HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1940/03/04 C.~IFOPJ'~L., ]CJ~ ~iIGH 4, 1940. ~e Co~cil zcet in reyular session in the Gouncil Gh~ber of the City !]all o~ the ~bove sho~m date with l~yor Done oresiding. The ~.~eetin~; ~as called to order ~t 7 o'clock ]. ~. ?resent: .~1 ~e~ubers. The ?rese~ce of Chief of =~olice l[e!ly, Sst. LicLean ~nd Street Superintendent Love w~s noted. [~I~S 0F Pi~O~S i~i~JG: ~e minutes of the regul~ ~eeting of ~"ebru~y 5, 1940 having been prepped and ~iled to each m~.ber of this co~cil by the city clerk were approved as prepped ~d n~iled. ~IwT~ B0~:d~: ~ne clerk brou~t to the attention of the Co-~cil theft the me. ers of the ~ing Boards of ~ectrici~s ~d Pl~bers needed to be ~appointed for the co.rig ye~. Upon motion by Cl. Bro,'m, seconded by Cl. Tigons, which carried,~the Electrici~s' ~tu~g Bo~d ~s to ~n the sa~; the Pl~bers' E~ning Bo~d to consist of Cl. Tigons, ~rk Skinner, Y. 0. ~itt, Dr. Y~hc~ and L~. Lyons. ~ P~OL~ION NO. 558~ Cl. Br~vn offered ~solution i~o. 556. This is a resolution consolidati~ precincts and appointing e~ection officers f~ the ~ral ~d~icipal Elec- tion to be held [.pril 9, 19~0. 'i~e resolution was read ~d was passed ~d adopted as read by the follo~ vote, t~wit: ~es: C~en, Timons, P~ton, Bra, ~ne ~d Howe. ~ e s: None. f~bsent: ~one. ~0N SIGN O~: ~e 0ity Clerk read a co~ication ~om the S~ ~ego Nenn Sigm Compa~ requesting the co. oil to aut~rize the paint for ~pairs to Neon s~n d~ed by parade decorations. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which c~ried, this bill was ordered paid. ~R ~J~OL~ ~B~C [.C00~: ~e clerk read a letter fr~ Faul~er, O~es & Fa~]k~er of ~s ~geles stating th~ would like to sub~t a bid for the cost of audit- ing city reco~s. ~e letter was ordered filed. A~0N ~D~'~i~: T~e clerk ~ad a co~ication ~om ~v. ~ster E. Bond, Chai~ of the A~ation Co. tree of the Chula Vista Ch~ber of ~rce requesting the city to t~e ~-diate steps to stye ~t ~kers ~ong t~ p~posed air ports also to draw up a zoni~ or~n~ce l~iting the heig~th of struct~es east of B~ Boule- v~d between E ~d Y Streets. Cl. Tigons informed t~ co.oil that t~re was ~ready ~ ordinance in effect l~ti~ buil~ngs to a hsight of 50 feet in that a~a. ~yor ~ne advised t~t he had discussed ~th P~v. Bond the ad~sability of st~ng off the prope~y a~ instm~cted the clerk to c~icate ~th Dr. Bond info~ng him t~t his letter would be held in abey~ce for the present. ~~ i~T: ~e clerk read a letter ~m F. C~leton ~th of 58 S~ ~el ~ive requesti~ the council to t~e so~ action in ~g~d to the tr~sportation problem for the property o~ers of ~o~ Club Villas mud vicinity. ~on motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. T~ons, which c~ried, it was directed t~t this request be t~en up v~th ~. ~son of the S~ Diego Street ~il~ Comp~ by City Atto~ey ~es and t~.t the clerk ad. se I~. ~th of this action. ~:~' ~E ~Q~5~ ~e clerk read a co~ication frem ~.~. B~nes inrega~ to plating l~on trees on the city p~king on the south side of the A. Y. Cox orchard. Upon motion by Cl. ~o~, seconded by Cl. T~ns, which c~ried, t~. B~nes was ~ted pe~ssion to pl~t trees 5 feet f~m the p~perty line or 15 feet inside the curb ~ne, with the p~sion that the Council ~ order said trees to be removed ~y ti~ it mi~t SI~.