HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1938/10/10T~e C~aneil met purmant to adJoux~aent in the Council Ch~aber of the City Hall on t~e above sho~n date with Mayor Done p~eeidingo The meeting was called to order at ? o'clock P. Me Present: Ail me. ere. S~,HO~,L B ,~I~D CIROULAR~ Mr- v=~y ~son advised th~ Council that the School Board ple~s to get o~t a four page circular on the bond issue which they will mail to every resident in Ohula Vista an~ the South Be~ District. He advised t~at it would cost $~0 or $75 to have these circulars printed and mailed cut. He advised that if the City would be wilJ. ing to pe~ $~0 on the cost of cceq~oeition and $10 fer postage the Boa~l would bear the rest of th~ cost ~-~ would ed~ees the oirmlars. M~. ~c~son also requested ~hat the City Attorney help prepare the advertise-~nts. Upon ration b~ Cl. Tim~ne, seconde~ by Cl. Brown, which carried, She above request was approve~. 0~DINA~ NO~ 27~: Upon motion by Cl. Bx~n, seconded by Cl. Tim~Ons, whA~h carried, ~l~ee 1~o! 2?6 was put on its ssoon~ and final ~eading. The ol~inanee mas read in f~ll. was in the exact form as give~ at its first reading at the meeting of th~s Council held October 3, lg~. It was passed, adopted and approval as read by the foll~- lng vote, to-witt A~as: Clean. Bre~n, B~yant, Done, Nowe and Tlw~one. Noes: None. Abso~t: NOnes C~0~ OF EI~CTION 0FYlD~S: Upon motion by Cl. HOwe, seconded by Mayor D~ne, which carried, it was decided that the election officers be give~ extra compensation of $1.00 each for their services as was done the last time a s4=~la~ election was held. //AI~OII~ ~AT & FG CC~B~SATI~: Cl. Brown offered l~lut~e~ No. 532~lutien appointing the Doputy City Clerk Deputy Tax Collector of the City of C~ula Vista a~d fixia~ cc~ensation therefor an~ for other offise~ of the City of Chula V~sta. The ~esolution was read and was passed and adopted aa read by the follmeing vote, to-wit: A~es: C~--u. Howe, T*-'~nns, Brown, B~yant and D~ne. Noes: Nones Absent= None. DZ~2C~T~G Ci~I~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ DUfwS: C~--,-. Brmm offered No. l~n directing the Cit7 Attorney to pe~fo~ certain services respecting chula Vista A a~l X District ]~o, 1 bond and taX p~obl~an, fixing em~l~maation therefor, a~l ~---ar of payment thereof, amd directing reports respecting susa Dist~ict. Upon motion by C1, Bryant that ]~e~ol~tion be aocepted~ seconded by C1, Brow~ the matter was oponed for ~Llscussion, Mr. Davies explained that as the re- porte cc~ in evex? mo~th he wo~ld ~equeet payment und the Oon~oil anuld decide wheal should be paid$ that while it would be m~eh better if a definite ec~pensation sould be fixed it could not be w~an it is ~moertain ~aat ~m~u~t of time will have to be taka~, it might be one month or it might be several months. Mr. Davies also advised that the Cit7 will ~ot be obligated to pay ~tm until the money c~es in for delinquent taxee~ ~. Done expressed the ~esire of the Cmmcil to have the matter cleaned up at the earliest possible mo~eat. The Resolution ~s passed, adopted aaa approved as z~ad b7 the follow- lng vote, to=wit= Aye~ C~aen, ]~Yant, Dose, Howe, ~mnus an~ Broad. Noes; None. Absent= Nones PETXT~ FOR ~A~?O '~ ~. ~ 4th & §th Avenues? The Deputy Clerk presented a petition fx~a the abutting property o~rm on this block stating that the property owners had paid fo~ thc material to sux-faee the road, that due to increased tiaA'fie the surface hsd be~n inJured~ that a very moderate additional expanse prior to the winter rains should maintain the sux-face in goOd condition for some time and u~ge~ the Council to authorize the cc~mtively minor expense of filling and sealing the b~oke~ before the rains. The City Engineer advised that it would cost apprexlmately to seal the l~ve~ent. Upon motion by Cl. Broil, seconded by ~r. ~ysnt, whioll ea~ied, it was agreed that the City Street Department take cha~gc of the matter and put the block in good shape. ~ .