HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1941/01/06 MIk%ITES OF A RE~ ~,IEETIIJG 0F TI~J CITY COIE~CIL OF TtTE CITY OF CHUL~.. VI-ST, i, C~ V--IFOR~iA, t{~LD Jfi~&~.~Y 6, 1941. The Council met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall on the above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order at ? o'clock P.M. Present: Ail members. I~JTES OF PI~rlOUS liEETING: The minutes of the Regular l~eeting of December 2, 1940 having been prepared and mailed to each member of this Council by the City Clerk were approved as prepared and mailed with the following exception: In the peragraph under Budget Expenditures this paragraph to read : Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Done, which carried it was decided that in the future no expenditure of money shall ex- ceed the budget appropriation without the written authority of the Finance Committee. KUEBL~R ~oJ~iCE: Mr. Lawrence Kuebler presented a tentative map of a subdivision to the Council for inspection but was advised that it vould be necessa~ry to first pre- sent the mad to the Planning Commission. HOUSE hr~ERS ON CURBS: The clerk read a letter from Frances Townsend of National City in which the Council was requested to grant exclusive right to members of the Sweet- water ltigh School Band to paint house numbers on curbs throughout the city. The City Attorney advised the Council that the City had no right to grant an exclusive franchise for a project of this nature a~ud upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the ~atter was referred to the Planning Com~ssion. ~0~ SI~: The clerk read a letter from the Automobile Club of Southern California in which attention was called to four sigus in need of replacement. The letter was ordered filed without action. ROHR ~!RC~T CORPOR~TION: l~lr. Nottbusch, attorney for the Rohr Aircraft Corporation, appeared before the Council and advised that in the next few days the Rohr Aircraft people would purchase the additional l0 acres on which they hold an option from the City. He further stated that inasmuch as production work at the factory would probably start within the next two or three weeks they were desirous of having a street light placed at the Railroad crossing on H Street to lessen the hazard of night traffic. ~yor Done advised ~. Nottbusch that the fullest cooperation would be given. CI~L~ FOR D~G~: The clerk read a letter from t~s. Annie Flanigan in which she claims d~age to her orchard because flood waters from tt~ last storm. Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the r~tter was referred to the City ~ttorney for investigation. 0RDI~U~NCE NO. ~0n motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Dupree, vYnich carried, Ordinance No. 293 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance creating a public recreation commission, prescribing teens of members, organization and powers and duties. Inasmuch as this ordinance ~ould necessitate a contract with the Recrea- tion Corm~ission involving certain expense to the City upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried, the contract was ordered submitted to the Chairman of Finance for approval before acceptance. ~d~h~IC~N I~GION BUILDING: Mr. Nuss, Con~ander of the local post of the American Legion, appeared before the Council with a request for consideration of a building site for a building for activities of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign ~ars, Boy Scouts ~nd s~llar organizations. Mayor Dons advised i~. Nuss that he had attended a recent E~eting of the V. F. W. and had discussed with them a probablN site; he there- upon appointed Cl. Paxton and Cl. Perkins a coz~zlttee of two to confer with m~nbers of the Anerican Legien to work out a suitable program° ~r. Nuss had the clerk read a letter addressed to the American Legion requesting consideration on the establishment of an airport in Chula Vista° A brief discussion followed but no action was taken. REQD~ST FOE SIG~: Er. Clifford P. Jsmes appeared before the Council requesting permission to erect a sign on the corner of Sixth Avenue ~u~d Bonita Road on which would be posted the n~es of several home owners residing at the northerly end of Sixth Avenue° Upon m~tion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried, permission was granted. 