The Council met in regular session in the Council Chm~bars of the 0ity Hall on the
above shown date with Mmyor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7 o'clock
P.M. Present: Clmen. Done, Paxton and Perkins. AbSent: Olman. Howe and Dupree.
of tuly 1, 19~0 and of the Special Meeting of Yuly 30, 19~0 were approved as read, except
that Cl. Done stated that he wanted the minutes to show that he had had no previous knowledge
of the purposes of the Special meeting and that a portion of the Consent to Special Meet-
ing was inserted after he had signed it and that he requested that his name be removed from
the Consent to Special Meeting.
~CHA~ER, OF OO~ RF~ ,U~,~ CO0~2~ATIO. N: M~. Eidder, the new P~eaident of the Chula
Vista Chamber of C~mz~rce appeared at this time with an appeal for aid end cooperation from
the City Oouncil. He made the statement that local chambers of coca. eros throughout the
State were being aided or assisted by local c.~,,~itias. ~. Millan, Secretary of the local
Chember of Commerce, then followed with the statement that amy financial aid offered by the
City Council to the Ohamber of C~roe ~uld be used primerily for the purpose of publicity.
After a brief discussion Mayor Done advised these gentlemen that undoubtedly at thc neXt
regular meeting of the Council, at which time all members were expected to be present, some
definite action might be taken along these lines.
~ING G(~SION MII~T~: The minutes of the Planning Co~_tsslon meeting of tuly ~9,
1940 were "read 'and upon motion by Cl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. ~M~s, which carried, the
minutes were adopted as read~ Upon motion by Gl. Perkins, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which
carried, the matter of application for trailer court by ~r. W. G. English was referred to
the City Attorney for his recommendation before definite action would be taken.
PETITION TO OIL I S,T~EET:, A petition was presented to the Council by Mr. Y. C. Iane
signed by several property owners living on I ~treet between 5th and 6th Avenues, requesting
the City to oil I Street between 5th and $th Avenues at no expense to the prOperty o~mers.
The matter was referred to a later date in order that Street Oo-w.t ssioner Howe could be
MOEBER S~ER: ~r. W. C. Mneser and Mr. George C~alligan appeared before the Oouncil
requesting the status of the sewer ma~n on the ~l~e~l extending through Lot l0 between
Landis and Third Avenues. The Me. or advised these gentlemen that no extenaion of the sewer
main could be laid in the lot at the City's expense and suggested that they consult with
the Street Superintendent to determine whether or not facilities for connecting to the sewer
were not already provided for.
F~ I!~JRANOE: The clerk advised the Council that inaa~ch as the present fleet insur-
ance exeS'res August B~th of this year and that the custom each year has been to draw names
from a group of agents who h~ve not previously participated in this insurance he thereupon
offered the names of two agents, Mr. M. S. Hooper and ~. Robt. Conyers in seperate sealed
envelopes and Mr. Oonyers received the award for insurance for this year.
SEWER DI, ,S~RICT ON NATIONAL AVE.: Cl. Paxton advised the Council that he had been requested
to ascertain the necessary procedure to include a new sewer district in the vicinity cf
National Avenue and E and F Streets. After a brief discussion it was dedided that inas-
much as there was nothing definite as to the boundaries of the proposed area it would be
advisable for Mr. Paxton to first determine these boundaries and also to obtain signatures
of those desiring to roma a district before au~ing definite could be agreed upon.
LOQAL AIR PORT: Mr. Fred Steiner appeared before the Council inquiring if anything
definite had heen proposed regarding the establishment of a municipal air port in Ohula
Vista. He urged that if the Oouncil had no immediate plan the matter be submitted to the
voters at an early date. Mayor Done assured Mr. Steiner that the 0ouncil was now actively
engaged in negotiations which he believed would end in a program very acceptable to 0hula
Vista at large.
REQUEST FOR DRIVEWAYS: The clerk presented a request from Mr. R. V. Bro~a for ~e~-
mission to install two 30 ft. driveways at his new service station on trd Ave. and Street.
Upon motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Perkins, which carried, the reqnest was granted.
ORDINANCE NO. ,Egg: Upon motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by 01. Perkins, which carried.
0.rdinan. ce No., ,2~,,9. was placed on its first reading. This is an ordimmce establishing tax
rate for the fiscal year 1940-1941.
