BE~D SLYLY 30, 1940.
The Council met in Special Session, all members being present, held in com~liancs with
the following consent to special meeting executed by all members of the City Council of
the City of Chula Vista prior thereto:
co s w FOR S ECL OF CrH
We, the undersigned, members of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, County
of San Diego, State of ~alifornia, hereby consent to the holding of a special meeting of
the City Council of the City of Chula Vista beginni~g at the hour of ? o'clock P. Mo on
· uly 30, 1940. Said meeting to be held for the purpose of approvt_r~g the budget for the
fiscal year 1940-1941 and for the purpose of considering appointment of City Clerk as
Deputy Tax Collector and removing Deputy City Clerk as Deputy Tax Collector -~ fixing
compensation end for the purpose of conducting such other business as shall come befOre
said City Council:
~'thur Done (Si6ned~
(Arthur Done,
Depree (Siena,d),
(Frank Dupree)
This is to certify that the above Consent for Special Meeting was on file in my office
prior to the holding of said Meeting
llerbsrt, V. Rr2ant (Signe d)
(Herbert V. BI-ye_ut, City Clerk)
19AO-1941 BUDGET ADOPTION: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which
carrie~, the City Council adopted the following informal budget as a financial guide for the
benefit of itself and the me~bers of the various city departments for th~ budget year 19AO-
1941 - 0ctoher 1, 19AO to September 30, 19At. There being no ,.~ndatory budgetary requirements
or procedure set forth by law for the operation of a city of the sixth class, said City
0ouncil declared that the respective sums set fort~ for the purposes enumerated are not to
be considered as appropriations or allocations of money -~ that the figures herein contained
are subject to change at such times as the City Council shall determine.
100--- G~
1. City Co,oil $~a~ 600.00
2. City Clerk ~ 1~.00
3. ~puty City Clerk ~ 1200.~
4. ~puty T~ Collector 8~ 720.00
5. Office ~e~e-~inting-~o~ ~5.00
6. ~ttng ~oks 165.~
?. ~nti~ ~d ~b~s~ O~oes E~.~
9. ~soe~eous 250.00
10. Ins~oe 1~90.~
A. O~ensation 9~0.00
B. Group 1~.~
O. ~ 200~
D. Fire & ~ate Glass 1~.00
11. 0fficl~s' ~ 155.00
1~. OiW ~gineer ~ $0.~
~. City A$~o~ey ~1~ 1~.O0
1~. 0i~ Yule ~ 1500.00
15. Yudge's E~e~e ?5.00
16. OiW ~eas~er S~ 92~.~
19. Eleo~i~ ~ense ~.00
20. Ci~ ~1 ~ut~oe 5~.00
21. Oi~y ~ ~soe~eous 50.~
1. ~ies 1~516.00
O~ef ~ ~0~.~-i?A.~
Lt. ~ ~16.0~v168.00
Sgt. T~r 16~.0~-~$.00
~. ~oe ~016.~16~.~
~ficer ~ey ~.~-~.~
~bby ~w 900~-
~tron ~.0~- $0.00
2. Trips for ~isoners 100.~
~. ~isoners' ~0I~ 1~.~
~. ~iso~rs' ~a~-CO~ 100.00
5. Telepho~s
6. ~o ~ense
?. ~fio ~n$ 100.~
8. ~ie~ ~t~tion ~isoners ~0.~
9. 0a~ ~oe ~80.~
10. ~pa~ Officers' Oars 1~.~
11. Auto ~nt~ce G?5.00
12. ~s and Oil ~0.00
1~. ~preelation on ~owl O~ ~.00
1,. ~g Po~ ~ense ~.~
15. Yail ~nten~oe- ~ 1~.00
16. ~fioe ~ense-~n~
17. Equi~n~ (New)
18. ~ition- Te~ ~s 100.00
19. ~soel~eo~ 175.00
&~ ~e
1. Salaries-- Regular F~96.00
Chief 2088.00--174.00
1st Engineer 1704.00--142.00
2ad Engineer 1704.00--142.00
2. ~laries--Volunteer 750.00
3. Telephone ~0.00
4o Alarm 30°00
5. 0he,,icals-Supplies 80.00
6. Liability Insurance 200.00
?. ~as and 0il 150.00
8. First Aid 25.00
9. ~drant Rental 3300,00
10. New Equipment- Replacement 2038.40
11. Repairs 100.00
12. Contingency l~und 100.00
13o Maintenance Supplies 35.00, ,.
in Rate
1. ~alar2 (125.00) 1500.00
2. Office Expense 25.00
3. Auto ~t_ntenencs ?5.00
4. 0ii st.0,o ,,
1684.00 .
