The Council mot pursuant to adJourn~__ent in the Council Chamber of the City Hall on
the above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order at
? o'clock P.M. Present: All members.
DIVISION OF POGGI PRO~: Mr. Blanchard, local real estate dealer, appeared be-
fore the City Council stating that he had a sale for two parcels of property located
in what is known as the "Poggi property' but until such'time as some arr~nsements could
be made to clear up the back taxes of the whole section the deals could not be put through.
City Attorney Davies reported that in the Political Code of 1932, as well as 1935, there
were some provisions for segregating tax delinquent lands to encourage imp_rovemmnt of same.
Cl. T~_--~us stated that to the best of his knowledge there had beau one request for such
segregation but due to the amount of work involved and the question of the legality of
this procedure the request was turned down. He also suggested tha~c should there be a
change in the Tax Ordinance a large block of such delinquent lands should be segregated
rather than individual lots, thus s~.tnating additional work for the tax assessor.
The City Attorney suggested that the clearing up of taxes of one parcel would more than
pay the expense of re-assessing this property.
QI~DINANO~ NO. 288: Upon motion by 01. Ttmmons, seconded by 01. Brown, which carried,
0rdinanc~ No. 285 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance amending 0fdic--ce
No. 9 providing for the partial redemption of property not having a separate valuation on
the Assesmaent Rolls of the City.
RESOLUTION N0. 557: Cl. Brown offered Resolution ,No. 557. This is a resolution
directing distribution of monies accumulated in the Motor Vehicle I~oense Fund to the
· General Fund and the Street Improvement Fund respectively. The resolution was read and
was passed and adopted as read by the following vote, to-wit: ~yes: Cleon. Tizanons,
Paxton, Bro.~, Done and Howe. Noes: None. Absent: None.
I~, ,~UEST FOR AUDIT: The clerk read copy of a letter which he had written to Harold
Auditor, on April 12, 1940 requesting that an audit of his books be made on or before the
15th inst., if possible. He also read a letter from Diehl & Edwards stating that the
City Clerk's accounts were audited Sept. S0, 1939.
.MDIi-iCL~AL ~r.W, OTION: The 0ouncil proceeded to canvass the votes cast at the Municipal
Election held April 9, 1940. This was accomplished by checking the Results of Votes Cast
as handed to the clerk by the election boards of the above mentioned election and adding
~hereto She results of the 14 absentee ballots; ~he 15th b-~:!ot had not been returned at
his date. Cl. Brown offered Reeoluti,on No. 55~, which is a resolution declaring the re-
sults of the above mentioned election. This Resolution was read and it set forth that all
the require,.ents of law had been had, election supplies, etc. l~rnished, and the election
held in time, form and m~er required by law. As a result of this ~election Ralph Paxton,
Charles Perkins and Fr.-k Dapree were elected as councilmen for the full term; Herbert V.
Bryant was elected as City Clerk for the full term and Charles P. Moies was elected as
City Treasurer for the full term. Upon motion by 01. Howe, seconded by 01. Ttw~-ons, which
carried, this resolution was passed and adopted as read by the following vote, to-wit:
~es: Cleon. Brown, Done, HOwe, Ttww.ons and Paxton. Noes: None. Absent: None.
BOI~): ~he clerk presented the bond of the newly elected Treasurer and upon recon~nen-
dation by the 0ity Attorney and upon motion by Cl. Tt~qns, seconded by Cl. Brown, which
carried, the bond was approved.
B~LL~ PAID: Upon motion by 01. Rro~m, seconded by Cl. Ttw..ons, whick carried, the
following bills after examination by the Finance Committee were ordered paid:
458 Raymond Welton League of Cities Dinner $ 63.00
459 Pay Roll 4-1 to 4-15 Gene~el- 1083.85
· 60 Pay Roll 4-1 to 4-15 Streets & Sewers 510.00
461 F.E. Ashcroft Examination of P~isoners 32.00
&62 Carlson & Simpson Automobile repairs 6.~$
463 Chula Vista IAtmber Co. Materials 6.82
464 Erich & Tony's Super Service Repairs to police car 3.20
465 Guptil & Falton Premium on City Treasurer's Bond 100.00
~66 Helccmb's D~pt. Store Hdwe. Supplies 13.24
46? Holoomb's Dept. Store ~[erchandise-Recreation 0ommlssion 2.3?
468 ~ames & Son Plants ~.22
469 ~. Fred Eahle & Son Leather straps 2.58
4?0 Nelsoh & alcan Sand, gravel, etc. 18.54
471 Harold L. Pope, Yr. % Unsecured pets. property tax 12.30
472 City ~ev$1ving Fund Miscellaneous Bills 16.01
Minutes of an AdJuurned Regular l~eeting of the Oity Council, held April 15, 19~0~
473 AY~ Richfield Oil Corporation Gasoline for ~arch 57.49
474 Ross Stationery & Bquipment Co.8 Stationery supplies 9.58
4?5 Stendard 0il Company of California Diesel Fuel 5.?4
4?6 Squires Belt Material 0o. Sewer supplies 197.52
4?? Paul I. Stevens kepairs to Chevrolet 39.18
4?8 South Bay Lumber Co., Ltd. Materials 7.40
4?9 S.D. Cons. ~as & Electric Co. Service for March 44§.61
4~0 T~avelers Insurance Compemy Group sick & acc. ins. prom. 17.10
481 Travelers Insurance Company Group life ins. premium 30.12
482 Union 0il Company of California Gasoline 12.36
483 Ohula Vista Paint & Edwe. Store Hdwe. supplies 17.12
484 City Revolving Fund Error entering sewer receipts 5.00
q ,L$, ,RK'.S .i~PORT: The City Clerk's report was e:~-mt~ed and approvod.
mW OFFICERS: The Oath of Office was t~ken by C~as. Perkins, Ralph Pexton, Fr~n~
Dapree for Counc~lw~n and Herbert V. Bryent for City Clerk, which was administered by the
retiring clerk. The nswly elected officers assumed their duties at this time and the
City Clerk, Harold L. Pope, retired.
