HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1939/12/04MI~U'~'ES OF A REGULAR ~u~:l'ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 0hULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, W~.T~I IECEMBER 4, 1939. The Council met in regular session in the 0ouncil 0hember of the City Hall on the shove shown date with Mayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7 o'clock P.M. P~esent: Ail members. The attendance of Chief of Police Kelly and Street ~upt. Love was noted. MINUTe, ,OF ,, ,i~EVIOUS ~',ING:' The minutes of the regular meeting of November 6, 1939 having been prepared and mailed to each member of this council by the city clerk were approved as prepared and mailed. CHRISTMAS :~ LI~ AND BOWL E~mE~E: L~r. 0. E. ~er on beh~f of the C~ber of ~rce presented the p~gr~ ~ged by the Ch~ber for C~ist~s celebration; ~so the cost t~of ~ich totalled $~0.0~ ~.00 of this to ~e spen~ f~ primes for the best ~is~s decoration by ~d Gl. ~o~ bro~t to the attention of the Co~cil that the ti~ was too short to ~i~ e~one time to pl~ for such a pro~; ~so t~t it w~ ~t fa~ c~etiti~n due to the fact t~t s~ ~d well afford t~s e~endi~re ~e~as others could not so t~t city ~ds sh~ld not be used for this p~ose. $160 of this s~ was set up f~ ~he cost of li~t~ O~is~s ~ees ~o~ ~ A~nue f~ ~dson St. to the p~ on ~- St. ~s ~ ~so ~ to oove~ p~ of the cost of gifts to be gi~n to t~ o~l~ in t~ p~k b~l. ~n ~ti~ by Cl. ~, seconded by Cl. ~on, ~i~ e~ie~, ~60 ~s app~priated for this ~o~. CB~[~ BA~[~i~: Miss Helen M. Scott, C~ity Nurse, stated that the baSket fund ~otalled $112 derived as follows: Charity Day ~aces $17, Rotary Club $25, Theatre $6, Fiesta $29, turkey raffle $~5. ~e stated that she thought that before the close of the period there would be additi~nal funds tu~ed in and requested the council to guem'- ~utee Si(M) for 0hristmas baskets to w~ke up the deficiency of the amount needed. Upon motion by Cl. Tt_ww.~ns, seconded by Cl. Brown, which carried, $100 wes appropriated for this purpose. RA~,O TRAN~TTER: Chief of Police Eelly introduced M~. McKinley of the ~an Diego Police Department who explained the advantages of the 0hula Vista Police Department having a direct private line to the San Diego Police Depax~_me_-_t thereby having messages transmitted to police cars frc~ their station. This would enable the Ghula Vista police to be in direct contact at all times with San Diego as well as Chula Vista whereas under the original plan the offisers would have to have two sets of receiving equipment to cooperate with San Diego. Furthermore, the expense of operating a transmitting station would be assumed by the San Diego Police Department. Mr. Mckinley bi-ought out the point that if we should have an electrical power failure under the original plan the Chula Vista police would not be able to contact their station, or vice versa, whereas under the proposed plan the San Diego police have a power plant ready to supply electricity for this purpose should there be city electrical power failure. The 5an Diego Police Depart- moat also agrees to privide a private line to San Diego City Ltmtts and ~tntain same. The cost of x~,-Bing a private line to National City the San Diego City Limits would cost appro~tely $26 per month. This overhead will be be practically e~tm~uated by the saving on the National Ave. and E St. control box, also by el~tuating the maintenemee of police .station radiO which averages ~pproximately $1~ per month. The cost of establishing this service is estimated to be SI(M) or less. Upon motion by Cl. Tim,~ns, seconded by Cl. Paxton, which carried, City Attorney Davies was instructed to confer with the ~an Diego City Attorney to draw an agreement for this plan, submitting same to Mayor Done who wes authorized to act. CA!~TiVA~ APPLIOATION:, Mr. MoCloud appeared before the Council requesting a license to operate a carnival in Clmla Vista, Mayor Done called to attention Ordinance No. 149 which calls for $100 per day paid in advance. Should this requirement be met the license to be grantede TRA~,.