The Council met in regular session in the council ch-m~hers in the City Hall on the
above shown date with M~or Done presiding. The meeting was called to order at
? o'clock P. M. Present: All members.
MIh-C'i~S OF PREVIOUS 5[EETING: ~e minutes of the regular meeting of March 4, 1940
having been prepared and mailed to each member of this council by the city clerk were
approved as prepared und mailed.
PROP0~D ~Ak~OE $TA~ION: The minutes of the Planning Oc.m~_saion pertaining to
the request of Mr. Van l~art to erect a service station on the Southwest ~O~er of 2nd.
Avenue s~l E Street; also the l~etitions for and against the erection of such service
station were read. This property being located in the residential zone and the
majority of the property owners signing the petition that this request be denied being
adjacent to the proposed sex.Fica station, upon motion by Cl. Ttw..~ns, seconded by Cl.
Howe, which carried, the Council approved the recoz~mendation of the Planning
that this request be denied.
ELrEBLER S~W~T~: M~. Kuebler appeared before the Council and requested that they
sponsor an S~A project to lay side-w~l~s and curbs on Landis Avenue. Mayor Done ex-
plained to ~. Kuebler that other cities have tried this plan and found it very unprofit-
able to the city as well as the property owners. The Council agreed that the cheapest
way to put in side-walks and curbm was by private contract.
EE~J~T, FOR ORDINANCE: The clerk read a letter from M~. ~allace, Division of High-
ways Superintendent, requesting the city to d~aw an o~din~uce governing the m~kings
of the State Highway wit~hin the City limits of 0hula Vista to confom with the unifox-m
road markings thr~hout the ~tate. Chief Eelley advised ~hs Council that this weuld
help the traffic situation in this vicinity and upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by
Cl. Paxton, which carried, City Attorney Davies was instrncted to prepare such an ordin-
SRA I~E~EST: The clerk read a letter from Mr. ~alter Chambers of the State Relief
Administration requesting the Council to give their office authority to continue the
present contract as the original contract expired April 1, 1940. Mayor Done suggested
that this matter be taken up at the next regular meeting of the Council and that the
City Clerk be instructed to write a letter informing the SRA of this action.
RESIG~ATION OF C. B. NEILL~. The clerk read a letter of resignation addressed to
the City Council by Clayton B. Neill expressing his regret at having to resign from the
Planning Commission due to his transfer to the ~onterey division of hie company. The
clerk was instructed to write a letter accepting Mr. Neill's resignation amd expressing
their regret.
,MIN~T~ OF PLA~ffIEG C~$~TO~ The minutes of the meeting of the P]~ing Co~saion
held March 25, 1940 were read and approved by th~ Council upon motion by Cl. Brown,
seconded by Cl. Howe, which taxied.
,.,A~0. ~ OF PTm~L~_ G C , .m~,~iON ~w~_~ Mayor Done proposed that~e~ Henderson,
De Forrest ~th and Captain R. I[. FiShe~ be appointed to fill the vacancies on the Plan-
ning 0~.m~ssion. The Council approved this proposal and instructed the clerk to
these gentlemen of their appointments.
C_GL~VI~ ROAD ~.~: ~. Roy Richards of the Co~mty Boa~l of ~upervisors appeared be-
fore the Council and requested if the County could be of assistance to the City in
grading or oiling reads tying in with Coonty roads within the City that they submit a
list of the roads proposed to be worked on within the next thirty d~s so that s.-~ could
be included in the County budget. ~et 0~eel~e~ ~
and report to Mr. Richards by May let.
Street C~m.t, ssioner Howe requested M~. Richards to place a stop
sign at G Street and 8th Avenue. Mr. Richards stated that he would investigate and place a
stop sign at this intersection if possible.
Cl. Paxton wished to know if there was any~htng the County could do
or had done to eliminate the dlaagreeable odor Just nox~h of C Street on National Avenue
originating from the river bottom in that locality. Mr. Richards stated that they had
searched this territory for any refuse that might be causing this odor ~ that they had
come to the conclusion it was due to the tides ec.~ing up frc~ the Bay. Cl. Howe suggested
it might be possible to spray this area with some sort of a disinfectant. Mr. Richards
said he had never heard of such a material bu~ he would investigate and see what could be
done along this line.
M~nutes of a regula~ meeting of the City Cottncil, held April 1, 1940.
S~1'£~ .I~T~,ION: A petition was read fl'om M~s. Della ~th requesting that they
be allowed to re.ise poultry on lot located at 451 Cassel~an Street. The Planning
COmmission had ~ade a special investigation and being satisfied the adjacent
property owners had no objection, reco~aended that this petition be granted. Upon
motion by 01. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Brown, which carried, the reco~anendation of
the Planning Comm~ssion that this request be granted was approved.
BAY .i~LNTAGE MAPS: The clerk read a letter from Paul I. Stevens, President of
the Chula ViSta "Cb~.ber of Cow, m~rce, requesting that the Council appropriate $25.61,
this being the ~,,nunt of a bill from Rodney Stokes for the printing of Bay Frontage
maps. Mr. Stevens stated in his letter that as these maps were used by the Ci~y
it was reasonable that this request be granted. Upon motion by 01. Brown, seconded
by Cl. Howe, which carried, it was agreed that this bill be paid.
