The Council met pursuant to adjournment in the Council Chamber of the City Hall
on the above shown date with Mayor Done presiding° The meeting was called to order
at 7 o'clock P. M~ Present: 1,~or Done, Councilmen Howe, Timuons and Bro~a.
Absent: Oouncllm-~ Bryant.
FIESTA DANCE: ~Lr. Roy Lawton, on behalf of the Rotary Club and the Fiesta Com-
mittee, requested permission of the City Council to erect an orchestra platform on
the sidewalk adjacent to th~ Horseshoe Court on T~ird Ave. as the Fiesta Co--nitres
has planned to hold a street dance at that location on Third Ave. The Council objected
to the platform extending the full width of the sidewalk, especially on Third Ave.,
as it would force pedAstrians to step off the sidewalk to go around it and would
create a hazardous condition. After considerable discussion and upon motion by Cl.
Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, they were authorized to erect the plat-
form on the sidewalk South of and adjacent to the Bank of America Building; the
dance to be held on F Street from the ~iddle of i~nird Ave. to the alley to the West.
C~T~L~ ST. DRINEI~, G FOU~, i~,,IN,:. Cl. Timons recon~aended to the Council that the
drinking fountain on Center St. East of Third Ave. be removed inasmuch as it is a
liability and is not in active use. The Council agreed that the fountain should be
removed and so instructed the City E~gineer.
~gJBEN ,S~EIN SUBDIVIS~,0N: In regard to the proposed street in the contemplated sub-
division of the East half of Lot 9 in ~uarter Section 13B, the City Planning Com-
mission z~ade the following reco~muendation: "That the street be 50 feet allowing i foot
for public utility right of way ~nd 6 foot sidewalk and curb ~ith 36 foot roadway."
Cl. Tirmuons pointed out the undesirability of accepting a metes and bounds proposition,
stating that he preferred a recorded subdivision ~i upon motion by Cl. Tlnm~ons,
seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the reco~,~endation of the City Planning Commfssion
was approved provided a regular subdivision ~ap be filed which would eliminate unde-
sirable metes and boands descriptions ~d the necessity of accepting streets in one
or more parcels.
TREES: The following re~omendations were made by the City i~lanning Comission
regarding the removal of trees:
~at the request of ~. Barry Hamilton for the removal of three Euca-
lyptus trees on the 2~ corner of the Silver Bow Grove on 6th Ave. be denied and that
the 0ity Clerk be instructed to write a letter ~o ~h'. Hamilton suggesting that he cut
the roots at the property line but not remove the trees inasmuch as they add to the
beauty of the sky line;
That the request of ~rs. Anna lawrence for the removal of a T~m-rac tree
from in front of her residence at 148 Second Ave. be approved, provided she comply
with the ordinance in regard to deposit and replacement of tree;
That the pepper trees in the park~-~ay in front of the residence of C. F.
Walker at 510 Third Ave. be trimmed and that steps be taken to correct the unsightly
condition of the lot on the SW corner of Third ~ve. and H St., which ~. Walker re-
ferred to in his letter;
That the request of DLrs. D~ry A. W. L~ell of 205 ~' St. for the removal
of a rubber tree to be replaced with a pepper tree be granted, provided she comply
with the ordinance in regard to deposit and replacement of tree;
That the request of l~r. B. L. Laubmayer f~r the removal of ten Black
Acacia trees in the parking in front of the residences of L~s. Callie Rennick on the
West side of Second Ave. South of G St. be denied. Upon motion by Cl. Brown,
seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the above reco~uendations were approved.
FOSTER LIQUOR LPPLIC~'.TION,: A notice from the State Board of Equalization of
the application of Sherm-~ C. Foster for an off-sale distilled spirits license was
presented to the Council. Inasmuch as Chief Eally had m~de no objection to the said
application either to the clerk or to the members of the Council, the notice was filed.
,~D. I~d~CE N0.27.5: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Ttrmmons, which
carried, Or~in, ance No. 275 was placed on its second and final reading. The ordinance
was read in full and was in the exact form as given at its first reading at the meet-
ing of this Council held Sept. 12, 19~8. It was passed, adopted and approved as read
by the following vote, to-w~t: Ayes: Clmen. Timmons, Brown, Done and Howe. Noes:
None. Absent: Cl. Bryant.
~m~inutes of a regular meeting of the City Council held Sept.l?, 1938 (Cont.)
SCHOOL CR0~.~,IN. GS_: The clerk read a letter from ~. J. C. Lauderbach, School Supt.,
to 2,~yor Done reciting the hazardous condition for school children that exists at the
interesection of Third Ave. with J and L Streets, ~fnich ~re in the 45 mile zone. He also
pointed out the need for side w~l~s in the South section of Chula Vista so that school
children would not have to walk on the soft shoulders or in the middla of the street
as this also would be undesirabla~ Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Ho~,
which carried, the matter was referred to the City Attorney, the City ~gineer and the
Police Chief for their investigation and recon~nendation back to this Council bt its
next meeting.
BO, hq) w~.CTION 0i~DIN~NC, E,: The City Clerk informed the Council that the bond attorneys
would have the Bond Election Ordinance ready for its first reading at the meeting of
Oct. 5rd, to be put on its second reading at the meeting of Oct. 10th., this later date
being necessary due to the fact that the necessary information relative to election pre-
cincts and election officials for the 8 voting precincts in OWnula Vista had to be obtained
by the Bend Attorneys after the change made in the election date.
BY~,7~q PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, which cerried, the
following bills after ex~mtuation by the Finauce Con~nittee were ordered paid:
11,951 Pay Roll Sept. 1-15, Gen. & Motor Veh. $ 1,187.65
11,952 Psy Roll Sept. 1-15, Sts. & Sewers 76~.85
11,955 ~an Diego Cons. Gas E Electric Company, Gas & Electricity for August, 445.~5
11,95~ Davies, Wallace & ~,,~allace, Nattoon expenses ~0.55
~D$O~: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Timmons, which carried,
this 0ouncil adjourned sine die.
City Cle~