in Rate
1. Health Officer Salary (75.00) 900.00
2. Community Nurse Salary (60.00) 720.00
3. Medical Supplies 60.00
4. Mileage for Nurse 100.00
5. Oa~ Insurance 7.00
6. Printing ,
lSlloO0 .$~
in Rate
600- -STAtisTS
1. Salaries Regular 9000.00
Supt..Love 1980.00--155.00
Bls. bom 1500.00--125.00
W~de 1~40.00--120.00
Pex'l'y 14AO .00--120. O0
War son 1~20.00--110. O0
Gill 1EO0oO0--iO0oO0
Resales 120.00-- 10.00
A. Extra ~or 1500.00
Weed Oleeni~g 200.00
2. Telephone 50.00
3, Utilities-~hop 75.00
4. Cas and 0il 1200.00
5. Tires and Tubes 400.00
6. Repairs to Equipment 950.00
Trucks 500.00
~rader 200.00
T~aotors 250.00
?. Supplie s-Shop-~eneral 250.00
8. Hardware- Lumber- Pips 85.00
9. Shovels- Hoes- etc. 60.00
10. Cement-Gravel 50.00
11. Shoulder Imp.- Road 0il- Materials 700.00
12. Oulverts 200.00
13. Shop Equipment 100o00
14. Building Repairs ?5.00
15. Insurance-Group 55.00
A, Fire and Vehicle 700.00
16. New Equi!mnent- Truck 1200.00
17. Street Lighting 3445.00
18. Miscellaneous 100.00
2o 95.oo
in Rate
Unappropriated 2057.00 .04
in Rate
Total Rate for General Fund 1.59 3/4¢
Anticipated Reoeipts other than
Texes .66
Net Tax Rate of .9'3 3/4
800--1Sala~ie s 3210.00
Norman 1500.00--125.00
Kester 1140.00-- 95.00
FI'..I~ 570.00-- 47.50
2. Water 1200.00
3. Trees-Seeds-Fertilizer
4. Tools-Hose-Cement, etc. 2~5.00
5. Track Repairs ~5o00
6. Park Improvement 1500.00
6S10.00 .14 3/4~
in Rate
Estimated e~s~s 6608.00
Less esttw~ted Fines end Rentals 600.00
To be raised by taxation ~
ia Rate
Ilvl'~i~ST AND SIi~J~G FU~D (Bonds)
Ooupons dua and unpaid Jul,v 1, 19AO 200.00
Coupons to beoome due SSO0.00
Red~mp~ion ?000 ~,00
Balance in fu~ July 1, 19AO
To be raised by ~axation 9142.06
in Ra~e
~ THAN TAX~ $1.44 Tax Rate
General .9~ 3/4 .650
Perks & ~lv~. .14 3/4 .1025
So~ & ~a~eet .21~ .1500
Librsmy .,14. ,, .0975
Ninutes of a ~pecial Neetlng of the Oity Council, held ~uly ~0,
RESOL~IQN NO. ~.: Cl. Dmpree offered Reso. l,,utio~ No. 562.~ This is a resolution
r~vl~ the present ~puty T~ Co~eotor ~d appointing the City Clerk as Deputy
Collector, retching the ~puty City Clerk In said position ~d fi~ the ~ensation
of ~puty T~ Collector ~d ~puty Oi~ Ol~k. ~e resolution ~ re~ ~ was passed
~d ~opted as read by the foll~ ~te, to-~t: ~es: O~. ~pree, ~on,
Noes: C~ ~ne and H~. ~s~t: None.
~ION ~. 5~: Cl. ~pree offered ~soluti~ ~. 5~. ~s is ~ ~n~m-ut to
~solution No. 56~, pro~ding for effective ~ate o~ 's~'~ ~solution, October 1, 1540.
~e ~solution was read a~ was passed ~d a~pted as read by t~ felling ~te,
~es: O~n. ~p~e, ~ton, ~rkins, ~ne and ~e. ~es: ~. Abs~t: N~.
~0~TI0~ ~. 554: Cl. ~p~e offered ~aglutlom No. 5~4. ~s is a resolution
~en~ ~l~i~n No. 550 entitled "~mtti~ ~l~ees of t~ City to one full ti~ Job",
providi~ t~t the City Clerk ~ a~o be ~loyed as ~puty T~ ~l~ctor ~d m~ ~i~
a sa~ for said position as well as a s~ fo~ the position of Oity Clerk.
resolution ~s read ~d was passed ~d adopted as read by t~ fo~o~ ~te, to-~t:
~es: Clm~u. ~pree, ~ton, Perkins, ~ne ~d ~we. Noes: N~e. Abs~t: No~.
~0U~: Upon ~tion by Cl. ~, seconded by Cl. ~pree, which c~ried, this
~eeting adjured s~e die.