~G~ '~: Cl. Ho~ stated that ~s. ~a~nger's tree which she ~s authorized to remove at her own e~ense is diseased a~ as long as it re~ins in the p~ it Is definite~ a liability to the city ~ he felt that the city should r$~ t~ s~. Upon motion by Cl. Done, seconded by Cl. B~vn, which c~ried, Cl. H~e was inst~cted to see that th~ tree was ~oved at the least possible e~p~se. It was brought to the attention of the council that ~o. B. ~larkey of 285 First ~venue ha~ re~ved a t~e from in front of his prope~y. ~ls was done after his ~quest to re~ove the tree f~m the p~ki~ had been denied by t~ city co.oil. Upon motion by ~iT~ ~$$n~e~:.B~o~l. Howe, whi~ c~ried, Police C~ssioner Pa~on was inst~cted to in~stigate ~d t~e what action was necessa~. i~-~inutes of regulor ~nseting of City Council, held I2arch &, 1940. C,?~IS~ii~ ~IT~. Bills previously presented by the Christ. s Conm~ittee were presented ~gain for payment. Upon motion by Cl. Paxton, seconded by Cl. Bro~-~n, ~hich carried, these ,bills in the sz~ount of $85.81 ~:ere ordered p~id. PI..IqI~-II~G C~SSIOH ~I~t~ES: The ~Iinutes of the Planning Co~ission meeting of February 19, 1940 were read before the council and upon motion by Cl. HOwe, seconded by Cl. Tlmmons, which carried, (Clo ?axton not voting), ~'ere approved as read. ~I{~Z~FV~R OF FU!~])S~i. Ho';~e requested that a portion of the $1500.00 set up in the budget for salaries of p~rk employees be transferred to the park construction fund. He brought to the ~ttention of the Council tt~t these funds were availe&le because the Street Department had been getting along without a park caretaker. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Tlnmons, which carried, One Thousmud Doll~s was ordered tr~us- ferred from the salary ~nd of the Street Depsrt~ent to the Park Construction Fund. >.~v.~I .0~I~ P~PORTS: The monthly report of the City Yudge, the Police Depart~:ent und the Fire Departraent for the nonth of February ~n~d of the City Treasurer for the m,~onth of Yanuary ~,~ere examined and ordered filed. aTI~R1RT: Cl. Brov~m requested that the council consider the sending of a letter similar to the one written to the Eorthrop Air Craft Company describing the advant~es of Chula Vista's location for an airport to the Boeing Aircr.aft Company of Seattle, Wash. The ~ayor instructed the clerk to draw up such a letter for his signature. ~r~.~ PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Tirmmons. which carried, the follo~wlng bills after ex~ination by the Finance Committee were ordered paid: ~55 ~aul I Stevens ~pairs to ~olice Car $ 46.0? ~6 Pmy Roll 2~/1-P~/15/40 General 1000.~0 357 Pa~ ~oll Sts. & Sewers 2/1-2/15/40 501.50 538 Psy Roll General 2/15-2/29/40 1155.50 $39 PaY Roll Sts., Sewers,Eng.2/15-2/29/40 &69.00 540 W.S. Adams Survey curb ~nd sidev~lks ~.00 ~41 ~uericsn Bitumuls Company Ro~d oil ~42 ~7allace E. ~er, Chief, ~folunteer Firemen's pay ~oll 50.00 ~4J Betty Bethge ~l~anning Connnission service ~.~0 ~44 Gerald L. Baldwin Distillate 11.09 ~4§ California T~undries Laundry for Yail 2.71 Z~6 State Relief ~lm. of California S R ~ Labor 12/~9-1/£8 158.71 3~7 California Water & Telephone Co. ~ater service J~2.10 Z48 ~. Carlisle & Co. Criminal Docket binder 6.1~ ~49 Carlson & Simpson A',~to~bile repairs Z50 Chula Vista Electric Cozapany L~ving siren switch $81 C.V. Paint & Hd~.