OI~INAEOE NO. 290: Upon motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Gl. Perkins, which carried,
0rdin, a~o,e No. 9.90, was placed on its first reading. This is an Ordinance amending Ordinance
No. 194 of the City of Chula Vista providing for the licensing of contractors doing cement
work in s aid City.
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Council, held August 5, 1940
RESOLUTION NO., 565:~/~ Cl. Paxton offered Re, solution No. 565. This is a resolution
requesting the Board of ~parvisors of the 0ounty of San Diego to aSsist the City of
Chula Vista in the improving of certain streets by oiling. The resolution was read in
full and was passed, adopted end approved by the follo~!n2 vote, to-wit-' Ayes:~ Clmeno
Done, Paxton and Perkins. Noes: None. Absent: O~n. Howe ~ D~pree.
~D.!'NANOE N0. ,2~,?,: Upon motion by Clo Perkins, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried,
Ordinance No. 2S7 was placed on its second and fi~] reading. This is an ordinance provid-
ing for the deposit upon application for permit to ls~ sidew~l~, curb or gutter within
the City of Chula Vista. The ordinance was read in full and was in the exact form as given
on its first reading at the meeting of this Council held July 1. 1940. It was passed,
adopted end approved by the following vote, to-wit: ATes. Clmen. Done, Perkins, Paxton.
Noes: None. Absent: Howe and D~praa.
ORDINANCE NO.,, ,~.8.: Upon motion by Cl. Paxton. seconded by Cl. Perkins, which carried,
0rdin, ance No. ,288 was placed on its second and final reading. This is an ordinance amend-
ing Section One and Section Two of Article One of Ordinance No. 26~ of the ordinances of
the City of 0hula Vista, California. The ordinance was read in full and was in the exact
form as given on its first reading of this Council at the meeting of July 1, 1940. It was
passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: A~es: Clmen. Done, Pa~xton,
Perkins. Noes: None. Absent: 01men. Howe and Dupras.
RES0 ,L,0~,,I,,ON NO. 566~ Cl. Done offered .Resolution No..5.6.6.. This is a resolution fixing
the amount to be paid for confirmation of and authorizing and directing execution and de-
livery of quit claim deed to certain property in the former Chula Vista A and I D No. One.
The resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted end approved by the following vote,
to-wit: A~es: Clmen. Done, Paxton, Perkins. Noes: None. Absent: C~nen. Howe and
SANTA FE LAND OPTION,= A delegation of men consisting of Mr. l~ottbusch, Mr. Paul I.
'~tevens, and others appea~ed before the Council to discuss the matter of a factory site on
land now being held by option from the 3ante Fe I~nd Company by the City of Chula Vista,
but i~e~ as Cl. Howe was in Los Angeles on business pertaining to same it-was decided
~o postpone any discussion until an adjourned meeting could be held at ? O'clock P. M. on
August 6, 1~40o
ROOT~ IN ~ 0~ , ,~COED AVE..: The clark reported to the Oouncil that ~rs. Butterfield
of 511 Second Ave. had complained of the fact that four times within a period of three
months it had been necessary for the City to olean out roots from the sewer directly in
front of her house. Street ~upt. Love advised that the matter was being investigated and
that proper steps w~uld be t~ken to e~-*~*uate this trouble.
PURCI~ASE OF OFFICE FTL~-~: The clerk was authorized to purchase two office files which
he e xplaine~ were badly needed in the office.
RE~F~qT FOR 0HANGE IN FIREW~ 0RDINANOE: The recon]nendation of Chief of Police Nelly
on the matter of x.e~oving the wor~s "cap Pistols" from the present FireWorks 0rdinenoe was
to the effect that the 0~dinance should be left as is. This was in answer to a request from
~[r. Ben Ross of this city to have the two foregoing words removed from the present ordinance.