~.~S IN~,0E COM~,AI~, ,: The clerk read a oonmmnication from the Travelers Insurance o~m~'any requesting renewal of Group Accident and Sickness Policy No. GA3427. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. T~_-,.aus, the renewal wes authorized. REQUEST FOR C!, ,T~. W01~: The clerk read a co~aunication from M. $. Shelton, Registered Civil Engineer, making application and quoting rates for city ezgineering work. The letter was ordered filed. ~inutes of Regalar ~Meting of City Council, held December 4, 1939 0T~.~G AT.LW~ B~,. ~ ~CH A~.: ~e clerk read a petition to have t~ ~ley oiled bet~ ~i~ ~d Oh~ch Avenues. T~ petition w~ sig~d by th~teen of pr~erty o~ers ~ the district, the sitars a~e~g to p~ t~ cost of the oil. Upon motion by Cl. T~us, seconded by Cl. ~on, which c~ed, the Ci~ O~rk ~s st~cted to ~te a letter to P. F. ~iggi~ton to the effee~ t~t if he would ~e ~o collect $3 f~m each sider of said petition and deposit s~ ~th the City Clerk the City wo~d oil this ~ley, ~ather pe~tt~. ~ ~ ~: ~e City Clerk was inst~eted to write E. E. W~lace, ~striet ~ineer, ~sion of H~w~s, S~ Die~. ad.sing ~at as Oh~a Vista h~ no ~ad m~ki~s that ~uld conflict ~th t~ m~k~gs establish~ ~ State ~uti~s the Co~cil did not deem it necess~ to pass ~ ordin~ce such aS refer~d to in ~. ~ace's circ~ letter of No~er 4, 1939. ~0~ B~: ~e clerk e~led the attention of the ~uncil to the fact that gasoline contacts ~uld e~i~ Y~u~ 3~t ~ receded ~at they ~st~ct ~ to publish neeess~ no~ices c~i~ for sealed bids f~ t~ ~pplyi~ of g~oline to the City for one year be~ing Febm~ 1, 19~ ~d t~ ~cil so inst~cted the c~rk. ~.,. ,. ,0', D. ~A~. D~: It having been brou~ to the attention of cert~n ~cil m~bers by p~pe~ o~ers adjacent to the M. 0. D. Packi~ ~e of water r~ni~ In the pool eausi~ a breedi~ place for ~sq~toes, the Co~cil steered the City Clerk to info~ the M. 0. D. ~c~ng Co~ to find w~s dispose of this excess water and f~it Juices in such a ~.-er t~t it ~11 not be in- J~ous to the city sewer li~ ~d dispos~ pl~t. ~ B~ ~0P: ~ clerk read a eo~ication ~ E. 0. 0opel~d. ~ager of the ~ate Blind ~p. ~questi~ t~t their r~resentatives ~ ~lowed to soliei~ f~m door to do~ for the s~e of their p~ducts periodic~ly. ~or ~ne asked ~ief ~1~ for ~s opinion aS to ~ether it ~d conflict ~th o~ city ordi~ces. Chief ~eed t~t it would conflict ~th the city ordinate but t~t it was a ~ate p~Ject ~d possibly ~ould dese~ special consideration. ~on ~$ion seconded ~ Cl. ~we, ~ieh c~ried, the city clerk was inst~ct~ to write a letter to ~. Copel~d info~ng ~ that because t~ ~ate Blind ~op did not re~i~ the ~ of their s~es ~d ~re o~rating t~ou~ a distributor it would be in di~et conflict ~th ~r ei~ ordi~nee. O~I~ N0. ~: Upon ~tion by Cl. H~e, seconded ~ Cl. T~, w~ch c~ed, ~in~e No~ ,.~ was placed on its first readi~. ~s is ~ or~ce .~ndl~ ~n- ~ce No. ~4 ch~ing ce~ain ch~ges for const~ctlon and layi~ of sewer later~s. P~ ~ION ~C0~I0~: Upon ~ by Cl. Bra, se~nded by 01. P~ton, w~ch c~ed, t~ reco~ndation of t~ ~ing O.=.,,,: esion that the p~perty ~rs on ~ht~od Ave. be pe~tte~ to p~nt ~nese E~ ra~r ~n Yell~ Acaci~ as origine]~ reco~nded ~s approved. ~e ~tter of the adoption of was ordered ~abl~. Upon motion by 01. B~, seconded by Cl. T~ns, which c~ried, the rec~en~tion of the C~,,~ssion ~t Cocos Pl~sas be plated on ~e ~st side of Bnd Ave. adJacen~ to ~he new p~k, as requested by Cl. was app~ved. Upon motion by Cl. ~e, seconded ~ Cl. P~ton, which c~ried, the recondition of the C~ssion t~t ~-~ 3il~ be gi~ pe~ssion to pl~ pepper $~es ~ f~nt of his place et 4~5 ~tional A~nue was app~ved. Upon ~tion by Cl. ~o~, sedc~ed ~ Cl. ~we, which c~ried, t~ ~co~ndation of the Co~ssion that 0. F. ~Wer be gi~n pe~ssion to pl~t Cocos Pluses in front of his ho~ at 510 ~d A~. ~th vision t~t he p~t trees not less t~n ~ ft. in heist ~d c~ out t~ p~sions of the ~e ~din~ce. T~ Council app~ved the ~c~dation of the C~ssi~ t~t t~ request to r~ ~c~ando trees on Oh~ch Ave. between F ~vidson Streets b~ denied. ~on ~tion by Cl. ~us, seceded by Cl. ~e, which c~ried, the clerk w~ ~st~cted to ~ite a letter to ~. ~ ad~si~ h~ that he ~t re~ t~ Olive ~ees ~fer~d to, r~laci~ s~ ~th a t~e of tree ~bJect to the epprov~ of the ~n~i~ ~,~!ssion, plating t~es not ~ss th~ 4 ft. in heist ~d confo~ng to the p~sions of the ~ee ~din~ce. Upon ~tion by 01. B~, se~nded by Cl. T~s, which c~ried, it was decided that ~he project of re~ end ~n~ering the streets be not co~idered a~ this t~ because of lack of ~ds ~d ~he objections of the Minutes of Reguler ~eting of City Council, held December 4, 1939. PERIODICAL REPORTS: The ~nthly reports of the City Judge, Police Department ~ud Fire Department for October were ex-mtued and ordered filed. B.Y.??-~ PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, ~hich carried, the following bills after e~-~tuation by t~e Finance O~--,-~ttee were ordered paid: 127 1~ Roll Generel-ll-1 to 11-15, 39 $1,085.55 128 P~ Roll Ste. & Sewers 11-1-15, 39 490.50 129 P~V Roi1 General 11-15,1181,39 1,153.00 130 P~y Roi1 8ts. & Sewers, 11-15 to 11-31,39 54~.00 131 W. E. Armer, Fire Chief Volunteer Firemen 48.00 132 W. $. Bailey 0o. Merchandise 8.95 133 Gerald L. Baldwin Distillate ?.0~ 134 Union 0il Service Tires 17.51 135 Betty Bethge Pl-n~tng Com. 11-20, 11-27-39 5.00 136 W. Y. S. B~vne Insurance premium 272.99 137 B. Butterfield Repari city septic t~nk 7.50 138 California Laundries ~ail laundry 1.82 139 California Water & Telephone 0o. Idbrary water bill 28.90 140 0hula Vista Lumber GO. Material 141 Carlson & Simpson Antemua 1940 Oldsmobile 5.80 142 City revolving fund Miscella~eous bills 14~ Denrich P~ess Printing tax receipts 17.58 144 Electronic Engineering Radio reeeiver, etc. 80.00 145 Farrah's 0ale Meals for Prisoners, November 3.80 148 Federal Laboratories, Inc. Billy Cartridges 4.84 147 H. G. Fenton Material Company Plaster san& 10.05 148 Yeah ~rederick Ioba Post No. 434 Flags ~2.34 149 ~ptil & Fulton Error fire rating on engine 34.54 150 Hazard-Gould & Co. Hdwe. Supplies 22.22 151 Helm B~os. Tires 152 F. S. & W. W. Hirsch Repairs fire engine 87.14 153 Home Lumber Company Cement, etc. 33.32 1~4 Eaianquin Safe 0o. Tr-~fer Oases 13.13 155 Ki~more Electric Co. 1000 Watt Mazda ].wT. 4.12 158 Bobby Law Tmpounding animals November 33.75 157 P. E. May Casting for Grader 1.50 138 Harry E. Miller Bond for City Clerk 5.00 159 ~ehleisen Co. Balls (Recreation Com.) 1.24 180 National Auto Parts Company Merchandise 23.12 181 National Lumber Oo~pany Materials(P~creation 0om. ) 20.58 182 Grrell Feed Store Supplies 8.34 183 l~chfield 0il Corporation G~soline for October 166.80 184 Paul I. Stevens Autombbile repairs 20.40 185 Peters Feed Store Seeds, Plsmts, etc. ?.~ 188 Paulsen & March R~ad 0il 124.?$ 187 Pierson-DeLane, Inc. Mobile Transmitter 258.00 16S Me-old L. Pope Government envelopes 90.20 189 The Radiera Corporation Radio service 17.33 170 Walter W. Robbins Blankets, sheets, City Sail 4?.45 171 San Diego & Eastern Ry. Con~pany tunked rails 9.27 172 San Diego Oons. Gas & Electric 0o. Electric service 429.09 173 Helen M. Scott, O~ity N~rse Mileage for November 3.A0 174 Service T~mck Co. Hauling Piano to San Diego 7.00 175 Seville Service Station Tires, retreads, etc. 52.4~ 178 South Re~ Lumber Company Material 25.2? 177 Southern CalifOrnia Telephone Co. Telephone service Novermber 52.?0 178 Standard Iron Works Machine work and Materials @2.3~ 179 Standard 0il Company of California G~soline Oct. & Nov. 11.41 180 State Relief Azlministration of California Labor by S R A Men 141.04 181 Travelers Insurance 0ompany Group Life Insurance l~em. 29.59 182 Union Oil Company of California Gasoline 25.41 Minutes of a Regular M~eting of the City Council, held Decal. er 4, 1939 1~ Nestex~ Umion Telegrams to Washington 4.A~ 1~ Spencers Flower ~dens Flowers- ~ce Se~ices 5.15 1~ ~lc~'s W~w~ Store ~. ~pplies 17.87 186 F.E. ~c~ft ~nation of ~isoners 15.~ AIITOURN~ENT: Upon motion by 5~yor Done, seconded by Cl. T~m~ons, which carried, this council adjourned sine die. c'It~ Cler~ /