants cashed in Sanuary 50.99 A~70~: Upon motion by Cl. Duprse, seconded by 01. Paxton, ~ich carried, this meeting was adjourned to February 10th., 1941 at ? o'clock P. M.