The Council met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall on the
above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7 o'clock
P.M. Present: All members.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS ~-TINGS: The miuutes of a special adjourned m~eting held Sep$. 26,
19AO and of a regular meeting held Oct. ?, 19~0 having been prepared and mailed to each
member of this council by the City Clerk were approved as prepared .~ m~tled.
REQUEST FOR,TAX, ,~: Mr. Blanchard appeared before the Council with a request that the
City issue a tax deed for a certain piece of property upon the payment by btm of all of the
delinquent taxes now due. Mr. Higgs, City Attorney, advised the Council and Mr. Blanchard
that without due process of public sale such a deed could not be issued and explained the
procedure necessary to acquire tax-deeded land. The Council suggested that ~r. Blanchard
work out a solution with City Attorney Higgs.
PLANNING 00~, ION MI~tUTES: The minutes of a meeting of the Planning Co~m.tesion which
was held October Zlst were read and approved with the following exception: That in the re-
naming of the streets of Ohuta Vista as originally planned and submitted to the Council by
the Planning C~mmluion be changed so that Sth Avenue would not be called Boundary. No
recommendation was made as to another name. Inasmuch as the Pl~ing Oommfssion had suggested
soma action be taken, upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the
City Attorney was instructed to work out the necessary program so that the street n~w~s
might be changed at the earliest possible moment.
~,,w,~,, OF. ,BA~L PARK LEASE: The clerk read a release of all right, title and interest
in a lease and of equil~ment now on the Ball Pa~k from Mr. C. V. Brown. 01. Dupree suggested
that inasmuch as the grounds are owned by the Ohuta Vista ~-.~.r School that this release
should be referred to them and the clerk was instructed so to do. After a brief discussion
of problems relative to the youth of our cozmr~nity it was decided that the Oouncit would meet
with the school authorities on Thursday evening at ? P. ~. to discuss recreational center
,REQUEST FOR 1V~.~ TREw~:,.. Cl. Howe presented a request from ~. Conklin for the city to
aid in the planting of twenty or thirty new trees in Country Club Villas. ~. Conklin advised
Cl. Howe that he would be willing to supply the trees and keep them properly watered if the
City would furnish necessary labor for digging the holes and planting. Upon $otion by Cl.
Paxton, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the request was granted.
PETITION, ?,,0R S~,~.r~,T GRADE: The clerk read a petition presented by ~Lr. Homer Hartin from
a number of property owners on Alma Street Just west of Second Avenue in which the City was
requested to bring the street to proper grade so that side walks might be laido Upon motion
by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the ~erk ~Jas authorized to be done at
the earliest opportunity.
P~'~'ITION FOR SI~,E WSJIS: ~ir. L. C. Kuebler appeared before the Council asking what
prooe~dure was necessary to force a district to install side walks. The City Attorney ex-
plained to Mr. Kuebler that the area in qUestion being so small the procedure for forcing
installation of side walks by property owners was rather involved and he suggested that the
better way would be for ~r. K-uebler to circulate a petition and try to secure voluntary sig-
ns. tures and work the matter out along these lines. The clerk was instructed to aid Mr.
Kuebler in the preparation of such a petition°
LETTER FROM ~UTOM0~ILE CLUB:The clerk read a letter from the Automobile Club of Southern
California calling attention to traffic conditions on National Avenue and more particularly
to the limitations for passing cars on the right. They suggested that signs reading "No
Passing on the Right' be installed. The Chief of Police having infor~aed the Council that no
funds were available for this purpose at the present time no action was takan.
RE~ST FOR SEWER: The clerk presented a request from the Rohr Air Graft Corporation
for aid in connecting with the existing sewer line at the foot of G Street. The request
was accompanied by maps showing the proposed connections. Upon motion by 01. Dupree, seconded
by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the matter was referred to Street Supt. Love with power to act.