~e. Store l~erchandise lg.99 552 The Chula Vista Star Printing Ordinance 4.80 J~JCity of San Diego, ~blic ~orks Repair street s~eeper broom 10.~8 Z54 Denrich Press ?tinting 6~.96 ~5 Farrah's Cafe ~als for prisoners- Februs_~y- 5~6 F~rm Machine Co. Repairs to Fordson tractor 6.18 ~7 ii. G. Fenton ~,iaterial Con. any Gravel 7.19 ~8 Erich & Tony's Super Service ~utonobile repairs ~59 Gilmore 0il 0o~apany Gasoline 19.0£ ~60 Guptil & Fulton Renewal of bonds 105.00 Z61 ~a~ren K. Hatz Fertilizer 1~.88 .56B F.S. & W. W. Hirsch PaYment on fire engine ~000.00 565 R. ttol~mes Cutting door in City Hall 12.00 J64 Home Lumber Comps.ny ~erchaudise 4.47 ~65 ]faurice S. Hooper9 Renewal of bond for St. Supt. 5.00 566 ~fmurice S. Hooper Rental of store for Sewing Proj. ~5.00 $67 Hudson-Tucker, Inc Hdwe. I~,~rchandise 568 Yasper's 5~iling Service f~uto List for 1940 65.00 Z69 NtnmOre Electric Co. Elec. work and supplies 2.58 J70 Bobby Law I~pounding animals in k~w Feb. ~5.00 ~71 ~. K. ~lcCrea Painting fire engine halls 20.00 57~ F.E. Ashcroft, I~,{. D. Examination of prisoners- Feb.- ll.00 3~3 it. V. Idorris Company Foam recharges 3.55 374 National Auto Parts Company Automotive supplies 88.49 375 Nelson & Sloan Plaster sand, e'tc. 10.04 ~76 Orrell Feed Store Grass seed, etc. 31.63 577 Paulsen & March Road Oil 115.35 378 Peters' Feed Store Grass and clover seed ll.S8 379 Percy H. Goodwin Co. Renewal of Dep. C C Bond 5.00 ~.~inutes of a Re&~lar ~,ieeti~ of the City Council, held }.~rch 4. 1940 ZS0 Pierson-DeLane, Inc. Insul~tors for police r~dio 2.09 381 Holcoz~b's Hd~. Store ~rchandise 22.50 582 C. J. Reed S$~rpening ~o~'Jers, etc. 1.~5 383 i~eli~ble l~ipe Supply House Pipe, v~lves~ etc. 50.51 Z84 Richfield 011 Corporation Gasoline 171o68 38~ ROss Stationery & Equipment Co. Stationery supplies 386 San Diego Cons. Gas & Eledtric Co. Service for t~ebruary 387 Security Trust & Savings B~n~ Paynent on tractor 75.39 588 Paul Sipple ~pc. irs on Car 50 12.24 589 Helen ~i. Scott, Commtuuity Nurse t,Iileage for February 4.~8 390 Southern California Telephone Co. Telephone Service 50.35 bgl Standard Iron ~orks Repairs 43,21 392 Stationers Corporation Stationery supplies b.19 ~93 South Bay Lumber Co. ~terial 5.94 ~94 ?aul I. Stevens ~utor~obile repairs 66.91 595 ~l Tholl iiecharge batteries, etc. 2.50 ~96 Travelers Insurance Company Group sick ~n%d ~cc. ins. 43.2~0 397 Travelers Insurance Company Group life ins. 55.54 398 Wolfe & 3~rnold Battery recl~rge and rental 1.82 399 City ~evolving ~%mud i,Liscellaneous bills 22.66 400 Ch~as, P. I%~Oies, City ~'eas. Percent on warrants cashed-Jun.-51.29 401 Ivan J. S~ith 4 days police duty 18.00 402 Thearle ~,iusic Co. Christmas expense 18.69 403 Richfield Service " " 3°04 404 Ben Franklin Stores " " 12o88 ~05 R. E. i?right Sound equipr~ent at i~owl(X~as) 10o00 ~06 Oallahan Scenic Studios Stage electrician " " 10.00 407 Catherine H. Jansen Bus Service Christ~s e~ense 9.00 ~,~DJOUidqS~2~T: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Tiranons, ~d~ich carried, this Council ~dJourned sine die. Ci~'y Clerk