~ ~; Upon motion by Cle Howe, seconded by C1. Brown, which carried, the matter of refunding tree deposit to Mrs. Mary A. W. Lowell was referred bae~ to the !m~a--tng C~m...~esion inasmuch as Mrs. L~well replaced the rubber tree taken out with a p~- tree instead of a pepper tree as rec~a, ende~ by the l~anaing Com~iselon and approved by the City Council at their meeting of Sept. lg, 19~8. L~i,~A'~ OF APPi~EC .Y~L~, I0N ~ ~. ~: ~ Dopu~ City Clerk read a letter of app~ciati~ ~ ~s. T. C. ~o~n, ~ of the Fiesta ~e e~ressi~ t~i~ th~nks for the oo~e~ti~ of the City in m~.~ a ~ooess of the recent ~esta. ~e letter ~s o~e~d filed. Minutes off an Adjured Regular Meeting of the City Council Oct. 10, 1938 (coAt,) Cl. ~ advised that M~s. Frances E. Fisher had e~lained to him that the Ordinance in rega~ to children riding their bicycles an the sidew~l~s is not being eh- rotc®d; that if the 0rdina~ce is enforced she will drop the matter but if not, she will bring suit against the City the end of this month,. 8 S~ml~A~ ,BI~L~ Upon motion by C1, Brown, seco~le~ by Mr. Bryant, which carried, C1, T~_~.~us was instructed to ma~e an investigation of the Sipple bt~J. and repox-t back to the Council at their next meeting. This bill wes carrie~ over from the meeting of Oct. $, 19~8. D~. A~'R01~ RE~ FOR LEAVE OF ?,u~CE: A letter addressed to a~e ~erbert Bryant, Health C~-~esion~r, frees Dr. A~hcx-oft, was read by the Deputy City Clerk. The Dr- requeste~ permission $o be absent fr~a the City and the State on vacation frc~ Oct. l~th to 31st inclusive. Upon ~otion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Broom, which carried, the request of Dr' .~a~croft was grants~. F~AG ~ OIT~ HAE~ ~yc~ D~me brought up the matter of the disreputable eon- dltton of the flag on the City w.~l, Upon ~otton by Cl. Bro~, seconde~ by which carried, it was decl~eQ that the flag s~ould be replace~; that the City Clerk be ln~tx~c~ed to contact the preper parties in regax~l to p~rehaei~g a new flag. B~v.~-q PAID: Upon motion by C1, Brown, seconded by C1. T~"w"~us, which ca~te~, tho roll.lng bills after -~-m~-ation by the Finales Oc~aittee, w~re ordered paid~ 1~,11~ The l~adiera Co~po~attOa Installation of I~adios 38.11 12,Ll4 Union 0il Company C~soline 173.15 12~,11~ R.A. Higgs ~tampled envel~es 56.80 1~.,116 A~erlca~l Bltv~Als Colony Third Ave. improvement 12,117 So~th B~ ~tor Ccc8 Adjust Bx~kes 1.00 12,118 H. G, Fenton Materiel Ocs Third Ave. Y~nprevement 82.1~ l~,,ll9 ~ptil & F~lto~ Pram. On T.s. Policy 11.00 12,1~0 ~e~~egraph Co., Telegr.~a l~-,1P~ Nelson & Slo~u Ooncrete, rock, etc. 1~-,12~ Nelson & Slosh l~ck, ~avel, etc. 12,1~4 C. $. Reed Sharpen and repair Edger ~.00 1~.,125 Sanitary ~iping Rag & ~aste Co. Wiping rags 6.30 1B,l~6 Seeux-ity T~. & Savings B~-~ Payment on tracto~ 1B,I~? South Be~ I~aber Company Lumber B.SZ 1~,1~8 Mrs. Beatrice H. Ta~lor Fiesta expense LEA~E OF ARa~CE FOR CL. T,~: 01. ~'~mmons req~este~ permission to leave the State for a trip to Ca~leba~ Caverns; Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the request of Cl. T~mmcns wes grante~. AD~ Upon n~tioA by 01. Bryant, seconde~ by 01. Brown, which carried, this Council adJcttrne~ sine ~ie. DePutY FY Clerk,/