The Council met pursuant to a~Journment in the council ~a~ of the City Hall
on the above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. ~e m~eting was called to order at
? o'clock P. M. Present: Mayor Done, 0lo Howe, Bro~za and Bryant. Absent: Cl. Tf~ons.
KIMBALL SUBDIlrISION: Gl. Howe end St. ~upt. Love having been delegated by this
0ounctl at the previous meeting to investigate the requirements for proposed streets in
the Kimball subdivisio~ tendered the following recc~m~endations: That all streets be
put to grade, using not less than ~ inches of granite; that the street as proposed by
Mr. Kimball to be in the ravine have a lA ft. fill or be moved farther South to elimin-
ate such excessive fill; that a deposit of $§0.00 be made by Mr. Kimball for the nesess-
ary survey by the City Engineer, said deposit to be refunded ir aud when the streets
are accepted by the city. Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which
carried, the above reco~nendatlons were approved and St. Supt. I~ve instructed to con-
tact Mm'. ]~mball regarding same. However, 1,~r. Kimball appeared later in the evening
and after being informed of the necessary fill protested that it would be too costly
and would dam-ge the adjacent lots and should he be forced to move the street farther
South as recon~ended it would divide the land in such a way that he did not feel it
would bring in the necessary revenue to warrant going ahead with the subdivision.
After Cl. Howe pointed out that if the street~vere not put in ~a~isf&e~i-~ly bel~x~
being accepted by the city that it would be the duty of the city later to assume the
necessary cost of putting them in proper condition and that that would be an injustice
to the other tax payers ~r. Ffmball informed the Council that he did not know which
course to pursue and thanked the Council for the time and consideration they had de-
voted to the proposed subdivision.
JUNIOR HIGH SCH, OQ, L $7~ ~D~ ,~LK~,:, The clerk read a letter from Clayton B. Neill,
Chairman of the Civic Betterment Co-~tttee of the 0hula Vista Ch-tuber of Com~eroe,
which pointed out the danger existing due to the lack of widewslks in the ln~ediate
vicinity of the ~unior High School which forced the children to walk on the street
pavement during the rainy season. He reco~muended that the city sponsor a project
whereby sidewalks should be installed on the southerly side of G Street from 1st.
to Bad. and on the Easterly side of 1st. Ave. frc~ G St. South to the entrance of
the Yunior High School. ~r. Neill being present informed the Council that he felt
sure that the school district would assist to the extent of appropriating sufficient
money to make necessary purchase of materials and that if the city would sponsor the
project and furnish the necessary labor it would solve the question. He also stated
that Mrs. Ash, owner of approximately S00 feet on G St. West of 2nd Ave., had been
contacted and he was of the opinion that she would cooperate by putting in sidewalks
on her property. Mayor Done suggested that the Yunior High School Board initiate the
matter especially as practically all of the sidew~lW in question is adjacent to their
property. Cl. Howe stated that he also felt that it was the duty of the School Board
rather than the city officials to sponsor said project and the City Attorney stated
that the Chula Vista ~rammar School District had sponsored and obtained a sidewalk
project for the South Gremmmr School and suggested that the Yunior High School Board
contact the prOper W. ?. A. officials and ascertain if a project of this type could
not be obtained at this date. ~V!r. Neill, after having been informed of the success
of the Chula Vista ~ranmm~ School in obtaining sidewalks at their new school build-
ing on L St., thanked the Council for their suggestions and informed them that he
would take the ~atter up with the Yunior High School Board.
P~,CREATION CO~SSION: /~m'. Y. C. Lauderbach by letter informed the Council that
the Chula Vista Union SchOol District Trustees expressed themselves as in favor of
a Recreation Committee being appointed by the City Council before they take official
action on leasing the school property for recreational purposes. They suggested that
the Couhcil appoint on this co~ittee one member of the City Council, one member of
the Board of Trustees of said school district and as many others as the Council deemed
wise. Cl. Howe expressed himself as not being infavor of the creation of such a board
and suggested that before action be taken regarding creation of one that considerable
thought be devoted to the matter~ Mayor Done stated that he felt the City should
assist in the recreational development, as did Cl. Bryant, but it was decided to
hold the matter over until a future meeting.
QRDIt~iNCE NO. ~78: Upon motiton by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which
carried, 0rd .inance No. ~78 was put on its second amd final reading~ ~e title of
the Ordinance was read and the body of the Ordinance was in the exact form as when
given its first reading at the meeting of this Council held February 6, 19~9.
Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Bro%wa, which carried unanimously, the
reading of the body of the Ordinance was wai~ed. It was passed, adopted and approved
by the following vote, to-wit: Aves: Cl. Bryant, Done, Howe and Bryant. Noes:
None. Absent: Cl. Timmons~
~linutes of A~Journed Regular Meeting, February 1§, 1939
0~,I~tNCE NO. 2?9: Upon motion by Cio Howe, seconded by Cl. Bryaht, Ordin~nce
No. 279 was put on its second end final reading° The Ordinance was in the exact
form as given at its first reading at the ~eeting of this Council held February 6,
1939e The Ordinance was read in full end was passed, adopted and approved as read
by the followin~ vote, to-~it: Ayes: Cl. Brown, Bryant, Done and Howe° Noes:
None. Absent: Cl. Tt~ons.