0BYECTION TO H0..US"E ~0I~i!lG: A property o~,~ner residing at 5~5 Casselman Street appeared before the Council omd very strongly objected to an old house which had been moved onto a vacant lot near his property ~ questioned the authority for so doing. The clerk advised that the permit to ~ove this house onto the specified lot was temporary only und within a period of ten days the house ~,~ould have to be moved. No further action was taken. !fII,IT%SJS OF f~ ..... w~Ofo-h. ~ ~'~TI fO 0~' ~e~'~= CI~i~/ OOb?iOIL, ~]~ I~=~u~_<_~ ~v 6, 1941. i<~QUiIST FOR C~kRD RO0~i L!CmlIS~. The clerk read a request to tile City Council for a license to conduct a c~rd room at AGO Ifational Ave. in Chula Vista sial~ed by Fred K. Sheridan, Nathan Q. Peters and Richard Sprouse. Upon notion by Cl. >~we, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried, the clerk '~as ~uthorized to issue a osl~nit upon receipt of the proper fee. ~ S~ OF B0hU~S: The clerk having read a letter from 0q~ielvany & l~rers relative to the sale of the Chula Vista air port bonds the Council, after discussion with the City Attorney, agreed that at the first meeting in Dk~rch 19~l necessary steps would be taken to plo<ce ti~ bonds for sale. Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconsied by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the clerk was instructed to request 0'~lveny & I¥Iyers to prepare the necessary ordinances for that date. Y~d~GEiR oET-B~CK V!OL.,~TIO!f: The City ~lttorney read to the Council copy of a letter which he had r~iled to ih~. Yawger on December l?, 19~0 in whicl~ he advised lit. Yawger that unless he moved the gsrage ~hich is in conflict with existing city ordinances prior to the meeting of the City CoUncil on Jan. 6, 19Al, he ~ould request for p~z~ission to take necessary setps to force compliance with the ordinance, i~~. Yawgsr appeared in person before the Council at tllis tin~e ~d a brief discussion roller,ed. TT~ere being no comm~ittment on the part of i Jr. Yawger theft ils -~ould comply with the request, upon motion by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried, the City Attorney ~zas instructed to t~ka ~'~h~ttever steps were necessary to enforce tile raqusst. EIMB3.LL SUBD%.VISION: ~,lr. George Kimball inquired of the Council ~'&at their decision was rel~ttive to the acceptance of the street in his subdivision; ~gaereupon Cl. HOv~e advised that he had 9ersonally inspected this street and could not reco~end til~t ti~ City accept ~a~m until it was surfaced with granite. Upon motion by Cl. H~e, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the Supt. of Streets, 12r. Love, was instructed to have the City surveyor make a l~ll report as to just what the City would require before accepting the street in question. '-°]l'd~R'~iG CO~SSIOif i~IITt~T~: The clerk read the ~,~nutes of the Planning Comlmission meeting held Dece~oer 19, 19&0. ~fter a Short discussion, upon motion by Cl. Done, seconded by Cl. Dupree, ~hich carried, the ~inutes were approvad in full as z~ead witii the follo~,~lng exception: That the changing from the ~ Zone to the B Zone of certain property ~ facing ~ Street West of Second Avenue should include all of that portion between First Avenue and Second Avenue '~hich v~uld normally face ALma Street were that street to be cut all the way through. Upon motion by Cl. Done, seconded by Cl. Duoree, which carried, the clerk was authorized to have an ordinance prepared which would effect this change ~ud h~ve it ready for the next r~eting of tim Council. O-P-~)I~jdm~CE ~0~ ~9~: Upon motion by Clo Perkins, seconded by Cl. Paxton, v~nich carried, 0_~r~i~anc__e No. ~9~ was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance changing the n~mes of First Avenue, Secon~ ~venue, Fourth Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue and Alma Street in the City of Chula Vista, California. 0RDI~4L~.~CE MO. 295: Upon motion by Cl. Done, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, Ordinance ~-o. 295 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance amending Section One of f~ticle Three of Ordinance NO. 265 of the Ordinances of the City of Chula Vista, California. The title was read in full and further reading was waived by motion of Clo Done, seconded by Cl. Paxton and adopted by unanimous vote. iqEP0_RT OF C0~,~,~rTTEE OE~ ti~J-~T STREET: Cl. Perkins made a report on ti~ investigation by a committee consisting of Cl. Paxton, Cl. HOwe and Cl. Perkins relative to the purchase of additional land for street purposes on Walnut Street in the Bay Villa Tract. The clerk was authorized to write a letter to the owners of the affected property asking for a donation by them to the City of 15 feet frontage so that Walnut Street might b'e widened to a width of ~5 feet. The City Attorney suggested that he work with the City Clerk in drafting