HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1938/08/12 MINUTES OF AN AILTOURNED }IEGULAR ~i'ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, ~.n AUGUST 12, lg~8. The Council met pursuant to adjournment in the Council Chmaher of the City Hall on the above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order at ? o'clock P, M, Present: Mayor Done, CounciLmen Howe, T~,,,ons, and Bryant, Absent: Cl. Br~wn. .D~.V .lh~1~I STRmmA. D~.t~: Cl, Bryant offered Reolmtion No, 5~? which is a resolution accepting deed from William Mneser and Pauline MOeser for a part of the northerly 30 feet of Lot 10, Q~arter ~ection 137 for street purposes. The resolu- tion was read and was passed and adopted as read by the following vOte, to wit: A~es: Councilm~u Bryant, Done, Howe and T~mmons. Noes: None. Absent: Cl. Bream. C~ F~ $0~ CHICKEN ,,REQUEST: The clerk read a petition signe~ by property owners on I Street between let and ~nd Avenues which stated that they did not object to the extension of chicken buildings' amd equil~nent to the rear of the present buildings at 456 I St. ~ayor Done reported that he had investigated the ccmdtti~n at the above address, that the lot was enclosed with an $ ft. lath fence and that it was Impossible to notice any chicken equipment at the rear of the property. Cl. T~.w~us stated that this propex~y being in the single f~m~ly zone it was against the ordinance ~o enlarge chicken equipment and that the matter should be referred to the Planning Comm!esion for their reco.-.endation and then any change should be authorized by ordinance. However, the Council felt that inasmuch as the property o.~,ers who would be affected had signed the petition approving said request and inas-.~ch as the lath fence keeps the buildings from sight, that no objection would be forthcomt~E. Upon motion by Cl. T~wm~ns, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried, the request was granted. UNION-TRIBUNE ~J~VERTWING: 2,~r. Walters of the San Diego Union informed the Council that the Union would shortly celebrate its ?Oth anniversary and that they eon$~.plated getting out a large edition of the paper co-~nemOrating said event; that they anticipated giving a large amount of publicity to each community close to San Diego, showing photographs of busy corners, etc., and requested an appropriation to assist in said publication. Mayor Done informed Mr. Walters that the budget had been approved and no such sum appropriated for advertising and that it would be im- possible at this time to make any changes. C~,~,. ,~e~, ,OF ,C~ BUDGET RE~YEST: Mr. C. C. Euykendall, P~esident of the Chula Vista Chamber of 0o~rce, by letter requested the City Council to appropriate $1,000 to the ~lz~mber of 0cemnerce for this fiscal year. Said request was divided into three accounts, one for the Aviation Cor~ttee of $500, one for the County Fair Exhibit of $~.~0 and one for general pr~notional purposes of $250. The Council instructed the Clerk to inform the Chamber of C .o~.~,,erce that inasmmch as the budget had already been made up and the tax rate set that it was impossible to give consideration to any appro- priation this year. COUNTY IEAGUE OF I~NICIPALITIES: The following recon~aendations which were adopted at the last ~eague meeting held at La Mesa, were presented to the Council for their consideration: 1. Beg!~ning at the September meeting those attending said meet- ings other than City Officials are requested to pe~ the City Clerk of said City in which meetings are held the cost of the dinner. Guests, however, are heartily welcome to with the above stipulation. 2. Board of Directors recorm~nd that the Board of Directors in the future be comprised of representatives of the various municipal departments. They believe that this would add to the efficiency, interest and attendance. After considerable discussion the letter was filed. W~..:~t BILL~: The Clerk informed the Council ttzat he had received a check frc~ Heinrich ShiPstead in the amount of $4.60 for weed cleaning on his lot in Brightwood and a check from M. B. ~ in the amount of $3.45 for wee~ cleaning for her lots in Chula Vista Villa Tract No. 3 and that inaszmch as the City Ordinance specifies that the assessor is to place on the assessment roll all unpaid weed charges after August let with 10% added, he would gladly accept such checks on their authorization. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Ttmmons, which carried, the said cheeks were ordered accepted. ~., W. A. ~iPPI~CATION: Mr. L. Bodmer presented to the Council for their consider - ation maps, blue prints and necessary data for the contemplated building improve- ments, which include the new city hall, police and fire station, swtmmtng pool and hath-house, grand-stand, teunis, shuffleboard ~nd horse-shoe courts. The total cost as presented was $110,182.$5, of which $105,182.8§ would be done under P. W. A. end $5,000 done under W. P.A.; the City's share of the P. W. A. project being $57,478.23 and the W. P. A. project $1~50.00, or a total of $59,428.23. The only requirement lacking for application presentation is the State Prison Board's approval on the fire end police station, which has not been returned to Minutes of au Adjourned Regular Meeting, Held August 12, 1938. Mr. Bodmer. ~r. BoSw~r stated, however, that he would wire the State P~isc~ Board tonight to determine whether or not tha said approval had been given and if approved would mail the presented plans Saturday and the approval of the State l~lson Hoard upon its arrival. Glo Bryaut offered Re,solution. No,. §~.~,, a resolution authorizing the City of Ohula Vista to file application to the United States of America for a loan ~nd grant to aid in finaucing the construction of the abOVe listed improvements an~ designating Arthur Done to furnish such information as the Government ms~ request. The resolution was read and was passed and adopted as read by the following vOte, to-wit: AYES:C1Ttmm~ns, B~yant and Done; NOE~: Cl. Howe; AB~E~2: Cl. Brown. 193~-19,$.9, ~: Copies of the budget recently approved by the Council at an informal meeting were presented to the Councilmen and the salaries of the fire chief, D. 2. Fr~ and Ira Kester adjusted to their salaries of last year. The budget was approved with the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Clean. Timnons, Done and Howe; NOES: Cl. Bryant; ABSENT: Cl. Broom. BILES PAID,: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. T~-w. ons, which carried, the following bills after examination by the Finance Oow.-Attee were ordered paid: 11,896 San Diego Cons. G~s & Electric Co. St. & Playground lights $ ~68.19 11,897 ~t.~ey Bros. Labor & Material 6.77 11,898 Richfield Oil Co. ~f~rosene 5.$6 MA~TOON S~'£~ The City Attorney asked for a clarification of points 'di'scussed by the Council at its meeting of August 8th respecting de- linquent tax relief asked by certain property owners who are delinquent in their taxes to the County more than five yea~s but less than five yea~s delin- quent to the City and respecting amy e~m~ 1~ relief that might be given those tax payers cOvered by the pending purchase of tax claims from the County; he stated that no moneys co~lected by the City in payment of a~y such taxes could be refueled to any portion of the Mattoon tax payers after it was col- lected by the City. The Council informally eXpressed the opinion that certain tax payers in the Mattoon district were of the e~roneous opinion that it was part of the Nattoon Relief 1~ to give the first ..m-d list of tax payers relief by paying a n~w.t-al ~ The City Attorney stated that the progX~m as to that was to procure the maXl-..m payment possible under all the oi~c~tencs s e~ 19L~ ~ IMP~0, V~NT B~1D: Cl. T~_w'"~s reported that there was one 191~ Sthoet ~mpro.~nt Bond outstanding which had not been presented to the TreaSurer for payment and as it had matured in 19~ inquired of the City Attor- ney what could be done. The City Attorney stated that he would inVestigate and report at the next meeting. ADY0~qM~,: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Ttw..ons, which carried, this Council adjourned sine die. ~ ~meoX~ ~0 I ~ ~~ bsa ~u~ ~oe~ved ~ fines, e~o. ~al ia ra~e ~al e~e~Xt~eo loom reoet~o ot~ t~ ~m