OP. DIN~I~CE NO. Bd0: The City Attorney explained the effect of Q~inence, No. 250,
which sets up the ~chinery for the collection of delinquent city texas ~nd fees and
charges for the payment of the County tax deeds n~v held by the Cit~9 upon certain
parcels of property in Chula Vista eu~d for the transfer of right, title end interest
of the City to the property owner when such payments are made. Upon motion by Clo
Brown, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried, Ordin ~ce No. 280 was placed on its
first reading. The City Attorney pointed out the hazards which the Council might
encounter with the property owners in arriving~ at satisfactory agreements for pay-
ment of the necessary charges for County tax deeds now owned by the City and advised
them to use caution in arriving at said a~reements. He also pointed out that the
property o~vners who have peld certain Mattoon assessments might urge the Council to
penalize certain propert~y o~ners in the District who had not paid such assessments
~nd that the Council should be prepared to encounter such ~rotests.
TIYUAN&-JIrDSON WAT~EH ~PLIC~TIOE: ~r. T. B. Cosgrove in a letter enclosed copy
of coz~unication from the Division of ~ater Resources relating to the hearing of the
0alifornia Water & Telephone Company regarding the diversion of TiSuena Valley water
to the Yudson Reservoir, which hearing has been postponed until certain issues in-
volved are settled by the Superior Court of San Diego. Said copy urged the appli-
cant to press diligently all matters which will expedite action in the above matter.
Said letter and copy were ordered filed.
ADDITIONAL i~ST ROO~:The estimate of Building Inspector Lyons for $103.A6 for
the construction of a 5 x B rest room at the rear of the City Hell was approved
upon me,ion by C~ i~m~e, seconded by Cl. Brow~ end which carried. Buildin8 Inspector
Lyons was instructed to supervise and assist in the construction of s~id rest rco~.
LI~UOR LICENSES: The State Board of Equalization notifications of the applica-
tions of Aubrey B. Witere for an off-sale beer and wine license and of Raymond Eo
~d Carrie E. F~rns for on-sale beer license were presented to the Council ~d as
no objection to these applications was made by the Police Department they were or-
dered filed.
PROWL C~R t~RCH~,: Cl. Bryant ~ub~itted to the Council a bid from Paul Io
Stevens, 0hevrolet dealer, for the sale to the City of a 19B9 Chevrolet Master S~-
two door sedan for the Police Department. The price of the Chevrolet equipped with
necessary accessories ~nd less the trade-in allowance on the 1938 Ford sedan now
operated by the Police Department was $3~0.00. Cl. Bryant reported that the present
prowl car is in need of attention to the e~tent of about $82.00 ~nd that the cost
of operating is very high in its present condition. Chief Kelly reported that the
cost of ~king the necessary transfer of accessories from the present prowl car to
the Che~olet would probably not amount to more th~n $1§.00 ~nd that the pOwer brakes
now on the prowl car could be removed and Eept for the use of the Street Department.
The Council felt that it would be beneficial to the City if the purchase were made
at this time and upon motion by Cl. Bryant, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the
above bid was accepted after it had been ascertained that it would not be necessary
to call for bids other than the one received.
ByT,TM PJ~ID: Upon motion by Cl. Brovm, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried,
the ~ollowing bills after examination by the Finance Co~m.~ttee were ordered paid:
12388 Chula Vista Chamber of 0ommerce Exhibit San Francisco Fair $ 132.87
12389 Farrah's Cafe Meals for Prisoners, January 10.46
12392 Calif. Water & Telephone Co. Water pipe 10.80
12393 Willis K. Folks Insurance Premium ll.00
12394 Gran Laboratories Portable stretcher 20.80
12395 Maurice S. Hooper Glass Policy 8.JK)
12396 Peters Feed Store Fertilizer 5.20
12397 Richfield Oil Corporation Gasoline & C~l 171.60
12398 S.D. Cons. Gas & Electric Co. Gas & Electric. 43~.69
12399 Union Oil Company of Calif. Gasoline ll.27
1£~00 Russell Ramsey Percentage dog licenses-January- 10.70
Minutes of an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council, February 15, 19~9
DOG LICENSE FE~: Upon motion by Cl. Bro~, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried,
Police Co~tssioner Bryant was authorized to make arrangements for the collection of
dog licenses now delinquent and to pay a commtsslmn of §0% of the male licenses collect-
ed and 40% of the female licenses collected.
ADJOURNMEI~T: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, this
Council adjourned sine die.
City Clew