LAND OPTION: The clerk read a letter from the Santa Fe I~nd Oompany in which attention
was called to the expiration of the existing option on an additional ten acres of land to the
Rolzr Aircraft Corporation;inasmuch as the time limit on this option was thirty days and this
time having expired upon motion by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the
City Attorney was authorized to extend the time limit of the option frc~ thirty to sixty
Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council, held Nov. 4, 1940.
,,R~. OLUTION NO. 580: Cl. Howe offered Resolution No. 580. This is a resolution
accepting an agreenent with the San Diego and Sucizona Railway C~ and authorizing
the Mayor to execute s~. The resolution was read in full A=~dwas passed, adopted
smd approved by the following vote, to-wit: A~es. C/men. Howe,D~,Paxton, Perkins,
DOne. Noes: None. Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 581: Clo Rowe offered Re, s. olution No. 581. This is a resolution
fixing compensation for election officers. The resolution was read in full and was
passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes. Clmen. Howe,
Paxton, Perkins, Done. Noes: None. Absent: None.
RESIGNATION OF CITY TREA~uHER: Mayor Done read letter of resignation of Mr. Chas.
P. Molee as City Treasurer and the clerk weAs instructed to write a letter of
tion and acceptance to Mr. Moles. Regret was expressed by the entire Council that
Moies felt it necessary to resign at this tlme~
APPLIC.LTION FOR POSITION OF CiT~ TWE,~IRER: Mayor Done read a letter of application for
the position of City T~easurer from M~'. Yack Millan, Executive Secretary of the Ohs~ber
of 0ommerce. The Mayor appointed Mr. MiS.lan to fill the unexpired term of the office of
City Treasurer ending at the next w.,~icipal election and the appointment was unanimously
YAWGER GAPJ~GE: The clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Edwin Yawger of their decision
in regard to the violation of the Set-Back 0~dinance, which wes that it will be necessary
for him to move the g~rage at his own e~pense to a location which conforms to the exist-
lng ordinance.
F, IRE ZONE: Mayor Done reported that he had consulted with Fire Chief Armor and
Building Inspector Lyons regarding building construction witkin fire zones. He said that
as soon as definite specifications were outlined the whole procedure would be submitted
to the Council for their approval.
, ST!uTah.' LIGHT ~ AND E STRm~u': Police Chief Kelly reported that in his est~metion
the street light at the corner of Third Avenue and E Street s~ould be moved to a point
more nearly the center of the intersection of Third Avenue and E Street. Upon motion by
Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. !maxton, which carried, the matter was referred to the Street
Department with power to act.
BI,?,T-q PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which Cerried, the
following bills after examination by the Finance Committee were ordered paid:
828 Pe~ Roll 1st. ~ of October, 1~40 -Gen. $1,127.40
8~ i~ Roll 1st. ~ Oct. Sts. Sewers-Parks &
Blvds. 635.50
830 Pay 1~11 Let. ~ Oct., 19AC-General 1,150.50
831 1~ Roll Let. ~ Oct., St.-Sewor-Pks.Blvds. 611.50
832 W.S. Aristas Surveying 25.00
833 W.E. Armor, Chief Volunteer Pay Roll 69.00
854 F.E. Asharoft Examination of PriSoners-Oct. 16.00
835 Betty Bethge pl~n~g Commission Oct. 21, 40 2.50
836 Borg's Furn. Store Mats for clerk's office 3.~
83? California Water & Telephone Co. H~drant rental, water, etc. 402.12
838 Carroll's Laundry Service- Y~d.l- Laundry for Jail- October- 1.04
8~9 City Treasurer's , San Diego Sept. rental radiotelephone 26.50
840 Chula Vista Lumber Company Merchandise 1.19
841 N.L. Curtis, Specialty Merchandise Resuscitation Gas 3.09
842 Denrich Press Traffic Cit. Books 29.9?
84~ Roy Driskell ~mbulance Calls 4.00
844 ~ R. V. Dyson & Son Curbing 6.90
845 Vern Farrah Prisoners, Meals for October 10.09
846 Fuson Garage Bepairs to t~uck 22.90
84? R.N. Guerin Flag for City Hall 10~10
848 Guptil & Fulton Premium-liability Insurance 216.95
849 Charles R. Hadley Company Standard forms 7.6?
850 Warren K. Hatz Fertilizer 12.88
851 Hlggs & Fletcher Expenses trip to L A, etc. ?.65
853 M.S. Rooper Sew. ProJ. rental for Nov. 25.00
854 Hubbemd Mortuary Used Packard Sedan 25.00
855 Hudson-Tucker, Inc Lanterns for street 13.18
856 Kinney Bros. Radio repairs 11.12
85? Klauber-Wangenheim Dog Food8 6.16
858 Lindemood's ~erv~ce Two tires 22.13
859 Leslie's Rubber stamp and pad 1.29
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council, held Nov. 4, 1940.
860 B.R. ~wtin Tax Computing form 5.00
861 Mrs° Wm. M~nzel Plants 4.68
862 National Auto Parts Company Automotive parts 9.46
863 C.A. 0bel Gms. pumD repairs at City Gerage 5.§0
864 Jack T. Millan Apples end Lights for Party 6.89
865 Orrell Feed Store Sulphate of Ammonia 5.25
866 Peters Feed Store Clover seed 5.?7
86? C.J. Reed Sharpen lawn mower, etc. 1.50
868 Chula Vista Paint & Hdwe. Store Hdwe. supplies 6.00
869 Richfield service station Lubricate ambulence 1.26
870 Sen Diego Gas. & Electric ¢o, Service 455.4S
871 Sen Diego Saw and Euife Works Repair Power Lawn Mower 5.25
872 San Diego Tractor & Equipment 0o. Tractor repairs
8?5 Helen M. Scott Mileage for October 4.8?
875 Standard Iron Works Picks resteeled 12.??
~6 Standard 0il Company of California Gear Oil 25.20
877 ~ Compensation Insurence Fund Premium on Compensation Ins. 982.34
878 State Relief Administration Services rendered 40.17
879 Paul I. Stevens Repairs to prowl car 21.$1
880 Travelers Insux~nce Company Prom. Group acc. & health ins. 19.80
881 Travelers Insurance Company Prom. on group life insurance 29.17
882 Webb Bros., ~td. Welding gas 4.12
883 The Ohula Vista Star Publication of Notices, etc. 41.25
884 Western Metal Supply Company Valves, pipe, etc. 32.95
885 Western Union Telegrams 5.51
886 Duane W. ~heeler & Company Election forms, etc. 227.37
887 Union 0il Company of California Road Oil 22.40
888 H.V. Bryant % Unsec. personal property tax 9.08
889 Revolving Fund Misc. bills 68.09
890 Sam Nickson Refund of deposit for bond 50.00
891 Fre~k Dupree Salary for November 10.00
892 Ralph Paxton Salary for November 10.00
893 Vincent L. Howe Salary for Novamber 10.0O
894 Chas. H. Perkins Salary for November 10.O0
895 Arthur Done Salary for November 10.00
Cl. Dupree objected to a bill of Cl. Howe in the ~mount of $10.60 for expenses
incurred on a trip to Los Angeles regarding the settlement of the purchase of lemd by the
Rohr Aircraft Corporation, this bill having been paid by the City Clerk in cash from the
revolving fund. Cl. Dupree's objection was based on the fact that no Council authority had
been issued for the expenditure of this money. Cl. Howe at this time explained his
reasons for going to Los Angeles end stated that his authority had come from Mayor Done
who authorized the trip. He further stated that like procedure had been followed in the
past and that he did not question the right to incur this expense without Council action,
having secured the authorization of Mayor Done. A motion was made by Cl. DUpree, seconded
by Cl. Perkins. to disallow the bill. The motion was lost by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Clmen. Dupree, Perkins. Noes: Clmen. Paxton, Done and Howe.
ADY. ,OUI~,~T: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried,
the meeting was adjourned to ? o'clock P. M. News. ~2, 1940.