TAX AMENDMENT: The City Attorney stated that Mr. Blanchsmd, a local real estate
broker, had consulted with him about securing a clear title as to taxes for a portion
of the POggi property, a large tract delinquent for a considerable number of years.
~r. Davies stated that county officials had infomned him that the County made segre-
gations in such eases and asked the Council if the Council would adopt a like policy.
He presented a draft of a resolution. The Council instructed the City Attorney to
investigate and report back on the legality of the City following the practice of
the County with respect to such segregation.
M~I/INING TRE~. RE~L~, ,~T: Mr. ~ing requested that he be allowed to remove three
date palm trees from the parking in front of his property at 170 0ypress Street;
that he would like to replace same with Cocos Plumosas. Upon motion by Cl. Howe,
seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, this matter was o~dered referred to the Plan-
ning C~-.m~ s sion.
~)~I'J~H~i~, ~PO~S: The monthly report of the City Judge, Police Department and Fire
Depa~%meat for the month of March and of the City Treasure~ for the month of February
were er~..tued and ordered filed.
BI~.?-~ PA~D,: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by 01. T~w~,ons, which carried,
the following bills after exam/nation by the Finance 0ommtttee were ordered paid:
405 Pay Roll 3-1-40 to 3-15-40 General $ 1000.50
409 Pay Roil! 3-1 to 3-15-40 Sts.& Sewers 540.00
410 Roy Hill Salary 3-1 to 3-15, 1940 82.45
411 Pay Roll 3-15 to 4-1,40 General 1160.50
~12 Pay Roll 3-15 to 4-1,40 Sts.& Sewers 562.00
413 American Hitu~mls Company Bitumuls 6S.07
414 Wallace E. Armor, Chief, Volunteer pay roll 50.00
415 Gerald L. Baldwin Distillate 6.44
416 Hetty Bethge Planning Com~ ~eeting 3-25-40 2.50
4=17 State Relief Administration of Cal. Services for street work 133.99
418 California Laundmies Laundry for city Jail 3.01
419 California Water & Telephone Co. ~¢~$e~ service fo~ March ~28.30
420 Chula Vista Lumber CO. Lumber supplies 50.45
421 City of Sen Diego Install smp_lifier for radio 186.89
422 Duane W. Wheeler & Company Supplies for Municipal election 16S.94
423 Farm Machine Co. Repair street machinery 6.18
424 Gilmore Oil Company Gasoline for March 253.14
425 Mau~ice S. HOoper Rental for Sewing l~oj. April 25.00
426 $. Fred F~ble & ~on Ieather straps 1.0S
427 Kimmoro Electric Co. Electrical supplies 7.06
428 Lane Stamp Co. any Repair tax collector's st~. 2.29
429 Bobby Law Impounding -n~m-ls in March 20.00
450 Ohas. P. Moles, City Treasurer % on ~ts cashed- February 66.~0
431 National Auto ]~arts Company Merchandise 49.22
4~2 Nelson &Sloan Materials 10.2~
433 Peters Feed Store Clover see~l 2.?S
434 Ross Stationery & Equipment 0o. Recreation Oonauittee 1.5~
455 W.J. Ruble Repairs to motorcycle 19.94
436 Revolving Fund Miscellaneous bills 109.98
43? San Diego Cons. Gas & Electric 0o. Service Feb. 4 to March 4, lg40 446.02
4~$ San Diego Nean Sign 0o. Repairing Pautorium sign 5.9~
439 San Diego ~pring & Brake Co. Cylinder wheels for truck ll.~S
440 San Diego Tractor & Equipment 0o. Tractor repairs 53.91
441 Y.S. Sehirm Company suwer pipe 14.71
442 ~rk T. Sk/mner Sewer repairs barn and city hall 2.~0
443 L.B. ~milie tools 1~.5S
i~ Southern California Telephone Co. Telephone service for March 49.$4
A4~ Thearle ~ustc ~ompany -~ecree~on O*~,~,,It~ee 1.85
446 Union 0il Company of California 0il- FebrUary 19.84
44? Webb Bros., Ltd. Oxygen 4.1P~
448 Western Union Telegraph Co. Telegr-me-Police Dept. 5.56
Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council, held April 1, 19AO.
449 C. $. Reed Repair mower, etc. 4.75
450 Bryant Photo Service Pictures of accidents 10.00
451 C. V. Paint & Hdwe. Store Halve. supplies 14.06
45~. Fuson Garage Repairs to police car 18.52
45S Helm Bros. Refacing valves 1.20
454 Helen M. Scott, Ccmmuinity Nurse Mileage for I~ch 4.48
455 H. G. Fenton Material 0ompany Striping gravel 20.30
456 Yarn Fax'rah Prisoners' Meals 4.69
45? Rodney Stokes Company B~y Frontage Maps 25.61
AIlT~: Upon mo~ion by Cl. Browh, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, this
Oouncil adjourned to April 15, 1940 at 7 o'clock P. Ii.