B~LT~ PAID-' Upon motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Perkins, which carried, the
following bi~¥s 'after e~r~m~nation by the Fina~ce Co.~.,..~ttee were ordered paid:
659 Pay Roll General ?-1 to 7-15, 40 $1142.~0
660 Ps~ Roll Sts.& Sewers 7-1-7-15-40 470.0§
661 Ps~ Roll General 7-15-7-31-~0 121~.50
662 Ps~ Roll Sts. & Sewers 7-1~-7-31-40 ~38.00
66S H.C. Gilliland Wages- left off Pay Roll 21.00
66A American Bitum~uls Co. Bitumuls 25,90
66~ F.E. Ashcroft E~-m~nation of prisOners.July 12.00
666 W.S. Adams S~trveying 7.50
667- Richfield Service Casings and tubes l§.&§
66S Borg's Furniture Store Linoleum- P~lice Dept. 33.6§
669 Betty Bethge Planning Co~,,~tssion meeting 2.~0
670 Chula Vista Star Fiesta expense 106.50
671 Chula Vista Electric CO. Lamp, fixture, etc. 12.~
6?2 California Laundries Jail laundry 1.32
673 Chula Vista Lumber Co. Merchandise 11.68
674 City Treasurer's Dept., Sen Diego July rental Radiotelephone 26.§0
67~ Ohula Vista Dry Goods Co. Flag materiel 2.2?
676 Calif. Water and Telephone Co. Water, flushing meters, etc. 432.93
677 Chula Vista Paint & Hdwe. Store Merchandise 4.12
67~ ~enrich ~ress Service towels 10.~
679 Farrah's Cafe Feeding prisoners, Yuly 11.§4
~nutes of a ~egular A~eeting of City Oouncil, held ~Ugust 5, 1940.
680 DeWltt A. Itiggs, City Atty. Expenses re Santa Fe Option 17.25
881 Electric Supplies Distributing Co. Batteries 2.12
682 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Carbon paper 2.47
883 S.D. 00na~ Gas & Electric Compemy Gas and electric service ~62.12
684 Fender's Service Service call & Battery rent lo00
685 Gilmore 0il Comp~uy Gm~l*~e May 31-toYu~e 28,1940 1A~.55
685 Guptil & Fulton Renewal fire chief's bond 0.00
687 Holcomb's Hdwe. Store ~rchandise 28.08
688 M.S. Hooper Sewing Project rental for August 2.5.00
689 Ki~uey Bros. Suppressors, ~ubes, etc. 7.81
690 Klnmore Eledtric Co. Electric supplies 22.23
691 Bobby Imw I~pounding astm~ls- July- 26.00
692 P.E. May Steering gear, etc. 15.00
593 0rrell Feed Store Sulphate of ~...~ula 7.75
694 Oakland's & Wagner's Garage Automobile repairs S6.69
695 A.E. Perry Labor City Clerk's office 16.O0
696 Peters Feed Store Z~ia Plants 2.6S
697 W.J. ;~,~e Motorcycle repairs 11.92
698 H.V. Bryaut % Unsecured Personal l~op. taxes 10.58
699 Richfield 0i i Corporation Kerosene, lubricating oil 21.01
?00 Standard 0il Company of California Diesel fuel, ere. ?7.9?
?01 P~A1 I. Stevens Automobile repairs 15.S3
702 Wallace E. ~1~er, Fire Chief Volunteer P~ Roll for July 45.00
705 City Rev~l~ing l~d Mdscellaneous bills 2~.24
704 Sen Diego Fire Equipment Co. Pyrene 5.25
?05 San Dieg~ Ysmitor Supply Co. Supplies 5.15
706 San Diego Tractor & Equipment Co. Tractor repairs 24.5?
?07 Sanitary Wiping ~ag CO. Morchmdi se ?.?~
?08 Souther~ 0alifornla Telephone CO. Telephone service July 42.?5
?09 State Relief A~ministration Services rendered A6.AS
?10 C.W. Sheldon Refund on Sewer Permit 25.00
711 Griffith Company Plant Mix 10.19
?12 wm~ 1 Tholl Automobile repairs
?lS The Travelers Imsurance Company Group Life Ins. I~emium 31.49
714 San Diego Directory Co. 1940 Directory 12.~
715 Rodney Stokes Company Metallic Filler 5.46
716 P.W. W~l~e~ Typewriter repairs ?.10
?l? Western Casket Hdwe. Mfg. Co. Blade for Edger 1.00
?18 Union 0il Company of California Axle G~ease 1.~S
?19 Santa Fe Land Improvement Company Option 10.00
?20 Chas. P. Moles, City T~easurer % Warrants cashed in June 62.41
AD, J0~: Upon motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Perkins, which ca~ried,
this meeting was adjourned to ? o'clock P. M. Angust 6, 19~0.