~WJLA VISTa, CALIFORNI~, }r~J.11 ~ECI~/Bh~R 15, 1938.
The Council met pursuant to adjournment in the council chamber of the City Hall on
the above shown date with }~ayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order at
? o'clock Po M~ Present: Mayor Done, Cl. Howe, Timmons ~nd Brown. Absent: Cl. Bry~nto
~ .SU~ VEY: The city clerk read a letter from L~. Thomas H. Holmes, representative
of the Works Progress Administration. advising the city that persons qualified to serve
on the Chula Vista tree survey project had been assigned to other projects and that it
would be impossible to carry out the project at this time; however, that as soon as
the necessary personnel is available he would so inform them ~ud the project would be-
gin then.
Cl. Bryant entered at this time.
CE~._~_ .CONTR~CTOR'S REQUEST: By letter ~r. A1 E Riley applied for a cement contrac-
tor's license. He stated that t~ had a state contractor's license for such work. Building
Inspector Lyons reported that private work done by M~. Riley had been very satisfactory
and upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the application was
PROPO~E~. SEWER..EX'I~.ION,:. }~r. Ruffin, Right of Way Agent for the Sen Diego Consoli-
dated Gas & Electric Company, upon the request of Cl. Howe was present and discussed
with the council the proposed extension of sewer extension to their property on the cor-
ner of 2nd. Ave. and F St. After considerable discussion over the advisability of ex-
tending the sewer down the middle of the street or running it over the side of the pave-
ment. it was finally agreed, as at the last meeting, that it would be preferable to
have the sewer run between the curb and the present pavement and inasmuch as no change
was mede over the approval as granted at the last meeting no action was taken.
Ruffin inquired also as to the thickness of the driveway apron, the sidewalk adjacent to
said apron and the balance of the sidewalk. He was informed that the aprOn and sidewalk
adjacent thereto should be 6 inches in thickness and the balance of the sidewalk 4 inches.
He was also advised by the council that whenever the city could give him his proper grade
line between the present pavement and the curb line the Gas Company would be allowed to
la~ an inch and a half asphaltic pavement.
STR~I~T OILING: The city clerk read a petition signed by property owners on Sea Vale
Stree't',' Which requested the council to have the 3rd Ave. road frOm D St. to Sea Vale St.
o~iled. Upon motion by Ct. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the city clerk
was instructed to ~ite the signers of said petition ~ud to inform them that the present
street was only half finished and that the council did not feel it advisable to do any
oiling until the street had been completed. ~or Done reported that M~. Albright, living
on Sea Vale Street, had called his attention to the bad condition of the pavement on said
street and had recozm~nded that a top coat be laid thereon. Gl. Howe informed the council
that he planned to have the street department fill in the cracks in the street on 3rd Ave.
with oil and when this work was begu~ and finished he would also have them check up on the
cracks on Sea Vale St. and fix them.
~ml~ ,LICK HOUSE CO~TION: Anna Jedliek, by letter, protested to the council the
condemnation of her house on Madrona Street. She requested permission to use the house
for such time until she could get enough money from rental to meet the technical require-
manta. Building Inspector Lyons informed the council that he and the Health Officer had
upon the request of the County Health Officer inspected the house and found that it was
not fit for human occupatio~ a~dthat it did not meet the requirements of the State Housing
Law. Upon motion by 01. Brown, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried, the clerk was in-
structed to inform Mrs. Jedlick of the fact that the house does not meet the provisions
of the State Housing Act. The City Attorney cautioned the council in the action of con-
d~ation proceedings inasmuch as certain provisions of the State Housing Act did not
apply to houses of a certain age and advised that before any eondemsation of the house
is made that they ascertain definitely the status of same. Building Inspector Lyons again
stated that the County Health Officer had protested the occupation of the house especially
due to the extremely low ceiling, the fact that the floors are on the ground and that it
does not have the necessary ventilation.
Mayor Done called to the attention of the Building In-
spector the fact that one of the Phelps' houses has been condemned and stated that he
should see that it was not occupied until the necessary requirements were met.
CLEEK'S ADRED CO~ENSAT. ION: F~or Done inquired of the council their wishes regard-
ing the proposed compensation to be given to the City 01erk for the duties of purchasing
agent or license collector. Cl. Bryant stated that he felt the same as before regarding
the Clerk's salary that it should be mede so that his total salary would approximate
$175.00 a ~onth. Cl. BrOwn stated he felt the clerk was entitled to more but that the
budget mede no such provision. The clerk informed the council that the budget was merely
a pattern which they should attempt to follow and it was entirely within their authority
to approve expenditures not provided for in the budget. Upon motion by Clo Bryant,
sacond~ by Cl. B~mwn, the ~thorization of th~ added co~nsation of .~25.00 her ~onth
to the city clerk in the capacity of purchasing agent failed by the following vote, to-
wit: Ayes: Cl. Bryant and Brown. hoes: Cl. Done, Howe and Ttw~.ens. Cl. Howe
stated that he felt this matter could be taken care of at the next budget session.
Mr. R. T. Oonyers, sponsor of the petitions which had requested the council to approve
such action, thanked the council for taking action upon this matter even tho, as he said,
the result of their action was contrary to his desires it had brought ti~e matter to a hea~.
