The Council met pursuant to adjournment in the Council Ohamber in the City ~.ll on
the above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order at
8 o'clock A.M. Present: Mayor Done, Cl. Ttw~ons, Brown and Done. Absent: Cl.
ORDINANCE NO. 282: Upon motion by Cl. Bro?m, seconded by Cl. Timmons, which
carried, Ordinance No. 282 was put on its second and final reading° ~e title of the
ordinance was read and the body of the ordinsmce was in the exact form as when given
at its first reading at the meeting of this 0ouncil held June 5, 1939. Upon motion
by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Timmons, which carried, the reading of the body of
the ordinance was waived. It was passed, adopted and apprOVed by the following
vote, to-wit: A~ves: 01. Brown, Done, Howe and Timmons. Noes: None. Absent:
Clo Bryant.
RESOLUTION NO. 54~? 01. Brown offered l~solution No. 545, which is a Resolution
of Instructions respecting matters pertaining to Chula Vista A & I District No. 1 and
fixing final pa2ments for legal services. The City Attorney in commenting on this
Resolution reported that every piece of improved property in the District, with one
exception, is back on the tax rolls and that there are only seven property owners who
have not paid their taxes on unimDroved property; that all outstanding bonds have been
acquired except $1900 worth, which the city is protected against. In regard to the
Charles M. Cover lots the City Attorney advised that it may be necessery to have an
administrator appointed in order to bring quiet title actio$_ against the heirs, who
are not in a position to put up any .money. ~e City has ~en $150 and $200 invested
in this property in delinquent taxes, at a cost of about $175 the City can get title
to the lots. Mr. Davies advised that the re-spread had been e]t,.tnat~d and that
everything had been taken care of with the exception of working out the procedure
necessary in regard to money on deposit and the quiet title action.
The Resolution was read and was passed and adopted as ready b$
the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cl. Tfw~ons, Brown, DOne and Howe. Noes: None.
Absent: Cl. B~yant.
BILLS PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the
following bills after examination by the Finance Committee were ordered paid:
12,627 California Water & Telephone ComDany Fire hydrant rental, etc. $ 339.20
12,628 R. Lowell Davies P~yment on Mattoon services ?00.00
FIRE PROTECTION: As a result of the recent fire protection survey made by htw~elf
and Fire Chief ~l-mer, Fire Commissioner T~mons made the following recommendations, which
were approved by the Council:
E St. & 4th Avee - standpipe changed to hydrant-
D St. & 3rd Ave. - standpipe changed to hyd~,ant-
D St. & 0aklawn- no protection- put in hydrant-
E St. & National- Standpipe changed to hydrant-
1st. & E St. standpipe changed to hydrant-
1st. & F St. standpipe changed to hydrant-
1st. · I St. - mo protection- standpipe to be put in-
1st & L St. - standpipe to be put in
ADJOURN~.~T: Upon motion by Cl. Done, seconded by Cl. Brovm, ~hich carried, this
Council adjourned sine die.
Deputy~ity Clerk.