The Council met pursuant to adJourr,~ent in the Gouncll Chamber in the City Hall on
the above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to ~rder at
10 o'clock A. M. Present: Mayor Done, Cl. Tt-~ons, Brown and Bryant. Absent.*
Cl. HOWe.
SIDEWATx SPECIFICATI0}~: Street Supt. Love lnfomed the Council that in the
past several contractors had been using 1 l/p- inch mixed rock for sidewalk and curb
construction, which is contrary to the city ordinance which specifies one inch rock.
Mr. Paul Sloan recommended that the ordinance be changed to specify i 1/2 inah mixed
rock as laboratory tests have shown it to make better eonm~e$eif properly mixed but
in any event to enforce the ordinance that ia in effect so that all contractors would
be working on an equal basis. Mayor Done suggested that the matter be held up until
the next meeting when Cl. Howe would be present and for his recommendation.
~HA~ TIRE DAMAGE: Mm. Howard L. Thatcher requested the Council to reimburse
him for the cost of a tire which was ruined when he drove across a catch basin Just
West of the City alley in the San Diego Land & Town Co. Subdivision. It was shown
that this catch basin wes of benefit to the city for the drainage of water along said
alley and the lots to the East thereof and that even though it was on the School
Board property the city legally could and morally should partiaipate in said reimburse-
ment inasmuch as there was no safe covering over said basin and upon motion by C1.B~%,,
seconded by Cl. Brown, which carried, the 0ouncil approved the reimbursement of one-
half the cost of said tire, if insurance does not cover the City for same, and it was
suggested that the School Board be requested to assume the other one-half cost of the
tire. Supt. Love was instructed to contact representatives of the School Board and if
satisfactory with them to have a cover placed over said catch basin.
MA~T00N SETTLF.~ENT: The City Attorney informed the Council that at the present
time 90 percent of the assessable property, including every improved property in the
Mattoon District, is now back on the active tax rollebut with respect to County tax-
deeded property bought by the City of Chula Vista the Title Company demands proper
Judgment clearing ell redeemed property of any liens the City might have. He stated
that 12 of the 19 property owners in this class have deposited the necessary monies
in the amount of about $~100 with the City for the redemption of their property. The
other ? owe approximately $~,000 city taxes and $6,00~ county taxes payable to the
City and that if said payments are not made before May 29, 19~9 the penalties which
becmue effective will amount to approximately $2,000. Mr. Davies also reported that
the City has a tax claim of approximately $??5 against several lots in Country Club
Villas owned by the late Charles M. Cover and that he is of the belief that Mr. Cover
left nO heirs and he had received no satisfaction from the Baltimore attorney represent-
ln~ *he the estate. He estimated the value of the lots at approximate/~. $5,000 and
suggested that the Council instruct him to take action to quiet the title to same.
Cl. Tt-w. ona suggested that action be taken to obtain the property and to get it on
the active tax rolls.
Mr. Davies stated that the Mattoon settlement program
was completed; that if the Council directed him to proceed to quiet +J~e City's title
to the Cover lots it would be made in about eight months; also that full redemption
depended entirely upon the success of getting the other ? property owners to redeem
their property so that the proper judgment could be made as required by the Title
Company. He suggested the Council consider for the neat Council meeting the payment
to him of monies obtained by him from the County and deposited with the Treasurer in
the A. and I. D. Fun~ and such additional amount as the Council decided for part
payment on his fees for extraordinary services as per agreement made by him and the
Council as there have been considerable tax monies deposited with the City Tax
0ollector according to agreement, amount to be determined by total collections of
Mattoen district delinqueat taxes by May 29, 1959.
Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Ttw~ons, which
carried, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance extending the 7%
penalty tax ordinance so that it may become effective at approxlm-tely the expiration
date of the p~-esent 7% penalty ordinance.
EMPL0~,:,~ VACATIONS: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Ttmmons, which
carried, the request of Street Sugt. Love that the street emDloyees be given their
annual two weeks vacation beginning ~une l, 19Z9 at his discretion was approved and
approval was granted for all city employees to have their vacations at the discretion
of the department heads.
CONYERS RESIGNATION: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Timmons, which
carried, the resignation of R. T. Cony. rs from the Planning Commission was regretfully
Minutes of an Adjourned Regular Meeting, Held May ~-4, 19S9.
PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY; Upon ~otion by Cl. Brown, seconde~ by Gl. Bryant, which
carried, the City Clerk wac instructed to inform the San Diego Plamming Cc~alesion of
their approval of the renaming of National Avenue in Ohula Vista to Pacific Coast Highway.
This action was taken after it was disclosed that an effort was be~ made to name the
principal highway skirting the Pacific Ocean in the State of California the Pacific Ooast
B,,I~S PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Bro~, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried, the
following bills after examination by the Finance Oc.~ittee were ordered paid:
12,555 P~ Roll Gen. l~nd Nay 1-15-39 1,080,45
12,556 Pay Toll Sts.& Sewers May 1-15-39 570.60
12,557 American Bitmauls Ocmpany Bitumula 85. Y~
12,5~8 California Water & T~lephone Co. Water, fire hydrant rental 354.30
12,559 0h,,1- Vista Lu~ber Co. Cement, Linseed 0il, ere. 5o~4
12,$60 The Chula Vista Star Printing of Ordinances 12.S0
12,561 Department of Education, Sacramento Reference books, Fire Dept. 4.47
12,562 l~mson Garage Battery Service Police Oa~ 31.00
12,565 Guptil & Fulton Premium Police Chief's Bond 25.00
12,564 Hartwell's Top Shop Back curtain for Ford 3.54
12,565 Hclcmab's Department Store Lawn Mower, Hdwe. Supplies, otc.
12,556 Borne IAmabar 0cmpany Lumber supplies 4.48
12,567 Nelson & ~ Sand, Gravel, etc. 8.51
12,5~ O~rell Feed Store ~ulphate of Ammonia 2.~1
12,569 Richfield 0il Corporation Penetrating 0il 2.~4
12,570 Roes Btationery & Equips-hr Company Stationery supplies 2.~8
1~-~571 B-~e & Artley Motorcycle 0il 2,56
1~57~- S. D. Cone. Gas & Electric Ccm~pany, Gas & Elco. for April 467.21
12,57~ Helen ~A, Scott Mileage for April ?.00
1~.~574 Service ~e~age , Used Tree=mission 2.50
12~575 South B~ IA, mber 0o., Ltd. Ce~nt, etOe 15.48
12,576 StandArd 0il Cc~pany of California Gaaoline-Narch & April 154.90
12,577 Paul I Stevens Service Police Car 9.94
12,578 Underwood Elliott Fisher Cmnpany Service Typewriter 18.12
12,579 United Steel Co. ~ader Blade 2~.08
12~80 Webb arcs. Ltd.~ Cylinder Gas 8.~4
12,~81 Western Union Telegrams, Fletcher & Stream 2.~8
12,~82 Spencers Flower Go. dens Funeral wreath (Blabon) 3.60'
12,583 R. V. Dyson & Son Curbing- new City Park- 312.$0
AD.T0~NT: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried,
this Council adjourned sine die.