MAYOR ~ ,CO ,~I. TT~-~ AP~0, ,IiTl~F~: Upon request of the City Clerk for nominations for Mayor
01. Howe nominate~ Cl. Done, said nomination wes seconded by Cl. Perkins and carried and upon
motion by Cl. D~pree seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, the nominations were closed and
Cl. Done was elected M~yor by unanimous vote. Thereupon Mayor Done nominatedOl. ~Owe as
Co~v. tssioner of Streets, Parks and Boulevards; Cl. Paxton as Police C~ssioner, Cl. Dupree
as Fire C~mmtesionar, 01. Perkins as Chairman of the Fins~ce Committee, together with Cl.
Howe and Cl. Dmpr~e. Cl. Perkins was appointed to fill the place of retiring Councilman
Tt~.ons on the Planning C~--~-~ssion. Upon motion by Cl. Dupree, seconded by Cl. Paxton,
which carried, the above nominations were confirmed.
CIT~ C~'$ BOND: The clerk presented his bond to the Council for their acceptance
and upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Dupree, which carried, the bond waS accepted-~.
and ordered filed with the Ms,or.
BIDS FOR C~ W01~: Bids having beau called for by the Superintendent of Streets,
Lynn Love, for the e°nStruction of 8~-0 lin~ feet of 6 inch by 14 inch dumb and three
50 ft. radius circular curbs the following bids were opened and read to the Council:
Ben B~tterfleld ~2~ per lineal ft.
R. V. Dyson ~ Son 43~ per lineal ft.
E, Tessitore 47¢ per lineal ft,
Nelson & Sloau 5~ per lineal ft,
The bid of Ben ~ltterfield being low was ordered accepted by the Council,
I~TITION FOR 0.T~.I~G STR~I': The clerk presented a petition signed by a number of
property owners asking for the oiling of Glover Street from M,~kato to tt Streets, Cl. Howe
stated that this street would be included in the next oiling program,
POWER MDWE~.: Cl. Howe discussed with the Council the need for a larger power mower
for use on the new park lawns. The matter was deferred to some future meeting for action,
Cl. Paxton called attention to the need for a relief -~n in the Police
Department to substitute for police officers while on their vacations, ~fter some dis-
cussion Mayor Done advised Chief Eelley aud Cl, Paxton to try and solve the vacation problem
and present s~m, at the next meeting. At this point Cl. Dupree questioned Chief Kelley
relative to the hiring of new men recently and was told that no new officers had been hired
for .the past four or five years,
SEWING PR0YEOT: Cl. Paxton reported that he had been apprOached by Mrs. Hooper
relative to the payment of water bills for the Sewing Project by the City, Cl, Howe then
called attention to the fact that the original agreement was for the City to pay tM rent
only and the merchants of the City to pay the water and other utilities,
Minutes of an Adjourned Regular ~eeting, held April lO,
V. F. ~., B~ILDIN, G,:, Clo Paxton reported that he has been contacted by members of
the V. F. ~. relative to securLug a site on ~hich to build a meeting place. The
matter was left open for investigation aud further aiscussion.
Fire Chief Armer asked the 0ou~eil if the SRA men could l~w-
fully be used for clearing weeds ~ private property and was advised by the Council
that this was permissable when work is to relieve fire hazaras.
S. R. A. PR0~ECT: Mayor Done requested the Clerk to secure proper forms for
applying for a 'conti~'uation of S. R. A. FroJec~ for the City of Chula Vista.
BUS ~'£~SION SERVICE: City attorney Davies reported a cozmmmuication from the
San Diego Street Railway Compamy in ~zich they agreea to a conference in Ohula VisSa
to be hel~ at the convenience of the Council. Mayor Done requested ~. Davies to make
preltm~uary contact.
T~PHONE C0~PAN~ SUIT: City ~$tor~ey Davies aavisea the Council of ~ suit,
No. $9~6 in the Superior Oou~ of ~ Diego against the City for SB?~.0~ brought by
the Southern California Telephone Compam~ cls~m~ug over-assessment of telephone proper-
ties. ~r. Davies requested mhd was granted authority to appear on behalf of the Oit~y.
~r. Davies cal±ed the ~ttention of the Council to a case
in court which demanded a change of venue a~d asked for authority to prosecute s~me in
Ban Diego Court~ Upon motion by 01. Howe, secorned by Cl. i~xton, which carried, Mr.
Davies w~s granted this authority.
AD$OURN~I~: UPon motion by Cl. Howe, secomded by Gl. l-~xton, which carried, this
Council adjourned sine die.
City 01erk ~