He suggested that the council take action by ordinance to adjust the salary of the city
clerk so that the party elected clerk at the 19A0 election would be able to avail himself
of that salary.
~&~TTOON BOND ~GR~$~EItT: The City Attorney informed the council that he had reason
to believe that twelve of the bonds outstanding could be obtained by an agreement where-
by the city would pay l~ cents on each $1.00 par value of said bonds (without allowance
for any and all coupons attached to said bond or bonds) as foll~vs: Said sum to be
paid out of funds derived by the city from or growing out of tax claims~ purchased by
the city from the county of San Diego. He then read Res~,tion No. 5S5~ which is a
resolution authorizing the I~ayor to execute such documents for and on behalf of the
city and the City Clerk to attest the sa~e and authorizing the City Attorney to deliver
said docum~ents to the order of the bond holders ~hen said bond holders have sold the
bonds to said County as provided in said documents. Cl. Brown thereupon offered Resolu-
tion No. 535, which was passed and approved by the following vote, to-wit: L.ves: Cl.
Timmons, Bryant, Brown, Done and Howe. Noes: i4one. Absent: None.
I,i. O. D. SEWER INVESTIGATION: The City Attorney reported to the council that
2&r. Riesland, ~anager of the M. 0. D., had infonned him that the elevation of their
basement was such that it was lmDossible to make sewer connections therefrom. The
council instructed the Street Superintendent to check said elevations in the basement
with the sewer lateral in the street on Second Avenue to determine whether or not con-
nections could be made.
FIRE CP~%CIQ~R ORDII~L~I~C,E:. Cl. Bro%~ brought to the attention of the council the
need of having an ordinance prohibiting the sale of fire works and shooting of same
in the city. He recormaended that the city or some city organization promote a fire-
works display for the benefit of all the children in the city and that the sale smd
shooting of s~e be banned othe~ise. He quoted statistics showing the fatalities
and injuries incurred as a result of carelessness in the use of fire works and the
great loss of property due to fires resulting from same. He advised that this ordiu-
ance be passed as soon as possible so that the merchants would k~ow whether or not to
stock up with fire %'Jorks for the coming 4th of July. Cl. Howe suggested that this
matter be brought to the attention of the 0ounty LeagUe so that the other cities ~ud
the county might be encouraged to pass like legislation so that lecal merchants ~ould
not be discrt~,~nated against. The City J~ttorney was instructed to present an ordinance,
which he has already drafted, at the next meeting for the council's consideration.
SOH00L PROPERTY ~: The 0ity Attorney informed the council that according to
the leas6 between th~ Cit~ 'and the School Trustees the property should be improved as
had been contemplated but that he was of the opinion that the school board would con-
sider changing that said stipulation, or if the council so desired he thought they would
be willing to cancel one or both of the leases. Inasmuch as the bond election had
failed the council thought it might be best to cancel both leases and upon motion by
Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Tinmmns, which carried, the City Attorney was instructed ,
if possible, to effect said cancellation on behalf of the city..
RE~LECTOR NEW~ Cl. Bryant recommended that the city purchase and install re-
flectors on the barricade at the 3rd Avenue end of Sea Vale Street and on 3rd Avenue
near Davldson Street. The council agreed to have same installed.
LAVATORY FACTLTTIES~ Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, Police
Commissioner Bryant was 'instructed to investigate the advisability of having extra lava-
tory facilities for ladies in the 0ity Hall and to report on s~e at the next mseting.
~{inutes of an Adjourned Regular l~ieeting, Held December 15, 1938
ZONING EXOEPTI,0N: ~Ir. Blanchard requested the council to grant pel'm.ission
to have the Sallmon property on 0th Ave. South of G St. excluded frc~n the single
family dwelling zone so that it could be con~erted into several flats. ~e~vor Done
informed ~r. Blanchard that he should get a petition signed by property owners adja-
cent thereto and present the request to the Planning Co.w. tesion for their reconm~enda-
BILLS Pf~S): Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried,
the following bills after examination by the Finance Committee were ordered paid:
12270 California Water & Telephone Company, ~ ~Wa~e~ bills $ 321.85
12271 0'l,,telveny, Tuller & Myers I2gal services 226.94
12272 c. J. Reed Saw filing 5.90
12273 Richfield 0il 0orporation Gasoline 221.13
12274 San Diego Cons. Gas & Electric Cor~pany Gas & Electricity 437.42
1227§ Helen M. Scott, 0o~mmuntty Nurse Mileage for Novermber 7.13
12276 Union 0il Company of California, Gasoline 2.27
CHRI,ST~ ~iS I~'~BOHEHS: Cl. Howe inquired of the Council if they desired to, as
they had in the past, hire extra laborers a few days before Christmas to help get
the streets in good condition before and after Christmas. The council agreed that
they should follow the custom as in the past and do so.
¥~TER LINE TO SEPTIC T~LNK: Cl. Howe reported that it ~ould cost approximately
$11.75 per hundred for one inch water pipe, same to be laid to the septic tank at
the foot of G Street from the end of the Water Company's present line. It was
ascertained that the Water Company would install the first 150 feet and it was de-
cided that the City Street Departnent should install the balance and make applica-
tion for a one inch meter, the s~me to serve the dog pound as well.
A~J, 0~Y2~smm~T,:, Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried,
this council adjourned sine die.
City Ol~rl~.