a form letter and submit it to the comittee for approval before definite action vms taken. ~g~o~ST FOR TRUCK L0~:~DI~YG OP~DIN~CE: Cl. Paxton n~de a request that the City Attorney draft an ordinance for future action which would require all trucks loading or unloading mer- chandise for merchants located in the Number One Fire Zone to use the alleys and not Third Ave. The City Attorney thereupon advised that he would have an ordinance ready for the next regular meeting. HOWE SUBDIVISION: Cl. Howe discussed with the Council the matter of selling parcels of property from Tracts A and B in the Howe Subdivision by metes and bounds with an average front footage of 55 feet. l,,~. Howe stated that he had discussed the matter with the Real Esthete Commissioner,~ i~. Eberling, and that the procedure would meet with his approval. Upon motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried, ~uthority was granted ~. Hcg~e to divide this tract by metes and bounds as above mentioned. l~inutes of a regular z~eting of the City 0ouncil, held January o, 1941. C~'~-~,/ FOR P~VI~G ~.TERL/Ju EEI~IED: The City Attorney read a letter to the Council in which he advised that ti~e-~ the V. R. Dennis Construction Co~pany for plant- mix material in the amount of $4650o84 be denied because cz' the fact that a call for bids had not been advertised as required by law. Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Perkins, which carried, the claim of the V. R. Dennis Compauy was denied and the clerk was instructed to so advise° BI~ P/~D,:, Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Hc~.~e, ~ich carried, the following bills after examination by the Finance Committee were ordered paid: 1016 Pay Roll Dec. 1-15,40 General ~ 1,127.40 lOl? Pay Roll Dec. 1-15,40 Gen., Pkso &Blvds., Sewers 541.00 1018 Travelers Insurance Co. Group Sick ~ Acc. Premium ~ 39.60 lO19 Pay Roll Dec. 15-Yah. ~,41 General 1,199.85 1020 Pay Roll Dec. 15-Yau. l, &l General,Parks &Blvds., Sewer 483.50 lO21 Bruce Hell 5 days work at ,~.00 day 20.00 1022 Paul Schertzer i day's work at i~.00 day 4.00 1023 Wallace E. Armer, Chief Volunteer Pay Roll 58.00 1024 Automobile Club of Southern Calif° 2 reflectorized signs 13.18 1025 Gerland L. Baldwin Distillate 4.00 1026 Betty Bethge Planning Commission 2.50 1027 Blake, Moffitt & Towne Stationery supplies 9.38 1028 BNrnside Chevrolet Comp~uy Repairs to police car 37.32 1029 0rrell Feed Store ~rchaudise 5°33 1030 Chula Vista Lumber Co. Lumber supplies 26.34 lOJ1 Chula Vista Star Printing l?.~? 1032 City Treasurer's Dept. of S.D. Rental-Radiotelephone Channel 26.50 1033 Clyne & Bersch Truck repslrs 21o26 lO~ N. L. Curtis Resuscitation gas 5.18 1035 Eastmau Kodak Stores, Inc. 2 Reflectors 2.64~ 1036 Fender's Service kecharge battery 1.00 105~ Firestone Auto Supply & Service Tube repair 4.25 1038 Ben Franklin Store Iderchaudi se 1.54 10~9 C. V. Paint & Hdwe. Store Hdwe. supplies 9.68 10AO Gilmore 0il Company G~soline 591.4~3 lO41 Hartwell's Top Shop Recover cushione, etc. 20.00 1042 Hazard-Gould & Co. Hdwe. Supplies 10.~9 104~ Holcomb's Dept. Store Hdwe. Supplies 4.62 1044 Home Lumber Co. Lumber, etc. 4.65 104,5 ~. S. Hooper Sewing Proj. rental for Yanuary 25.00 1046 Klauber Wangenheim Co. Dog Food 6.16 1047 League of California Cities ~mnual service charge for 194l 125.00 1048 Yack ~?dllan, City Treasurer, % on warrants cashed for December 64.16 10~9 National Auto Parts Company Automotive supplies 3o10 1050 ~dio Psrts Co. Radio Tubes 16.70 1051 C. Y. Reed Saws filed, etc. ~.00 1052 Revolving Ftmdm ~2iscellaneous bills ~5.08 105~ P_lchfield Oil Corporation 0il 44.04 1054 Ross Stationery & Equipment Co. Stationery supplies 11.48 1055 ~'~. Y. Ruhle Idotorcycle repairs ~0.65 1056 San Diego Gas & Electric Company Service ~2o29 105~ Schwabacher-Frey Company Rivetlock Binder 2.~0 1058 Etta, Arthur & Philip Schweider City's Promise to Pay 28.85 1059 ~h~rk T. Skinner Repair toilet 1.25 1060 Southern California Telephone Co° Telephone Service 43.35 lO61 South Bay Lumber Co., Ltd. Lumber, cement, etc. 15.64 1062 Squires-Belt L[aterial Co. Sewer pipe, etc. 39.02 1063 Emil Tholl Truck repairs 20.89 1064 Travelers In~ur~uce Co~oauy Group Sick ~u~d ~cc. Premium 20.70 1065 Travelers Insurance Corkoany Group Life ITemium 30.12 1066 Daisy G. Bigelow Christmas ex_cease 199.50 1067 Peters Feed Store G~rden spray, etCo 1.19 1068 Helen ~,~. Scott, Cormuu/aity Nurse ~.~leage for December 10o35 ;~Y0UYd~E~;2~Y£: Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Hc~e, vfaich carried, this n~.eeting was adJourne~ to Ysnu~y 15, 1941. ~Tni~ST: